w-.._-..‘_,.._._.~_.,__._..._._-._-.._.Mus-w.-. . ...... -,..,..~ _.---._._..,_..Wm__.wmvm (aux... ,,..â€" V“ Hm. .. . gr, . ' ' ’ Bi l i ‘ t Si} l) L" l ' ' ’ z 5 ‘ f '1 ‘ ,~‘ , z .. carpet-s and Oil-Cloths , N o. .9 Keenan s on I, Ken ree , in. say. : vâ€"- a A HANDY “ RIG.n â€"â€" Last Sunday An E nine, I ‘ . a. F a ‘7- . - evening about ï¬ve o'clock Mr. How; 'q ._..._ i ' ‘v A ING' laud, manager of the Bancroftdz lron- CHICAGO, Oct. 16.â€"-Frenzied with . . dale Railway, passed through the Falls, freight and driven to a stampede by a Fancy 130d Spreads full Width, also Blanâ€" going north, on an ordinary yrâ€.ny 0,. mgng ï¬re in [he “raunce Sweet barns kcts,all-wool Carpet, Rap; Carpetand plairr hand-car, propelled by a small engine oi‘ of‘ the Chicago City Railway Company, “'1‘? “Vilma Flannel WW0" llromPllY WHI- , apparently about ï¬ve Newlbundlaod- 600 horses were burnt'd in death. All Wlsfuctotilyby g - doglpower. It was a mighty convenient the horses were on the ï¬rst floor, and in SAMUEL HUTCHISON: arrangement, and every section hand 10 minutes alter the ï¬re was discover,.r] Wewm _V who has seen it wishes he had one like they were helpless. Thev were blind d Fcnelon F3113» APPi1 13th, 1393~â€"3-3m'-‘ 1 l it. Mr. Howland. who was enuini-ei'. by. the smoke and the flames and soon a A P095333? Late 0' the Latest and . 9:. stoker, conductor, brukcinan and pas- stampede was in progress, The ani. ï¬ï¬fracï¬ans Elle‘c‘rl‘icglgn ,t‘,’ 5‘3†ti senator all ill one. blew his whistle mcr- [Dill]! surged back and fin-[h in "ran 5 u . I . r . i , I :0: m mr ; - rily as he won't through the village, and or mac, and hundmd, in mm, "NR, An ï¬nitmited Variety in every Repartment of the 'ï¬llliieillfiioncek ailinsycl‘lrflilil'iii’. $3,333 "0 (1011“ kept 1! Sharp look-out for cows. rush to escape. When the ï¬rst group Sigre- ' “milled through 115. Commission 0? 50'8" :5 IS it would have been a bad thin:- for of fir-emu, (rot into the b m fl 9,! ,~ t,- - - - - o W Wm “'99le “"d Pmmpuf EXClHSl" :3 him as well as for the “coo†if his charredhb'oydics lyinw about in sdoiegair‘i Tha deï¬grmznahon anal to make the and- Clmice Oflerritoryglven’ D‘m‘tdelny' ii um'el conve once had come into contact ev ' d' i ' 1“] .n.’ f‘ l 6- PfllcEs' - wme M “me for terms“ _ l v . l “‘5 "‘c‘mn- ‘3 ““‘-‘†“ ‘ 'e '6 ALan wasarr co Rochester r it "uh 900- is a mystery. James E W eatherwax. We are. offering you these Inducements with the 'i i l -’ $5.503; " i Monster 316 barn foreman, says that he heard an i of Boots and Shoes. Balance of summer expl‘mlo“ jug: before the ï¬rc’ B t ll d H d - t F G {1 Y E S A steak selling regardless of cost. Thousands ' ...h___-_. “H a. S aw: Scientific AmerlCan of ollars’ worth to be sold its less than . ‘ , g , . Itch on human beings and horses and all ' - gitggig-I‘il‘fitngggp . D0!†"1153 “19 OP' animals cured in thirty minutes by woo]- Qualities as you like them. Styles and Fashions the latest. Assortment complete. - ~~ ford's smï¬mry Lotion This never fails. .And all right prices. Don’t fail to see our splendid stock and take advantage of the JOHNSTON a; SISSON. Sold by W. R. Madill, druggist. inducements offered in STAPLE and FANCY DHY GOODS, DRESS GOODS FANCY ii The Monster Shoe Store, ‘i Y - ' ' .' . GOODS MANTLES and FINE CLOTHING All the latest and 'r- t ‘1’ f h. in , . l. “W oik lS enjoying the pleasure of' ’ ‘ _ "l 93 3‘) 95 0 t L .6. Lindsay a viqit from no legs 1 ermnagp “Hm season. Honest Goods that possess the worth and honest merit. RUNAWAY.