Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Jul 1893, p. 5

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wiis 4,..3 y Miss Kate Austin. needless to say that Mr. McDougall rel * pliedlin neat and- felicitious terms- to ' both addresses. The departure From the village of Mr. and Mrs. McDougall' 13 much regretted. ‘ i chw race as the World’s Fair has started from the town of' Tyler, in eastern Texas, the home oi'Governor Hogg and Epic abiding place of: numerous other terms statesmen. fm- the winner and $1000 for second places“- All herds will be allowed to , enter, p’rotvided'th'ey are four years old or'ovcr. Applications will be received until July 13. Each person on entering ‘a‘cow:for»- the race will be. furnished‘a two wheeled; a? set of'cow harness, one churn,~one hundred pounds of meal. fi‘l'ty pounds of bacon, ten pounds of coffee and cooking utensils with which to prepare their food. Drivers will be allowed to censutnc all the milk and , b'u‘lter they dcsirei‘orthcir-ow'n’ personal clicrmitted‘while travelling or at a stop. “$3411 receive first money. The cow » copper tires, which are about a quarter of antiuch thick,-are y-ellow,‘and almost M"~‘t€4‘)rz’~v‘-§gr 53.} 3:41. -, -~ tlicm'he has a cold chisel- that will= cut 3‘ 9 u l‘ 1 1 ~ or.” 0‘ ‘ ( I, ' 5500 “was” Jud” me“ ‘e Farm-For Sale or To Rent. cieuily Observe the 131W that they SllOUld fact, of hewcd logs clapboarded, with a Keenan - oc .,. en. . re I V57) E A‘TIN G. V ' Fancy Bed Spreads full width, also Blah-.- kets, all-wool Carpet, Rug Carpet and plain: and twilled Flannel woven promptly and»: satisfactorily by SAMUEL lIUTCHISON, ' ' Weaver. Fenelon Falls, April 12th, 1898.â€"-8-3m. It is’ A French journalist, M. Lardeaux, > , _ , proposes to walk from Paris to Chicago, _ .' . by way of Siberia. It is his intention ' ‘ V' ' " _. . , to goes the Behring; straights on the ice. ” ' hirty thousand Canadians and other .. . ., . British subjects listened-to addresses in 33 Kent- Street. Lindsay, oppos1te the Benson House. Festival hall, at Jackson Park. Chicago, - on Saturday in honor of Dominion Day. The corner stones of the new Metho- dist Sunday school at St. Mary’s \vere laid 'on Monday by ‘Mr. A: Massey, Mr. W. Pridham, M. 1)., and Hon. Thomas Ballantync. The Batesville (Iiidf) Herald says that a pensioner in Decatur county, drawing a. handsome monthly stipend for total_blindncas, is the best lS-‘bull pool player in Decatnr county. Mr. J-ustiCe Rose has written a letter to Sir Oliver Mowat urging that the government should aSSumc the control and managementroi’the poor=instoad of leaving the matter tolocal authorities. A fireman in the employ ol' the Boston & Maine" railway recently found some Canadian bills stained with blood lying near the round house at Swauton. Vt.- It is thought-that this may be a clue to i'nui'deifer"of"tlie Edy family at Clarence .ville, Que. Reports in reference to the crops, for- nished by the Gland Northwestern Tel- egraph Company, have been received from nearly every county in Ontario, and it is shown that in'eveity'» section of' : the province the prospects are of the I brightest: Hay is now being harvested and in all parts the yield is abundant; while the outlook for wheat and other grains,.as well'as fruit, ismost gratifyâ€" ing. , _ ,Gi‘ea‘t'ex'citem’en‘t has been caused