I ’ s AFABMEB’S Hum LUCK. “41'- TRUE AND BOGUS SPORTSMEN'. There's a‘ Vast Dill'erence Between the Genuine Article and the Pot-llnnte r. The man who hunts for the love of hunt- ~lie-812$! With an Accident Followed by ing, the true sportsman, hails with delight Painful Results . any measurethat will head off the fellow who hunts simply for the meat there is in it. The true sportsman, is a manly fellow and MT- NJ‘- Illltzhsou Tells a Story ochars of a gentleman‘nine times out of ten, and when Suil‘ering and how he Found Releascâ€" he goes hunting he believes in giving every- The Circumstances Familiar to a. 11 hi Neighbors. . ' From the Chatham Banner. A Chatham Banner reporter while on news'gathering rounds a few days ago drop- ped into the well~known drug store of Messrs. Pilkey Sr. Co., and overheard scraps of .conversation between customers, in p which the words “Pink Pills" and the name " .Hughson†were frequent'y repeated. With a reporter’s instinct for a good news ’MUCIG, he asked for some particulars, and was told that if he called upon Mr. Hugh- ~son he would probably get a story well worth giving publicity. Mr. Hughson does a snug feed and sale stable business on Harvey street and thither the reporter re- paired, and was somewhat surprised to ï¬nd the very antipodcs of an invalid. Mr. Hugh- son is a man of medium height, about ï¬fty years of age, born with a good constitution, and who, until some three years ago only knew the meaning of the word sickness from the dictionary. Mr. Hu ghson is a stationary engineer by trade, and a good one, but some six years ago getting tired of that calling quitted it and rented a farm in Harwich. \Vhile returning from town one day on top of a load, one of his . horses stumbled, and Mr. Hughson was ' pitched head foremost to the hard, frozen roadway. When he got home and the blood was wiped away his external injuries seemed - l w. . l ' trifling, but the grave trouble was inside, and took the form of a violent and almost constant headache. A week later he went into the bush to cut wood, and felt at every stroke as if his head would burst. He worked for half an hour and then went home, and for eight weeks his right side was wholly paralyzed and his speech gone. After a time this wore 03 and he was able to go about the house, though he could not walk. All this time he was attended by a physician, whose treatment, however, seemed of but little avail. In the following June he had a second stroke and was not out of bed for seven weeks and was left very weak. The belief that he was doomed to be a burden on those near and dear to him, that he was unable to take his place as bread-winner, added mental to his physical anguish. But relief was coming and in a form he had not expected. He saw Ur. “7illiams’ Pink Pills advertised and asked his physician about them. The latter said he had not much faith ,in these reme- dies, but they would do no harm, and Mr. Hughson got a supply which he began tak- ing according to directions. At the outset his wife was also opposed to them, but be- fore he had taken them long she noticed an improvement in his condition, and then was quite as strong in urging him to continue I their use, and even took them with good results herself for heart weakness following la grippe. Continuing the use of the pills, Mr. Hughson found himself fully restored to his old-time strength. Mr. Hughson’s old neighbors in Harwich never expected to see him on his feet again, and are as- tounded at his recovery, so much so that the fame of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills hasl spread far and near throughout the town- ship, and are the standard remedy in many households. Mr. Hughson can be seen by 'ny of our citizens and will only too gladly ‘erify the foregoing statements. The reporter then called upon Messrs. Pilkey & Co., at the Central Drug Store. They do not, they informed him, make a practice of booming any proprietary medi- cine, so that the lead taken by Dr. W'il- liams’ Pink Pills is not due to persistent pufï¬ng but to irresistible merit, and on all sides their customers speak of them in terms of warmest praise. