. Wishes to notify†in, surroundin g country purchasing public of‘ Lindsay and the N07EICE. ,To. the residents of Fenelon, Falls. Take notice that any person orpersons- removing from any village or district in- ohthe high advance 111 nearly an lines 0f fected with diphtheria to _F'enelon Falls - STAPLE & rune? DRY GOODS. But we are thankful tops or longer, a' the discretion of‘ the Board 0t" Health. The citizens of F'enelon Falls who do not wish to be so inconvenienced will govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board of Health. a. WILSON, u. 1)., Medical [lean/z (Wiser; Fenelon Falls, Feb’y 22nd, 1893. l-t. f. ‘ oasis: sross . V - _ - i l i “:7 Vite- had‘ our new spring stock . BOUghli PI‘BVi-OUS liq, Advance}, We we are justiï¬ed in saying that we and you will see by. the following prng ï¬rst that we intend, are showing- the handsomest‘ and most glvmg the 13“th tile befl‘eï¬l- 8" meke one grand ~ ' I‘USh for the Cheap; Sthv‘eL. ‘ Ladies’ White C‘otton Drawers, iliillilillll. ililliliillill. Ladies’ Fancy Cot’n‘L‘ns‘ . I ' tucked klaee trimmed. $0 25‘ Mens’ \Vhite Launderd Now IS THE “ME To BUY : V _ -. “ White Cotton Chemise, ‘4 Fancy Flannel Shirts ' I j I . . a E embroidery lined, at. . 4'5 (collar attached). . .-. 4,5. _ . ' “‘ White Drawers, tucked “ Fine Cotton Undershirts.*, 2;}, . E ‘ &. embroidery linedi. 45; “~ “ “ Underpants. ' 29 ' I ‘ g ‘" ghenï¬se, lace trimmed, 29‘ 2" pairs Mons" Braces, (duality . _ . ' " ’ ' ._ . .. ' . . .' r . ‘ ‘Orset‘Covei-s lace unranteed ....... - -â€"- ' 9V9]? O-flered In Lindsay. IHSpBCblO‘H salt“ trimmed. ..’ . . . . . . . .. , 25 2 “ “ Wool Sockg... . .. ‘23:, DURING HOUSE CLEANING u f . _ ftc 1 t - . o'd‘ V “ Uuderskirts, tucked k See the Wonder Sock f‘or...... 10 :l-S y 10a 12b ', qua: 1 168 ere -, All frilled . . . . ... . . 50 Men’s Heavy Cotton Socks. . . . 5- ' ' ' ' , . - _ , t - the Babies are crying for See owrlfens’ Serge Pants, only 65 ' G t P 1 OW†are _ . our Motto Bibs. . . . 05' “ “' “' Nobby Tweed Pants 1 00 \ u ' Something new in Curtain. “ “ BoyS’ Knic'ker Pamts.. 60 b . . K 0300 d Draperies at . . . . . . .. 10 Boys" 2 piece Suits 85 Base-Ball “ :1‘ if 9" given to those , fl ’. .- y 5. Beautiful“ Shaker and But for . . . . . . . . 1 95 ' 5.) . - 1800 d FFimlmel, news. . .. 2 Men-’3 Tweed Wersted’Suits, ‘ - . » ' ' . - T y 3. eat ier Ticking nt.. 8 bo’t at a great burg’n to be . 93 2'700fyds. Cottonade bought be~ cleared very chedp t I . 1 " / 1 . ‘1" . . _ , ' ore the advance .5: to be Men’s Water r'f C’ts guarant'd’ 2' 00 ’ S 00 ii 1.3 311' r. - - .-' w blmpSO‘n cleared out very cheap 3 lbs. BunchpCotton Yarn. . . . 1 00 y .8. complete’ . .. . You should see our Grass Lin’n 10 We have the largest &. best conmsnn‘g ‘9 Our Factory Cot’ns at 5-7-Scts. -. . . . White Bed SJread....... One of' the largest Islands on the‘ AHS- are the cheapest ever‘in Lin.d.’y I n‘ ~ ‘ . ' r ,w 2 ' DALVATTON ARMY MEETmn'â€"A See our Daisy Turkish Bath . BEDROOM SUITES, great welcome and musical meeting will trulian coasts. disappeared recently. Ladies call & see our alllwool Towel for...... . . . . . . . 25 be held in the Salvation Army barracks Canada’s ll-ton cheese broke the floor Henrietta: e11 COIOI‘S; M- - -- v - 2-3 G00d Q’l’ty Bl’k 005111110â€: 51’’1 2’) [ouno‘es Cem‘re Tab/(93 ' on Thursday, May 11th, at 8 p. in. of‘ the building in which it was placed wedmve “‘Stl'fw’d “ case Of lb‘.‘3he} Flimsy Dress Buttons“ 5 ‘ b I 'I ' - . ll ool Dress Serge, all shades 29 Wlnte Lace Curt’ns, top’d edge 50 061716 afld [05 6770173. Mrs. Ensign Mitchell, who has been to at Chicago, and sank twelve feet to the India and hnda Wide experience in the solid ground. Salvation Permy, will lead the meeting, _ The Marquis of' Londondcrry has the We carry the largest stock of Dress-Goods £2: Trimmings in the county. Something new in Dress Ginghams at. . . . .. . . Bureaus, Side-boards. Z Spools Cotton Tlll-‘éfldl,.2.00‘ .. 