Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 5 May 1893, p. 4

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r Dundas & Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, NTllI‘lnE-el‘b- M“ - -_ _ . . ' i r h" ' i , ' , gentlemen be directors for the ensuibg‘ I AM AH lgncullural Implements. 1 F 3mm . _ , ‘ The first meeting of‘the' Local Union W. L. Iliobl’sOiic’, AGClarkI‘ .SrlutJ‘. Rpm-g, - .‘ : H ' ’ " - - - , -, of” the Christian Endeavor Societies was A. Sutier' an , e0. Jltt c on, . . T0 the Farmers 0f Penelon, held in the Presbyterian church last Campbell, Wm. McKcown.â€"Carried. _ ' ' ' - ‘ i ‘ - .. :Tuesda‘ evening. The meeting opened Moved by Mr. Dickson, seconded by . k, R r g L M E N i S V61 ulam SOmerVJ-ller with singing the hymn “ To the Work,” Mi“; J’unkin, That the auditor's, Messrs. - -’ ' ~ > I and prayer by Rev. Mr. M'cCanius,-af‘- Robson and Clark, be tendered a' vote‘ I ,tei‘ which the following ofiicers were (if-thanks for auditing the books of tho’ II Percival 80375 new Steel IIa'rrO-lvr The buns) Clips: teeth M "' ‘ ; g H ’ll 0 Mr. A. Sutherland ;‘ V'icesPi'esid‘t, Mrs. acted as auctioneer at the annual snlo' WNWW ‘ . I am still agent in this locality for elected: for the ensuing,r year: President, Institute ;- also'Jolin AzuStin, who kindly and whiflle-trees are all steel, and not a; bolt in. the whole. har- John Jordan ; Secretary, Miss Bi Ellis; of periodicals.â€"-Carried. 3. v___ . I l , ‘ _ . laden . . , Committee on rogramme Miss Ellis, The meeting then adjourned till Fri: m the only Steel ll hlfile F199 n ' I, I “ I r I .I _IIIW and farmers Will do well to calland see Mn DI Mgmugfiu and; MT: in. TI yum day,I5b]1Iin-5t.z at 8p. m, sharp- f'or t-hc‘ p Peter Hamilton’s new S-pringztooth Cultivator, With his new mly 1.1118 0,; [300(15 bedfore Pul‘dmsmg 0156- kin. The choir then very ably rendered ‘t‘rausactionof’ regular business. . ' improved Seeder- is ahead of anything in the market. Seeing w lew‘ "35" 30° 5 need 9° Wilma“ ‘a selection. “Endeavor.” Next on the l l is béiievino- Come and have alook. :3" my .933“ as “my 1”” lee” "bus" P“°g”‘"’"‘e was a" fiddle“ ""0"" R“- s 1 '11 o uncii'» i ~ ' 0' ' ' ' (grove; ~f0di'earsaml mythwyearfully MLM’cA‘ulay cf‘W‘ood'vilic,buthe'was 011131“. e 0 ' l" . .. ,. . a was 0 "c “this "i Impm-emems‘ “liable m .be Present» and 1i“ M?- Mc" Bin-m River", April 22nd, 1893‘; . L ~ T/ze C/zeapest 57076 275 1/16 for ~Kmn0n kindly filled the mime with an Council met pursuant to adjbui'unicnt ~ '. l ‘ t‘ , ' . . ' . . 1 - I I . I ' ,1- ‘ t and be-oonvinced for yourselves. My able “db” on Tile Pmposes {ma all the members present, the rI‘eeve in: stock- consists of' work 0f tins. Local UmOD' The sub-lee” the chair. Minutes of'lzist m'ceti's'wread‘ " ' - ' - - ' , _. , . _of' the evening was. “ My Choice,” on -, ;' . - ,, ° . b _I I I I The Masseyfimns New “(we Open ,. h I, pt b t b, ‘ I _d and confii med. Tho followmc, commu- ' - Always on hand, a large and varied. stock Of Binder 5 and 6'feeb out :w “c .1 sw ~ ‘11 nâ€" 8 Papa}? wele r5“. nications were received and ctlnsidcred :: _ ‘ The’fpomnto Mower ' by MW.” w' Jluu'klml'M’lss Bi LUIS ' From E; Flood; re deposit in Ontario‘ The Brantf‘oi-d brrodt and Rear Cut 2:3,.33:01:35SiugyriigdbflogffiggugiIfl Bapk.