i l > i i l v , i > ‘ ‘ «a, ‘ plumâ€"ow wâ€"_..~ ,. " All lUG’lIENEER' 3 sun. P“ on HUNDRED ims no. Much Exposur) Brought on 8. Severe At- tack of Rheumatism Bell-fascï¬'or weeks at n. Timeâ€"“is Trouble Amvravntcd by an Outbreak of Salt- :9» rheumâ€"Azi Experience of Interest to Others. Fromtho Stayner Sun. There are few people in Simcoe County who do not know Mr. Thos. Furlong. For twenty-eight years Mr. Furlong has been a resident of the county, and for twenty-two years has been a travelling agent and an auctioneer, and it is safe to say that he is just as popular as he is well known. In a business of his kind Mr. Furlong is natur- ally exposed to all kinds of weather, and the result haslbeen that for some years past he has been badly crippled with rhea- matism and has suffered great pain and in- convenience. Happily, however, Mr. Fur- long has found a release from this suffering, and his recovery has excited so much in- terest in and about Stayner that “The Sun†determined to secure the particulars of his. cure and give them for the beneï¬t of others. lV'nen seen with regard to the matter, Mr. Furlong expressed the greatest willingness I to make public the particulars of his cure in the belief that it might be of beneï¬t to some other sufferer. “You .are of course aware,†said Mr. Furlong, “that my calling subjects me to more or less inclement weather, and this was the main cause of my suffering. Some nine vears ago I ï¬rst felt the symptoms of rheumatism. I did not pay much attention and from 300 to 5,00 yards wide. gradually 1‘3 became so in it trout and carp. to it at ï¬rst, but Mackenzie Crossed the Continent- lic Was the First White Man to Explor- the Peace River and to Reach the Pa cil‘ic Ocean Overland From Eastern '(‘anailsâ€"Tlio Route He Tool: and the Natives He Metâ€"A Description of the Journey. In October, 1792, Alexander Mackenzie- left Fort Chippewayan on an expedition for the purpose of communicating with the Pa- ciï¬c ; so as to commence his discoveries as early in the spring as possible. Deter- mined to proceed to the most distant settle- ment of the traders at the west in the autumn, he descended the Peace, 01', as it is called by the Indians, the Unipah river, for l in favor. coast decorated their canoes with humor teethâ€"especially as these Indians corre- sponded in dress and manner with those described by him. A Queenly Head can never rest on a body frail from disease any more than the lovely lily can grow in the sterile soil. When Consumption fastens its hold upon a victim, the whole physical structure commences its decay. At such a period, before the disease is too far advanc- ed, Dr. Piercs's Golden Medical Discovery will arrest and cure it. So certain is this, that an offer is made to refund the money paid for it when a failure can be found under the condition of a fair trial. Once used,Dr. Pierce’s Pellets are always Speciï¬c for constipation, piles, upwards of 200 miles, building a log house biloiusnesg and headache, in lat. 56 deg. 9 min. and long. 117 deg. 35 min., \V., where he spent the winter. Leaving this place on May 9, 1793. he continued his course up the river, which he and spasms; Nerve l’aln Cure. Polson's Nerviline cures flatulence, chills Nerviline cures vomiting found flowing through a delightful and diarrhma,cholera,and dysentery. Nerviline verdant country, but as the party approach- cures headache, sea sickness and summer c, \e mountains the banks became higher, complaint. the“ current more rapid, and the forest toothache, lumbagoand sciatica. After not a few difï¬culties and cures sprains, bruises, cuts, ,&c. his Nerviline is the best remedy in the world, denser. dangers, which were overcome more by Nerviline cures neuralgia, Nerviline Pols on’s own courage and self possession than the and only costs 10 and 25 cents to try it. constancy of his Canadians, Mackenzie Sample and large bottles at any drug store. reached the source of the Peace river in the Try Polson’s Nerviline. beginning of the month of June. This he found ina small lake situated in a deep snowy valley EMBOSOMED IN w00DY MOUXTAIXS.