â€"-Yesterday forcnoon M rs. the heir. presumpbi've‘ mp th‘c t,]r’nne at n . ‘ CAVEATS. ‘ Hugh McDougall sent a dumb stove in A _- " H - ' . , - e .. K ' TRADE MARKS! her puny can to Mr “can†to be re .Fustiia. c is the Aichdulte Francis ' , gCE’SlC-H PATENTS. r I _ . _ . I P [I . . _ PYRIcH'rs, etc paired. l‘he pony was driven by Fred Fildlga‘nd gxlifle at 1.10mi,’ bat “me h“ We guarantee proï¬t and pleasure to every customer; proï¬t, because our prices will “nummmon maï¬eefl‘mdbwl‘miteto ‘1 Cl _. . b 19 M d W15 ‘9 to L "Gym ‘15 t m omit V0" prove a positive saving; pleasure, because our code cannot fail t) I i ' l' MUNN 6‘ Go†361 BROADWAY’ NEW YORK’ ‘ 1 0 cunen, «i out .1 years 0 , an irqterten H0 ls Hist co 1 tin†d I I ' g. _ . t noise in quit my Oldestbureim .tor securing patents inAmei-lcs. ‘ with him was lime Russe“ McDmigan‘ é . .' . . J . I mp e , a an A stlyg. t would be folly to attempt the quotation of prices, as it would be necessary age;Â¥lgï¬gegl;atgggge0éi&g§gseésogrgï¬ï¬létéligfgg, ' O y . I . ' ._ I our (mam world_ to me u e everything in our store, but we might o o o o. ,éf some years younger. While Fied was X mode, P . k, , b d t d r I in Mr. Heard's askiuw for somebod to . ‘ "msfmr'mgman 5‘ C '9 "a in ‘ ‘ . Y ' fetch the dumb-stove,†the pony, calcli- ‘8 made so ""8? “i 0"" t be tflke" dowln' . A Ln ostclrculaticn oranfdentiscpaperintho tug sight of it took frifllm ran away and put up iignitrin lialf'a minute, By .. in all the prevailing shades, "double fold,†at 20c. per yard. We have 8,000 yards, but woilmhsognbdidiytgnugtï¬teav r11? intelligent. I d . I. ‘1 1d . . rm a I a curious combination of» Spring“, the they are selling rapidly. Our stock of FALL CLOTHING is superior, both in quality nigï¬ffl‘gdslx iniinthg.“ Addrerseiidhsgsgigof an w )1] c aiound i; re coruoi onto . and ï¬nish to anything ever shown in this at m i . unmsmms 361 Braeaway NewYorkCtty‘ V Francis street e35," But She didn’t go bed can be. instantaneously surrounded ’. s c " ; ’ I, far, for “We Russe†hung onto the lines wits: 011383;: Candi-stand whcttzled ll'lI- SUITS- and GVIEHCGATS OF THE GENUIï¬E SCOTCH AND W 0 (31 1 40 E3 [f with all his might, and as she was run- ‘. ’ an “pan can ‘20 ’lmug) ' ls" TWEEDS eUflRANTEED. 'L ’ J J. . - . - . v his or her toilet without beinr seen ‘ ‘ ' . mug as a nutty Frenchman said women . . g††‘ For want of time it will be impossible for us to make a do la - tth L‘ d ' - run,_“ as if she wanted to be caught," .83 “Other Sans}? fl}? bed‘, ls turned Fair, but all visitors to town will be entirely welcome alt pO'lliV‘ silorcfwliblriasayibii‘livlillul To the res'dents 0f Fenelon Falls' Mr. E. Chambers, who had promptly into a canopy 01 mm ids, u 10 have no ï¬nd on exhibition the grandest display of the season. Come and bring your Take notice that any person or persons started in pursuit, soon had he, by the "09d ‘0 3t" to Perform “10 tl'aUSfOFfll‘ friends and make yourself at home. removing. front any village or district in- 3 head, and no lmrm was done. Minn, y footed “ltll diphtheria to Fenclon Falls . _ _ , . Wlll be quarantined for a period of 14 days ACCIDENT.-â€"On Wednesday, the 11th FENELON FALLS MAR‘KEfs or longer, a the discretion of the Board of 5mm. Mr. Thomas Smith, son of" Mr. ' ' ' - . 5 Health. The citizens of Fcnelon Falls who , . . ~â€"-- ‘ ». do not wish to be "0 iicmv: ' ctd "ll. lefiljmln.s_mj.ch10f some] Hue] lu‘j’t’ “full Reported _b!/ the North Star Bauer Ml“ 00- Hell-t I and and 3 Si ork Stu, govern themselves abccorltlintz‘l‘vlnen c “I a painful accident at o. threshinw at Mi, Fenelon Fan. pridu 0 t 20,1, 189:; / ~ Tl H R. J H of d_ If ., . y, c . , .. 1 Y By order of the Board of' Health. - 10m“ I 0P If†3- e was 3" "L Wheat. Scotch or Fife .... 65 to 68 L 5‘“ ‘ ‘ A. WILSON, M D, tlle'maClllHG With peaso, and by some Wheat, fall, per bushel.... 