Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Apr 1893, p. 8

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n. "a: luv- mow-«Maw r " W - u -..« .4 u. l," n o 2.0.5? r7 ‘4'! Hunâ€"3.. : {opus-g5. . ,. fl“: . l iVVaillorl‘ A~ltll"r‘. ~'l'l‘aus-Allaulic C‘ut‘ttc rthe putcllaso l'll'lllc.Du:;o ul' '-\\’.:tlll ~stcr’s suprlb s: at on ‘tllc il‘iltllll land the llltlll‘t‘S‘ll'll that the weall 'EUcd .Alncrican 'SEilliMol- tu-llnulo for a seas-tn tbut lll Win Ullrllun ‘Glildh‘ltlllu' Iirls, “lIlCll Janna} path and which is said to have and lllluic il a 'l‘nly Ethe l“alr all-ll l't'lUlll again In Merry and are cut-'ul'lnl uilll luxuriant tl-liaul'. .iAsi'oriiu England. The latest move in Mr. i“iillin=. “ Clivedcn," has been bullied ncrns Nl w Ylll‘kl'l‘48 .wnrkinu ill-r -Parlinlllc ll or pet'bap‘ all 'EAuLiSll't-illc. is strong“. Mr. .-\snlr uncl- ran for “(Illfil'CS- in New :Yul'k Ehut 2ill oplll: (vi. the l..le that he actually drove about ‘Iile‘eml: stitllrllcy N'a lt'l‘lng’ money to the-pum- pcnplc. he “as dell-atoll. lie was "the and dalblllt'tl tll lllr'l’alllt‘c While there, vii-alts lal ed to “no that fickle apecn'c l‘iitlll "Hf-ll'lil't'illillfiuutlll. fl‘llcll he in calm: a llonlllull-l' llc‘hnwe‘zluruse llnunc tlt‘luclt, whore h‘ll' l‘rvoi'lmi‘ks SI. cost $1 (lllll (am lItl' it: til L-(lltllltlll “lzlllll; lie ha: [All't'ltiI-‘L'll lltl' l’all .i‘iaal Vellum-rm. pupl'l‘l; he has lqurlltd limb and; on l-lltl-rl..inulcllls of all kinds. until now he (:nlrn'ts wally prl-lniuetlt pct-pie among hiS'cllnnccti-ln. CVU“ l: e l’linct- of Wales. He is mid to lmt'r cnéllll'l'l ll ll ell-:llllsllip~ ill -\\'lll(.'ll he will bring.- a lilll’l‘} all El‘l‘lS-‘ll‘ill'll'ls dukes. tails. (kc . act-or.» tllc Atlllll in on all chem-nu lulusl- llll‘lll llll' a while in 'lllh ltttlnllill \\'a.dnrt l-lilt‘l.;lilll‘lt:t'-U‘(’l will. them ill alu‘Cl-‘tl trains to Ullicllgo, Visit :Enuland ; and now he has bollulll “Ulivcdl-n ' What he wrlt (ll) next is not hinted at, but dottllthSllO‘Will make a bill lUl‘ Willllror Cilrll" at least, Mr {3le l;:l< ll\'('(l , at " Clivl-(lcn " all “'illll‘l'. and has now paid $125“.llllll in Club or il.~l plmltinn. (.‘l'l'lalllly no one who |~a~ sun lltlf glorious phat:- will think he has paid too much. It i- situutl-d 25 lullus ll'tllll London jlsl below Ul't'kllam and above Maidenhead on the 'l'llalllrs. The banks lisc lll'l"‘ while (lllvllh-ll Manor, ill the Italian style and alter designs by Inigo Jones. cmnulanlls a lllil;ltlllCCtll vn:w of the river and is it-c.l a point (ll' interest lor many miles. Hundreds ol Lou-donors boat about there l-vl-ry Sunday. and take tea on the grms ill-lrotlt ol' the tum or three quaint little hall till.bcr«d cottages “lllCll adorn llll' shore. I shall new-r int-eel the many Inlppy llluulcnts Which I have spent in that I rely spot. and ran only hope that the ln-w owner nl Clth‘Llcll will ho as gracious to the public as lras the llllblt‘ Duke until recently the lord ill the Soil ._.._._.... .9. .__._.._, Canadian Order of Foresters. The Canadian Order of Foresters is a fraternal lwllcvnlellt society, illcm-por- ated in 1879 and mentored under the insurance corporation act. l892. of Ontario. The Ill'ljl‘clri ol' the Society are to furnish its lllctnlu-l's with sick and funeral bout tits and all lllhlll'flllcu of one or two thousand dollars. The puyun ut. of these benefits range from about one dollar to one dollar and filly Ci'llls per month, according to the a_e of the member, and the amount. of insurance carried. The lneulbel's‘lip is OUIIIPOS-‘d of [DH] oniy,2uld wlll-u admitted they must be between the cues of ('lulltuml until forty-live, members is over 16,000, and the Society has a cash surplus on hand for the pa) moot ol the insurance of over $2l5,- 000. $50.00“ of which is ill lillllllllllllll of Canada bonds, and the balance i.~ invened ill the best lllouetal'y ill.~tilutiorls of the Province. Ill addition to this courts have about. hall :1 dollars ill tlll-ir trellsnries till‘ tlle pay- ment ol' the sick and l'uul-ral benefits. The high secretary of the Order is Mr 'l‘llolnlls: White of Bz'alltlbrd. and It is expected that at court. ol this popular and purely Canadian Society will Slltil‘ll) be Ot'gulliZl-ll lll'l'e.