Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Apr 1893, p. 3

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{,‘*â€".____7_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~__â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"___â€"__â€" _.___â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- ___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"‘- ' \ "P‘MWHNHMMH " 7 ‘ Ized blood builders and nerve tonics,no F03 Plumes The All“ 7 NAND WOMEN. ~ A Michigan woman has invented a patent glass door for ovens. Elev, Herbert Spencer is said to have made nearly $200,000 out of his writings during r the last ten years. n“; Daudet is said to be a great smoker and a very hard worker. - He has been known to lock himself in his library and write for twenty-feur consecutive hours. The Dowager Countess of Caitliness is a firm convert to the doctrine of reincarna- ~ tion, and believes that she is carrying about the soul of Mary Queen of Scots. ' The Czarina of Russia employs over one hundred seamstresses, but prefers to make the dresses of the younger children herself, and she generally retrims their hats when they are‘sent home from the milliner. Mrs. White, wife of Senator \Vhite, of do California, is frequently spoken of as a ab, “Spanish beauty,” on account of her dark hair and eyes and rich complexion. But top she was born in North Caroline, her father holy being a Frenchman and her mother Irish. l She was educated in Philadelphia and went to California when a young woman. ' ed- M rs. Martin Strong, of California, has 'a to valuable estate on which a million pampas the plumes are grown annually. She wishes to an. endow a business college for women, and mu in order to secure funds for this purpose, liO'l has petitioned for space at the World’s vigo. ...-.. weighs ISU pounus, and his many Fair on which to errect a pampas grass friends in Norwood look upon him in won- PaViliOD, Where plumes, bouquets boxes and der. Of course Mr. Knox is questioned on baskets of the grass may be sold. every hand about his recovery, as to The Countess Anna Hahn, the Sister'in- what magic influence he owes his increase law of the author, Countess Ida Hahn, en- in flash, and his answer to each interroga- tered a convent near Meran. lmly, a few tion is “Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills did days ago, with the intention of becoming a in,” and he is nevei‘ too busy to min. The countess, who belongs by extol the merits of this now world famous marriage to one of the greatest families in remedy, This is Whauhe said to areporbel‘ Germany, is 67 years old. She has large of the _Norwood Register the other dav estates in Holstein in her own name, WhiCh when asked about his illness and wonderful Willprobably go to the church. cure :â€"â€"“I will tell you all about it. In ________o___.__â€" January, 1892, I had la grippe, which was From..Ncw Orleans om. Sumner“ Calm prevalent at that time. It settled into m1... pains in the calves of my legs. Iwas draw- (B J t_ R 1 h _ H. H M ‘ . ing lumber at the time and thought it was 5' u “m a“ 1’ 1“ “he” ag‘lzme for caused by sitting on the load and allowing _ . February-l _ _ ing my legs to hang down. I consulted a _ The Loulslahh lohhery hen-18 legalized, doctor in the matter who told me it was tickets are openly displayed In the Shop-rheumatism. He treated me, but did me windows, and are sold on the sidewalks by no good and I kept getting worse da31y_ men, women and children. One store for Altogether I had seven doctors in mg... the sale of these tickets bears such a legend dance, but ,one of them seemed to know “5 this on its high: This is lucky Number what my ailment was. Some said it was ‘1 ' ' ' . . Lleveh- More Wlhhlhg “Chats 5014 here rheumatism others that my nerves were than “hyWhere else 1h howh- . diseased, one said locomotor ataxia, and .1hehe “’35 “- Slmwmg Whlle