10 she will be assisted by the brass band smallest pony in the world. it weighs 1300'3/(1‘3- White Embl'OideI‘Y Yards (6: 60111) f(Wu-m- 5 and every “Mantleâ€"u 0f Kimben Fumume and soldiers from Lindsa '. The meeting onl 16 lbs. and at its birth was but , °°"}“‘,e“c“‘g mm"- 3’ Heavy Towciiiflg 00in†Mun 5 will also be intel'spel'scd3with music on 191: inches hioh 900 Large Willie Hidvk’fs at" - 2% Hemp Carpet (“Vidal-in- - ~ - 10 Pictures Framed to order' . . . .d . o . stringed instruments. Admission 100. , ’l‘he wettest spot in England is Suath- Everything 301d M LOWGSt LiVlnl-I Prices Scensl Sns‘nsi! Sssosi'Hâ€"WCT, fuukin'i‘laite’aiime place in Cllmbcrland’flome ‘ . ...†- " '-‘ ‘ . . i . - , .’= , 7» .," UndertakingPromptlyand “remâ€? has a complete stock of Turnip Seed of all eight miles from Kcswlck. It has an Ladies" It W111 be to yOIU aavantage to can 311d examlne attended to. ltinds, Ensilage and Horse-tooth Corn, annual rainfall of 173 inchesâ€"it was our Dress Deiaines. All the different lines we show are 'con- 11 D E Y M a N Millet Seed and-“1 kinds of Garden Seeds- l 224 in lSGGâ€"which is the highest in ï¬ned to ourselves. ’ 9 A Dannaransn & FURNITURE DEALER, Also, Flax Seed and Oil Cake fer feeding Gym, I),me ‘s. -r-,.»..P---z._3. " e.4.â€" ~ ~' - _, ’_‘, hmpo es Gnchlm'tcall noes ow , At a weâ€, 3055100 0,. the Dwmon goings Cur Spung Hat stock 1s now complete and 1t 1s a Uolbome Street Fenelon Fans ’lun Brocssr Yerâ€"Mr. Somerss (your, a, Duudus the case of Hunte, daisy. .n Ties, Collars, Gloves, Handkerchiefs and Braces we R U 5 t] S] '~ ï¬g. 832 (37166 01167‘ (6 [019. m will be quarantined fora period of 14 days hen must try agaifn,,as she has been b men by a hen owned by Mrs. Samuel McGee, who on Wednesday morning brought into the village two eggs, one of which weighed exactly Four ounces and the other a quarter of an» ounce heavier. Mrs. McGee says the ovarian mammoth was laid by a pure or a part Bramah lfen, she cannot tell which, as vs Freeltou Fair Directors was tried. 1 take the lead. It was an action brought by Samuel Hunter, a dairyman, against the direct- ors of the fair for .3520, the amount of' a prize awarded to him for butter at the ll‘rcelton show and subsequently dis- allowed on a protest by the directors; the contention being that Hunter was a professional butter maker. At the trial she has both ,. but we think is must have Judge Muir dismissed the case, homing been the latter, as the shell of the egg was nearly white. We may remark that nearly all these very large eggs are doub- le-yolked, and that it is not considered advisable to let them be hatched, as twin chickens, if they live, are apt to in deformed and weakly. Hold onto YcuriMolley .until you come to the Mammoth Shoe Store of Lindsay. We have the biggest and cheap- est stock of Boots, Shoes, Slippers, Rubbers kc. ever shown in town. Come direct to us and bring the family. JOHNSTON a sissou’s, 5. First Door East of Duly House, Lindsay. A FRIENDLY Moiraâ€"Mr. John Jones of' this village is a i'l'ofessionai barber and an amateur photographer; Mr. Syl- lhnt the judgment of the directors on the protest. was ï¬nal. BIAERRJED. .Tacnsi'Tâ€"Nonrnsv.â€"â€"At the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. D. N. Mom Camus, on Wednesday, May 3rd, Mr: George Thomas Jackett to Alma, only daughter ot‘ Mr; Daniel T, Northey, all of Fenelon Falls. DIED. lVILSON.