Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 22 Sep 1893, p. 1

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hW.L'L"-‘?Z"J..1. 1 .f ‘ as...“ mu.“ V G. 'H. HOPKINS. '-.., VOL. XXI. LEENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22m), 1893. gs. ' . .‘a ll Q s u s: :g a i i Q. . ’ g, ,5 | I: m E?- l m m ': 'fi ‘ - s «’3 “ t. e E can Sinatra A. Stitch. non, Profession-a1 Cards. LEGAL &e. A. P. DEVLIN, BARRISTER, Attorney-at~Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. ‘ HOPKINS & OHISHOLM, (Successor: T0 MARTIN it Hormus) ARRISTER, SOLICITUR, &c Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Office, Wil- fliam street, next to the Bank of Montreal. D. H. Ct-nsnomu. MOORE & JAOKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ace. Of- , tice,William street,Lindsay. F. D. lloouu. A. JACKSON. MOINTYRE & STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, the. B Otiices over Ontario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. 'D. J. MolNrrnE. NOTICE. All Notes made payable to JAMES BRAY Agent, will have to be paid to Frank Kerr post-master here, who holds said notes. JAS. JOHNSTON (it Go- Penelon Falls, June 30th, 1891.â€"-19 t.f. MEDICAL. A. W. J. DEGRASSI, M. 1)., ORONER, Physician, Surgeon, &c., &c. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington treet, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, -â€"-M. n., u. c. r. a 5., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- eur. Office, Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. T. STEWART. DR. H. H. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University at Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England,l\lember of the Col- lege of Physicians 8: Surgeons of Ontario. Ofiice and residence on Francis-St. West Fenelon Falls, opposite the Gazette ofiice. R- EMS- MASON, ETERINARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 1884 ; R. M. O. V. M. A. . Residenceâ€"Corner Colborne and Louise streets, Fcnelon Falls. __,_,_________...=_â€"-_-=_â€"â€" SURVEYCES. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. B., . Conveyanccr, &C. Residence, and ad- dress, Fcnelon Falls. W. H. Gross. Dentist- The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other anaesthetics for extracting teeth without pain. A set qf Artificial Ll’ectlt, better than the average, for $8 00. Rooms directly opposite Wood's stove depot, Lindsay. H. HART, L. D. S. SET OF GOOD TEETH F'OR $10. Gas and local anaesthetics for painless ex. ~ tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all branches of dentistry. Oflice (v.r Fair-weather 8 Co’s store, and; opm'to the poswfiice, Lindsayr; i l ;: kt’s. F-ll l “a: 15‘ "I We see c s E‘p MG 3 ('4 1â€"4 a 0.9. 5.35 s A 3:5 “is i m 2523 £233 3,, E as: ed}: 0 m "" Q-t e) Tim ‘3- 4: g r u +7 I? $.93. 23 .5 0:3 >V‘d *3 O'Lâ€"‘uâ€"i “CD miâ€"t m t 4:; 8 CO Edie) :33 OH H _ a) U) cu Pg: .3 "'35 ni>s c6 CD c) B St c) '5 5 r: “wk-nw-‘mm- - «am-v. a..- M‘- 7... :u‘ “more. a:.-.v:r,â€" v- - -:- ..»-.-.‘ .1 .w ' l t l l l â€"-â€"Dress Goods, Chall iug mgs go MODOUGALL, BRANDON a (30., that will make th and heaps of other goods that we have not Space to me‘nt ll offer every pair of our large stock of Men’s and Women’s Oxfords and Toe Sl We have Red Shoes, Tan Shoes and Black Shoes . See them and get- prices before buy E: Q "(7‘ tail 9., "O‘ ,â€"-4 O S 68 U) CD PC! 4.3 5 O i>> CD EDD râ€"g c8 ,_¢:l O O at; CD 5.... ,O 4.3 U) H 5 O 0 +3 :4" 0 >5 4.3 03 b!) 0 +3 3 Q) .21 O U) c3 +3 O :1 C0 Irâ€"t +3 lâ€"t as ice in as a. S Q at a Q G Em so >- m m C O m <5 m 3 Q ICES resent stock before our enormous fall stock arr WILL COMMENCE on August the 19th a Clearing Sale for 30 days of Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes. REMEMBER !