I Was 1" the another inflammation of the spinal cord, (my, and hhowmg hhah the lottery company and still another said neuialgia of the was 1103 to “Sh for 3' renew“ 0t its PI‘iVi"l nerves. I did not sleep for six weeks and legGSJI ai_"3vlh’-Cl myself.Of the OPPOWuhlhy ho ‘ no drug administered by the medical men Witness Its Chlef Phhhc Opel'ahmh and the could deaden the pain or make me slumber. historic characters who have been induced I will just my this, M the end of that time hy large salaries h? fihghe for 1h The draw' some narcotic administered made me doze for mg t°°k_ Place 11} 3' theahhe 03,1105. the I a couple of hours, and that was all the relief “ Acadeth 0f Mus”: at eleven. 0 ClOCk “1 I received from the disciples of Esculapius. the morhlhg- The YenOYV ghs'JEtS bahhled They said that I could not recover, and feehly With the dayhghh “1 Phe 1‘3th who 'really I had given up hope myself. My ‘Vhlch lfhe Phople were Pressmg Wlhhoul". 18h pain was so intense I wanted to die to be or qualification. The theatre was two-thirds , relieved of my sulfgring. From a, weight, of fun at. lash on “he Shhgciseh With a Parlor l 184 pounds I had dropped to 120. I was a seene,wasla knot of men between twowneels. Skeleton compared win}, my former gem I The wheel on the right was a. band Of Silver, 1 had often read in The Resistor of Dr. VVill- wit-h sides of glass and With a door in the . iams’ Pink Pills, but did not think of mkâ€" meml I'lm- A hhShel 0? httle 1’1an ghhm‘ l ing the remedy. About this time my father Eemha ehYelQPeS hh‘? 5le of dommoes had purchased some from Dr. Moti'att, druggist, 39“ P‘fhhed mm t1“? Wheel: and 8' whlhe 4 Norwood. and bringing them to me request- hoyi bhhdf‘hde‘l “'{hh 3' handkemhlfih ' ed me to take them. They remained in the stood at the handle or the crank by which house perhaps a couple of weeks before I the Wheel “'33 thrhed- He hhfl one arm “1 v commenced taking them, and then I must the (1001' Of the Wheel: and, Wlthlhhe hahd confess I had not much faith in their ef- Of the Other arm W35 Ohhung 3" hlhy ehvfh‘ ficacy. Before I had finished taking the 9P9 to hem Beauregardâ€"we 13's}? Shhvw' Ifirst box I felt a little better, and when I mg general who served on either side in our had taken two boxes I was convinced that, late WM- fihe: mos“ gelltlemaXIIY'lo‘Jk‘ > the Pink Pills were doing for me what mg man he ISflVllill the features of a French seven doctors had failed to d0__they were 00mm“: “(It/h snowy ha“: 9‘ Whlte hmm' effecting a cure. I felt so much better after ta‘fhe: 9' little go‘ltee: ahd the thesc having taken three boxes of Pink Pills that 51““ 1* hhhy ever knew. He was faultless' I ceased taking them, but I had not fully 1y dressed- Acmss the Stage: heS‘de a recovered and had to resume, and I then very much.»1arser Wheel Of P‘Lrhhwlored l continued taking them until now I am as beards, sat Major-General Jubal A. Early 'hale a man as you will meet», in a. day’s â€"-â€"a‘perfect type of the conventional figure travel. I am Positive that this happy 0f Lathe“ Tlmei tau: PONY: StOOP'ShO‘d' result has been brought about by the use dehed’ Partly bald, and wmh 9' long, heavy, of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. I recommend white beard.- “He was dressed. all in the them to my neighbors a,nd my friends as I color of the uniform he distinguished by his am thoroughly convinced of their great, valor as a soldier. - - r x . . . curative properties. Ihere is a case a By caoh general Stood 3' blmdtomed boy, short distance from my place of a man, who taking numbers out of the wheels, and hand- has been “cripple for some time, recover- mg them to the generals From the ing after taking eight boxes of Pink Pills. big wheel to Major-General Early came the In December last I could only manage to num aers of the tickets ; from the little wheel lift a, bag of cats. now I can toss a bag of to General Beauregard came the numbers of peas onto a load With ease. Isn’t} that dollars that formed the prize each ticket gaining strength? At, one period Since I had won. By each general stood a crier. began taking pink pills I gained thirty Early rghdd 011:1: fl; twenty?