Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 9 Feb 1894, p. 4

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a...- . V JVVWWWVW“V‘WV .,/ , . 337V .!L. Cer .' ' ' ~. .. . . ~. $.33? 4‘73. sign-m M 7... am“... 9.11331172'” ~= r..- r (.1. ._: 5:: 3;? '3. REF-1Q:- Dundas & Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry-Goods, morass YEAR was enssso AWAY, A year with lots of trouble financially for the - tvmgm ’i‘h'fiI-Sné: THE “ IDEAL ” WIND-MILLS. THOMAS ROBSON has secured the agency for the Goold, Shapley & Muir Co’s “Ideal” Pumping Wind Mills. The Freeport Journal contains the foI- lowing notice of theseMills: “ The citizens of Freeport always take pride in the progress of its citi- zens, and especially in the development of its industries, for much of our pros- perity depends on their success. We men in business. ~As I have had my share of .have a number of stroncnnd em- it, I ask my customers who have not settled last year’s account to come forward and settle at once. It gives me a good light heart, 1t eases theirs, it saves a lot of anxiety and worry of mind and enables me to pay off my own liabilities and to cheerfully serve with a glad heart my customers for the coming year. JosEPH HEARD. I. M’FARLAND HAS EVERYTH‘INE lN. GROGEIIIES. THE VERY GHOIGEST 60008. 'LReady-made Clothing at Cost for W 'W m Cash for 30 Days. _- Every Article a Bargain. -- .i. 'MCFARLAN D. Perhaps 0% Want a. New Sleigh or Cutter OR THE OLD ONE FIXED UP ? It you do, it will pay you to visit I s. s. GAINER’S N_E_V_V'_ CARRIAGE SHOP. All Kinds. Good Workmanship. Low Prices. Repairing and Repainting Neatly and Promptly Done. REMEMBER THE PLACE : Nell lion in. llnnx's. Blacksmith Shop, Francis-Si. East, . FENELON FALLS- . ‘ ' l Furniture, ' Doors, Sash, f’ _-â€"-â€"â€"ANDâ€"~â€"-â€" UNDERTAKING, ' eAT“ . M‘Keown’s, FRANCIS ST. WEST, FENELON FALL3. prising manufacturing concerns in this city, and among them the Siover man- ut'acturing company occupies a leading place. Their exhibit at the World’s Fair has been the centre of attraction in the windmill division all summer, and energetic Mr. John M.Irwin, super- intendent of agencies, with able assis- tance, has had his hands full and his tongue more than ordinarily busy ex- plaining the merits of the Ideal Pump- ing Wind Mill and Ideal Junior Sec- tional Power Mill, and booking orders for them. Mr. Irwin reports business done- with numerous foreign countries, and within the last few weeks the company has arranged with a live Canadian firm, Messrs. Gould, Shapley &: Muir Co., (Ltd), of Brantford, Can- ada, to manufacturc‘nud sell the Ideal and Ideal Junior wind-mills, exclu- sively in. Canada. .Mr. E. L. Gould, president, and Mr. John Muir, vice- prcsidcnt, were in the city recently arranging the details, and they report the prospects for business in Canada as excellent. Mr. Muir, who, by the way, is a noted salesman, said some very complimentary things about the members of the Stover Manufacturing company, and their honorable way of doing business, also about the excel- lence of their goods, but we will not tell more for fear it might make the worthy members of that company blush. We can endorse all Mr. Muir said about their business enterprise and integrity." The Fenclon Falls Gazette. Friday. February 9th, .