--;This sale will last 30 days, and goods at reduced prices will be sold for cash only. Next week call and see our new lines of Boots and-Shoes made from the “ Kangora” new process leather. We have 50 half chests oft that goOd 25 cent Tea On the way, and if you want the best get a pound of it. ‘3... are . : facets"; g M g .51 33 0° og'oDGD 0 .3 H use '5 ‘s «5' 8W“ ‘0 c‘rs “qup O 4:: m 5&0 Pâ€"i . b!) G) u EQUEQS U1 >3 ’3 sinâ€"(Q 'N CD 03 to 2:229:19 be“: it “‘1 #Ffiqgwwrâ€"d '5 m Wrasse Q s 00m"-r-I ~iâ€"v ct: geeswa 8 8 +3r12 6r-GFU ‘” '3 c: a a 8:35 333‘ u is’ g oD-t magi: B a â€"â€"EALEE it’dâ€"â€" ' Paints, Glass, Oils and Putty, English, Canaâ€" dian and American ‘ Latest Designs in Hall, Parlor, Diningaroom Bedroom and Ceiling Papers, ' At Prices to Suit Unstomeics. from 50. per roll up to 50. per roll. OIL-PAINTED SHADES, Urocltert, Glassâ€"ware d’c Fancy Goods. Pictures Framed to Order a. Specialty. Paper Hanging and Kalsomining: done in the village or country. Fenelon Falls, March 20th, 1803. :5? ' 7 WANTED. ‘ 'Salcsmen to sell our ,choice and hardy Norsery Stock. Many special varieties to offer both in fruits and ornamentals, and controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary, give exclusive territory and pay weekly. Write to us at Once and secure choico of territory. MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymen, l7â€"20w. Rochester, N. Y. 1‘0 the Public. ’ ' . HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security of $25,000,000 and the same good policy. JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. 13%“ Also agent for the Queen of Eng- land and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Capi ta] combined, $45,000,000. Fenelon Falls, July 25th,1892. MONEY TO LOAN. ,/ I have recently had a considerable, though limited, sum of money placed with me for leaning on farms at Five and a-half per cent. Parties Wishing to borrow on these terms should not delay to make application. Large amounts of funds, at slightly higher solicitor work is done at my office, insuring speed and moderate expenses. Allan S. Macdonell. Barrister &c., Lindsay. J. Neeiands Dentist. Beautiful sets of Artificial Teeth inserted for $10, $12 and $14, according to quality of teeth and kind of plate. Imitation gold filling inserted in artificial teeth free of charge. Gus (vitalized air) and local antes- thctics used with great success for painless extraction. Visits the McArthur House, Fenclon Falls, the third Tuesday of every month; Call in the forenoon, if possible. Cities in Lindsay nearly opposite the Simp- son House. > __._:â€"__â€".._â€"-.'=_:t==== Gladstone and the Lords. ns WILL SPEAK ms MIND 0N supran- nEa 27TH T0 run ELEGTORS or MIDLOTHIAN. NEW YORK, Sept. l7tb.â€"A special London cable to the San. says: The campaign against the House of Lords, growing out of the rejection of' the Home Rule Bill, has not vigorously begun yet, although the lines are indi- cated by the Liberal newspapers through- out the kingdom. One description of the Upper House, which it is urged may appropriately serve as its epitaph, is widely quoted. It is from the pen of' Mr. Chamberlain, and is: “During the last hundred years the ' House of' Lords has never contributed one iota to the popular liberties or pop- ular‘frecdom, or done anything to ad- vance the commonwealth. During that time it has protected evcry abuse and sheltered every privilege. It has denied justice and delayed reform. It is irre- sponsible without independency, obsti- judgmcnt, and arrogant without know- ledge.” The National Liberal Federation has issued a manifesto denouncing their lordships, but its tone is not partieu lurly robust, and there is nothing in it of the character of a. call to arms. Everybody is waiting for a one from Mr. Gladstone, but as yet he has given no sign, and an enquirer at the Liberal headquarters in London to-day was in- formed that nothing was known there of Mr. Gladstone's reported intention to issue a manifesto. ‘v Horrible Double Murder. MEXICAN OUTLAWS KILL A RANCIIMAN BY DISMEBIBERING IIIM. SAN ANTONIO,â€"TOX., Sept. 15.-â€"A horrible double murder occurred on the Van Horn ranch near Del Rio, Texas, a few days ago. Twelve Mexican out- 'aws visited the ranch, on which lived an American and his little son. Hav- ing overpowered the man and plunder- ed the house of chrything 01' value and failing to find any money, they bound the ranchman and threatened to take his life if he did not tell them where he had his money concealed. He told them he hid none. They cut cfi‘ one of “In urms ubive the elbow with a hatch- et. They commanded him again to reveal the whereabouts of his hidden wealth, but he could not convince them that he had nOne, so they cut off his other arm and cut his body in a score -! p‘nces. Then they split his head rates, according to security. In most cases x natc without courage, arbitrary wlthout.