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are a perfect blood builder and nerve restorcr, curing such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. I Vitus’ dance, nervous headache, nervous prostration and the tired feeling therefrom, the after eï¬ects of la grippe, diseases de- pending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. l’ink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and are a speciï¬c for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they efl'ect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over- work, or excesses of any nature. pain. The reason is a good one. Nerviline contains the best, most powerful, and the ' latest discovered remedies. It is a magic pain cure. Rheumatism, stiff neck,cramps, thing a chance for life. If he wanted the birds alone‘he’d go to the dealers and buy them for much less than it would cost him to go outjand kill them, but that’s not what he’s after. He wants recreation, a tonic for heart,.body and soul, a rest for his weary mind, and there’s no better place to ï¬nd it than in the ï¬eld with dog and gun, It is a. beautiful sight to him just to see'the intelli- gent dogs moving like steam motors across the ï¬eld, watching each other with a jeal- ous eye and each seeking to outdo the other. Then it does him good to walk over the ï¬elds and beneath the trees, breathing into his soul fresh inspiration for his work. All this is good to him, but when the birds are found and the dogs get down to their work in earnest, busmess cares fold their sable wings and fly away and his body thrills with a pleasurable excitement that does as much good as a judicious charge of electri- city through the system. then a true sportsman gets in the ï¬eld he makes it a rule never to shoot anything he cannot use,unless it is some bird of prey that plays havoc with the farmer’s chickens. He never destroys life just because he has the power to do so, for he has too high a regard for the life that he can take, but I cannot give. If he should come upon arab- bit snoozing in his bed he will never shoot him down there,for that would be like slip- ping up behind a man in the dark and shoot- ing him in the back. He gives the rabbit a chance for his life, putting him on notice as it were by kicking him out of the bed, and then as he scurries off he’ll take a crack at him on the run. If he sees a covey of birds huddled up together before his dog he does not shoot into them and kill the whole bunch,but he frightens them up and as they whirr away he takes his chances on the fly and watches where they light so that his dogs can ï¬nd them and he can getnumerons shots. If you want to disgust a sportsman go along with him and kill a few birds on the ground. There is another class of men, however, who do not share the feelings of the sportsmanâ€"the pot-hunter. You have all seen him and will all readily recognize his picture. Lank and dirty and lazy, hcloafs about home all ‘summer, letting his wife I support him and his sorry-looking clogs until fall. He wanders about the country getting birds spotted, and as soon as they are big enough to shoot he is there with his dog and gun, it matters not whether it is inor out of seasonâ€"he’s after meat. He never stops until he kills the whole covey on the ground,on the wing, or in the trees; and with his game he goes to the res- taurant and sells them for a good price, as the proprieter is glad enough to get them and ask no questions. This pot-hunter ï¬nds .32). covey out of season, and if there is any ' danger from shooting them he sets a trap and gets them without any fuss. It’s a free- and‘easy sort of life to him, and he’d kill birds all the year round if you'd let him. ~W. There is every reason to believe that the milking of cows in large dairies by machin- ery Will soon become as common as the cut- ting of corn and grass is on large farms. During the last few years