- D, R. S: F, ,st, . , . I _ I . Mower. : -, , I I I ‘ ' '3 ’ «"I I rotp- ‘. . 2 r0 , r0 improve: - all Of-the. best quahty-II The Wignern'ombi'ned DH“; .RSV' M" Mcc‘lmus and B’W‘HM'," MC fment to Cluxton street, Kinmount. i * I Tl 'W' S' l D-‘ll Kmmn’ And-[mt and Chomg’ Lend 9‘ Petition of Samuel Parker prayinw to! - . a _ I . I I r' v "‘9 'lsner‘ "Pf-"P ” 3 , Hand.” was ably rendered by Mrs. Wil- b o- - ,d U"- S i l S, ~' . thVGS, Tlnwal‘e, 85.0., ELS- the Cheapest. “‘9 ME‘ISSCYEHM'F‘S'cuitlv‘flor mlfour =son, Mrs. F. McDouvall and the choir. 16 {imam tfnd'gggewfiffif Leno“ 0" , sections tie est on Wiee s; \irit‘i' or Th 1 - ,, dd. In H b R .,- M »_- 2 ’ ix .. ", “J, _ ‘ ' .I If I can’t please you: in the above lines, it won’t be of much withoutiseed» box and grass-Seed SOWeF- 'h‘IcCaiinciiliudna“ lidlyyspiiiit?‘ oil Mai-Bl)“le adilwfsseq the counc‘l‘ Ii _1' s, ) ~‘U" nr "- 0'. l .3 use for anybody else tOtI‘y. éhf Shall) filial}? whose powcr'tlie'spealéergaVG‘some use- Liaiibfaiiqflzf coat 0 Guam" new road. ' Pldiiughs (it? 1of $131315; inql’ue ful and pracaoal SUggcsfious‘ Thc'meet' : ‘hliovcd‘lb‘y l‘I‘r Riimn'ey seconded by I I I ~ I- ., . ‘ ' in" ’ ; ~ ’ ' ‘ V 3 ing closed with singing the hymn “God . i .l ‘ ’.. . .. i ‘- Fenelon Falls March 15th 1893‘. r newThankingmynumerouscustom-r:be with you-"t-inwe meet The .91.",05‘Vd‘4'ih“ “‘f".".“".“ ‘3“?“m‘: ; . 5 m“ f _ “f, I 1, I m , . . \lZ‘eCl to’szet 3-ncwxstcel ioad sciapeis and I s 01 past .ivois, Dog to assnie them opening meeting augurs- well for the 31],,mm‘er,,_0.,r,.ied that I shall do my utmost to merit a success of' the local union and we pic i . H i. . -- I I I . continuance of. their atmnane diet for it Ibriflht Dd pr 1 ft Mox ed by Mi. Oswald, seconded by. 3 T1305 fibBflo‘v 3‘ a a “‘0 u u um‘ .Mr. Runmey,â€"’l‘hat the bill 03 $2.60 for“ l ’, ' ' ,3 .1“, . w_~-__ia_.â€"__â€" I ‘valise for carrying books,-andlalso J. Di- ‘ _ , FCDCIOD Falls, March 8th, 1893'. 7 WillagB‘OOuncil Proceedingsa- ,Gruha‘ws .bi” 0f $3.’f°"..fixi”*i .hl“ fencigi I I . and cleaning up rubbish left by men; J g , I _I , I . ,. I ‘1 . Fenelon Fans, May 3rd 1893 building bridge, be paidâ€"Carried. The renewing v ‘et'te‘ Council metpursuantto adjouriiment; moved by Ml“ Bul'mlm“; 50900d0d‘ _ members all present and the reeve in by M“ Rumnfwi That the lbllowmg 30,“ Fr1day.May 5th: 1893- the chair. Minutes of" last meeting .Counl35 b9 Pald 1‘ 3‘ Burl‘v‘lmlh goo-(1,3: ‘ _â€"‘â€"“‘_â€"â€"â€"‘â€"' read and confirmed. EUIPPhIEd 30 311131 Bildgel'owi charity, $69 1 ' Moved by Mr. Brandon seconded b “F S “'0 “Fill”, 1‘» messenger all" Encouragmg' .