“ dtlg’usahd pounds in six weeks. To-day I feel as well Ohehhh re 3“ W'two s 3'“ ehhre' as I ever did in my life. I have been assessable.awareness:I? 3.3%; 220:]; my 332:; w; , , t I l . y . . Then the criei‘s took the billets and cried the (game it, 3,1,3, duty to Bay 3; good word numbers' “Twentymhe thousand onehun' for Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills whenever I and fifty-two” from one; “ Tew hundred can.” dollars " from the other, who, by-the-way, H I hear you are making prep,“ among to called out tcw hundred dollars about tew build a house, Mr. Knox,” mid the report- hundred times. But all the prizes were not er. of that amount. I chanced to hear the cap- a Yes” replied “Mr-:19,“ Iaug},ing1y_ u I ital prim read. ont' am about building a house and barn, which “ Twenty‘e‘ghl’ thousand four hundred I think will demonstrate that I am trying and thirty~niiic” said Early. “ Three hun- to enjo) mv renewed lease of life.» 73.“ng dred thousand don"‘rsin “‘ld Beajul'ega’rd' on Dr. Moffatt, druggist, the Register re- The “feet w“ Startling; "mead “he porter asked him if he knew of Mr Knox’s startled senses refused to grasp the mean- case, and that that, gentleman ascribed his mg “the W°rd3- We one“ repeated the cure to the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. figures. The people in the theatre craned u Yes,” replied the doctor, is I have been fOrWa'rd- {"hundred Pfenmls Shot over the talking to Mr. Knox and his is certainly a Pads or bus 0f Paper m mania and Women 5 most remarkable cure. But speaking of Dr. laps. Thena murmur of veices sounded all Williams: Pink. Pius reminds me of the over the house. The routine on the stage wonderful sale they are having in and about, was halted, for the criers took the two bits Norwood' I buy a, hundred dollars: worth of paper to some clerks who sat at tables in M 8‘ time and my orders are not fe‘v. I the fahl'her P?“ 0f the Stage! to allow them sell more Pink Pills than any other medicine to verify the important figures. Then the and always heal. good reports of them.“ routine began anew. Dr. Williams' Pills are a perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus’ dance, nervous headache, nervous prostration and the tired feeling therefrom, the after effects of 1a grippe, influenza and severe colds, dis- eases depending on humors in the blood such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc., Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions, and are a specific for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they cfl'ect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, over work or excesses of any nature. These Pills are manufactured by the Dr. I’Villiams’ Medicine Company, Brockville, Out, and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm’s trade-mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $1.50. Bear in mind that Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who of fors substitutes in this form is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. The public are also cautioned against all their TO BE READ WHILE WAITING. It’s odd that when we want a watch to run we have to set it. . The candidate who shakes: hands is not necessarily in touch with the people. A bald-headed man’s powers of reflection are greatly increased under an electric light. Women talk a good deal, of course, but so would men if they had as many interest- ing things to say. '- Criticus (looking at a picture of the im- pressionist school)-â€"If that’s high art then I’m an idiot. Cynicusâ€"lVell, that is high art. Vt atts-â€"â€"-What is the