Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Oct 1893, p. 4

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vvrvv‘ l l. 5’ '. I Z ... ....,. a.» ’ can, come A1. L! and see my complete stock of ‘Câ€"Jâ€" x' SplendiaHats from 250. and upward. Ready trimmed Felt and Velvet Hats from 750. and upward. .....â€" JUéé'l‘ NOW IS TIâ€"IE‘ TINIE TO some AND GET A BARGAIN 3n Hats, Bonnets, Ribbons, Sprays, Tips, Wings, Fancy Velvets (newest shades), Ladies and Children’s Mit- tens, Fancy Dress Trimmings and Braids. are prepared it give Satisfaction in. lllBSS ll Manila. Malling. rose. a. liliébéoucALL. i AM"AHEAD on THE NEWEST IMPROVED: was PLEMEnrs. l’e‘rcival 85 Son’s new Steel Harrow. The bulls, clips, teeth; and Whittle-trees are all steel, and not bolt in the Whole har- rowâ€"the only steel Whifil‘e-tree‘ made. Peter Hamilton’s new Spring-tooth Cultivator, with his new improved Seeder, is ahead of anything in the market. Seeing is believing. Come and have a look. T/ze C/zeapest Store in Me County for an. ass. 9? BillLlhld HARDWARE. Always on hand, a large and varied stock of - Mixed Paints, Paint Giles. 8cWhite Lead all of the best quality. ' Stoves, Tinware, &c., Cheap as the Cheapest. if I can’t please you in the above lines, it won’tbe of'mnch use for anybody else to try. ' Joseph lie-arc. il'enelon Falls, March 15th,.1893. WWWWW which I will sell Shit“? hhhid idd ease. as: 1' do not want’ to carry them over. Now is your time to get a good Over-coat cheap. These goods are All New and of the Latest Styles, and made by One of the best houses in the Dominion. -â€"ALSO,â€"â€" A Large stock of Escort-send ehoee at prices to suit the times. Groceries, Crockery and Glassâ€"ware. A full line of the best goods to be had always on hand. .5. resistance, . H ‘ Twonxey’s Block Echelon Falls, January 2ltll, 1893. To the Farmers of Feuelon, ERY; tried; and from this circumstance it is inferred that one at least of the gang is or has been a railway hand. Mr. Spry. the l’ostOffice Inspector, was here on Tuesday, but, of course, could do nothing more than jot down the full particulars of the robbery. grlcullurl Implements. verulam & Somerville. - w..â€" The Curling Rink. The annual meeting of the share- holders of the Fenolon Falls Curling Rink Association was held on Tuesday evening in Jordan's hall, and about twenty, were present. )1 r. 'l‘hos. Robson, president. in the chair. The treasurer's report not having been fully audited. was not given in detail, but will be at the next meeting on Monday, the 23rd inst. The following directors were then appointed by ballot: 'l‘hns. Robmn, J. H. Brandon, F. McDougall. J. Arnold, H. Austin, T. Austin, \V. T. Junkin, A. Clark, Jr., and 8. Nevison. The _ directors then appointed the ofiicials as follows :. Thos. Robson. president; J. H. Brandon, vice-president ; J. Arnold, treasurer, and A. Clark. J:r., secretary. We are glad to learn that the finances I am still agent in thislocality for The Massey-Harris ta, and farmers will do well to call and see my line of goods before purchasing else- where. These goods need no comment on my part, as they have been in use for over 25 years and are this year fully abreast of the times in improvements. Call and See Them and. be convinced for yourselves. My stock consists of The Massey Harris New Wide Open Binder, ‘5 and 6 feet cut. The Toronto Mower. The Brantfcrd h'ront and Rear Cut Mower. The W'isner Combined Drill. The Vl’isnerSingle Drill. ~ The Massey-Harris Cultivator in four sections, the best on wheels, with or without seed box and grass seed solver. The Sharp's Rake. I Spring Tooth Harrows. Ploughs etc. of my own make. 3%?“ Thanking my numerous custom- ers for past favors, I beg to assure them that I shall do my utmost to: merit a continuance o5 their patronage. . THOS. ROBSON. Fcnelon Falls, March 8th, 1893, condition, and it is hoped that. by the close of the coming season it will be but _ little in debt. The rink. which cost outside of Lindsay, and the manage- by all visitors from a distance. The Railway Bridge. M‘r. Hannaford, chief engineer of the Grand Trunk Railway, was here last Thursday (the 12th) and expressed much satisfaction at the progress made and the excellent workmanship on the new bridge. The south abutment and five piers are finished, both the other piers are under way, and preparations are being made to commence the north abutment. Mr. Rose, foreman of the masons, expects to be through with his part of the work in about a month, and a strong force of men will then appear on the scene and the remaining girders will be put in place and the tics'nnd rails laid down, which will not take long. Three of the girders already extend The. Echelon Falls Gazette. Friday. October 20th, 1893. Burglary at the Post Oflice. Last Sunday morning about 7.30 Mr.