- Jug; ln Churches. Many of the older churches in England The lake is about two miles in length. and “Veal-er“ Europe have jugs 01‘ lB-I‘S em. Its banks were, HQ found bedded in their walls, the mouths opening into the interior. time the For a long severe that it was with difficulty that I clothed with spruce, white birch, willows openings were supposed to be holes in the could liobl-le around, and my business real- and alder. It is in 1M. 5; deg_ 2; min., wall, but a closer examination a number of ly became a burden to me. several physicians who did all they could I consulted long, 131 deg. W. by his computation. These are the principle waters of the for me. but Without giving me 8:“ ralief- Mackenzie river, which after its junction During a part of the year I was for Weeks at 8. time and 8-5 the 131119le I Hills, having already run a distance of up- tried did me no good I began to believe wards of 500 miles, reaches, under the name some they are present in great numbers. A that there was no cure for me, and you Will of Slave river and Mackenzie river, the church in Leeds has over ï¬ity, while this readily understand h’r‘w despondent I was. Arctic ocean; To add to my with salt-rheum of the hands, and had to 1mm leading over a, low ridge 0f land, 817 keep my hands covered with cloths from one year’s end to the other. I had paces in length, to another lake rather 0f _ _ It is situated in 9. Presence 18 Simple. smaller than the last. years ago, in one or two of these old build- ings, disclosed the fact that the openings were necks of jugs. Most of the old ed-fast with the Elkï¬vor below the lake of the’ churches erected from the eleventh to the seventeenth centuries have them, and in . After a further course of number is considerably exceeded in some of distress I became afflicted 1,000mi1e3 from 31,13 Like he found abeaten the old French churches, nearly two hun- drcd having been counted in the cathedral Angauleme. The explanation of their They are placed in the read of come remarkable cures of rheuma valley about a quarter of a, mile wide, with wall with a view to bettering the acoustic Precipitoug rocks on either side, down properties of the building. The efï¬cacy of tism by the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People, and at last I made up my mind to try that itiwas with a doubting heart, for I had spent a great deal of money for other medicines without obtaining any beneï¬t. However, they say that a drowning man will clutch at a straw, and it was with much of this feeling that I purchased the ï¬rst box of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills. Before that box was all gone I experienced some relief which warranted me in continu- ing the treatment, and from that out I steadily progressed toward complete re- covery. I have used in all eight boxes with the result that I am today free from pain and ache, and not only did Pink Pills relieve me of the rheumatism, but they also drove out the salt-rheum, and as you see to-day the hands which had been covered with cracks, ï¬ssures and scabs are now complete- ly well. This splendid result is due entire- ly to the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills and you may be sure that it gives me the greatest pleasure to warmly recommend them to others. Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills are a perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus’ dance, nervous prostration and the tired feeling therefrom, the after effects of 1a grippe, diseases depending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic ery- siplas,eto. Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and are a speciï¬c for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they eflect a radical cure in allcases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. , These Pills are manufactured by the Dr IVilliams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Out., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm’s trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 32.50. Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People and refuse all imitations and substitutes. Dr. \Villiams‘ Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. VVilliams' Medicine Company from either address. The price at which these pills are sold makes a. course of treatment compar- atively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. TRAVEL 0N LAND AND SBA. Which is the Safer? That depends to some extent on the mode :of conveyance. The safest as well as the most dangerous mode of traveliing is on land ; travellers by railway incurring least, and by cycle most danger in the course of their journeys. The number. of persons killed While travelling on the railways of this country in 1891, was only in the pro- portion of 1 in every 45,430,224, or say 1 in every 451.