â€" ” Eminently Satisfactory.” Among the advocates of prohibition were many Conservatives, who were anxious to “kill two birds with one stone " by using the movouieut as a weapon against the Ontario Govern- ment, and all sorts o‘f accusations about ' the Premier and his. colleagues shirking responsibility, trifling with the wishes of the people,etc., were made; but after what took place at Toronto last Tuesday afternoon not so much as an insinuation ot‘insincerity or incertitude ou the part 'of the Provincial Government ought ever again to be heard. On the day mentioned a temperance convention at which about 1,500 prohibitionists were present was held in the Pavilion, and, :in accordance with the third clause of the report of the Union Committee, a deputation of 89 men and women waited upon the Ontario Government in the Parliament buildings to “respectfully request them to declare in favor of total prohibition of the traffic in intoxicating ;liquor to the full extent of the power vested in the Legislature." , The mem- bers of the Cabinet entered the recep- tion room headed by Sir Oliver Mcwat, who was heartily applauded when he rose to speak, and his address lelt no doubt as to the determination of the I Gox'ernment to do all in their power in favor of prohibition at the earliest pos- sible moment. The question as to the powers or the Legislature is to be argued in the Supreme Court this month, after which it will go to the Privy Council, and the Premier, at the conclusion of his address, read the fol- lowing type-written statement of the Government’s position :â€" “ If the decision of the Privy Council should be that the Province has the. jurisdiction to. pass a prohibitory liquor law as to sale, I will introduce such a bill in the following session, if I am then at the head of the ‘Government, If the decision of the Privy Council is that the Province has power to pass only a partial prohibitory liquor law, I will introduce such a prohibitory bill as the decision will warrant, unless the partial prohibitory power is so limited” as to be ineilcctive from a temperance stand~ oint.” When he finished reading there was enthusiastic cheering, in which Conserv- atives joined as heartin as Reformers, ,and during the evening session Rev. 'Wm. Kettlewcll, who has hitherto held that“ prohibition could only be reached over Sir Oliver Méowat’s political grave,” said that the Premier’s position was em- inently satisl'actory and everything that could be desired. Village Council Proceedings. Fenclon Il‘ulls, Feb. 2nd, 1894.4. Council met at the call of' the reeve. Members present, J. McFarland, rccvc, in the chair, and councillors Martin, Golden. Snndforal and Brandon. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. .. a 1* v W:-‘:~':":.:'rm:b.fili.' :vg-znxamcn ea .‘1‘.‘t-13£§$‘:L’7iaft-$35231Mmlfi'pfifjifik‘22n‘mx.aw: ~, .‘r immemnvdfl-«E‘avrs _ ...‘~‘A- ocuv ‘- “ Mr John-R. Scott Waited on the Council and addressed them on the sub- ject of exemption from taxes on the mills of tho Napanee Paper Company. Messrs. Wm. McKendry, Jos. Heard and Wm. McKeown spoke on the ques- tion and favored exemption. Moved by Mr. Martin, seconded by Mr. Golden, That this council rescind the motion of May 3rd,1893,regarding lease to the Napanee Paper Co.-â€"â€"Cd. Moved by Mr. Sandlord,seconded by Mr. Golden, That this council agrees to give the new Pulp Mill Co. the same terms as first agreement, for another term of' nine years, and also agree to give them the usual abatement on their taxes for 1893, by Mr. Scott giving a bond or some good security that they will pay the balance in case of their not running the mills, and that the new company pay all costs in connection with agreement, if the rcf’und or rebate can be legally done on last year's taxes. â€"Carl'icd. Mr. Sandford gives notice of a by- law to execute a lease to the new Paper Co. that is to run the pulp mill, on same terms as old lease. The council then adjourned until Monday at 7 30 p. m. Fenclon Falls, Feb. 5th, 1894. Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and the following . amendment made : Moved by Mr. Brandon, seconded by Mr. Martin, That all resolutions re- specting the taxes re Napanee l’ulp Mill premises be and the same are hereby rescinded. â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Brandon, seconded by Mr. Martin, That the collector be in- structed to proceed to collect taxes against pulp mill property for the scum of 1893.