two or three inventions have been brought into practice, with results so proï¬table in the saving of labouras to encourage mechaniciansto further efforts toward perfection. Safe, Sure, and Painless. What a world of meaning this statement embodies. Just what you are looking for, tractorâ€"â€"the great sure-pop corn cureâ€"acts in this way. It makes no sore spots; safe, acts speedin and with certainty; sure and mildly; without inflaming the parts; pain- lessly. Do not be imposed upon by imita- tions or substitutes . Persons convicted of vagrancy and sim- ilar l ~inor offences in San Francisco are sen- tence ‘ ,to work in chains on the public streets. A heavy logging chain, 6 feet in length, to which is attached an iron ball as large as apian’s head, effectually prevents qhe escape of‘prisoners. Do Not Forget It. It is a fact that Nerviline cannot be sur- passed by any combination for the relief of Bear in mind Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills neuralgia, colic, in fact all pain, internal, are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or external, and local, are subdued in a few hundred, and any dealer who-offers substi- minutes. G0 at once to any drug store and tutes in this form is trying to defraud you get a trial bottle. It will only cost you 10 and should be avoided. Ask your dealers cents, and you can at a small cost test the for Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People great pain cure, Poison’s Nerviline. Large and refuse all imitations and-substitutes. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. \Villiams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical- treatment. w Managing Furnaces. The ï¬rst thing to do is to get the house ithoroughly warmed. When it is heated to the desired temperature, it will require less coal to keep it warm than if constantly cooling and heating. There is more economy in ï¬lling the ï¬re- pot full of coal than in putting in only a small amount, because that burns away more readily. Do not use a poker on the top of the ï¬re. It is bad management in the use of hard coal. The grate in the furnace will remove the ashes and clinkcrs, thus allowing free passage for air through the ï¬re. In ï¬lling the furance with coal, the smoke-pipe damper should be opened, and the ashpitdoor and slide closed, otherwise the smoke and gas will be forced out of the feed door. then the rooms are heated, and there is a good fire in the furnace, shut it up as close as possible. In the morning open all drafts, put in a small quantity of coal, let it burn thorough- ly, then add fuel until full. Let it burn for a short time for the gas to be consumed before closing the dampers. If the furnace heats quick and strong See this Stove before buying any other. It from a good draft, so thatin warm Weather there is too much heat, don’t shake the can“cachet.‘f’.%‘°c.;vi;*:.ci“e::2:: Mfd. 'by Gurney Foundry 00., : then lessen combustim. and Cure you. Price BOcts. This Injector for its successful treatment free. Remember. Shiloh’ Remediesare sold bottles only 25 cents. A. P. 87 (lures Consumption, Coughs, Group, Sore Throat. Sold bï¬ all Druggists on 2 Guarantee. For :1 Lame Sula, :1ch or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction.â€"25 cents. ya you C arrh ? This Remedy will relieve J on a guarantee I . This is to notify . you that your ac- is it not? Putnam’s Painless Corn Dx/ COMPETE EUUHSE IN SHUHTHANB “ Rock Me to Sleep Mollier." The poem, “ Rook Me to Sleep Mother†was written by Elizabeth Akers Allen, known otherwise as “Florence Percy.’ It is a general favorite for it is asweet little touch of home life. But there is another side to the picture. Many a mother rocks her child to sleep who can neither sleep nor rest herself. She is always tired, has an everlasting backache, is low spirited, weary, nerVOus and all that. Thanks be, she can be cured. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription will do the work. There is nothing on earth like it, for the “ com- plaints†to which the sex is liable. Guar- anteed to give satisfaction in every case or money returned. Dr. Pierce’s “Pellets are speciï¬c for bil- iousness, headaches, constipation, piles, and kindred ailments. A notable voyage has just been made by an English warship. The cruiser Melpomene, which recently returned to Victoria, B. 0., from the south, steamed direct from Callao to that port, a distance of over 5,000 miles, in 20 days, without making a. stop for coal. Ofï¬cers of the Navy consider this a note- worthy achievement. Moustaches in women are said to be get- ting more common than of old. In Con- stantinople about 10 per cent. of the women â€"Armenia.ns chiefly, since Moslems are veiled and therefore do not come into the calculationsâ€"have these appendages to the upper lips. Depilatories are also much in demand among Philadelphia ladies. The Canadian Flag. What is the National Flag of Canada? 'Who can describe it accurately? HOW many of our readers know what flag our ships can fly upon the seas and why if they hoisted a blue or a white flag with the Union Jack in the corner they could be overhauled by a man-of-war and the flag pulled down ‘2 These and many other inter- esting questions are answered in an article which will appear in the CANADIAN Ammu - A0 for 1894, to be puulished next month. The CANADIAN ALMANAC is a standard pub- lication and goes everywhere. More than one million copies have been sold since it was ï¬rst published. ha Ranger 2-; XCRUOAT * ‘ Frag.“ Mill} ï¬llet deer?- . count at the bank. . of health is over- drawn; at this rate you will soon be bankrupt, unless you take 0f Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphltes to l build you up. It win STOP .4 COUGH, CURE A. COLD, and check CONSUMPTION and an forms of WASTING' DISEASES.A 1- most as palatable as Milk. Prepared by Scott at Bowno, Bellevllle. For sale by all druggists. r ._ .-~ ‘ _ ' _ _ Y "i. mole and female, y To sell our new Kettle Cleaner. Entirely new; sells to every housekeeper. Also our Bread. Cake and l’srl Knives. Carver. and Knife and Scissors Sharpener. No Cflnllgf reunited. Buy sellrra. big proï¬ts. CLAUSS SHEA“. 00.. Lock Box 3‘24. Toronto. Ont. TORONTO ELEGTRIDAL WORKS. Electrical Supplies, Bell Outï¬ts, Sac. Re- dairs prompt and reasonable. School an Experimenters' Supplies and Books. a 35 8: 37 Adelaide St. w., Toronto saac‘? Pitman - SHORTHAN D The Complete System thoroughly taught by Mail for only 1 Dollar. The chance of alifetime. Every . Success guaranteedâ€"Send in your dollar immediately. to commence at the beginning. Best Method in the World for imparting Instruction. boyand girlin'Canad 1 1d ° E Isaac-did}: Gï¬aflflï¬ï¬ï¬m vents l The Forty-Seventh Annual Issue of this book will soon be ready and will contain an im~ . Canadian Almanac i H ' ‘5' Ofï¬cial Directory Syrup .. ' i Aprominentfcature willbc a. Post Ofï¬ce I.“ Davls’ ReCtor of St‘ James Gazetteer of the Dominion,givln the Episcopal Church, Eufaula, Ala: name of every Post Cities with the ail- “ My son has been badly afflicted road on which located. or nearest Railway . _ Station. With a fearful and threatening cough for several months, and after trying Pontical Epitome 0f the House Of severalprescriptions from physicians , commons- which failed to relieve him, he has V017 1mm ‘0 every 03° in“ been erfectl restoredb the use of temted in pmï¬cuimuttms' P y two bottlres of 3., The Canadian National Flag. ) . All about the Flag of our An Episcopal SChee 5 German Syr country on land and sea. - up. I can recom- ‘ mend it without The Directory of Ofï¬cials ' - n - of all kinds is as complete he51tation. Chrome and accurate as ever. severe, deep-seated coughs like this Price 20 centsâ€"30 centsâ€"«’30 cents, accord» are as Severe tests as a remedy can “‘3 ‘0 "‘"dmg' be subjected to. It is for these long- The Copp Clark 00.; Ltd standing cases that Boschee’s Gerâ€" Toronto, Ont. man Syrup is made a specialty. Many others aflmted as this led ONT Buy a Watch péoggzeggggï¬ was, do well to make a mete Of New Catalogue. IT‘S FREE. Write for one to this. . a. B. nownv a Go. :ronouro ,cm. 1. F. AmoldfiiBZtevideo, ONTARIO BUSINESS chLEcE wr1tes: I always use German Syrup BELLEVILLE' ONT†(25th YEAR). for a COM- On the Lungs- I have Most widely attended business college in never found an equal to 1tâ€"far less America. a “Peric’r- - C" SEND an“ Buccaneers... ‘ , rcss ' . c. o. GREEN, Sole Msn’fr,Woodhm‘y.R._l. ‘ Belleville, Ont. OUNG MEN! Learn to out, no better trade. Good wages and steady employ- ment. Write for particulars. TORONTO CUT- TING SCHOOL. 