‘ Neil McGilvray, while going down street, noticed that the front. door of the post- oifi'ee was aju-r; and when he opened it a little farther and. pecpcd in he saw a brace and bi‘tlying behind it on the floor. With his head full of burglars, he hurried to the residence of Mr. E. J. Kerr, our genial postmaster, who felt considerably less genial than usual when, upon going to. the ofiice, he found that a “sure enough " burglary had been committed during the night, which, it. will be remembered, was as dark, wet and windy as if the thieves had ordered it for the occasion. They had forced open the door with a chisel or- some other tool, blown open the safe with . powder poured through a small hole at the top just behind the door, and taken $285 post-cfii‘ce money, $121.90 in stumps, $70 and a silver watch belong- ing to Mr. Kerr, and four registered letters awaiting delivery, the contentslof all of which probably amounted to only a few dollars. The first assault had been made upon the safe door, in which the river, one has been lying for some ‘timc on this (the north) side, another is at the station, and the only. parts of the sections which, joined together, will form the “ swing.” The stonework looks strong enough to stand a thousand years, and the “ pivot-pier,” which is a and smooth enough-on top» to-be used, as a table, is certainly a triumph of the mason’s art. W . . _, __, é... ,, ..... .. â€"_-.. of the association are in a satisfactory ' 'over $1,100, is the largest in the county , went last. season was warmly applauded . from the south shore to the middle of ' superstructure still to arrive are the" perfect circlc- sixteen feet in diameter,- Mr. Nelson Vaunicr, for many years , «3.61442 Edi-u“ Lw‘ ‘\ ashrazhthxxm ' “thakvwnw-oâ€" -...â€".._... w“... -.~:«.. -- ....-_-r...-r .â€" «x w «w New Sojourn in the wilderness, makes the sojonrner quite willing to ~rcturn, for it time, at any rate, to “ the busy haunt: of men." But, if wood ranging, is a pleasant thing. wood owning must be more so still. particularly when the ownâ€" ership extends to hundreds of square miles. If we are not mistaken, the Boyd firm cleared over half a million dollars on some timber limits a few years ago, and, if they got the timber , down by the Gulf at. anything like a moderate price. it. is almost Certain that they have “ struck ile ” a second time. Personals. Mrs.. M. Crittall of Toronto. daughter of Mr. Thomas lmvis, is at the Falls with hvr two children visiting her; friends and relatives. 1 1 Mr. George A. Mothers” of Lindsay, fire and life insu-r-mce agent, the at tho Falls on Wednesday and 'I‘hursllay. Mr, Robert. Brandon of Collingwood‘, cousin of Messrs. Johnston, J. H and . ‘)l. W. Brandon, has been at the Falls. since Friday lust and will remain until. Monday. ' Messrs. J. G. Williams and John D'. Smith of P-zrt Hone. came to the Falls on \Vednesday, drove to Grand Island yesterday. returned in the afternoon and; left for home this morning Messrs..J=ohn Mocks, Thomas Shane, William Dcymanand his son James re- turned last Wedtcsday from liarwood‘, where they have been employed since _ the begiunipg of June. Ottawa-n SERZlLON.--We are requested to announce that the Orangemcu and True Blues of this village will attend- divine service in the Presbyterian church on the morning of Sunday, Nov. 5th., VVisiting brethren will. be welcome- Dougall’s new advertisement- in this week’s Gazette. She invites one and all to see her stock of m-illinery, hats, hon,» nets, dress trimmings, etc., and says that now-is the time to go and get but- gains. W Farmers, when coming-to town (in. not forget. to bring your watches and clocks for repairs to G. A. Hamilton. watchmaker- and jewellcr. All Work guaranteed. Shop. next doc: to the post-office. ' variance Hun Rebecaâ€"On Tues-- day‘ morning the little steamer Mary Louise. owned by Mr. Joseph Pal-kins of Lindsay, Was. in the upper lock at the Falls, which was temporarily converted into a dry dock. while an accidental damage to her rudder was repaired in Mr. [-Ienry l’ulcy's blacksmith shop. A MOVING Smur.â€"The small house located until. a. few days ago On Mr. Thos. and Princess streets, is now in the mid dle oi the main street, .‘vir. Roberts: having determined to add it for a back kitchen to the house he now occupies. I'l‘he progress made so far in moving it has been» slow ;. but, now that it has TO THE Lannieâ€"See Mrs. R‘. Mc- . ,Roberts's lot at the comer of Colborne- _ ,' Nfill like there was a hole hear the handle, where the drill struck a chilled steel plate, and there were two marks of the drill close to the combination lock. The door was blown off with such violence that. the stove, with which it collided, was badly broken, but acanary-bird hanging in a cage from the ceiling, and within three feet of the front of the safe, was uniti- jured by the explosion, although the glass in the windows and over the letter 1 boxes was broken in several places. Two chisel‘s, a brace and a threequarter inch bit taken from Mr. pump factory and a brace from Mr. H. l’uley’s blacksmith shop were found in the post-ofiice. The burglary was prob- ably committed a little after 3 a. m. on Sun-day, as at that time Mr.J.S. Camp- bell, who lives upstairs ou the other side of the street, but a few rods farther north, heard a loud noise, followed by what sounded like the breaking of glass, which he thought was the result of damage of some kind that had been done by the storm. The rooms over the posbofliee and as far north as Twomey’s hotel are unoccupied at night, and on the south tliere’a-rc'only three detached one-story buildings liethen it and the canal.' Before visiting the post-oflice the burglars must'havc spent some hours in tho lowar