Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 9 Jun 1893, p. 5

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" Car _ w“ ass, and ’lunge fishing will commence on Thursday next, the lbth inst.,' when a membcr'oi' the Gm 86MB staff will test the merits ofthe late- ly patented'Yankee trolling device, con- _s1sting of’a- perforated glass tube conâ€" by a captivating display of shining steel books. 'If' the device is half as success- 'lul' 1u_our Canadian lakes and rivers as It IS said to have provedtin American waters, it will be mighty cheap at a dollar, the price at which it is SUld. - .. £83“ Turnip'Seedl Turnip Seedll Tur: nipSeedlll A complete stock, several varieties, at W. T Junkin’s. GOING [IRâ€"The new white brick 'b‘lockowned‘ by Mr. Northey and: Mr. Nevison is progressing rapidly, and the carpenters commenced work on it~a few days ago, thewalls being up to the height of'-'the first story. The block will contain three stores about 20 x 6‘3 feet. with dwellings above, and 'it is heped thatit will be finished by the 1‘st of September; Mr. Wm. Jelfrey has the contraction-the masonry, brickwork and plastering, and the woodwork. is being done by Mr. Geo. Littleton. W.’ T. Jiinkin has a. friesh‘ stock of“ Hellebore, Paris Green, Insect Powder and Ely- Paper just received. Give him-.a call. _ GOOD PROSPECTS.â€"-Cur farming. f’i‘lends are rejoicing over the present good prespeets of an abundant harvest, lDI‘ Crops of all kinds are looking about - ‘ pell-asit isspossible for: them-to-look ’thisitime of‘ year, and it is almost certain that there will be a very heavy yield of hayâ€"heavier, semc say, than that of last year... Qt course there is ‘ plenty of' time for all’sortsv of" things to happen to grain, roots, fruit and veget- ables; but let us look ahead with cheer- i'ul spirits, for ‘ tis better to have hoped and been disappointed. than never to have hopednat all.- L‘ovely and Cheap. We have the best, nicest and cheapest Summer Slices in'Lindsay. We} keepiaway ahead in styles, variety and prices lower 1 1 than ever; Yen will be sorry it‘ you don’t come to headquarters. JOHNSTON 318185010, . 1i)..- T/‘w Munster Shoe Slorc. IN A Fixâ€"Cu Thursday of last week a little boy about two years old, son of Mr.- 'Ehomas Isaac of- Fenelon, was playing with the band oil the end 0 ol’ the hub of a very large waggon wheel, and at last put it'on his head, when it i ’ slipped down onto his neck and‘dcfied _._‘_._ (flan, . .1, W} all the efforts of his parents 10 get it up again. The iron necklace, though inconvenient to the baby, did not hurt him, but ol'course it had to be got'oll' - somehow, so he was brought to the office of Dr. Graham, who put him under the influence ol"chlorof‘orm, and, by a little gm'tle violence, managedrto re'licve‘him oi'his burden. As the band was about five inches wide and nearly half an inch thick, it would have been exceedingly difficult to cut or: file it without moreor less injury the child. Cow KILLEDâ€"Yesterday morning early a 'aluable young milch cow owned by Mr. Thomas Austin» gotzon=the railâ€" rway track near the pulp mill and was struck by the engine of a special train, which knocked her down, out off‘ one hind foot and smashed the other. Dr. Mason, who went to look at her,saw at aglance that, even if cured, she would always be a helpless cripple, and soon afterwards she was put out of her niiserv. There