u. '. app '13; 'p. y '3‘ u ' Sign. X, Double X, Treble X. Why is the lettcr X coupled with 'aie'.’ Browse it Xâ€"uctly X-prCsses its ci~aractir. On X-nniining this X-altcd and highly thiled X-cisabie liquor. we learn that it is an X-truct of malt. and hops. nilh prnhnhly some X-trns. ll: X-nucdinuly'X-pcnrire,-Xtrcuiely dungeons and chrsivcly injurious Al‘s Vii.» can X-u;1_'cl':xlo its evil cifccts? '7 It X 3.i:.=rasos and X-lizzusts the spirib; , . '. ~ .. . it X ci'u-s angt r; it X pols reason; it \ r, ~ ~X-lln:ui~lws energy, it X-poscs wenk- ' . . new it X-‘et'njiwvs how: it thw- The Most Astonis Medical Discovery of .Eitliililllns‘gllciuli Lusnr-‘erXiâ€"ttgait??? the Last 0118 Hundred Y 31°53. ' ' is -'c on c. i - "t .~ . » , .5 ., -n n friendship it makes Xorhitnnt X~nc- j:g Pliasant t‘le Taste afi tile bweemiigt Rust“ "" It IS Sans and harmless as the Forest Bins. {ions on the body, and Xcrts :Iu X-trn- . .ordinztrv inflw-nce on the mind. its This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced deadly X puii‘s nr~ everywhere X-liihi.- into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great ~ed and l’cnrlully X pericnccd. b‘outh American Nervine Tonic, and yet its great value as a curative X-[iuns‘au‘ukt-l X.I,,|m-e}hi.. chra. agent has long been known by a few of the most learned physicians, ble tirink cunn; anude in {mm yuur who: have not brought its meritsand value to the-knowledge oi the lips; X-iii‘ci~c it from your homes; take generalpubliq. . _ . , _. . . ‘ _. p _. ._ . a ï¬rm and X-plici't stand; Xcl-pt no _ This medmme-hascornpletely solvedfthc problem of the cure of indi- 'cmnln'omisc; allow no X-cuso; uclmit' nn gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. It IS x.c,,r,,i,,,, ; Sm“, m, x_u,.,i,,,, ; abridm. also of the greatest value In the' cure of, all forms of failing health from no X puns“; pm by X tun-mm"; by X whatever cause.‘ It performs tlns'by toe-great nervruc tonic qualities elamntinn, by X ample and by X_p,.c,_ which it possesses, and _-by'1ts.grcat' curative powerfs upon the digestive .3,†mayâ€. swim m Xyï¬mm its perish; organstthe 'stomaci1,!the liver iandfthe bowels. ho remedy compares in; Violin“; m 5,“). its x.,,,n_..i,,,,; n, With this wonderfully valuable Nervme Tonic as a buildcrand strength- X-tcrtnimuc its l')tv\\‘(-,]" and X puc, m, ener of the his forces .of the human body, and as a great renewer of.a repuse um“ i, is Xylcd out of Kim, broken-clown constitutlon. it '18 alsouof more real permanent value'in .8,,ce._77wm,,s 0mm},- the treatment and cure of lesBï¬SCS‘Gfi-ï¬he lungs than: any consumption remedy ever used on ithis"Icontirmnt. é'It-is>~'a-marvclouscure for nerv- °""â€~“ ousness of females of" all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical .An English Wire-Wound Gun. period known as change in life, should not fail to use this great Nervine â€"-- Tonic, almost constantly,'fcr'theI‘Spacc of two or three years. It will The Euulish Admiralty has adopted carry them safely over the danger. This great strengthencr and cura- '& new quick-ï¬ring six-inch wireâ€"wound tive is of inestimable value to the aged and inï¬rm, because its great gun for the naval Vessels; The new energizing properties will giyothsm a new hold on life. It will add ten “Weapon has bel'll sulijctcd to an cx- or ï¬fteen years to the lives of “many; of those who will usc a half dozen huustlvc trial at, the Gm'crpmcot butts bottles of the r"-".‘-'“l“' (India 3'65". It n' is A GREAT 'REM‘EDY’FOR'THE CURE or its weight. chcn tons. It carries an :e.