â€"ln the Township of Vernlaln on Thursday, May 4th, Miiry Margaret Wray, wife of Mr. Wm. Wilson, aged 31 years, 2 months and 24 days. Justusâ€"In the township of V'erulam. on Wednesday, May 3rd, Mary Ann, wife of Mr. Lancelot Junkin, aged 88 years. WW I l ['1 any 504! ore-72' ‘ 56ml along your orders to Me “ Olzlfee‘lz'alle Home,†err/lam you dazzle (doll lcfon’ mzzl w/zere your Fol/Mr used l0 THAT Is Zlch’oll Bros do 00., Toronto, do: I. SIGN O-F TIâ€"IE GOLDEN LION. “512%th alle/zlz'on given to all [alter orders. bit. .5. GARFER, 40 Kent Street, Lindsay. SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE 0N1, 1' GE; 'UINE LARDINE MACHINE OIL [Jar/line 2'5 [/26 C/mmyï¬z'orz Golzl fl/[m’al Oil of- l/ze Dominion, AND ornsa HIGH CLASS OILS. and our C ylz'mler Oz'l will wear longer mm! give deller satisfaction [law any 025/267 027. .Hsaeouasrsss. IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR. RoenPaper and Picture Frames -â€"-IS ATâ€" - W. A. GQQDWIN’S Baker’s Block, Kent-st, Lindsay. Artists’ Goods a'Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabastine and Eve Works Agency. 11%?“ Please call and see my 5c. Paper. Lindsay, April 2nd, 1892. NERVE BEANS are a new dis» covery that cure the worst cases of NE RVE Nervous Debility. Lost Vigor and T“ Failing Manhood; restores the weakness of body or mind caused by over-work, or the errors or ex- cesscs of youth. This Remedy ab. solutely cures the most obstinate cases when all other TREATMENTS have failed even to relieve. Sold by drugâ€" gists at 5.1 per package, or six for $5, or sent by mail on receipt of price by addressing THE JAMES MEDICINE (30.. Toronto, Ont. Write for pamphlet. Sold inâ€" Fenelon Falls at W. ’l‘. Junkin’s Ask your dealer for McCQLL’S GEES". vestcr is a professional photographer FENELON FALLS MARKETS. : . . : u' when A e M“ . H .7. “ F . , ' . stress? ...ssr'..:.§ Sold women Fax/so fowl/z Harem cal/We gnu I ' i r ' a l n' v . ‘. , 1 -. - ‘41 2’ of his oil/n lately built within a few feet Whgftngggllcliflgj’ggeldui’ May Gï¬suhtgsg,‘ deal“: 2/†OZLg/LOZâ€! 51/26 confll‘ky' AL a L15} Hg w 1 ' v \-j‘ n - . ' t ---- , v .. ....-. .... a...“ _. t... . _ .......r,.. .-...__..V...,......... .. ,, . . ‘r W:" r' r “f Ml- blivesu} h gammy; and Since Wheat, fall, per bushel. ... 64 65 M " " ' fl FE I: 31;;2‘553. then what Mr. Silas ll egg would calla Wheat, spring H so 62 soil} n Kalil s .. dell Elsi ‘ “friendly move †has occurred to them .Barlcy, per bushel...,..... 35 36 _ ~ 11‘ ‘ 1;} u w) m ' ‘ ' r . a ‘ - a I , ‘ _ _ ""3 ‘s :10†bbc‘ma' ,‘i‘f‘i‘lled I out-t 1; 1,19 gï¬ljwhm†There are meie Hoosier Drills of our manufacturem use g 53 ,g go cry ms con 5 11 cc 0 ose o )0 j- u "“ H 57 in Canada t - 1. ~_ _ shop and enlarged, and a means of com- 'E§.:°e’ Ll 50 M han if all Other kln'cfs c.0mb1ned' This GREAT COUGHHCDRE,_t_§xis sees 33 munication will be opened between the Whimsy u H†45 50 ' ‘ ‘ ftï¬ 13 “'11:?fo two, so that Mr. Jones can step in and Butter, per lb....,.. 16 18 :2: agt‘hmfzcgstcgzeff,é‘gglglgzé;t,w . help Mr. Sylvester, or Mr. Sylvester Eggs; P01" dozeuu-u- 10 a test that no other cure can successiully staiui: D can step in and help Mr. Jones as occa. Per ‘0†- - - - - -- ' 3-83 1fyq,1havga gong},’ 50,-6'1‘1,.â€"9E,t’ 0,.14,.0,,Chi;,5’ sion may require. They have not gone H10,“ ' ‘ ""‘ ‘ ' " ' '5 7'03 {50 E use 1?’ for It W111 cu“? yo‘f‘ n 3'5“? Ch" _ ' n . . , ODS . . . . . . . . . o a. . . - - - - : the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it we‘- mio Pf†[neiï¬lllpi but ha"? Simply fowl“ 81100 [15111113 u - - o o - - - o ~ -r l u r r 40 75 5 and relief is sure. l’lf‘you dread that ms). was an alliance for mutual an} and comfort W001 - 16 18 disease CONSUMPTION, dcrï¬i‘fail to 2:. it that is likely to be beneï¬cral to both of ..H s will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your “19,â€. : Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE, Price Io cts., -.l... -..