matter with Thomp- son? He has got so he stammers all the time. Pottsâ€"His wife made him stop swearing. It is a little discouraging to a man to carry ' a yowling, squalling baby around for half a night, then sit down and reflect that “of Such is the kingdom of heaven.” r what name 'may be given them. are all imitations whose makers hope «.p a pecuniary advantage from the erful reputation achieved by Dr. VVillâ€" Pink Pills. Ask your dealer for Pink for Pale People, and. refuse all imita~ and substitutes. Willianis’ Pink Pills may be had of uggists or direct by mail from the Dr. .ms’ Medicine Company from either as. The price which these pills are lakes a course of treatment compara- inexpensive as compared with other .ies or medical treatment. rim-W I'lie Effect of Gold on Reptiles- capacity of batrachian and allied to withstand intense cold has recent- u made the subject of investigation auth, who conducted his experiments affirmative results. The animals, er, showed no signs of life until a nutes after the frost, which extend- the Vitals, had been thoroughly 3 out, and they died almost immedi- ifter awaking. This confirms the .on made by many observers in 10- s in which frogs are exceptionally ful, that an immence distruction of lo ensues whenever permaturely weather in March thaws out the .1s, only to subject them to another of sharp frost. It has long been .own that frogs’ eggs are protected from cold by a slimy envelope, and Bratuschck, who has been devoting his attention to this phenomenon, now tells us that this envel- ope permits the entrance of warm rays, but hinders the radiation of warmth. These eggs are sometimes found undigest- ed iii the excrement of birds, which have eaten female frogs in autumn, and Bratus- chek has recently found them in the drop- pings of buzzards. ,__,____..___ You’ve tried Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Pre- scription have you and you’re disappointed. The results are not immediate. And did you expect the disease of years to disappear in a week ‘2 Put apiuch of time in every dose. You would not call the milk poor because the cream doesn’t rise in an hour? If there’s no water in it the cream is sure to rise. If there’s a possible cure Dr. l Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is sure to effect it, if given a fair trial. You get the one dollar it costs back again if it don’t benefit or cure you. \Ve wish we could give you the makers’ confidence. They show it by giving the money back again, in all cases not benefited, and it’d surprise you to know how few dollars are needed to keep up the refund. I Mild. gentle, soothing and healing is Dr. ' Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. Cures the worst cases permanently. No experimenting. It’s “ 01d Reliable.” Twenty-five years of suc- cess. ‘ Don’t live in hope with your arms folded; V fortune smiles on those who roll up their sleeves and put their shoulders to the wheel. mesons! TOOTHACHE GUM acts as a V temporary filling, and stops toothache instat- 1y. Sold by druggists. If the workman lose the edge from his adze he knows that there will be a greater draught upon his energies, or his work will be badly done. 1 Dr. Harvey’s Souihern Red Pine for ; coughs and colds is the most reliable anr perfect cough medicine in the market. Fod ; sale everywhere. The Indian women on the reservation at Dry Earth are said to be learning the art l of lace-making, and this new employment ! has the effect of including neatness, for' otherwise the market value of their laces of Edmeston, N. Y. Colorless, Emacuated, Helples.‘ HOOD’.