-..n-_rntcd shot. of NH) pounds a di~tuncc Nervousness, Broken Constitution, Debility of Old Age, of 7.000 yards. antlwill slriltc an cnc- NervOuS Prostraï¬on, “(F Sh'P “3’ R“"159â€le YOU“ mile-‘l Nervous Headache, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, diHilllin IL i5 Si) i‘ilpiii that, iii'el'i Witil Headache, .Iâ€"Ieart‘burn and Sour Stomach, ..cortlitt- at a long range, it hns tlil'ec or Female 1Weakness, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, 'four shots in the air at one time. Forty Nervous Chills, Loss of Appetite, 'of the new guns imvc been already unin- Paralysis, Frightful Dreams, -’-Mfaclured in the royal gun lactorics at Nervous Paroxysms and Dizziness and Ringing in the Ears, VVooiwich. and are being: issued to the Nervous Choking, Weakness of Extremities and various ships in the royal navy. Each Hot Flashes, Fainting, weapon.» contains several miles of wire. Palpitation of the Heart, Impure and Impoverished Blood, it having:. been found that. a gun tnudc Iental Despondency, Boils and Carbunclcs, up of this wire is stronger than when Sleeplessncss, Scrofuia, 4 mat-.ulacmrcd of hnnmgcnunus nictnl St. Vitus’ Dance, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, l'ii-n is also found cw sand tl-c ï¬rst Nervousness of Females, Consumption of. the Lungs, Silncii of the elastic lnicc nl (:or’jile nr’ Nerv‘ousness of Old Age, Catarrh of the Lungs, putpm’tlcr better than iron or .slcri. Neuralgia, , Bl‘OnChitlS and 01110310 Cough, Liver Complaint, ' while il:c inn}: horn ctuhh-s the Whole Pains in the Heart, Chronic Diarrhoea, Delicate and Scrofuious Children, of the church to he comumcd. Pains in the Back, Summer Complaint of Infants. Failing Health, All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful Nervine Tonic. sassnssrss. As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases; no remedy has been able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and harmless in all its exfects upon the-youngest child or the oldest and most delicate individual. Nine-tenths of all the ailments to which the human family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired digesâ€" tion. Vthn there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the‘blood, a general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the result. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the right kind of food is supplied; and a thousand weaknesses and ailment:- disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all the power by which the vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the ï¬rst to suffer for wantof perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied. This South American N ervine has been found by analysis to contain the essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- .._.. - ...... Grino ine. “ No one has yvt noticed," writes our 'Who t't'mclnbt'rs twenty-live years ago. “ the foul tlml the rc-intrmiuction oi cri- zuféinc must bring with it a drastic rc dorm in our (‘lt'szillu' rooms. I “list the women will not down tnc nngniinnt. il' l 511:: \t that a crinolintd lady in at motl- fr.» drawn: romn. with its small .lnhlws ‘U'viitfll about laden with silver, nick‘ hacks, flower , lumps and china, \vil. In- aht-ut as much in place as the proverbial bull in the china shop. Urinolincs inns: bring with them the Solid, itntnornhlc round table in the middle of the l'tmul. with the chairs nil ‘zlt'cftllly put back apllittr‘i the nails, or how are \\'Ulltl‘ll to mmc? Farewell, too, the luxurious min-chairs oi to-dny. I scarcely dare to think what will happen ii‘n ludy‘ sub- bitit'> into one when she has taken to ‘ctinoliuc l " i rangement.. ‘ “’°"‘“"’â€"" ' CRAWFORDGVIPLE. 131)., 4113‘: 30. ’83- REBECCA WILKINSON, or Brownvaiiey. Incl, To the Orr/13.50111]; American. Alabama 60.: saw“ u I had been in a distressed condition for DEM: GENT8:â€"I desire to say to you that I _ ' V . V have Buffered ml. man-.1. years “m, a very serious three years from Nervousncss. ll eahncss of the disease of the stomach and nerves. Itriod every Stomach. DySpcpsiu. and indigestion. until my medicine I could hear oi, but uotlzlng done me beam, was gone, I had been (loam-mg con. no I m mufSlmnuch and I we]. Cure. and ï¬ince using. South American Ncrvine, winch done me more several bottles of it I must say that I am sur- good than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever prised atits wonderful powers to cure the stom- (11:1 in my me, I would advise every weakly per. och and general nervous system. If everyone son to use this valuable and lovely remedy . a. i; the *al of this remedv as I do on would _ ngï¬gmwl‘é t,“,°,,,,,,,,-,,. the d‘en'mnd. y few bottles of it has cured me completely. .I. J. A. HARDEE. Ex-Trcas. Montgomery 00. consider it