l w} VMoved by Dr. Graham. seconded by Mr. McDougall, That Henry Austin’s tender for 25 cords of beech and maple wood, at $2 65 pericord, be accepted..â€"- Uarried. Moved by. Mr. Sandford, seconded by Mr. Dickson. That the board meet I on the ï¬rst Monday in each month at 7.30 p. m.â€"Carried. Fenclon Oouncil Proceedings. Cameron, Jan. 1-5th, 1894. The following gentlemen took the declaration of qualiï¬cation and ofï¬ce: John Chambers, rceve; William Hall. deputy-recite ;: John Currin, John Gra- ham and Jas. P. Palmer, councillors. - Minutes of last meeting read and couï¬rm ed ., - The reeve appointed J. Cundall as his auditor. Moved by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Palmer, That M. Maybee be appointed auditor for the accounts of 1893, and that a by‘law to conï¬rm this appoint- ment and the appointment of Mr. Cun- dall be now received and read a ï¬rst timeâ€"Carried. ‘ Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Graham, That J. E. Fittal is here- by appointed assessor for the year 1894, and that a by-law to conï¬rm the ap- pointment be now received and read a ï¬rst time.-â€"-Ca1‘ried. A bylaw to conï¬rm the appointment of auditors and assessors was received and read in the usual manner, Mr. Hall in the chair. Moved by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Currin, That Means. J. .D. Naylor, John Kennedy, Wm. Downer, and the reove and clerk be appointed as a local Board of Health, with J. W. Bay, M. 1).. as health oï¬icer for 1894:â€"â€"G’d. Moved by Mr. Currin, seconded by Mr. Graham, That the following ac- counts be paid: Cambray post oï¬i‘ce, postage for 1893, $10.14; H. J. Lytle, stationery and municipal blanks for 1893, 98.03; H. Sackett, 34 loads of gravel, $1.70; Gr. Lytle, printing ï¬nan- cial statements, ballots, etc., $19.50 ; TV. Downer, D. Tolmie, J. H. Palmer and J. H. Greer, deputy returning ofli- cers, $4 each; Cameron Orange lodge, use of hall to date. $6; J. Tamlin, Lovely Grange, S. S. No. '7, and J. Brown, rooms for election, 32 each; Clerk, election expenses, 910; D. Gra- ham, putting raili- g on Christian’s bridge, 331; D. McFadyen, cedar for culvert, $2; W. Smitheram, 1.90 loads gravel, 35; Township of Ops, half cost of culvert on boundary, $2.50.â€"0’d. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Hall, That the clerk is hereby authorized to demand from the toWn- ship of Ops one half of the $6 for re- pairing bridge 'on con. 2, and a culvert on con. 3 on the boundaryâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Graham, That J. E. Fittal be re- appointed to collect unpaid taxes for ’93, and that the same be collected l'orthwith.-â€"â€"Carric'd. Moved by Mr. Currin, seconded by Mr. Hall, That the clerk is hereby i'n- structt'd to notify Jas. Bryson to remove his fence off the road allowance between the 5th and 6th concessions at the south part of the north half of lot 8.â€"â€"C’d.. Moved by Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Graham, That Mr..Curriu be instruct- ed to expend $10 on the quarter line between lots 25 and 26 con. 2.â€"â€"-U’d. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by I, Mr. Palmer, That the following persons ' receive aid from the poor rate: Mrs. McFarquhar, Mary McFadyen, Mrs. Sanguines, $5 each; W. Hutchison and wife, €513; E. Fieldhouse, $10.