Were three cows on the track'at the time. One of them, a black one, jumped: off' as. the train approached; but the thlrd, which belongs to Mr. Thomas Cook, “ legged ” h it north to-the crossing at the foundry, where she stepped aside, having won a race of fully a- hundred yards, though the train was running at a speed of about twenty miles an hour and her tail was on the coweateher all the time. Mr. Austin and others are ofi'the opinion that he can make the railway company pay for his cow, as the train was running far faster than allowcd'by law. The Duke of Edinburgh has been promoted to the rank of admiral of the £130. MMinnesota pine toilic value of‘morc than $5,000,000 is said to have been stolen from-the state. Large quantities oi' nursery stock have been seized on the Niagara-frontier ifor alleged"non-payment of duty. In connequeuce of official admission that cholera exists in Hamburg, 'tl'le Berlin authorities are adopting rigid measures to prevent the spread of the- . disease. 0. B. Jewell, the Rock Island rain» maker, began operations at Meade Centre. Kansas, at 1' o’clock on .Friday afternoon. He claims to have discover- weiaznaicing and tohave addedwarious lllll‘ml'litllt improvements to it. His 5 seat gases. into a» cloudless inhours, when clouds began to hicli at 1030 last night had apparatu skv llil‘ appear. W 'i-olleetcd together and begun to dis- c‘iarn'e rain. The rain continued falling : ' untildcyligbt. this 1110131111)". taiumg a live-minnow and: surrounded . of which all parties interested will please all the secret Ci“ Melbourne’s plan for, are said to be on the promises: about 90 , i0 KENT St. - LI EDSAE. ' The long-anticipated Borden murder ‘- - trial is now going on at New Bedford, Mass. The manufacture of salt was com- menced at. Mooretown, 0nt., on Mon- . day. Th’c works-have a capacity of 200 r. Neelas, Beautiful sets of Artificial Teeth inserted for $10, $12Jaud $44. according to quality of'teeth'and‘kind of’plate. Tmitation gold" filling inserted in artificial teeth free of‘ . ‘i t. _ "LENDSA‘E‘: -- barrels a day. , 7' - ' p w _ charge. Gas (vitalized air) and local anaes- A serious fire broke out in the Fuente :h g _ p, E I 1d ‘1‘ themes .used with‘great success for painless coal mines, in Mexico, four miles from - - '"«.-‘ .‘w “tht‘on- V‘S‘ts “‘9 “CANT” HOW“: Fenelon Falls, the third Tuesday of every month. Call in tire forenoon, if possible. Office in Lindsay nearly opposite the Simp- son House. MONEY TO LOAN. I' have recently had a considerable, though limited, sum of‘ money placed with me for leaning on farms at ~E‘ive and: a-half per cent. Parties wishing to borrow on these terms should not delay to make application. Large amounts of funds, at slightly higher rates, according to security. In most cases solicitor work is done'at my office, insuring speed and moderate expenses: Allan S; Macdonelli. ‘ Barrister & 0., Lindsay. , Eagle Pass, Tex., on Saturday night.- Twenty-six oi” the min crs were entom bed, and it is almost certain that all have perished. ‘ Charles Iticlimond,.an aeronaut, 35 years old, belonging to Springfield, 111., made a 3,000â€"foot ascension at Trenton, N. J., on Monday, and lost his life. His parachute failed to work properly. Four thousand people saw the man dash- ed to death. Reports from several eiries of Asiatic Turkey say that cholera has appeared 'in many districts and is spreading rapidly. Along the lower Tigris and the Shat-Elâ€"Arabriver- people are dying by thousands. Whole villages have been deserted by those fleeing from the pest. The panic has become so great that few. families wait to‘ bury. their dead orreven to nurse their sick, but flee to the next town to escape infection. Big Dotls d”. Gothic-g ale ,NQW $031330“. 