â€"4....“ *4... Ulster and Home Rule. LONDON, April 29.â€"â€"'A large number of residents of Ulster belonging to the Presbyterian and Unitarian denomina- tions repudiate the resolution in oppo- sition to Irish home rule which was sent to Lord Salisbury in the name of, and representing the opinions of, the Protestants of Ulster. These home rule protestants have therefore caused a communication to be sent to Prime Minister Gladstone, expressing conï¬- dence in Mr. Gladstone and his policy in regard to Ireland. Mr. Gladstone has sent a reply to the communication, in which he states that he is pleased to obeservc the existence of such an New Advertisements. WVIN *â€" Fancy Bed Spreads full width, also Blan» kets, all-wool Carpet, Rag Carpet and plain and twilled Flannel woven promptly and satisfactorily by SAMUEL IlUTCIIISON, Weaver. Fenclon Falls, April 12th, 1898.â€"~8â€"3m. rusesgson. Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At Very Lowvest 143211305 guaranteed. the Best Drill bionic. Perfect and instantaneous regulation of depth of Hoes in all kinds of soil. The ONLY PERFECT FORCE FEED in use. The thorough equipment of‘ our factory with the latest improved labor saving machinery and a. largely increased output enables us to oti‘er the Hoosier Drill and all other implements of" our manufacture at prices lower than ever before. For catalogues, prices and terms, see our local agent-s throughout the country, or send to our ollice. NOXCN BROS. le’F’Ci 00-, 1’33. INGERSOLL. 02W. “Fleas. Austin, signal, Fanciers: Traits. E30 els. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or nck lame, use Shileh’a Porous Plaster. 2 5 Chi. .4 David @hambers. General locksmith, Francisâ€"st, Fenelon Falls Blacksmithing 1.1 all its different branches done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to; horse-shoeing. Give me a call and I wil guarantee satisfaction. {lo-ly. SEGQNQ DIVISEON GGEERT‘ â€"--or runâ€"- County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, I’enelon Falls, 1‘0 “the Pi'lblic. WANTED- THE ROYAL. CANADIAN msunaacumursery Stock. We hm many special W Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance' . . . n . 0‘ Erlcties, both in lrults and ornamentals, to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay- commission or salary. Write us at. JOI’LN‘ AUSTINHill-im-loncc for. terms, and secure choice of terâ€" cnliuhtencd opinion as that held by his correspondents amid the sea of' \‘lOlOUCG and intolerance at Belfast. 5-4.“ At lshpeining, Michigan, May day was ushered in by six inches of' snow. Nearly $2,000,000 worth of new buildings are underway and projected in Winnipeg. None but first-class British and Canadian l Companies represented ‘ of England, giving insurers the security of'i -â€"- $25,090,000 and the same good-policy. i w FARM PROPERTY 11%†Also agent for the Queen of. ling, ritory. at very low rates.. 1 1 “LC 1 d . rm, L l C , am an:- ac email 0 v in \urgl. Yapi Jan‘es Arnogd' l tal combined, $45,000,000. Fenelon Falls,,J.une l-lth, 1892,. 1.2.1}; commencing-utter o’clock in the forcnoon Saturday, June 291b, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other ccun-. tics must be served on or before June 24-lh. E. D. HAND, Clerk. MAY BROTHERS, Nu rserymen, Rochester, H. 2‘ S. Nansen, Bailiff. F'enelon Falls April 25th, 1808., Fcuelou Falls, July 25.01:, 1895'. ‘ listâ€"10w. Agents togscu 0,“. choice and lmdyi 0N MONDAY, lULY min, 1833,