-â€"â€"Curried. Applications for the clerkship were received from H. J. Lytle, W. ’1‘. Jun- kin and H. McDougall. _ Dr. Wilson handed in a petition signed by himsch and seventy-nine others, praying that W. T. Junkin be retained as clerk. Moved by Mr. Brandon. seconded by Mr. Martin, That W. T. Junkin be re- tained as clerk at some salary as last year, namely, $50 per annum.â€"-U'd. Mr. Thos. Robson waited on the council to solicit the usual grant for the Mechanics’ Institute. Moved by Mr. Brandon, seconded by Mr. Martin, That the usual grant of 335 be made to the Mechanics‘ Insti- tute of this villageâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Martin, seconded by Mr. Golden, That the following nc~ counts be paid and the reeve give his orders for the same :- Jno. Jones, $12.50; W. R. Madill, stationery, 65c.-â€"-tcle- phoning, 600.; Robt. Quibell, cutting ice, 75c.-â€"Carried. Mr. Bogart, assignee- oi" the Nupance Paper 00., waited on the council re the taxes which are due on the pulp mill. Mr. M‘cSweyn, solicitor for the village, made an explanation of the lease and paper company and the patter of" the council in the matter. Applications the assessor were re ccived from L. B. Quigg, J. R. Gra- ham, Thos. Johnston and J. J. Power. A by-law to appoint a clerk was read and passed in the usual manner. Moved by Mr. Golden, second-ed by ' Mr. Sandford, That .3. R. Graham be at usual salaryâ€"Carried. A by-law for the appointment of an assesssor was read and passed. Applications for the position. of chief John Jones. Moved by Mr. Sandford,seconded by Mr. Martin, That S. Nevison be ap- pointed chief constable, and that he be paid at the rate of $7 per month.â€"â€"C’d. The- application of Mr. Keith for the position of sanitary inspector was laid over until next meeting. Mr. Sandt'ord gives notice of' a by-law to appoint a chief constable. Moved by Mr. Brandon, seconded by Mr. Martin, That the neeve call a pub lic meeting on Monday, the 19th lost, to discuss the advisability of' purchasing a steam fire engine, hose, etcâ€"*C’d. A letter was received from Messrs. V McSwe-yn & Anderson accepting the‘ position of village solicitors, and thank- ing the council for the appointment. Mr. Mchweyn addressed the council with regard to the electric light con- tract, and also the Hilliard property. Moved by Mr. Martin, seconded by Mr. S‘andf’ord, That the village solicitor be instructed to communicate with the- Royal Electric Co. regarding contract of electric street lights, entered into by last year’s co.uneil..â€"â€"C'arried. A byâ€"law to extend the time for the collection of taxes, and a. by-law to. ap- point a chief constable were passed, and the council adjourned until next regular meeting or the call of the reeve.. V'erulam Council. The Vcrulam council met according to adjournment, at the town hall, Bob- Caygcan, on January 29th. Messrs. Mann and Akister having taken and subscribed to the declarations of oflice and quallfiCU-l‘on, took their seats at the council boal'd- Present, recvc J. Lich- gow, (lop-l'ecve. J- Kelly and councillors Lewis, Mann and Austen On motion of McssrsA-Iunn and Akis- ter George Brob’ks \v:lsupp.imcd auditor and the reeve appointed Mow“, JOImS, A by law appointing!ilSSCSi‘Maiuditors and re-appointiug clerk was accouingyy passed. 3.- Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded ly 31,-. Mann, ThntrJohn Middleton begivcu the job of gravclling 25 (rplésflgf: sin 51 per rod, he to provide the g‘ Carried. _ The motion of December 15th, to . paying the division court $58.26 in the ~. suit of F. D. Moore vs. Vcrulam, was rescinded on account of error in amount oi'judgment. A petition from Robert M. Thurston and twenty-three othrrs, praying that the council abate John Burgess’s taxes» on account of his recent afliiction- by diphtheria, was on motion of Messrs. Lewis and Akisteraccepted and granted. A byâ€"law to appoint the following pathmasters was read a first time; 1 John Bell, 2 w. A. Ellis, 3 A. on. lis, 4 James Graham, 5 J. B. Fisk, 6 J. Fell, Jr., 7 James Kennedy, 8 Thos. Bell, 9 Wm. Ray, IO Johnston Patter- son, 11 G. Mitchell, 12 Jos. Chambers, 13 Ed. Thurston, 14 Silas Thurston, 15 T. W. Thurston, 16 John Junkin, 17- W. Martin, 18 T. Ball, 19 S. Keown, 20 J. V. Thurston, 21 J. W. Thurston, 22 L. Patterson, 23 John Junkin, 2! Wm. Hetheriugton, 25 D. Curtis, 26 R. Gamble, 27 F. Kelly, 28'J. Edgar, 29‘ W. Junkin, 30 J. Akister, 31 J. Flett, 32 T. RobertSOD, 33 A. Robertson, 34 D Robertson, 35 J. W. Billett, 36 R. Junkin, 37 J03. Flett, 38 'l‘. Kiligsboro, 39 '1‘. Kennedy, 40 R. Robertson, 41 St White, 42 G. Britton, 43 W. Elliott, 44- T. Olver, 45 Joe. Stewart, 4'6 W. H. Thurston, 47 George Thurston. 48 B. Coulter, 49 J. J. Thompson, 50 I. Bell, 51 E. Prescott, 52 G. Forest, 53 .1. Middleton, 54 J. Calnpbell, 55 '1‘. Ins- gram, 56 J. Rick, 57 J. Lawson, 58 J'. Lawson, 59 W. Davidson, 60 J. Falls, 61 W. McGregor, 62 T. Fairbnirn, 63; T. Kilgore, 64 J. Rick. 65 Jun. Morri- son, 66 Ed. Sproule, 67 R. Roberts, 68 v Gr. Calvert, 69 ‘M. M. Boyd, 70 A. Brad- en, 71 Joel Aldred, 72 W. White, 73. Ben. Parker, 7'4 S. Quieley, 75 R'. Thurston, 76 D. Sherifl’, 77 J. D. Hunt- .er, 78 Fred Steele. 79 Guy Bently, 8Q , 'J. Taylor, 8’. John Knox, 82 W. Jun‘ kin, 83 T. Wilson, 84 Jas. Martin, 85 W. J. Payne, 86 J. Motfatt, 87 James Junkin, 88‘ James H. Stinson, 89 R. 90 A. Dunsenth, 91 D1. ' Wilkinson, Logan, 92 T. Hopkins, 93 S. H. Pogue, 94.- Pogue, 95 Robert Brandon, 96- J'as. Seymour. Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Mann, That the treasurer’s salary in future be one per cent on all money dis~ ' burscd within the yenr.â€"-â€"Carried. agreement between the village and- the l Moved by Mr. Kelly, seconded by Mr. Mann, That at the next meeting of'thc council a by-law- be introduced fixing fthc sessional allowance at two dollars per day. Yeas, Lithgow, Kelly, Akisâ€" ter, Lewis and Mann. The reevc was authorized to attend as a delegate the Canadian institute .oonventi’on to. be held in Toronto on ‘ 'lFeb. 9th. appointed assessor for the current year The following accounts were passed : Alex. Dunseath, to pay others putting: stone on road, $32: registrar B. M. and D., 39.80 ; division court judgment and costs, Moore vs. Vcrulam, $46 18; constable received from S. Nevi‘son and i D. Robinson, commission inspector and delivering road lists, 89 ; J. Middleton, putting stone on road. $25. Accounts from board of health ; Robert M. Thurs- ton, sanitary work, 8650; C. E.,Bon- nell, M. H. 0., inspecting diphtheria patients, $21 5.9;. T. McC‘nmus, medical= supplies to E. Kelly, $11495 ; G. Britton, sanitary work, 82.; W... Thurston,â€"_G. $10: each. Council adjourned. to March 3rd.. m Powles’S Corners. _,__. C’brrespondéme of the Gazelle. We are glad“ to see our old lriend‘, .Mr. Edmund. Marshall, home again From Michigan. Mir. Marshall ,has done well since his departure from amongst us about three yea-rs ago, and‘ alter a: two weeks" visit will go back to Michigan, where two of" his brothers are. living. We are sorry to learn that Mr. John Day, second son of Mr. N'. Day, is at present very low with an attack of" in- flammotion. Our wishes are that he may soon be around again. A little baby girl has come to stay at the home of Mr. J. C'. Parrishâ€"both. doing well. ‘ Miss E. Rylcy of W'uubaushcnc is at present enjoying a visit with her aunt, 'Mrs. James Powlcs. Water white American coal oil is. selling, at Powlcs's Corner at 220. Britton, John Bick, J.“Litl1gow“nndi“' I. Junkin, services.- on. board. of health, ‘

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