-â€"49-3:u. .____u...,. Voices For Eosterity. The pope is represented as being intrmlucrd to the pllntlnut‘llpll a low (lays sillCe and as being strongly in: presslld by the thought that by this » instrument his voice Would be pr. served to he heard again ages alter hr is dead This in il ul'cat lllmlullt, illlllUU‘Jll every body is familiar with it. We live in a World >n l’ull ol‘ wonders that we are hardly cullscious that. they art- munll-rl'ul. The voice of Pope Leo Xlll has been lll:tlltl as laSllllLf as tn‘l- earth ilsell ; it. will be heard to the end of time So it. will be with the Voice of GlilllalOllL‘ and many of the great mun ot‘ our little. and ill liulurl- ages the Voices nl' Cillllllltllllllltfl men and of wisv women and ot' wouderlul orators and Burpufifilltg‘ thinkers and great. pin-Jet‘s will all be prcwrvl-d to >till coming: time, just as the Hatut's and portraits of such have been kept l'rolll past. days to (llll‘r. A century from now the (-ar attuned , to lnolndy will listen to some livingr child of song and then tut'll away to Ctllllittll‘l! ller non-:4 with these of Paul (ll-able Other singer who has warblcll to the present generation.â€"â€"-Ifim_sus City Star. Q. A wealthy Berkshire lady has left an lmmity for the support of her favorite mm en. The present. number of million ol' ml? Jammyâ€"I. ‘ )r fifteen years to the lives of many of those who will use a. half dozen l . . ’-‘£"'l.j '-~-‘ " flit???" ---AND Stomaehrr The Most Astonishing Medical 'DiScovery of the Loot One Hundred Years. It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Hector. It is Safe and Harmless as the Purcst l‘llilk. This wonderful Nervinc Tonic has only recently'been introduced into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great South American Ncrvine Tonic, and yet; its great value as a curative agent has long been known by a few of the most learned physicians, who have not brought its merits and value to the knowledge of the general public. _ _, This medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general neryous system. It; is also of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this .bythe great ncrvinc tonic qualities which it; possesses, and by its great; curative powers upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy compares with this wonderfully valuable Ncrvinc Tonic as a builder and strength-~ encr of the life forces of the human body, and as a. great renewer of a broken-down constitution. It is alSo of more real permanent value in the treatment and cure of diseases of the lungs than any consumption remedy ever used on this continent. It is 3. marvelous cure for nerv- ousness of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical period known as change in life, should not fail to use this great Nervine Tonic, almost. constantly, for the space of two or three years. It will oarrv them safely over the danger. This great strengthener and ours,- siveiis of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great energizing properties will give them a. new hold on life. It; will add ‘te’n "lottles of the. l'c'mvlv each year. ll IS A GREAT REMEDY FOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Broken Constitution, Nervous Prostration, Debilit‘y of Old Age, . Nervous Headache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Heartburn and Sour Stomach, Female Weakness, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, Nervous Chills, Loss of Appetite, Paralysis, Frigbtful Dreams, _ Nervous Paroxysms and Dizzlncss and Ringing in the Ears, Nervous Choking, Weakness of Extremitics and Hot; Flashes, Fainting, Palpitation of the Heart, Impure and Impoverished Blood, Mental Dcspondcncy, Boils and Carbuncles, Sleeplessness, Scrofula, ' St. Vitus’ Dance, Scrofulous Swelli'ngs and Ulcers, Nervousncss of Females, Consumption of the Lungs, Nervousness of Old Age, Catarrh of the Lungs, Neuralgia, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Pains in the Heart, Liver Com plaint, Pains in the Back, Chronic Diarrhoea, Failing Health, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Summer