}[,._ T. Austin, That, “3’0 back taxe‘: Brown’s while isolated on account of" diphtheria, $2; Dr. R: S. Frost, medi- cine and attendance at Sherman's; $28,; Austin Campbell, wood supplied Shel“ man, 500; R. J'. Mills, flour supplied‘ Sherman, $1 ; J. C. Argue, on account~ of' salary, $20.Iâ€"-â€"Carricdz The rcevc having retired, Mr. Burtclir all Was voted chairman, audit was Moved by Mr. Oswald, secouded by‘ MixIRumncy-, That James Wilson be? paidvfifteen dollars as compensation for" house dcstroycd,.tlie same having been: reported dangerous to-thc public health: by Dr. Frostâ€"Carried. The recve rc-entered' and took llio’ chair; Althoughihebill introduced by in. agairst south-enstrart of 10t164 south Matter, M p p_ for M uskoka‘ to {-0,._ of' river be struck off the list, and that bid the sale by retail of' intoxicants in the county treasurer b9 infill-1(3th t0 the Province of‘ Ontario, was shelved on .clm'sefhe same to “his "’unlClPalltY'“‘ l Tuesday last after a long,r debate, it had 031110“. a good effect; and we have now the deF- Moved by Ml“ Ambld» seconded by mite assurance of the Ontario Goverw _Mr. Austin, That the Following accounts ., ‘ment that it is its-intention to secure :1 lb“ Paid mid the WW“ give his Oldel's plebiscite (0,. general vote) on the For the spine: Wm. Gurd A: 00.. for liquor question,.and that the power of' doe? tags: 5‘93 i D- V‘H'coea work 0” creek: sT' ‘thc province to enact a prohibitory men. 551:; Olms- Wise: work 0“ Streets» $1 S sure will be tested. When,avcry short 1J- Jones: salary one month: $12 50$ ‘ time ago, a delegation of Marterites wm- Fountai'h days digging pit. . a K, 5 ~ I 5 I ' y' u . . | l “11th upon Sn. Oliver. Mowab’ they 332 38, d0., pork one niuht on eicek, ' $1 ; do. work one-half day mov1ng timâ€" were somewhat disappointed because he b expressed his determination to “ make bel‘ 0“ Street» 500- 1 tom]. 54' 339â€"0“- . . , ' ,liaste slowly ”" and to take no- osilimi moved by M“ Brando": 500°”de by .M‘Jlied.by,Ml" O‘iwnmi' seconded by: " ' 'w’" ‘ i , from which he might have ,5 back Ml-I Austin, That the clerk ask for Mr. Home, Dhatbylawd‘lo. 3803a‘byw , of the Ladies to the fact that I have secured the down. That he Wasrisht- in thus rc- tenders For the Supplying of limb“ and law” “We” bylaw M“ 378 ha now; read and passedâ€"Carried. Bylaw: fusing to allow hiszcal't‘o outrun-his Plank “liable for making .SIOOd Side- discretiou is as undeniable as that at walks for 1893. tender? to be received ‘ I“ I. the proper time he will be zealous in “P to the 15th lnSt-â€"”0¢11‘1‘l0d- I i the prohibition cause, For he has himself * Moved by M“ Brando”, 5900"Cled‘by said, and his long experience a lawyer ‘MT- Alma“: That Ml? PCM‘SOU'S‘ taxes services of a Fifi"? crass dEbg read- an d passed accordingly. Moved by Mr. Romney, seconded by' Mr. Burtchall, That Mr. Howie‘be paid: 152' for examining. lot 2-iultho. 3i'dvcon-v- eession.â€"Carricd. and am now prepared? to give my customers the ’ and a judge adds weight to his words, fql‘ 1892100 I'Cfuud‘ed'flud"tli’ifceve give I I , Latest Styles in Dress 83‘ Bialltle making. that “ thre'E‘l‘ourths of' the crime, misery his order for the sameâ€"Carried. 1‘ 0"‘3d by M1“ Burmhalh Seconded by" ,_ _. W _Im , and pauperismare due to drunkenness.” MOW‘lb)’ M“ andoni FGCOUdOd‘by . g E ,fi if .-.- i ;“ ~ - i i 0 The vote on prohibition will probably MR Ans-“‘1'; That R;- M‘CUZlUS be allowed "lam," iolmect‘ at the. ca“ 0f the reeves" _ ‘ i i be taken in January next, and two or $2 50 for services in ringing bell in _(fiu'l'ICLL ‘ I have a large stock of first class Flowers, Laces, three members who participated in the (Ease ofl firle, in lug to gate, fifty cents m-.....