in Thornhill, Yorkshire, by an exp10siou that occurred on July 4th in lngram’s oolliery. One hundred and thirty miners ‘arc en'tombcd, and it; is feared that the ' loss of life will be heavy. Rescuing parties are hard at; work; and tour 'bodies have been recovered and brought to the surface. The pit is badly blocked with fallen rock, dirt and timbers, and the- process» of the rescuing party is 'tliGl‘GfOl'G'SlOW. It is feared that the men who escaped death in the explosion of fire demp will be sufl‘ocated by the chokeâ€"damp unless speedily rtscued. Crank Races to Chicago. MILCH COWS \VIIL’COMPIETE NOKV. GALVESTON’, Texas, July 3.'â€".+\ milch -. CAVEATS. - TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS. , COPYRIGHTS, etc “ ‘ . For informs ion and free Handbook write to ' MUNI‘HSQ‘ 0.; 361 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. - Every atent taken out by us is brought before the pa lie byanotice given free of charge in the Scientific gamma Lav est mutation ofrmy scientific 8. er in the . worm (Splendidly illustrated. Nop iiitclligcnt. man should be Without‘it. Week) 33.00 a ear: aLsosixpionths. Address Mth .5; 00.. unnsnmis. 661 Broadway, New York City. ‘ Clyde Sederg offers a purse of $5000 Scots, Strzjfie Déldz'izes, Néw Prints, Néw S/zczllz'es, Silk Globes, Sz'l/c [Wic‘c‘starzd [(z'a’ Gloves. Value - in. the Trade.» Call and sec ozcr Staz'rzlcss-Elac/c1705c, z/zree pairs for .256- up to $1.00 per pair. C ORSE TSrâ€"Sw our Corsec‘s,from .39c. up t0-,$‘1.50 filer/"flair. Sec/our LADIES’ VESTS. PARASOLSâ€"â€"well assorc‘czz” and cheap. Ozcr STAPLES med" only impaction. GENTS FURNISHINGS. Gentlemen, 1 call and see our Eurrzz's/zz‘rzgs. Quality considered, our Prices. are the Lowest. 072a price to cveryéoa’y. IKERR & 00., OPPOSITE THE BENSON HOUSE. NOTICE. To the residents of Fenelon Falls. Take notice thatanyperson or-persons: rcniovinggfrom-any village or district in- fe’cted with diphtheria to Fenelon Falls. will be quarantined for a. period of 14 days or longer, av the discretion of the Board of Health. The citizens' of Fenelon Falls who. do not wish to be so inconvenienced will govern themselves accordingly. By orderot'the Board of Health. A. WILSON, M. D ,'. p , Medical Health Officer-v Fenelon Falls, Feb’y 22nd, 1893. l-t. f.‘ wants en route. The cows are to be driven twelve hours a day, allowing one lronr for dinner; and churning- is to be The cow, arriving at the .World’s Fair first with not less than fifty pounds of butter to her credit, made en route, having the, largest amount of butter to lrcri'c'redit and arriving within one week.- ; 01‘ less after the winner will receive second money. Drivers are not allowed to walk, but must. ride in the gig provided for them: So far six< entries have been made and: the start will be made i'rom the Tyler- Public Square, at’ ‘fla: m=,'July 15.‘ illillllilii. iliiillllil. NOW IS THE Tli‘dE TO BUY Tempered 00pper.‘-. Big 0w Goods d Clothing Sale new so and can MONTREAL, June 30th (Special.)‘â€"â€"- lierdinand Allard, the Levis blacksmith who has discovered the secret of‘harden; iug copper,~is in town on his way to Chicago. He has with him a cart, all the metal of which is this tempered cop- per. There is not an ounce oi'irou,-not even a'uail, in the whole carriage. The .DURING HOUSE CLEANlNG A. Special tut: iii Price's... Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH... 300 Sample Paranoia, Beautiful Handles, Something New in Curtain Drapery for 7, 25 cents and up. ‘ 10,12,15 cents a. yard. Ladies White Cotton Drawers, Tucked and $1 00 New Brunswick Cotton Yarn.- Laoc Trimmed, only 25 cents. Heavy Feather Ticking, newpatterns, 80: Ladies’ White Cotton Drawers, ’l‘uck'ed'aud 63 cents for Men's Wooltl’ants. Embroidery Trimmed, only 4!) cents. $1 95 for Boy’s \Vool- Suit,.aud Baseball Ladics’ White Cotton Chemise, Embroidery and Bat free; KENâ€"ELCN Fagfls'nauanrs. Reported-by the North Slur Ramp Mill C’é. Fenelon Falls, Friday, Jill 930th,~1893. Wheat. Scotch orFit‘e .365 to 70. '1 as bright as burnished-"gold. The cart who,“ fall . , . , A . _ _ . per bushel. . .. 65 65- _. ~ . | I . . , has already travelled many miles 11) wheat: smi’ng u . , H 60 60 Tfimmed: g0‘"§ M 45'09183- I 1‘3 cents for Boys’ Nobby Straw Hats. I , k. d f l A b c tb V - t B ‘1 b 1 1 3,, 36 All. Linen Tray Covers, Fringed Edges, Zo cents for-Men’s Flannelette Shirts, cheap. “My, - m 0 we“ lcr’ , “I ls (:10 3:213:11»ngqu W I ' 53 52.: Sale price 35 cents. Men’s Fine Summer Underclothing, 25c. stock is lay-(re and complete “pupae 0f “lsi’ no,‘ - me Sign 9 a 0th . w 33 34' Ladies’ White Cotton Chemise, Lace Trim- 50 cents for Boys’ Knicker Pants. â€" ‘ b 7‘ scratch 0” the “Yes 0" bong or springs- P'Ms’e “ ‘ ' '5' ' ' " 52 54 med, now 20 cents. ‘ 2'pair Men’s Elastic Web Braces for 250; consisting of» The springs are the most marvc lous , ’ u " " Ladies’ White Cotton Nightgowns Tucked 50c.on the-S-for the balance of our Tweeds. - - s, portions ot'bthc mechanism. Were they $33,005 it :11: :8 , , find-FrilleiliBOthma 50 cents- , Our‘5; Tend 80- Grey cottons are below .. made of. ordinary copper they would Bimem 1,1,1.th 13: 14. 'iladies’dlll’hite Cotton Nightgowns, Tucked Mill prices. 7' , ' » . ‘ 7, , . .4 _ - “"" an Ruflle Trimmed- now 48 acute. Sh-irtin s Cottonadcs and’Gin'rham-s oin . I I flatten down like lead,.and~neVer receil, Eggs; 1181 dozen~~~n 10 11 50 cents for Ladies: handsome Dem,“ ‘ ME, ’reducfiom 5’ g g Lounges, 0617776 7170188, 500 Men’s Suits at Manufacturer’s Prices. (Zaneana’ Easy Chairs. Bureaus, Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture Hay, per ton............. 6.00 7.00 Hides 2.25 3.00 Hogs.................... 6.50 7.00 Sheepskins.~...“.‘....-.-... 75' 1i25‘ W001? l7 18 Flour; strong baker’s. . 1.90 2.10 Flour, family-...-.-.. .. 1.70 1.80 Flour, best bakers’ .. . . . . . . 2.00 2.25 Flour, clipper...... 1,30 1.50 Flour,straightrolled...... 1.60 1.70 Blouses. Another. Case of that 29c. all wool Serge 114*1’ieces Shaker Flannel to go at 7 cents. Dress-Goods to hand} $1 00 for Men’s. Heavy Twecd'Panis. Ladies, aslc for First Black L‘isle Th‘read Men’s Waterproof Coats now $2 00.. Hose at 25 cents. 10 cents for Men’s all-wool Socks. 24 cents for Heavy all-wool Blue Serge, for] 5 cents for Men's Cotton Socks. Boys’Clothing. 10 cents for Fancy Stripe Swimming Pants. Handsome Colored Dress Delaines, only 10 Over 300 Men‘s and‘ Boys’ Summer Shirts cents per yard.. at a great reduction. All-wool Henriettas, all' the new' shades, We carry the Largest Stock of Men’s Hats but, as they are, the rebound is as gentle said elastic‘ as that of the finest steel. Mi‘. Allard has with‘him a. collection of’ tempered tools made of copper. Among Pictures Framed to Order... Everything Sold at Lowest LivingPi-icea ' 3Q” Undertaking promptly and carefully iron like cheese: But next. to his cart the most prized of all his exhibits are two plates, which prove the great resistâ€" Ladies’ Black and Colored cotton Hose, a big-drive at 10 cents. 