- million passengers , and the num‘ which cascades fall, feeding Passing over this lake he entered a small river, which, however, soon gathered strength from its temporary mountain streams, and rushed with great impetuosity These are the ~ over a bed of flat stones. headwaters of the Tatouche Tesse, or Fras- er river. In following its course Mackenzie met with many difï¬culties and dangers from the extreme rapidity of the current, with its falls and rapids. He found the Indians here differing little from the Rocky Moun- tain Indians whom he had seen on his ï¬rst journey, but much from the Chippewayans, & Knistenavx and other Indians with whom he had been in communication in Canada. They dwelt in semi-subterranean houses l and are now called the Carriers. ' The country he described as very beau- tiful after reaching the more open part of l the river. feet, when THE PRECIPICE \VAS SUCCEEDED by an inclinedoplain to the foot of another steep, which was followed by another ex- tent of gently rising ground. These objects, which were shaded by groves of ï¬r, pre- sented themselves alternately to a consider- able distance. Having received from the natives. a de- scription of the river he continued his journey toï¬latitude 521-2 deg, when, al- tering his original ingentions, he returned |up its course to latitude 53 1-2 dog, and I prepared to go toward the Paciï¬c by land. Building alog house to contain his canoe and such'artieles as could not be carried, ' ‘ Mackenzie and his companions started on their land journey, each carrying a load of pcmmican , and having, besides their arms, ammunition, instruments for astronomical observations and articles for presents. Ac- cording to the report of the -Indians it did not require more than six days to reach a country where they battered their furs for iron, and from there to the sea it was said Among to require only two days more. them he found two halfpence, one the coin of Great Britain, the other of the state of Massachusetts, coined in 1787, six years before. Proceeding westward he found WOMEN CLOTllED WITH MATTED P.an edged with the skin of the sea otter. In July he found the mountains covered with compact snow, and yet the weather was warm and the valley beautiful. Descending from theseâ€"probably the main chain of the Rocky Mountains. among the precipitous sides, of which two rivers have their rise and unite at the baseâ€"he found the country covered with large treesâ€"pines, spruce, hemlock, birchâ€"and ahounding in animals, and lower down the river he observed the loftiest elder and cedar trees he had ever seen- Following the course of the river through her injured in that year was in the propor- a. deep ravine he reached an Indian Village, tion of l in every 1,648,677, or say 1 in Where the river abounded in salmon. He every 1.3 million passengers. Travelling by commenced a voyage down it toward the sea, at the present day, on the ï¬rst-class I)a‘Ciï¬c’ having Obtained 1‘- large 931108 from liners, comes second only to the railways in the natives- point of safety, as, last year, out of up- This he found adorned with the teeth of the sea otter, and, as the chief wards of 650 million of travellers only 240 to Whom it belonged afï¬rmed t1183111911in persons were lost, or I in every 2,708,300 some years before seen on the coast large passengers. Travelling by the Cunard lino 01111065 £1111 0f White men, MECkeUZiC 0011' of steamships seems to eclipse even the rail- CBiVEd that the Similarity which ' these ways so for as safety is concerned, for, on teeth bore to those of man would account the occasion of the {Jubilee of that company for Cook’s report that the natives of the in 1890, it was stated that during the whole period of their running they had never lost a single passenger. This record cannot be matched on any railway, but in 1891 the Great Northern Railway Company were able to show a clean sheet with not a single passenger killed or injured in that year. Another mode of ascertaining the safest mode of travel is by taking the table of risks of Insurance Companies which shows that the modesof travelling take rank in the following ozderâ€"railways,stcamships omnibuses, tramways, cyclesâ€"the ï¬rst assoc “EDOSESZS‘ . r; i . an Cures Consumption, Coughs, Cro up, Sore Throat. Soldh all Dru gists on a Guarantee. being considered least, and the last most Fora Lame Side, ack orC est Shiloh’s Porous isky. .‘W lthough an ant is a tiny creature, yet its brain is even tinier. But, although it is necessarily smaller than the ant’s head which contains it, But it is larger in pro- portion, according to the ant’s size, than the brain of any known creature. Plaster will give great satisfaction.â€"25 cents. W H’ g2; '. M A Have yet Ca rh? This Remedy will relieve and Cure you. Price 50ots. This Injector for its. successful treatment free. Remember... Ehlth’B Remedies are sol on a guarantee m». It rose rather abruptly about 25 .. -._.... .‘___â€"“_'_L__L__‘M.a.‘_|__--‘.~._ __ ‘ both lakes this strange device is certainly open to them, though I mus†admit with the melting snows of the mountains. question. -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"oâ€"â€"â€"_ A Wedding Present Of practical importance would be abottle o the only‘ sure-pop corn cureâ€"Putnam’ I Painless Uorn Extractorâ€"which can be he at any drug store. A continuation of th honeymoon and the removal of come bot assured by its use. Beware of imitations. . 1 :' n . ..V \ l . i . 