~.-m.e...r-__‘ Veilino‘ Ribbons Tl)S Velvets gli'wes &c. 'debate expressed the Opiniontlmbitwm 0" W“ awn'“ “"18 - . P: ‘. D, 7 1 7 7 k ‘1 7 7 carry, If it do, and; shew-Whoa have Moved by Mr. Brandon, seconded by “rspll‘lls‘ . . 1»: I V a , r ‘ s ' ‘ . . Just aiiived fiom. 101011130 and Montieal. Mr, Amold, That ,1”, come” do power to pass a proliibitory law, these l I I I in Ontario who can't, live without liquor agree [0 eXCllipt'f'i'mn lnllnlClpul't'Ttxatlou I l Mr. Henry Junkin of' Marmara has? becnat- the Falls since Tuesday. Mr. li‘vine'Symonds-of'Denver, Celors- ado, some years ago a resident of Fcnelon' l on Prepared to Sell ill the finial Prices. of' difliculty in keeping:r t’lieniselves‘alive. 6511 day' Of Marc“, 1893A“ pulp “ll” Ladies, call and see my stock ol various articles The outlook now is certainly very em and “me fill“ only (“‘1le other PTOP“ Falls, was here f’i‘omvSaturday last untili for the toilette_ ' couraging. ’ ei'ty) provuled the Napancc Mills Paper Tuesday; 00. execute ail-cleasc to tllC‘ corporation MI-I Edward thgemld; Who. “me, fling“ R“ ‘ i TheVOne Thing. Needful.- 2 doors North of theP. 0., Fenelon Falls of $497.79, balance due them by the corporation‘of‘ the {$500 ; thisexemption not tomcan school taxes. This resold" home from Buffalo'several weeksago,‘ with a broken leg, is now able to walk: fairly welliby the aid: of' a' stick. lle' intends to return to Buffalo when suf'é- ficeintly l'eCOVCl‘Gd-fl‘om'tlle effects of thc= accident.- Mr. Hour}! Pearce, who came to Fenclon Falls-from Munilla about eight- An Esqucsing farmer writes toithe Globe in favor of. a. proposal made by M r. McLean, at a late meeting of' the Conservative Club, that the Ontario Government should: borrow a large sum of money and loan. it reformers at a low tion without prejudice to-the present legal positiou‘ of the corporatioli and without prejudice is accepted;â€"Cur’d. Moved by Mr. Arnold, Seconded by Mr. Austin, That the- council now ad- journ to meet at- the call of thereeveâ€" years ago, returned to that village yes-- WMtâ€"MWWM rate of interest. Ittis-not at all likely .- , , . .. . ‘ that the proposal will ever be acted on, (Ja'lm'd' tail???" M"S"P°“}'c° an some 0i. tllC'I I have on. hand a number of'Men’s, Boys? and Youths’ ' as class legislation and. state aid: arc -'-*â€"â€"--fâ€"-m-â€"-’W~I ‘7,“ Hen‘accompawd 1mm but three- of‘ Mechanics! Institute Meeting; his sons-have obtainedemploynieut.here: objectionable, and othch would: be clamoring.r for: chcaP- money it farmers and mu remam'for the WWW“ _.â€"- Fenelon Falls, May l'st, 1892i The-annual meeting- of' the members of the Fcnelon Falls Mechanics? Insti- tute was held in the roading- room this evei'iing {or the purpose of' electing mem- bers for the ensuing year. The secre- tary read the annual and financial rc- pnrt showing the progress of the Insii- tute in the past year and its present fi- nancial standing. Moved by Mr. Dickson, seconded by Mr. J. S. Campbell, That the report as read by the secretary be acceptedâ€"Cd mm- ..-..-- Wm wfl-I PLATE GLASS.