500 Children’s Suits to be cicared‘out at 6 Lines Finished Handkerchiefs for 25c. half price. 20 cents for Black: Henrietta, good quality. Men’s Summer Coats and Vests very cheap. Ladies Colt-on Undervcsts, onlle cents... “to guarantee every pair of‘Kid Gloves. See our Table of Job Dress Goods. Bodies, our French Dress Dclaines are by Stacks of Remnants at Your Own Prices. for the Nobbicst Goods in Lindsay. “Wu ing power of his metal. One of these Bum, per ton,_,,,, . 12.00 13:00 now ,9 cents in Lindsm ' x 2 " t‘ “ 5.00 . . ,'. ' . ~r' . . Plates ‘5 and and the Othel ls hardened 31:22:52,},01, ,per cw, 1% 11 20 Girls’ Silk l‘rimmed Hats gomg at 500. Men’s and Boys' Ties, Collars and Colts in attended to. ’ ’ l ' endlesst-wr'et . - l l ‘Y L. D E Y M A N, copper. Both are about- an eighth of . an inch- thick. The steel has been pierced through by a 50 calibre riflc bullets The. copper one has asimilar bullet. From'the same rifle slightly em- bedded in its surface. With these two plates is a certificate testifyingthat the test- was made by competentjudges, and the copper has a far greater resisting power than the steel. Warning-t Employerso The Court of Review has just render- ed an important judgment in regard to, the duties of employers towards work- men. A: workman, named Rientard, W NeW‘Atavei-tisements. M Gina. WANTED“; > Wantedimmediatcly, a girl to do germ oral house-work. Good wages to the right parser. UNDERTAKER & FURNITURE DEALER, Uolborne Street, Fenelon Falls. W Residence over the Shop. NERVE BEANS are a new dis» covery that cure the worst cases 0! Nervous Debility. Lost Vigor and. Failing Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused ' NE RVE BEANS by over-work. or the errors or or ceases of youth. This Remedy ob soluter cures the most obstinate cases when all other TREATMENTS havg tailed evenfto glicve. page gmfi; ‘sta at $1 er ac c, or six or or sen iq‘ooeipt of Ericalliy a dressing THE J’AMES MLDICINE 00.. Toronto. Ont. VVrito for pamphlet. Sold u}â€" chelon Falls at W. T. Junkin’s “We have secured" at a great sacrifice a $2,500.00 stock of Clothing. This great line was manufactured “to order” for an eastern house, but the firm having failed, we secured the goods at a big discount. If you are 111 want of Clothing, at a. canvas. 40 Kent Street, Lindsay. MRS: JOS. HEARD. Fenelon Falls, July. 6th, 18933â€"20t: f. _______.,______._._â€"-â€" Salesmnen Wanted To represent us iii-the saleof a choice line of‘ilardy Unnadian Grown Stock. Exlie- ‘ riencc not, necessary. We want .real work- hnd sued Messrs Robert & Co. The ers, and to all such we offers permanent , situation at a good income, With chance of :lcieudants have a window and sash f'ac- t‘ory in “thigh.\vol‘ked Ricmard, who is advancement. As we now have over 700 .’ O 1, H 1 er, sent acres~undcr cultivation, we can,give our. u.mmor' De cay.) S Quip 0),] b d salesmen many snperibr advantages. We him to carry wood from ire 50000 ‘0 also desire to secure a good man in your the third floor. Young Bientard was district to sell the Rotary Spray Pump, accompaniedby another employee. On felt which “‘10, 11376" thedcméeral agglncy. , ,, ‘-' ,. ' h the wood he fen down This 15 sometiiug new an in ispensa c to um'mnj‘ Wlt the farmer and the fruit-grower. Send for- the elevator shaft, and 10-0118 ialllmelt termspandpmstimonm, circular. With some sexe1e .000203038,'i\;1;(:1ei STONE SLWELLINGTON, obliged him to remain .1 c ~ ui.n__, l .18, Manors/men” Toronto, 0m. i,’onth. Thence arose the action for don’t, fail tosec this laroje.. ______.â€"'â€"- anseaanea. Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property , At Very Lowvest Raters. Nonebuifirst-class British and Canadian Companies represented. W FARE}: PJRIOPERT‘Y at. very low rates. James. Erato-Ed. Fenelon Falls, June 14th, 1802. 17-1y. W that employees are not sufficiently. pro- _ tech?“ by law and that empIO-yerh The undersigned offers for sale lot 18 and Obllfled ‘0 5"" “mt "0 danger lurks 10 part of lot 19 in the 2nd concession of the way 0f file employees, and mat) Township of Somerville, containing 200 the employer must protect the acres, of which 100 are cleared and the re- workumn again“, his own imprudcnoc. inmudcr covered With soft wood. The farm. ' , . c. SB“ the Court, decided that the is well fenced and watered by a n‘cvcr-fail- 1“ “’15 ‘1 , . mg creek and two good wells. ’lho bund- cniployers, Robert «\B 00-, did 00“ Sum‘ ings comprise a dwelling-house, 24 x 28 - the path moreover, Champion Gold Medal on of the Dominion. ~â€"0F THEâ€" County of ‘Vietoria. ._â€".â€"â€"â€" bc held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, on MONDAY, lULY 10th, i393, kitchen. 18 x 24 feet and a. dairy cellar be- slmft“ Judgment. therefore ncathy a. frame barn 40 x 60 feet, on an '7 S-foot. stone wall; a log born 31 x 52 feet, ‘ ' ' - 9" ‘ s f'. n [mung fol 0‘5 275d (fal'l 08., '1' a wood-shed, poultry houses 85c. The prop- ‘llnouut‘fi‘ mum ’5 a" erty is only six miles from Fenelon Falls. Price $3,000; two-thirds down,and the bul- ,\ z ,. ,1, c D with Lieutenant ance on time to suit purchaser. It" not sold “‘0 5"“le 1 l] 0 ’ by Winter, the farm Will be leased at an Pear-Y “.lld Ins “Yew, Ballad from Brock- annual rental of $130. For further-partic- lyu on Sunday [or the 110‘1‘tll pOlO- ulars apply on the premises or by letter to John Berry has been formally award- CHRISTOPHER FELL, ed first prize in the cowboys’ race from . Fenelon Falls J’. 0. Ghat‘lron, N60, to the World’s fair. Somerville, May 22nd, 1893. 14-6113: have placed self-closing doors over the elevator . awarded p , action for that 0-6â€"0 MANUFACTURED BY Bailiff. FOR SALE BY_ ALL. LEADING DEALERS IN THE COUNTRY. Feneion Fans April 25th, 1803 Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred- his SEGGR BEVESEW 3536.58? The next sittings of the above Court will commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon Saturday, June 2911), will be the last day THE FINEST HIGH GRADE ENGINE OILS ARE , _ , V. . .' . , r _ of serv1cc on defendants residing in illlS county. Defendants living in other coun-t ties must be served on or before June 24th. E0096”. SECS. a $0., TORONTQ. E'D'HANgvhm .~ .\,~.. \-‘---V\/\V _ - - ..«\ t V \Nfiv‘~_~r~x~ln .-.~F-1__.1-,,:W¢.‘\.I~. 1* ' v‘- ' I

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