Complaint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervinc Tonic. NERW®U§ @E@E&@E§. As a cure for every class of Nerv0us Diseases, no remedy has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all its ctfects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual. Nine tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, a cueral state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves in the result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailmento disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutrimcnt necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes necessary that a. nerve food be supplied. This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements. out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- rancement. z: meronnserLE, Ian” Aug. 20, '86. To the Great Sam/l. Amariwm Medl'a'ne Co. .' DEAR GEN'rszâ€"l desire to say to you that I have euilcrcd for many years with a. very ucrlous disease 01 the. stomach and nerves. I tried every medicine I could hour of, but. nothing done me any appreciable good until I was advised to try your Grout: lloulll American Nervch Tonic and Stomach and Liver Core, and since uninor several bottles of it I must; say that. I am sur- prised at ltfl wonderful powers to cure the stom- ach and general nervous system. It everyone knew the value of this remedy no. I do you would REDECOA melxson, of Brownsvalley, Incl. says: “ 1 had been in a. distressed condition for three years from Nervousuesa, Weakness of the Stomach. Dyspepsia, and indigestion, until my health was gone. I had been doctoring con- stantly, with no relief. I bought one bottle of South American Net-vine, which done mo more good than any $50 worth of doctorlng I over did in my lite. I would advise every weakly per- son to use this valuable and lovely remedy . a. | few bottles of it has cured me completely. I not be able to supply the demand. ‘ consider it; the grandest medicine in the world." ' . J . A. Humps, Ex-Trem. Montgomery 00. ENBEGEETEQN A.th EYSPEPSEA. The Great South American l’dervino Tonic Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vaet train of symptoms and horrors which are the resultof diseeoctnd dcbility of the lllllll.l.ll stomach. No person can afford to pass by this jewel of incul- culable value who is afl‘octed by disease of .thc stomach, because the ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove thatlhis 18 the cm;. and ONLY one great cure in the world for this universal destroyer. ’lherc is no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can resist; the wonderful curotlvo powers of the South American Ncrvinc Tonic. HARRIET E. “ALL. of \Vuynctown. Tull. Ravs: Mos. ELLA A. anlrrox. of New Ruse. Indiana, “Vl owe my life to the Grout South American flay,“ ul cannot (“press how much I owe to the hm'vlpo' I had be?" I" had I”? five menu)“ £10m Norvlne Tonic. My system was completely shat- tlla charts 0! an cxll:l.u.~ltell stomach. Indlgnsllon, . H I W, , W _ t, m Nervous Frustration. and a. general chartered lewd, RPPtmm £20110. WU “WU-“Du and 8XM H-a condition oi my whole system. Had given up up blood; urn sum 1 wqu in the first stages of. consumption, an inheritance bonded down all liopr .0! getting well. Hall tl-loll three Iloc- , torll. with no relief. The first bottleo the Norv- through several generations“ I be an taking the Narvlue Tonic, and euntlnued to use (m ins Tonic improved me so much that lwas ublcto _ about ctr: months. and um cutlrcly cured. ll walk about. and 1: low bottloc cured mo entirely. i believe it is the beat medicine in the world. I in the grnndcat remedy for nerves. stomach 81“ um not recommend it too highly." | lungs I have ever corn.” No rcmerlv comuaros with Sloo'ru AMERICAH’ Nnnrtnn an a. core for the Nerves. No remedy com pores wltb South American Nervlne as a. wondrous cure for the Stomucll. No remedy \vlll pr u. compare with South American Nervluc as a cure for all forms of failing: health. Itncvcrlmls it ,It never fails to euro Chorca or St. ,Yltun’ Dance. Its l‘lowers tn build up Lb; whole warn nl are wonderful in tho oxtrcme. It. cures