-â€"â€"C’d.. The council then adjourned, to meet at Cambray on March 5th. Powles’s Corners. Correspondence of'thc Gazette. The Rev. G. L. Thompson of Omemee occupied the pulpit here last Sunday, and preached an able and impressive missionary sermon to a largo-congrega- tion. The reverend gentleman: ranks very high amongst the Methodist clergy of Canada. . g A sleigh-lOad of" nineteen young I people from here drove up to Cameron j and invaded the residence of Mr. Alex. , Henry. to do honor to the newly mar- ried couple. The gentleman who got the barn built for him last year at Ball Point still rc- ceives' weekly calls from a young gent at the Falls. Wedding bells will soon be ringing. ~ 04' THE NEW WARDENâ€"The county . council commenced the ï¬rst session of the year on Tuesday afternoon. and the genial reeve of Bobcaygeon, Capt. Bot- tnm, was elected warden for 1894. We congratulate our old friend on his cle- vation to a position he will so worthily ' ï¬ll. TOOK Hostessâ€"Miss Annie Ellis, third daughter of Mr. John A. Ellis, went to the Normal School at Ottawa last August, alter teaching eighteen months at Moynes’s, and at the Christâ€" mas examinations was one of the three such: an exchange. My house is in ï¬rst- ‘ 46-44 Peterborough, Ont. Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 58 60 Wheat, spring “ 57 58 Barley, per bushel.... 37‘ 40 Buckwheat “ . . . . . . .. . 48- 51) Oats, “ 31 32 Pcase, †54' 57 Rye, “ . . . . . . . . 42 45 Potatoes, “ .... 27. 30 Butter, per 1b.... . . . . . . . . 13 19 Eggs, per dozen ...... 16 17 Hay, per ton ............ .. 6.00 7.00- I-lides............. ...... 2.00 2.50 Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.75 6.00 ; Sheepskins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 75 t W'ool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 18 ' Flour, family, Silver Leaf. . 1.60 1.65 Flour, best bakers’ . . . . . . . . 1.75 2.00 Flour, clipper . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-30 Flour, straight rolled . . . . . . 1.50 an. Der tonsâ€... 14.00 15.00 Shorts, It . . . . . . . . 15.00 16.00 ,llixcd chop, per ton . . . . . . . 19.00 20.00 .Out of sixty who took honors. She is now engaged as teacher in one of the departments of the Model Sch001 at T0- r0nt-o. We 00r=gratulate the young lady and her relatives upon her success. car Now is the time to get bargains in. millinery, dress trimmings etc., at Mrs. R. McDougall’s thirty days sale. Pricesaway down. GUN ACCiDENT.â€"Last Monday even- ‘ing Mr. Wm. Marsh, :1 young married farmer of the township of Fenclon, had a narrow escape from very serious in- jury while trying to put a cartridge into his breech-loading gun. From some reason the cartridge would not enter the barrel, and while he was working at it with his jack-knife it suddenly exploded. Which way the shot went is not known, ipieccs, one of whichâ€"the blade, prob- ablyâ€"cut a deep gash in the thickest part of his left hand below the little ï¬nger, another raised a lump as big as 'a‘ hen’s egg above his left eye, and a third struck him so violently near the left nostril that two of his upper teeth were knocked out. Accompanied by a friend he came to Fenclon Falls, where his injuries were attended to by Dr. Graham. CURLINd-.â€"-â€"Monday last was a big day in Lindsay for curling, matches being played in the Russell street rink between six clubs of this district, with the result that in the forenoon Orillia beat Bobcaygeon by 8, in the afternoon Lindsay beat Fenclon Falls by 46., and in the evening Oriilia beat Lindsay by 5. Orillia will, therefore, go to Toronto ’next month to compete with other clubs victorioiis in local contests for the Gas tario Curling Association's tankard, which was won. last yea-r by Bobcay- geon. rl't'he Dryden tankard, which is competed for by Midland district clubs only, was won in 1892 by Lindsay, and last year by Peterborough, where it now is, and where the ï¬ght for it will come oï¬â€˜before long. The first time the Lindsay club played a foreign match they were beaten by (SOâ€"a far worse defeat than Fenclon Falls suffered on Monday. Hooper has been found not guilty. CORRESPONDENCE. Clemence’s Camp, Muskoka. 