035?... 300 Sample Parasols, Beautiful Handles, Something New'inCurtain Drapery for 7, 25 cents and up. 10,12,15 cents a yard. iLadies White Cbtton Drawers, Tucked and $1 00 New Brunswick Cotton Yarn; Lace Trimmed, only 25 cents: ' Heavy Feather Ticking, new patterns, 80: Ladies’ White Cotton Drawers, 'l‘ucked’and 65 cents fOI‘TilClllS Wool Pants. Embroidery Trimmed, only 4.5 cents. $31 95 for Boy’s Wool Suit, and Baseball Ladies’ White Cotton Chemise, Embroidery and Bat free. " ‘ Trimmed, going at 45 cents. 10 cents for Boys’ Nobby Straw Huts. All Linen Tray Covers, Fringed Edges, 25 cents forMcn'SFlannelétte Shirts, cheap. . 3 sale price 35 cents. Men’s Fine Summer Uiidei'clotliiiig,.25c; ‘ 'L‘adies’ White CottoniGhemise,Lace Trimâ€" 50 cents for Boys’ Knicker'Pants. med, now 29 cents. 2.pair Men’s Elastic Web Braces for 250.- Ladies’ White Cotton Nightgowns, Thck‘ed' 500:0nthe $5 for the balance of our Tweeds. p and Frille'd Bottom, 50 cents. Our 5, Tamil Sc; Grey: Cottons are below.- ‘ Ladies" White Cotton“. Niglitgowns, Tucked Mill prices. - l and Rufllé Trimmed, now48 centS; Shirtings, Oottonades and Ginghamsegoing The fugitives from Stricken towns are .50 cfiptlslsefsor Ladies’ Handsome Deiaine r at‘a, reduction. I I , spreading the enidomic with appalling ,Anoui; cage of that we a“ . .i00 Bleii s Suitsat Manufhctuters Prices. , fl , .. AL I H t ,.‘ .. __ .. . wool' Serge 114 I ieces Shaker Flannel to go at 7 cents.- iapidity. Letters irom Bassora: Glty _A Dress Goods~to~handÂ¥ $1510 for Men’s Heavy TweedIEPants. say 70,000 persons fled from Bassora _Lad-ies, ask for Fast Black L‘isle Thread Men’s Watei'pi'oof'ants now $2 00. province alone. _ Hose at 25 cents. 10 cents for Men’s all-wool Socks. In the violent Storm on the 23rd of “24 ctglolij ’fOEIIg’f-llllizlymftll-WOOI Blue Serge,.for .‘1300cntst fgr MIEn‘s Cgttton Ssoeks. . Pa ts .~ . i. . .' V . - ' 3 , ‘5 ‘ a, con s or iancy ripe ‘wmiming . n .:. gfiyiiylJill-cgpvgdlfihlefléigf 1:: Handsome colored Dress Dela-inert,- only 10' Over 300 lllcn‘s' and} Beys' Summer Shirts , i i . _ I . . cents per yard. at a great reduction. the chiltry of lightning. A bolt struck IAll-wool Henriettas, all the new- shades,. We carry the Largest Stock of Men’s Hats his house, demolishcdthe brick chimney, ' ‘ _. new 19‘cents. in Lindsay. mumbled the Stoveplpcs’ smashed the ‘Girls’ Silk Trimmed'Hatssgoing-at 50c.- Men’s and"Boys"Ties,-..Collai's.aiidi Cuffs in Steve, tore a big hole in the floor, broke Ladies’ Black aild'Cblored cotton Hose, 0. endless variety. . . big drive at 10 cents. 