123 Yongo St. Also agents for McDowcll’s New York Drafting Machine. GENTS HERE YOU Alumâ€"Samantha at - H u N G . the World’s Fair, by Josiah Allen’s L Rector. Wife. Over 100 Illustrations. Nearly 600 pages No Territory assigned. Send $1.00 for pro- _ I spectusand push the canvass if you want to ' " > - -.-:-~ make money. WILLIADI BRIGGS. Temper 3 AND SHmQLE MACHH‘IERY o nw‘flLâ€"ï¬â€"Wâ€"é The best can be procured from , ' . o s scusccs ccsmc scans urn-rescue. sweats...- Hsli constantly on hand, also prime American Chle's Casings. Full lines New Hams. Long . gear Bacon, Rolls, Cheese. Lard. etc. PARK 7" "‘lUVELLSL Co. LTD. Successor to JAMES 85m in SON, 'l‘oronto' a “ scrum c "_ -- wear wide, ill-looking shoes to have comfort; Our shoes are both easy and elegant nice to look at and com- fort- “ ' able you...5......nounnnon-ouaooonuenoo-oouoo .0...-uooooeoosoolooouon-Iol coco-oo'oovl lo while in Wear. The J. D. KING 8?. 00:, Ltd 79 KING EAST: ' Artiï¬ciallimbs J. lioin 55 Son. For Circtilï¬d’drcssâ€" 77Norihcoie Ave.,Toron 2222222221ZZZI22211112212222122221112... SlWES d7 RANGES Made from Ollllll ll. DESIGNS and :-: Patterns :-: ______.o. g BAKING- Pcwcsc Is Ihc only Powder you should buy. WI-IY? Because it does the best work for the least cost. 0 . . Only (its for a. 1 pound tin. All Grocers. aqd Superior in Quality of ELLIS 86 KEI GHLEY, SOLE MANUFACTURERS, â€"â€"â€":o:â€"â€"â€"â€" They Excel in Baking Quali- ties, and in Economy of Fuel and Convenience. IO: .: The are made to burn wood ex- . : olus vciy.or Coal and Wood,and :: v, , .‘TET‘LFT‘ ; I Dress and Mantle Cuttin . ' by this new and improve : . :z in a Great Variety of Sizes, and :' : are therefore adapted to the re- 3 _ Satisfactron guaranteed to teach ladies ;: uirem'ents of Large or Small the full art of cutting all garments : : ï¬amilies, 111 any part of the Do. ;: . worn by ladies and children. :; minion, ': ; PROF. SMITH, 392 QUEEN ST. w.,TORONTO 2‘ Every Stove Warranted. .. Agents Wanted. ' If you are in want of a Cool: Stove or Base Burner,â€"don’t buy until you have seen this Elegant Line. Sold by leading Stove Deal- ers everywhere. Manufactured by Bestinthst orld! g1! _ list the Genuincltg, 31532c El: 'I Said Searzywlaere i “We “be: m ‘ ‘ Amusing, Instructive. No better way to impress on the minds of the children our No.- Maierial & Workmanship. BARKER 8L SPENCE’S SHORTHAND & BUSINESS SCHOOL. TORONTO- tional History than playing this Winter Evening Game. Price - â€" . 25 Cents Each. If your nearest dealer has not got this Game in stock, on receipt of price will send post-paid. Send us your address and we will mail you illustrated catalogue. ME AI.- TIMES THE DUFF MARK 80., [w., The very best thing to have on T O R 3 O .N T xrcccwcccrl your table is a good supply of St. Leon Mineral Water. . - .{a .. . .. .. re:- ., l. ‘ ‘ NE“, If regularly used at meals Dyspepsia l a 6; § 93?: an? Flatulencc will never make ,7/ - ‘ m5 X‘ï¬i e r appearance. ,3. ~ ~ " ' " Si- old by all principal druggists grocers .' T " \1 . ~"" ' V ‘ ii and hotels. ’ s _\ ‘ “" ‘ §* -‘ E §§' v v ‘ " \~ \ _ \ \,\~,:\ __ _. 2 . p \ _\$\\\ \ * \ “ . V . n % ("4 .9.» , v. .._...,,.« 1" v u is llcnvy, Large and Durable. Sold by all Leading Dealers. ,_,..., es... Hut-wt... ..- 0S3 St, Leon Mineral Water Co’y, ltd ,. nead maceâ€"King St. W. 5 Branchâ€"- 448 Yongc SI. ‘ Toronto, Ont" c. E. A. Langlois, General Manager. -_n4;.a\::4 ~ ' " ‘- ’ I/fl IIMILI'DH “mamas-r ,.-\W‘ . AVALW -. W’ks’uu . :55; 1: _,~/~ vA/R