the old. the young, and the min: (lie aged. His 3 great lrieud to the aged and infirm. Do not neglect to use this pronoun boon ll vou do, you may neglect the only remedy which will rectoro you to health. South Amerlr-u Ncrviuo is perfectly sale. and very pleasant. to the 1:51:10. Delicate lurlieu. do not fall to use t_tlx grout. cure. bet-muse it will put the bloom of freshness and beauty upon your lips and In your chemo and quickly drive away your dllsnhllitlos and weaknesses. Price, Large 18 ounce Bottle $1.09; finial Size, 15 Cents. EVERY BOTTLE WARRANTED. If not; kcpt’ by Druggists order direct from . Dr. E. EE‘l’BHGil, Crawforetoville, lilo For ,Sale at Fenelon rate by cure Indigestion and Dyspeplsla. w. e. lemu- Tm resilient le tailors. "fires are nave pl‘epnx‘eid to turn out Clothe- tlses-l of fingers. “N‘MMNOWOOHOW¢§O¢NOMQHOOQ090-. V WlOUR STQ. >K "OF mv‘“% Overcoatin‘gs, Trouserinds vilifigé ELM”â€" :rs COJMZPLE'I‘E_ “tub-ye, «ovowoo’é‘oâ€"omo Nwmouocooooonuw¢< 4 «0 As a. .proof of the. popularity of our Clothing, we my net; that orders are continually co= ling in om Munich). and the NG‘l‘th-WSST, DE A L‘E'R ‘I N idlLLlllERY muesli!) GOODS heels of all "Kinds. Wall and Window Paper ’ IN GREAT VARIETY. Stamping ])0ne. Eggs Tate” in Ext/flange. .â€".-.b.. â€"â€" C'lllllllml Street. lellellln Falls. ES"? will? Fast Colored Gil g- hams for 16¢. Fast Colorel Mesa ins for 190. Fast Collared. Prints for 19 Cents. The freshest Goods in the village at "Wm. Compton’s. SCHOCL ROCKS AND , SUPPLIES PATEN T MEDlClNES AND DRUGS A . FULL S'l‘GCK AT W. T. J UN KIN ’S. 1 loans ill large or small amounts. and on lat‘m to grill: [ll in hell The ‘wcs‘t Torts of lots 23 and 24 in the l l til ‘L'oll‘cessiliu'c‘t‘ F :‘m r... en» ' l90 acres, close to the Village of Fen '3: Falls. * too chums fingered, 'lljll'll pilirt Blfc'rl'ml do‘x‘i’u. The ll llSt't‘tlt’d por- tion ploughed and really for 8) ring crop; the remainder of the land ill Wood. -‘ G00!) MARKST'AT FEl‘lELfiN FALLS for grain and cord Wood of all sorts. Good Dwelling. Earn, Stable cit Ilene“. W Price Low. ’l‘clnls Easy. If not sold soon, will be le:lsrd._ Apply to J. G; \‘l'il.l.I.‘.l\lS, J. l). Filll'l‘ll G. 1-1. G. Mer'l‘Y, ;~ r: llurou Street, Toronto l,» Port Hope. 8-H”. MONEYâ€""iciiâ€"LCAN. Allan in...ch oncll. Barrister Sara, Cor. Kent and York 813., Lindsey, ' l'las completed arrangements with moo- oycll institutions and priva e capitalists in Toronto, l’t lvl't~l;l~oll;rll and Lindsay. and is now p't‘l‘fil't'd lo l‘t‘('(‘l\'l‘ applications for ' real or personal S"(‘lll‘i‘)', rail-s The very closest The most l‘avolllblg erms. ‘ Lindsay, February, l803. 51. 1)};CN'E‘IN'E RY . GAS.- (V ITALIZED AIR.) Go to J. Nulmxus. Dentist, Lindsay, if‘ you ‘want lt’tflll extracted positively Williâ€" ollt pain Gas has been giw-u by him with great. success for n'. or 2t rears. He studied with Dr. Colton.ot New York. the invenâ€" tor of gas for extracting tl-l-tll. Number-t of persons are wrariilg‘ artificial lertllmudc by Mr. l‘eelands 2H years ago, and never required any lcpnirs. G ld Cl'l vrns, porce~ lain crowns and brillucwllrll done. Visit! Fem-loll Pulls, lchrtbur House, on the third Tuesday of every month. Cull early ill the day. 4.04. ireeieeeeri‘ MAN UFAGTURIER OF omen; -. rnennd Everything belonging; to the » Saddlery and" fineness Trade constant}; kept in stock nnrnlnlnofl Done on the Slam lesi. Fictice. tellâ€"ll. ell. W l llli‘: “ Fcneloll lâ€"‘lllls liazctte'” is printl-d over) Friday .111 the office, on the comet ol May A: Francis streets. SULSCIUYTION til A YB“: 11" ABVlll‘liflQl or one cent per week will he added as mg: as it l'L‘llltllllS unpaid. Ad vex-ti ssin’tg; I: ates. Professional or bluiness cards, 50 out" pcrline pr r :n- nuul. Casual advortiscmeulp, 8 cents per line lor the first insertinnglnd‘ cents per line for every subsequent. inscr- tlon. Contract: by the _\(‘fll‘, half year It ‘ quarter, tor a colulnn. or less, upon 383w,” able terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordin-Ar) kinds L'Xt‘lflal(d neat-lbs. "all; and reapepablr rates. ’ S . D. HAND, froprmor,

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