500 Children’s Suits to-b‘e cleared out at a barrel of soft soap~1n the collar to 6 Lines Finished Handkerchiefs for25c. half‘price. pieces,'erashed through a door leading upstairs and killed avdog. Two children 20 cents for Black. Henrietta, good quality. Men’s Snmmer'Coats-and Vésts very cheap. _ , ;- _. _ I ;LfldICS Cotton Undervests, only 10 cents. we guarantee every pair of‘Kid Gloves; " were on the Stairway, playing with the See our Table of Job Dress Goods. Ladies, 0111- French Dress Delaines are by I . r dog, andhad the animal between them iStacks ostemnants at Your. Own Prices. fart-he N'obbiest. Goods in Lindsay. NOW is THE TIME To BUY when the lightning struck it; The chil- I I ‘ dren were able to run out. of the house with their parents. Harry Hill was not far‘l‘rom Mr. Guthrie’s house. He was stalling a span of horses at James Elliott's barn. A bolt struck the pig pen close-by and Hill was stunned. W DIED. Winner-At Bury’s Green, in the town- ship of Semerville, on Wednesday, May 315i, Margaret Hume, relict of." the late James Walker, aged 82 years. JOHNSTON â€"In the township ot‘Fenelon on Friday, June 2nd, Mr. Thomas Johnston, aged 64 years. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. NOTIO‘E‘. To the residents of Fenelon Falls. Take notice that any person or persons»- removing from any village or district in-- fécted with diphtheria to Fenelon Falls will be quarantined for a period of‘14 days or longer, at the discretion of the Board of Health} The citizens ofi'Fénelon Falls who 00 not Wish to be so inconvenienced will govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board of Health. A. WILSON, M. 13., i‘zfédic'al'fl’ealth Officer. Feneltni Fall‘s, Feb’y 22nd, 1893. Lt. f. _ ’ I I ‘ ' a life have secured at a great sacrifice a $2,500.00 stock a; of Clot-lung. This great line was manufactured “ to order.” 4 for an: eastern house, but the i‘ij‘m- haviiig-failed, we secured the goods at a big discount. If you. are in. want. of Clothing, don’t fail- to see this large. DURING HOUSECEEANSNG 1i $00001 Gill ill Prices: Will be givente these BUYING FOR CASH... E a My stock is 101‘ 8‘9 andlcomplete’ consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, ill. QARTER. 40 Kent Street, Lindsay. SIGN 0'1? TEâ€"ETEi GOLDEN LION.. Fenelon Falls, Friday, June 9th, 1893- rifles. din; . . . . . Wheat, Scotch or Fife .... 65 to 70 ‘ L » , . aim 063 06,7er Tab/es Wheat, fall, per bushel. . . . 66- 68 K t St“ J L- _. - . b i I m s a... u 62 6. en ieet. 1ndsa o v osrte the Benson. House. .~ Bail-Icy, pier bushel. . . 35 36 y - y, I 00178 afld‘EaSV Chairs". Buckwheat“ .... 50 52 ' I Bureaus, Side-boards; Oats “‘ .......... 333' 34' i .. _. . .. . . , . Peas’e, “4 55‘ 57 We cordiall y 1nv1te the public of Fenelon Falls and all and every description of Kitchen Furniture 7 A it r - - . , 330: u 4? :0 Visitors to Lindsay to call and examine our. . lomoes’ 40 00 T r- = r : Pictures Framed flairfirtier; Butter, per 113...... 3 14 lie-cw Summer-Stock of “ " " Eggs, PCI‘ dozen. .. ... .. .. 10’ 11 Everything Sold at Lowest= Living Prices.- .Hay, per. tou~...... . . . . . . . 6:00 7.00 1": ‘ . . Hides . 2.25 3.00 g ' ’i ' Undertaking promptly and carefully Hogs...... . . . . . . . . . .. 6.50 7.00 ' M ' ' *' 9 {attended to. - 81‘ ‘1' 5 1.2»- .. .. . . . “33311)” “n” _, 1‘7. 12;: Comprismg, in part, Dress Goods, Mourning Goods (a. speei- 1.1. DEE E7 RE A N,- Flourish‘ong baker's-m- 190 2-10 alty,) Black and Colored. Henriettas, New Fast-colored- . ‘,. anen'riiana lit-FURNITURE DEALER, Fleur, family . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 1.80 Flour,straightrolled...... Pmntsa shill-$90197 NIUShnSJ hmbrqldel‘Y: Dress Pat- Uolberne- Street, FBDGlOH Falls. gi,?)l:.ltsl:eluton . . . . . . , . . . . . . 14 00 15.00 walilln‘loislj BIFLCL; I,IOSI_er-Y" es? 3%“ Resadencc over the Shop. “Em Mixedchop, per cwt ..... .. 