2‘0 the Editor of the Permian Mulls Gazette. Sm,â€" On Friday, Jan. 12th, a fatal accident occurred at Slater's dump, about two miles from Fraserburg, by which a young! man named- Samuel Thompson, of Uiï¬ngton, be- longing to McNeish’s camp, lost his life. It seems that he and his brother and an- other man were working on the dump, when. it commenced to settle in the river. The unfortunate man lost his footing "and tell, when. a large log, rolling, struck him on the head, crushing it and killing him instantly. The young man was a. little over twenty years of age. Only two nights before the accident he dreamed, that he was killed: on that same dump, as he told his companions. The funeral took place on Sunday at Uflington, and was largely at- tended, the church being crowded, and some twenty-seven teams were in the pro- cessron. The Muskoka Mill & Lumber Company’s logs, which we are drawing, are going out lively, and in a couple of weeks or so they will be all out; but the “ boss†has con- tracted with Mickie, Diament & Son for the drawing of 275,000 of pine, which will keep our little gang going until some time in the long month of March. ONE OF THE BOYS. BIR'EI-IS. Hnasamnâ€"In the township of Somer- ville, on Sunday, Jan. 14th, the wife of Mr. Wm. IIeasman of'a. son. CURTIS.â€"At Fenclon Falls, on Monday, Jan. 23rd, the Wife of Mr. C. Curtis 11'. of a. daughter. Wanted to Exchange. A nice Solid Brick Cottage, of‘ ï¬ve good rooms, on one of the best streets in Peter- boroughâ€"quarter acre lotâ€"for a. house of about the same size in Fenclon Falls. A decided bargain for any one who will make Address A. M. PENTLAND, ' 109 Weller Street, class order.. “4.... _. ._........-.-..~.... FENELON FALLS MARKETS. .â€" Reported by the Nari/1 Star Roller ill'z'll 00. Fenclon Falls, Friday, Jan. 26th, 1894. Wheat. Scotch or Fit‘c 6+ to 65 but the knife was blown. into a dozen _ A. DECISION _ I . “ C A. R I'I' E‘ R Has fully decided to let his large and well assorted Stock of Winter Goods go at ï¬rst cost. @0 GooflBye. Proï¬t... MANTLES. Present Price $3.75 Former Price $9 00 AND DRUGS... â€".â€"-â€"â€"â€". $611001. BOOKS. AND SUPPLIES. ILES AND Former Price $4 85 . Present Price $7.20 H n u 5.50 n u 4.00 11 u 9_50 “ 7,59 H m u. H. 5,25, (.1. a, 4.7.5, , 11, 11 10.00 11 u 8.00 Y N K89 it _ 11 7‘75 (1 t4. 6‘00 u. (L 12,75 (5 “ 1.0.25 "â€"â€" OVERC’O-ATS,â€"S_'llï¬s unswnns. Former P3139715 2 ‘ Former: l’rescnt ‘ STATIONEHYn Price. Price. Price. Price. Men’s Wool Overcoats $ 4.95 $53.00 Men’s All-wool Tweed Ulster $12.00 $ 7.95 “ “ -‘ 5.50 3.75 “ “ Irish Frieze “ 15.00 1030 “' All-wool Ulstcrs. 7.95 4.95 “ best quality “-- “ 17.00 1 1.00 “ “ “ 8.85 5.95 : “ Tweed Pants 1.50 1-00 “ “ Freizc U‘lstcrs 10.50 6.50 ' “ “ Suits 6.75 4.50 ’ n u u n 11.0" 6;95 5 u u. Suits 8.75 5.95 I I I BOYS’ AND YOUTHS’ SUITS AND ovnncoars ar rmsr cos'r. DRESS GOODS, FANCY GOODS, STAPLE GOODS, ETC. Our Shelves are loaded with the latest and most fashionable goods, and. at prices which cannot fail to please. Former Present ESIPRAX’ I-IEIFER. Former Present Prim prim ‘ Price. Pr,-,,e_ Game on to the premises of the under-- Hopsaking Dresses $15.00 $8.75 fWhito BedlBlanketsmool 2.50 2.00 Signed) , l°t 17- l" the 2nd concession Of All-wool Cnshmetcsa 27 18 Grey Bed Blankets. 1.75. 1.25 S°.m°"’ne' aqu the, 1"†0f December? a Black Cashmere 27. 20 Horse Blankets 7O 50 brmdled yearling Heme“ The owner 9M1 Habit Tm], germa 35 20 Cotton Shinings 8 5 have her upon provmg property and paying; Single Fold Dress Goods 30 tom 15 ,Heavy Canton Flanneh 1.3 8 Charges' Wool Flannel's, plain and Heavy Feather-Ticking; 13. 8. WM' TIPLING‘ tmued . . 