63 65 Mar 211 m 0 ~ means a tine of the fork used by the Wheat, spring “ 58 60 Fem)“ Fans Febiy 2&3: 133% [L if? man who was pitching them to him B=lrlel’,P°F‘P“Sh81--n---~ 35 ‘38, & > . ’ _ ’ ' ' ' penetrated the back of his right hand, gifg‘wmat“ 33g :3 l . W ~ ‘ but did not go entirely through. As pens’e’ u I: 21:: 52 53 ' a . ' affirm. I the “IOU-[1d did notenusc him much pain Rye, u ' , , ,, 38 4o ’ '- a i 35,, . at thetime, he put; a cloth of some kind Potatoes, “ 30 35 . M F around the hand and‘ continued his BUM": D“ 1b------ - - - - - - 13 18% ‘ " : ‘ Iv ’ No", IS THE- TIME To BUY work, in consequence of which the gigstgirtggmnâ€"" 6(1): 7 A: ' v I wound festered or “ bcaled †to such an Higésl 2:25 3:00 g3 ‘“ W extent that on Wednesday last he had Hogs . . , . , . . , _ , _ . , . _ †3_5o 7.00 ' _ m a ,5. I, to come to the Falls and get Dr. Wilson Sheepskins. . . . . . . . . 35 - 75 ' °°¢°°°°°WW° ' to lance it, and it is no doubt much W001 - - - - - - - - - - . - ‘7 13 T ’ ' . â€"â€" - beam. by this “me Flour, family, Silver Lena. 1.70 1.90 9W and .Wlntel JEICthS, , 'E 131 'S' ', I t n Flour,best bakers‘........ 2.00 2.20 - DURING HQUSE CLEANING - ng lBl pavm in men removes (i F1 , 1‘ . . . . _ I ' . _ . . . 1.40 1.50 ' , , hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes F133: Ectrï¬gï¬ rolled ‘ O . _ _ . Leo 130 l. DlieSS ‘ I - I l- - I ' i-" emphases, blood iï¬ï¬‚vin» “an Splint: Bran,’per ton ..... . 12.00 14.00 - ' ' i Jll ’ ring one sweeney sti es, sprains sore an h t it _ . _ . . . . . I _ . _ 13 00 18.00 ° - ‘ “when ghm, wig... e... 3...; $50 by Editing. par cwt ...... _ 1.00 ,2, New Underwear for Ladies and Children, w,†,9 We, ,0 mega use of one bottle. Warrantcd the moat ’ , g . wonderful blemish cure ever known. Sold . ' ' ' ' by W. R. Madill, druggist, New Advertisements. NGW Trimming Bl‘aldfl, BUYING FOR CASH. A NEW VVHEEL.â€"Ou Saturday last V , - a new Leifcl turbine water wheel arrived ' i eW corsets and Gloves, M v ‘ ~ .. _ H R, stool IS l'LI‘ e and com lete at the Falls for Messrs. Sandi'ord & 8 IF YOU ‘ . . y x ( .g. l p ’ Walsh, who arein partnership as far its , New Frllllngs and Tles ' cons'stmg or . the water power leased from the execu- g , g . , _ r - â€":r ' ’ 't “ 4 tors of the Smith estate is concerned. New Handkerch leis, WW" “0‘ i†“Y “be? WaY- The ï¬g ' [arm 63 Centre Tab es wheel was made. by Paxton, :I‘atc & 00.. New Flannels and Flanneletteq g r . . of Port Perry, is between nineteen and E H Gang and Easy Chairs, menty horsepower and cost $265 be- 9 9 N T H. . , . sides freight. It is the same size as .3 CW 0W8 mO‘S BW’BKIUS, 8/d6â€00m’d8. tl 1.111 to bkt 3 b, i , l0 0 W199 ‘ some 0 JG “0 ‘3 S 0 9 I '9 - ' ' I and ever descri tiou of Kitchen Furniture which were broken by the rubbish To Cottons and SthtIHgS, 3' P __ . , :“53‘-‘d}:f‘t'i° tnetgzllgethgg825335;??? _ Gentlemen,s Fur . C 1 t ‘ Pictures Framed to Order. y le igi wa a s n - . I > . 1118 “30' . ‘ v . . _ .. ,. . 1 feroiice with the dams. and Messrs. & m b8 0111p e e Eter‘, unng gold at LOW“, meg Puceg Sandf'nrd & Walsh intend to send in a ' n - egg“ Undertaking promptly and carefully , bill of damages to the Dominion Gov- Receivers and Exporters ot attended to. crnmcnt, whose oflioials caused the . OUR NEW FALL STOCK- IJ D E Y 31 N 3: pantie. ’ ONE PRICE 'I'O EVERYBODY - ' . ~ 0 n 9‘ i; _, . . ..,....._...-__... 100 and 102 Foundlliig Street, V - ‘ -UNDERTAKER & thMTURE “will 3 Emma Goldman, the New York An- Bionltreal can. Uolborne Street, Penelon Falls. prehist. has been sentenced to a year’s ’ ’ W Residence 0ch the Shop. m 3 imprisonment. and receive HIGHEST CASH PRICES. \. m ______ : R Latouche 'i'upper has been ap- They buy outrifshtzgrhnndle gm commission . 