05 Pure l‘orwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites. L Q a will smssorsss WEAK woos; crop me cones, one cases all menus DISEASES. A remarkable 1 Helsh producer and it is almost as Palat- ; ab ' ‘ "MK, Be sure to get the genuine :1 put up in salmon-colored wrappers. Prepared only by Scott (I: Bowne. Bellovillo. AGEPETS WANTED “‘3Ԡ""d “mm 9 To Hull our new Kellie Cleaner. Entirely new; sells to every housekeeper. Also our Ill-call. Cato an-l l’nrlng Knlvcs. Carver. and Knife and Scissors Sharpener. No capitol rcouirc'l. En" sellers. bl: worm. CLAUSS SHEAR. C0.. Lock llnx 324. Toronto. Ont. = - SIGNS (lF HEALTH - â€"ARE-â€" Bright eyes and Clear Complexion, from the use of DR. SLOCUM'S OXYGENIZED EMULSION â€"â€"0uâ€" PURE (10!) LIVER OIL. Easy to take and a. great flesh producer. Ask your druggist for 11, and take no other. Manufactured by ‘1'. A. SLOGUM 6t: (30., m oron /// l //7 ///.. Faeasimile of Mammoth “The East Soap in the World. W //' ' II ' / /â€///’ ’ W , W .l/ net 99 “MAE Flower There is a gentle‘ man at Malden-on- the-Hudson, N. Y., named Captain A. G. Pareis, who has written us a letter in which it is evident that he has made up his mind concerning some things, and this is what he says: “I have used your preparation called August Flower in my family for seven or eight years. It is con- stantly in my house, and we consider it the best remedy for Indigestion, and Constipation we Indigestion. have ever used or known. My wife is troubled with Dyspepsia, and at times suffers very much after eating. Dyspepsia. 'The August Flower, however, re- lieves the difï¬culty. My wife fre- quently says to me when I am going to town, ‘We are out Constipation of August Flower, and I think you had better get another bottle.’ I am also troubledwith Indigestion, and when- ever I am, I take one or two tea- 5poonfuls before eating, for a day or two. and all trouble is removed.†8 DON’T BUY SECOND-HAND can ‘ UNTIL YOU GET OUR PRICE FOR NEW- BEST OF STEEL AND WORK. S, BRANTFORD, FOR IT, OR SENDA 3cm? STAMP FOR PARTICULARSPRICE LIST, 3:, tom ~ shoe mesa... r" a..- ax 1. was: -?L1...’..\-v¢. sample copy of the in each issue. in the Music line. WHALEY. ROYCE & 00. I58 vosns sr. Tonomomsr. SNEEZENG Is an Indication of 1 causes. in uh co OXFoso‘l-i IMPROVED CAULDRON FURNACE. ADAPTED FOR EITHER W000, lllllll Oil. SOFT GOAL. HAS INDIRECT DRAF-T Heats :tfj‘uiels Made in 5 Sizes, ‘20. 30, 40, 50 and 60 Gallons. The Gurney Foundry 00., Limited T ORONTO. THE GUBNEY, MASSEY ca, LIMlTED LIONTREAL. .379 0:: " Not a clock, but astem ‘ wind entleman‘s . watch, , open aceâ€"a superior time “ ' keeper. Agents wanted. 1 Send ï¬fty cents, stamps. to show on mean busi- ~ ness an we will send . the sample to your nearest express oï¬ice ~' C. O.D. forthe balance $2.25, All. Ex recs , Charges Paid. f you I will send the full amount -’ with your order we will send by mail. and a Solid Silver Chain 2:. You can make $5 per day r'i ht in your own town selling these watches. A dress 3. B. HOWE? 85 Go. TORONTO, Gan. Your-machinery with the standard and cilable. Peerless _ Maehinefll We will give a substantial reward to any- J’ ui Teacher in Ca. one bringing ‘13 Pm"f °f other on being nada should know where the our eerless machine oil. can get their Music cheapesg sold as P wme us fox camlo ’L‘ï¬gnfls: bearing full brand, and our name, and sold MUSICIAN, a live monthly jour- only by rel nal with $1.00 worth of music $3 to 86 per day madeby canvassers. See prem- ium list. We carry everything None genuine except from packages iable and regular dealers Sole Manufacturers, SAMUEL turns is lit} TORONTO. GENTS HERE YOU ARE.â€"Samantha at) . . the World‘s Fair, by 3051th Aliens Wife. Over 100 Illustrations. Nearly 600 pages No Territory assigned. Send $1.00 for ro- spectusand push the canvass if. you Wan to COLD IN THE HEAD make money. mums: uni-Gus. Temper It is the beginning of Catarrli and frequently Doe St- Toronto leads to Consumption. Avmd these by using - CLARK’S CATARRH CURE, Price 506. One bottle will work wonders. gist does not keep it address T- A- SLOCUM 8600. f 86 Adelaide St. w. is A term menus TORONTO- IT To think that you mus wear wide, ill-lookin shoes to have comfo Our shoes are hot If your drug easy and elegant- nice to look at and $333; w A 'EEBE‘BQEQK’FREE? 5’ able U I, » while in wear. « The J. D. KING 8:; Co), Ltd 79 KING EAST: mags; " ' m - memmigï¬um .' The Latest Parlor Game. Two. four or eight persons can play. In handsome - box, Cards and Rules complete. Price - u 15 Cents. On receipt of price we will forward post-paid. TllE sow by-word that / // /l'/// W" M , '/ †// WWW ' / // '/ ‘ / //{/,/,/ / ll/// __:‘_ A. . â€" - ‘_._' = , 5 ' MARK 30., [id TORONTO, ONT ///,// ///,./ @u‘artettegar. They give perfect satisfaction in ï¬t style, and ï¬nish, and it has become a. “ GRANEBY stresses wear like Iron.†£7 // / / My, /