‘ A Complete Cure by SdRSAPARILLA. This is from Mr. D. M. Jordan, a re tired farmer, and one: of the most re a z ' spected citizens of Otsego Co., N. Y. ‘, "Fourteen years ago I had an attaclsof thgravel, and have since been troubled thh in} I iiunm “ma‘ "Lehman’s: A fog has beneficial effect in partially purifying the atmosphere. This is borne out by the fact that When a. fog subsides the deposit contains the carbon, sulphur, organic gases, and other injurious and irri- tating particles which formerly. existed in a state of suspension in the atmosphere. The “ Lancet ” says : “Just as water is freed 8 I’ll ‘ ” from objectionable suspended matter by p the addition of an impalpable powder, or a G, Gloger, Druggist, Watertown, mixture which gives rise to a fine precipitate, Wis. This is the opinion of a man so probably is the air deprived of suspend- ed impurities by the subsidence of the Who keeps 8‘ dIUg Store’ sens an moisture particles in. which the impurities mfidICinesi 9011165 In dlreFt c'llhh‘aCt become entangled. It is a matter of com- Wlth the patients and their families, mon observation that the air is remarkably and knows better than anyone else i ‘ 1 ‘ n _ clear after the subsidence of fog or mist. how remedles sell, and WhaL true A German statistician finds that the most ment .they have" “unlucky” day of the week so far asacci- the fallures and Successes» and can dents to human beings are concerned, is not therefore judge : “I know of 110 Friday, but Monday; 16.74 per cent. of all medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, accidents occur on Mondays, 15.51 per cent _ on Tuesdays.16.31 per cent. on \Vednesday: 91" Hoarseness 15.47 per cent. onTliursdays 16.38 per cent. . on Fridays, the same per ceiit on Saturdays Coughs! family as Boschee’s and 2.69 per cent. on Sundays. From these GermanSyru . Last figures it not only appears that Friday is Sore Throat! mnter a ladypcalled not the unluckiest day in this regard but - that one day is pretty much as another: The Hoar seness! at glyfitoge’ Who was “lucky” character of Sunday is explained Su enng romavery by the fact of little or no work being done severe cold. She could hardly talk, hm daY- and I told her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give re- lief; but she had no confidence in patent medicines. I told her to take. a bottle, and if the results were not satisfactory I would make no charge for it. A few days after she called and paid for it, saying :that she would never be without it in future as a few doses had given her relief.” ® ______________._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"- Plaster will give great satisfaction.-â€"-25 cents. Your name and artistic design in fancy colors, from the finest Auto- H fl matie Shading Pen Artist in:.thc world. Send. " T? erman Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Dru gists on a Guarantee. For 3 Lame Side, Back orC csl: Shiloh’s Porous '3‘: 3 cent stamp for postage. Complete stock of Egg/,5 . if R E E ‘K Is3enmanship Supplies. Address W. A. THOMP- Have you I This Remedy will relieve WLâ€"éflâ€"‘r and Cure you. Price fillets. This Injector for is successful treatment, free. Remember. Do IMAGINE Shiloh’s Remedies are sold on a guarme That people would have been regularly using ‘ ' our Toilet Soaps smcc 1845 (forty-seven long years) if they had not been GOOD? The public are not fools and do not continue to buy good unless they are satisfactory. BEA-RIME- KOFF NO MORE thJiTSONS’ COUCH DROPS WILL GNE PGSlTlVE AND INST- ANT RELIEF To THOSE SUFFERING FROM COLDs, HOARSENESS, sons THROAT, ETG.,AND ARE INVALUABLE TO ORATORS AND V'ocnusrs. R. at | T. W. STAMPS!) on EACH onep. TRY THEM l : 3E tcliffoius Now ready and mailed free to all applicants. Carefully selected Farm and Garden Seeds. and Seed Grain, choice Flower Seeds, clean Grass and Clover Seeds. Special attention paid to Corn forEns'ilage. I42 McGill Sl at $05 Montreal. .______________.______._â€"â€" â€"DR. TAFT’Sâ€" - ASTHMALIENE ‘ Gives a Night's .- In. SwectSlcep and 3" ='~' so that you need not sit upallniglitgasping for breath for fear 0 snfi‘ocationOn rcceip ofnan) c and P.0.Addrcss . Will mail TRIAL BOTTLE l Dr.TAi«"i‘Buos.MEnioinu 00., Rochester. N.Y. Canadian Office. 