‘ open with the hatchet, seized the bay, cut his throat from ear to ear and to lo ofi", leaving the bodies to be devoured by vultures and coyotes. The rangers have captured two of the outlaws. A Strange EXPOI‘lODOCt Bernard Qnist, a white-haired Scan;- dinavicn boy, aged seven years, is prob- ably the only human being living, or who ever did live, to undergo the expe- rience of being swallowed by a monster serpent and escaping alive. The inci- dent occurred at Bamboo, Wisconsin, where a large menagerie had wintercd. Among the curiosities wure several enor- mous boa-constrictors, one, it is said, exceeding thirty feet in length. Young Bernard took a boyish interest in ob- serving the proceedings, and, despite the warnings of the men engaged in the work of transferring the serpents from one cage to another, persisted in hangs ing about the place. While changing the quarters of one of the smaller scr- pents, a faint cry was heard, but the men were so busy handling their dan- gerous charge that they did not; give immediate attention, and it was some minutes ere a bystander noticed that; the largest boa-constrictor had seized the boy and was in the act of' swallow- ing him. Of course, there were shouts fer help and an immediate rush of the attendants ensued, but at. first. glance young Quist seemed beyond the reach of human assistance, for the hon. had swallowed him head first as far as the knees. A large rope was procured and lastencd2around the body of the serpent just below thc'point where the boy’s head was supposed to be, and willing hands tightening the noose, further ct"- forts on the part of the snake to con- tinue swallowing were rendered futile. Bars of iron were procured and the reptile’s jaws were pried asunder and the boy dragged forth more dead than alive. He soon revived under the care of a physician and was sent home, where his mother first cried at the thought of what might have been his terrible fate, and then thrashed him soundly for going about the menageric, a spot she had strictly forbidden him to visit. Bernard will get well; indeed, he has already recovered, for he is again going to school; but it is not likely that he will forget the experience of being eu- gulf'ed in a boa-constrictor’s maw. +0 Cucumber Snakes. Down in Miles River Neck, Talbot County, there is a spot where the aver- age Chinese would delight to dwell. It" is a place where Chinese cucumbers grow to an enormous size. table, however, assumes sometimes a shape which frightens the natives of the neighborhood, in spite of the fact that Talbot is a local option county. The cucumber grows long and slim, and at times twists itself into coils resembling asnake. A man going from Euston the other day to Miles River Ferry, in passinga little clearing in the woods, noticed a green looking object in a patch of vegetables, and got over the fence to make a closer examination. Hc almost tainted. Another citizen came alongr soon afterward. 'lhc first man had re- vived and was leaving the patch at. a Nancy Hanks gait. When accosted he said to his friend, “ Been bit by a snake; woods full of ’em." Citizen No. 2 perâ€" suaded the frightened man to go back, and upon examination the snake proved to be a Chinese cucumber, about twenty- sevcn inches long, which in the course of'growth had twisted itself up in the 1mm of a snake. The cucumber was sent to The American oflice by express yesterday. It was growu on the farm of L. W. Trail, of Miles River Neck, and its shape is perfectly snakclikc. Mr. Trail, it is said, has a quarter of an acre of them; The Chinese cucum- ber is not eaten to any extent in this country, except by the Chinese and a few foolish cows. The former, howevur, import them in a dried condition from their native land, as they do stale eggs and other odorous luxuries. The Chin- ese like to see cucumbers grow, and they Often cultivate them in tncit'yurtls tn the cities over here. The snakelike appearance of the vegetable does not v frighten the slant-eyed Foreigner, as he would eat with relish a green garter. snake it'he didn’t happen to have any- thing else handyâ€"Baltimore American. 0..â€" Two men in the London district acre fined for shooting ducks before sunrise. They k:.ew nothing about the “suuri e" regulation. Slow-going people often suffer through not reading the news papers. W. .._.....,_.v. .~W~m~,-w.wv -..-‘aâ€"-..Wâ€"-â€"c This vegeâ€" ‘

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