â€"On Saturday- last‘thc! old windows in the store occupied“ by’ McDuugull &..Brandon and also in'tlie‘ mix-t store south of' them were removed5 and plate glass substituted therefor, at the expense, we suppose,- ol'- Mr. Jordan,, the owucr. Plate glass is a good deal cheaper than it used to be, but the four panes, two 0F which are semewhat larger than the others, cost considerably over 3100. Who says Echelon Falls isn’t, putting on style ‘2" :Mr. Ruinney,.That the council now ada- fii got it. TliC-diéti‘esscd' condition of" the tariff, and the one only thing needf'ul to d? seer Edidbg earth. Farmers are the greatest su‘fl‘er- fixing the prices of" their products,'and . , . ‘ great majority of. the agricultural class Whmh I W111 5911 is simply the result of. the oppressive . relieve them is to- free them from the g. incubus that is crushing them to the I do not want to carry them over. Now is your time to get 01'5 from the N- P- bcciwse they have a good Over_coat Cheap. These goods are nothing (or next to nothing); to do With T , Jâ€" 1 I cannot offset the enhanced prices of' B 987 articles they have to buy by adding; an equivalent to what they have to sell; and made by one of the best houses in the Dominica. and the known,ng that this is so is at Moved by Mr. Sutherland, seconded ‘ I w the bottom of' all such proposals as Mr. by Ml‘- Hoard that Mr. Thoma: l’wbson SUDDEN DEATH-_A' tel'l'lbly deOlL s be elected presidcnt.-â€"â€"Cari-ied‘. Mr; death took place here on Wednesday, \I L : ’.. It 's “ tt cool, howeve', A finiiilliidi] qgentlenianplli: lisk the Refbi‘iln . . . Government, of Ontario to raise money at Pmces to Suit the t'nnes- to help farmers out of the hole into which they have been put by the Tory Gl‘Ocel‘leS, OI‘OCkGTy and GlaSS"lV€br'e-. GOVei-nincnt at Ottawa ;, and as long as - a vreat ina'nrit ot‘“ the farmers vote at A full line of the best goods to be had always on hand. 9,2,), 9100,20,, g, a continuance of the 5 evilsthat afflict them, they deserve no J I M g R L A N a, more sympathy than the countryman in Mrs. Vickerman Much of' Burnt River came-to the Falls by. the morning train. to get medicine for a. disease of' the heart with which she has been troubled for three or four years; and immediately after dinner, which she took at Mr. Edwin Wood’s, near the railway station, she suddenly icll forward and expired." almost instantly. Mr. S. Brokcnshire‘ drove full speed for Dr. Graham, who. was at the house in a few minutes, but,. of course, could do uothing_.. Robson returned thanks to the meeting. Moved by Mr. Junkin, seconded by Mr. Campbell, that Mr. Dickson be vice- presidentâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Sutherland, seconded by Mr. Dickson, That W. T. Junkin be treasui'cr.â€"â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. J-unkin, seconded by Mr. Sutherland, ’l‘liat Mi'. Martin Kelly V, the-fable who kept callinm to Jupiter be secretaryâ€"Carried. 1“’°“1CY’SIBIOCR f0}: help without. putting' his. own. Moved by Mr. Junkin, seconded by Fenelon Fells“, January 21th, 1893. , Lahoulder to the. wheel. Mr. Sutherland, That the following

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