3 . V . - - - - er ccn . - . . M 3 pomted inspector of ï¬sheries for Mani- or p ~ K9, t J- § l 1‘ towns! the Northwes- . CarloadLotsaSpetialty.SendforPriceLlst. 1 Street Lmasa‘y’ 0139031†the Benson House' ~ __ ‘ A-writer gives an illustration of the - _ 5...... _ progress of electricity as a mechanical Connected with London,England, Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his ‘,,. power. He says that 25 years ago it New York: U- S- A- Igsumlmcé.lilismesilmlmé’ I a?) meant.“ i, was unknown, and that 3900.000,000 is 7 ‘ “Wm " °“ “ “he†“01“†» â€" now invested in various kinds of electric W ANTED‘ " At very LoweSt Rates machinery. An American white crane and a West- Indian pelican had a ï¬erce battle in the Central park menaeerie, New York, over a ï¬sh. While the two birds were ï¬ghting an Egypttan ibis swallow- ed the cause of all the quarrel. Worth. the great Paris dress-maker. says that some years ago a Peruvian lveiress paid his ï¬rm $330,000 For a single gown, $20,000 being the cost of the laces alone. A few weeks ago he sold a cloak For $l5 000,0f which 310,- 000 went for the fur. All over the boundless west cattle and horses are found branded according to the fancies of their owners. but prob- ably in but Few sections of‘ the country will be Seen coyotes with brands on, and that brand the one of the govern- ment of the United States. A Favorite pastime of the Yakima Indians is to Salesman to sell our choice and hardy Nursery Stock. Many special varieties to offer both in fruits and oriiameiitals, and controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary, give exclusive territory and pay weekly. Write to us at once and secure choice of territory. MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymcn, , l7-20w. Rochester, N. Y. l «V None butï¬rs’i-class British and Canadian , __ e ‘ Companies represented. . '~ 5 . -â€"â€"'- . . , H N Q a w FARM PROPERTY ~' ’ y at vcry low rates. dairies Arnold. T186 Champion. Gold 02'}, which can not Fenelon Falls, Jiine14th,1892. 17.13:; be excelled. escorts: nintsmn counr ‘ . __.- ..fl_‘m m‘ ~ Wmnw‘i‘l Salesman Wanted To represent us in the sale of a choice line of Hardy Canadian Grown Stock. Expe- rience not necessary. We want real work- ers, and to all such we offer a permanent situation at a good income, with chance of advancement. As we now have over 700 acres under cultivation, we can give our salesmen many superior advantages. We ‘ ‘ ON MONDAY, DEC’R lSlh, l893, also desire to secure it good man in your All Uâ€"F‘A‘OT U RED BY commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon district to sell the Rotary Spray Pump, ' for which we have the general agency. &' I Fridayifmptember22nd,wlllbethelast day. This is something new and indispensable to '4 v ' ' I, L I 0f Servmc 0" defendants "caldlng in this .ibe farmer and the “Mpg-rowâ€. send for county. Defendants living in other coun- â€"..‘__. M â€"OF THEâ€" g V L W 5 E R Has No County of Victoria. r .- __.._. M00011us ‘i Q a Equal. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fcnclon Falls, lariat coyotes and press the rcdhot brand terms and testimonial circular. ASk your Dealer for Lardine and Beware Of Imitations. ï¬es mum be served on or before sppt‘ mm of“ I. D." (Iudiuu Department) upon STONE & WELLINGTON, .--_.___________.__* s. Nmsox, E- DJ‘MND. l8. Nurserymm, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADHEG DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY’ Fenclfgg‘lfg-h July 218‘ 18".“. Clerk . y . .- o _ their flanks. I l . u.. r. ' . 3.. --_. _ _ \ i '