20, 1.5 ‘AHJï¬nen Tow-911mg 9 6 Somervillc, Jan. 1.6th, 1894.48-4‘ All-$11101 pllmd Factory All-Linen. Towels, per- pair 30 20 anne s 30 2’1 “ ' “- “- 23: 1,5 l , , ' v . r t- I ART SHOES.â€"A range of handsome- Lndlglogbtth Gunmen; 25' .r iL ‘ ' a. - u‘ 30 2'0 new- designs in slippers, made expressly for , , _ ‘ 1-1 “08 Cl‘rmméh De†Pm" 6o 39 our Christmas trade. We alwu 3 lead in Ladrpis all-wool Cashmere r 16â€"ounce Gram Bags 3.25. " 2.25 new goods Send in orders f0: Wegtgï¬e - y r ‘ ' ' I Ladies???†1 W. t 3" 25 I 1,600 Men s and Boys V Overstockings. Cost little and very warm. “'00 "l er I S‘m‘l’le' Gal’s 75't0'1'25 50 The hive-est varict ' of overshoes and lam . Hose . 3O 20 €Mcn’s all-wool Socks 17' 10 bormefyg rubber. ,9“ the count t I . ; Childrens Grey Persmn We have purchased largely in Men’s Silk ,licp. 0,“. 5a]; of winter gab 0:95 i ’ Lamb (taps. 3:00~ 1.95 Ties and Handkorchicfs for holidayvtrudc. Enorrz'ous Store 81,73 3 CEO: 13 1 “C can Silk Handkerclnefs 35 _. 25 Handkerchiefs direct import from Japant early ' JOHNSOE‘} & ome . . I D - ’ “_ The Monster S/wc Store, 25. Lindsay. .N O‘TICE. All Notes made payable to Jams BRA? Agent, will. have to be paid to Frank Kerr- pest-master here, who holds said notes. JAS. JOHNSTON ll: Cc- l’enelon Falls, June 301b,]891.â€"â€"]9 ti. llllllllllil. lllllillllll. HOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Furniture. DURING HOUSE CLEAKENG ' '. J. mMRTER, 44.- Kent St., Lindsay. $6000.00 STOCK 01“ J. 1’. WHEY. _ *W SLASHlNG BARGAWS ' still to be had. A large number- of' people have bought from rus‘and can testlty as to the genuine low prices at which we are ofl‘erlng goods. Call at once, as_the stock is going fast. Everything is. good. If‘ you. require any hardware for next year, 11; will pay you to buy now. Inook at the Low 13rices Z Lantern-s 400., Axes 55.0. to. 750., Axe Ilelves 100. to 200. each, Best Clothes Wringers $2.50., Cow Ties 12%0. each, Whips 80: I ‘ IV I l 1| and up, Strong Bushel Baskets. 5.00., Acme Skates 55c. rt pair, A good Rim Lock and Knob for 180., Sheepskin Mitts 200. per . Wm be give" lo “[9†pair, BestCarpet SWeepers $2.90, a. 5}: ft. Lance Saw 10192.50, ‘ BUYING FDR CASH Mixed Faint $1 per gallon, 415 Boxes Axle Grease for 25;, and U a shop full of Hardware at equally low prices. ‘ consisting of LG. 3 Gas BEDROOM snrrns, Next Door to the Benson House, Lindsay. [flanges 06â€ng Twas : r b r 2 ; Care and Easy Chairs. area a 90. new casts crass, : and every description of Kitchen Furniture-- New Fall and Winter Jackets, i My stock is large and complete, , Pictures. Framed amenities. 1 Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices; gee“ Undertaking promptly and carefully _ attended to. - N (W Dress Goods, L. I) E ‘52" no: A. N... New Underwear for Ladies and‘Ghildren, Wmmwmmwfltmv ~ .. .- w . .. . .. Uolborne Street, Fenclon Falls. 3%!“ Residence one! the $716)»; “@a New Trimming Braids, New Corsets and Gloves, ‘ To the Fabric. E Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance “ ot Eng-land], giving? insurers the security of $25,000,000 and? the some good policy. Joan ansr‘rn,.rgm. ‘ 1 li- ' ' l . -~rri"'711 ,‘r-xl w. New “Web and “31111916003, NOW TOlVOlllllgS . tal combined, $45,000,000, a Fenclon Fall‘s, July 25th,, 11892.. VVE AIV'IN New Handkerchiefs, A C'ottons and Shirtings, Gntlemen’s Furnishings Complete. ' Fancy Bed Spreads full! width, also Blair» ‘ kets, all-wool O'wup‘e't, Rag Chapel: and plain and twilledi F‘l'a'nin‘cll wove-n: promptly anti satisfactorily by UETGHC‘GS‘O’N, G 6 a remnant rain, awn rate, We cordiallymviie you-to calland examine our new Fall Stock. everybody. One price to _33 KEtlT-STL, LINDSAY. Opposite the. Banana House. rm .x- ‘V vaâ€" v»‘- \. \-" W‘V-‘_~‘V “.A~o“"5‘