1.00 1.20 1 x 1 W65, Lame, RlbDona-Ladles 7. War: 1 I )‘ }" ‘ 1 ' T ‘ t‘ ‘ 1 m IJIIClelVCSiS, Cm sets 8.. PM asols. NERVE: m BEANS m a new (my. covery that cure the worst cases oi. Our Staples need enly'inspectimi. New... Debility. Lost vagina f BF Failli‘ug hIafnplogd; reatotii'es ting- ) . . . . _ , u, I II} a ‘5 ‘ Gents Furnishings new and first. class. i itlfiioiéifivé’ii, Elyii‘ié Emiscoiéi. ceases of youth. This Remedy a1)â€" ir 5| : . T solutely'cu-rea the most obstinate when allyotbef. The. Court of Revision for revisinrr the 1 & G bggnfilogesviintb‘i Sgllglcsentobglggillbsiii a I receipt of price by addressing THE JAMES MEDICINE . Assessment “011 of the we are in a position to Offer‘a$-'g00d"va12l€s.‘as.' moreover-oflrgd 00.. ’l‘omnto.0nt. Writeforpnmzihlet; Baldinâ€" TQWESNEP of $G¥fiERMELLE-“i‘n Lindsay. Inspection is cordially invited. One price to Fenelon'Ffi‘JS-MWlT-J‘1‘nkiu’s' for the year 1893 will be held everbody“ Ari: BURNT RIVER, Kin-41am ,3; (320,9. ‘ OPPOSITE THE BENSON HOUSE. New Advertisements. Court ofRevision. 189.3. insenswem. 'Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred hiss Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks ouall classesof property At Very Lovvest Rates; (Rettie’s Station,) on sensor, was 28th, 1893, at the hour of‘ ten o’clock in the fo'reneem take notice and govern themselves accord- ingly. The assessment roll is now on file at my oitiCe, and-maybe examined by par-. ties interested. None but iirs’thiass British and Canadian. SAM- SUDDABY; Companies represented. Township Cleric. Burnt River, June 6th, 1893. 16-2. FARM PROPIERTY at very low rates. demos Arnold. . Fenelon Falls, June 14th,1892. 17-Iy. UC’l‘lON SALE OF V’ALUABLETA‘RNE" Property in the Township of Bexley in the. County of Victoria. There will be sold on Wednesday, the- ‘28th day of, June, 1803, at. 1 o’clock in the afternoon, at Chirpaugh’s Hotel, in the vil- lage of Victoria. Road, by virtue of a cer- tain mortgage which will be produced at the sale, the following property :â€"-'l‘he east half of Lot~1 in the lst coucessionot‘ the h g- . r. r _ ‘ app . W County of Victoria. Townfllip Of Bale)" commning 100 acres is: ‘ ' an 5 Q in The next sittings (If-thdabave Ceuit nil1 ~- ‘ “s .' i d mettlx 10i‘ll)11 ' ' ' , - i - a, m w 01 lea ls‘l‘e m e“ p 1" 1 l he held in Diekson’shall, Fenelon Falls, . sold to the Termite and Nipissing Railway ON MONDAY, JULY 10th, 1893. Company. The following improvements. commencing at 10 o’clock in the forenoon escort sweeten coca-r â€"OF TlIE'â€"- Champion Gold medal. (iii of the Dominion. will wear twice longas any other make. acres cleared, upon which are erected‘a Ms -...-..._n.-.._--....._-..., THE FINEST'HEGH eaansnaemnems ARE f _ I, d I , ,1, ., w aiririuraerunne BY ‘ 26..i“try‘.lci)§i3...iii.f€; Elli:g‘il“ills.."i.o..'.‘i hiicfifiLL ERGS. 3'... 6m, Tfifififi’ifi. °"b§f.°.3“.iill?.?4”" FOR. SALEBY. ALL. LEADING DEALERS IN ens coonrax. BMW Clerk frame dwelling and log stable. ’l‘nuxsâ€"TWenty per cent. of the purchase , money to be paid down on the day of sale.- ' For further particulars apply to JONES BROS. & MACKENZIE, Solicitors, Toronto St, Toronto- Or to R. J. Lnnor, Esq, Cobecoiik. Saturday, June 20th, will be the last day A Fenelon Falls April 25th,,1803. 1', 4 -Q .i. r l . wsk‘ -"--"‘ -“

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