186 Adelaide Street West. Toronto. Tar/ac care tizaz‘ your drafts mi your plzysz'ml endurance don’t come . dark lo you some day marked “no ; funds.” Take ‘ .x-’_ 0 Pure Cod Liver Oi|&Hypophos hltes " to increase your entity and :0 ma .2 good . your acmzmt at 1/1: ban/é of limit/i. I T C Uli’E S 00fi3UMPTl0fl, SCROFULA, BRONGHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS and all formsoflll/asfingfliseases. 3 Almost as Palataéle as fill/la. Be sure ; you gr! tit: genuine as titers arrfaar imi- -: tatz'ons. Prepared only by Scott & Bowne. Belleville. FOR SUBSCRIPTEON BOOKS, BIBLES AN” ALBUMS, Write to William Briggs. Publisher. Toronto WHY BUY 8. Boot or Shoe that does not fit. Why punish your- self in attemping to form your foot toa bootorshocr We make out Boots and Shoes from two to six (lit fen-ent) ‘ widt'r ‘Vl ANTED -- Ladies and young men to take work at their own homes: good prices and no canvassing. Address Standard Manu- facturing Company,Lor:k Box 107,South Fram- ingham, Mass. Enclose stamps mention pa- “ case are: Valuable treatise and boitlc ofmcdiclnc sent Free to any Sullercr. Give Express and Post Office address. H. G. ROOT. M. C., 186 West Adelaide Street, Toronto. Ont ETE‘KI‘IDEH)UGII GANG“ C‘,1‘y., Ask for the J. I). King 85 CO.,Ll}d., pCrEeCl] g) Successor to Ontario Canoe 00., (Ltd, Eng gogglfll‘mJLâ€"g akers ofl’etei‘borough Canoes for Hunting, 3 - Fishing. Shooting Skiffs, Sail Boats, Steam Launches. Send 3 cent stamp for Catalogue. I .- NussrRYMENLBEALEnsipiANTERs‘ l ,_ li'Jl ‘ $.15; 321‘»: . «.‘Jifi‘d '3‘ ":6 can CURE GUARANTEED Why be troubled with plLes, Ex. ' TERNAL 0R INTERNAL, FISSURES. ULCER- AT CH ITCHING 0R BLEEDING OF I ’ ANUS when Dr. CURVE] IF YOU WUULD SAVE TIME Mill MONEY WOT M °R iv -n in . i BUY A. . trail/ricmsnDear: as; -. I ~ » ' . ' in NEWWllilil‘lilS SEWING lllllllllllllll 32$éggl’i33%‘h‘iiliig31ilggféigo?flipgfié‘ifi '6 ,.1 i Am“ “Mme” iii/lax llHlIflalchlnfilL IZhAniillnE ST. ssr. ma T0. _ 3; . ' I. . I ________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-"""â€"'â€""_-'â€"'-'_--_q SSURED. You will have money in your pockets if you buy your first class Trees of me at the correct 5 . prices I can quote you this Spring on‘ applica- ion. H. 5. 308.0. Halton Nurser1es,Bur- ington, Ont. The kidneys, liver and. bowels are the avenues through which waste matter travels from the system. If allowed to get clog- ged or neglected, disease is sure to follow' Cleanse these organs , thoroughly by the liber- - al use of ST. LEGN MlNERAL WATER, elimination then be- comes simple and eas and the climax of healt , and happiness is assured .n ST LEON MINERAL flj/ WATER CO. (LTD) .-..‘ Head Ollicc, King Street West: Branch 449 Yonge Street. Toronto. All Druggists, Grocers and Hotels. 'i Dress and Mantle Cutting A by this new and improved TAELCRS’ SQUARES. ' Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies the full art of cutting all garments worn by ladies and children. PROF. SMITH, 392 QUEEN ST. W-,TORONTO. Agents Wanted. gilt taunts the latest improvements. Be sure for your buggy. They are better or 1893. IMPROVED THE LAST 20 YEARS v NOTHING BETTER UNDER THE SUN m i"? , a; ‘ 1 . an... _ ,_ . o I ? I mum's air/1mm CURE. It! “- ~ A I 7 IT cumâ€":3 CATARRH IN THE HEAD SEND FOB QUESTION SHEET. 0" Recon or ANSWERS_ o NOSE. GOLD IN THE HEAD- "Q! LET ME SELECT WHAT Is Raquanau. WILL SEND You L‘W-ED PALATE AND TONS‘LS',§6 Puma. (loans are SENT BY MAIL, ersrsnso, f 11 and drives awa . )6 1:1 sh: oxsfihe’nced by all who have connm AND tam. ‘e Cfluff/e will work wonders. Price Sand Stamp for Illustrated Book- ;gists. Sent by mail on receipt 0‘ GEAS. Gnu-rum lAIrlllle hisaiintlfiiiiihéi wish mum JUIGIGAL HAGHIHIST. 134 Km 513m w. TORONTO He hears of 'all '

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