room of the south ward school-house, the door of which they forced, as all the wood put in the box for Monday was burned, and three seats drawn up to the stove indicated that there were that many men in the party. To provide means of retreat they broke into the railway tool-house north of the station and borrowed a lorry, whichwas found on Sunday be- side the truck at the Lindsay junction, and just the other side ol Cameron the pursuing party picked up the ‘~ vault ” of the safe, which the thieves had taken with them and thrown away after break- ing it open and appropriating its conâ€" tents. Therc is no clew to the burglars, who as likezy as. not live in Lindsay, and some rough looking characters got otl'thc train at Cameron on Saturday ulternoon. An old Midland railway key was found near the tool-shed, on lthe lock of which it had probably been S. Brokenshirc’s- a resident of this village, in which he still owns property, returned on Tuesday last with the intention of remaining ' until Saturday. Thirty-seven- years ago on the lst ult. Mr. Vanuier entered the employment of the Boyd firm of Bob- caygeon, and has never since done a day's work for anyone else. Last fall the firm bought from the Quebec Gov- ernment nine hundred (900-) square miles of spruce timber limits on the shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, this side of Labrador and near the Island of Auticosti ;: and on the 1st. of April Mr. Vanuiet left to explore the limits and see what kind of a bonanza his employ ers had struck. A white man who went with him from here remained a few weeks and was then succeeded by a half-breed, who was with Mr. Vannier until he returned to civilization after an absence of six months, during which period he travelled through and across 600 square miles of the limits, leaving the other 300 square miles fora future visit, and, so far, has found the timber abundant and of good quality. The tract of landâ€"which, if square, would measure thirty miles each wayâ€"is watered by three or four rivers, which empty into the gulf and. are ed by numberless creeks, while here and there a little lake is to be found. All these waters are swarming with fi-sll ol all sizes, from speckled trout up to two or three pounds weight in the creeks to monstrous salmon sometimes as heavy as thirty pounds at the foot. of the rapids. Mr. Vaunier and his companion lived in a tent and travelled chiefly in a canoe, going about once a month to a Hudson Bay Co’s trading post for pro- visions. They saw neither deer nor hours, but caribous, beavers, otters, minks and .fishcrs were very numerous. To a man»â€"cspecially a young manâ€"’ confined to any ordinary business rou~ tino the life ol'a wood ranger appears enviable in the extreme, and In fine weather and under favorable circum- stances must be very plensant;but it makes a big differenceâ€"just the differ- ence between work and playâ€"whether anything is done from choice or neces- sity, and a few mouths’ or even weeks’ commenced to go down bill, it ought soon to reach its destination. Rusnuxrxsn CURED. m A Darâ€"South American Rheumatic Cure, for Rheumatism and Neurulgiu, radically cures in one to three days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mysterious. ,It removes at once the cause, and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by W. R. Madill, druggist. CONFIRMATIONâ€"On Monday even- ing last Bishop Sweatnam of Toronto administered the rite of confirmation to over 25 candidates in St. James's church in this village. The sacred cdificu had been taSLef’ully decorated for the occasion, and was crowded with persons anxious to witness the solemn and interesting ceremony. His Lordship dclivored an ’ impressive aldrcss, and the service was conducted by Rev. E. Seward of Kiu~ mount and Rev. \Vm. Farucomb, pastor of the church. Remus IN Six Houns.â€"Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the “ New Great South American Kidney Care.” This new remedy is a great surprise - and delight to physicians on account of its ' exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every pm'b of the urinary passages in male or female- It relieves retention of water and pain in passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by W. R. Madill, druggist. ' 'l‘nr. BAPTIST Passoxaen. â€" The new brick kitchen at the rear of the Baptist parsonage is nearly finished as far as the brickwork and carpenter work are concerned, but it still has to be plastered and painted, and will not be ready for occupation until about this time next month. The parsonage now contains a parlor, dining-room. pantry, kitchen, downstairs and upstairs halls, and four bedrooms, one of them the same size as the kitchen, 16 x 24 feet. Under the kite-hen is a cellar, warranted to keep vegetables from freezing in winter and milk from souring in sum- mer; there is a well of splendid water a few feet from the kitchen door, and a commodious woodshed is about to he- ercctcd. There is a large stable on the- lot, which contains a quarter of an acre, and the soil is just the right kind for gardening purposes. - S“ cm.“ 0, . “.2, é . l -,w4' * '“cz-.:J:;:?.~.Z:::<‘f., -‘¥:\G2?5‘£X\, :’ T . ,._ . A _ -v . a...” w»w‘)\_:. ~3~

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