the grandest medicine in the world." AND BYï¬EEF-ï¬lh. um The Great Clout}; American idervine Tonic Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedy ever discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, and the vast train of symptoms and horrors which are the result of disease and dcbilil'y of Filthy Lucre. Now that preparations are nml<in;_r to ‘prnrnnt the access to the Dominion oi' (‘ithUl‘zl cumin: lro'n HillCl' countries, it will aim he wnll, observes the Month-Hi Niwrrhm’llrr, to take stop to prevent. it,- tlistt'iimtinn. as well as that. of nliitl‘ i'lll‘i‘iiniii din-uses within our borders ilnr nttontinn has been called to the ditty condition of sonic of the One and 1burn (liltizll' Dominion notes in cit'ct‘ilntim‘t ‘Tln-N} Should not be allowed to not n.~ iltlle means of dists‘ctninntin_-.'r illl't‘ctinllr "1dir’lillflls. although win-n lhoy are dirty ‘thcy i)\'CtIlll(5 r-xt-ollont vehicles nl trans. "Illi>.\inll Until r Iih'su circutnstnnccs it is advisable to cull the attention oi" tln~ guit'l‘nml'nl tn lilo matrix-ct. in order lilnl those bills open to such suspicion tun) be cud-ng in and dcrtroyod. in such :1 “Jane pl'mcnlinu is better than cure. col-able vait 3 who is affected by disease of the stomarh, because the ex- perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the 02m~ and ONLY our; great cure 1n the world for this universal destroyer. 'ihcre 18110 case of unmalignant discuss of the stomach which can insist the wonderful curative powers of the {South American hcrvi'nc ’lcuic. Hanniur E. HALL. of anuc'row-a. Ind.. says: Bins. ELLA A. Bnn'r'rox, of New Ross, Indiana, "i owe my ill». to the Great South American 8mm: "1’ cannot express 1m“, much 1 mm to the Nor-vino. I had been In bed for five months Erma Ngwim rpm,†My “stem was completely shut- the c‘iscts of an crhausted stomach. ind: v51 {on , ' , ‘ . Nervbns i’rostratiou. and a general a! “Mi lercd. appetite gone, was muggnlng and spitting condition of my whole system. lic'l ; u up up blood; am sure 1 was in the ï¬rst stages . . all hopes or getting wcll. Had tried .m‘lico oi consum Lion, an inheritance handed down in Ctlliilt‘lllallmi (ii the Mt vinrr that ' tOR'J. with no} t'. The rstbottle m tho Norv- through ' 'crnl generations. I began taking ‘11... ..'1' . i n “ '" luo'l‘unicimproved mesomucli thsl. iwas nhleto the Ncrvxue.’l‘ou:c, and continued' its use {or "l’Vl “'1 “"“l‘i‘ 'y “i†“V0 “'0 'Cllï¬l‘ walk about. and it few bottles cured me entirely. about; six months. andf not entirely 1211112121. 11‘ ‘ ' " -' ' - ' ' ‘ ' - '> ' ' " ‘- I ‘ "i -' ' l ‘u ti o "i‘fliflii'st rt-mcdv or nerves, siomuc am. in“, in; mun] “f a OCH“, , ’ ,, . . . I Deli...er it. in the lust munune in the uorid. I 1.. ti ._ y. ’ I l i r I I†it) "n 1 an can not recommend it too highly." I lungs I have ever seen.†~’ ' 1 "' ' »: n t - . \ . _ :5 U†" ' ' “ ""‘L‘ Pd†“L‘- mc hm“ f-‘l'ml No remedy compares with Scum AMERICAN Nurtvnm as azure for the rlcrvefs. Norfmeï¬y com 9Spwllt-l‘s. At Fclmni I'L‘Ciultiv she was I pure; with South American Service as a. wondrous cure for tho talomaczi. 1m rmueoy will at at. .. â€"â€"â€". -1»- «H». . D- Spelling Cor. by Natur . , - , - . . ,_ compare with South American Nervinc as 11 cure for all forms of railing health. {never-fails to , igl‘l'l‘ l" V“ “.0 “ill :1 llSl. (ll 18 words cure Indigestion and Dyspepsia. It ncvtr (oils to cure Chores. or St. Vitus' Dance. lrspoweis it. w], :07, c,,.".,i,,,.d m,“ v Mme]. h. .d ,, build up lh_e whole amtrm r. a wonderful in tho extreme. It cures the old. the young, and the min» ' ' I ‘ ., ' -- ‘ , "l m“ * i die aged. itis a great friend to the aged and infirm. Do not DEL-,‘iCCc tor-wt.an previous boon, such :15 " hatchet “ I'QCCH'O,†“ neiuh- if von tio.,v01: may neglect the only remedy which will restore you to in. till. South Amer-mun ‘ I Nut'vluc is perlcctly auto. and very pleasant to the tnntc. Doiical’o ladies, or) not fail to use this I great. cure, because lt will put the bloom of iresimws and beauty upon your and in chcezos. ‘bor "' and So on. Site Slilt‘il‘v'il cvorv \rord ' and quickly drive away your (ï¬aabiilticn and weaknesses. «correctly. and \ranrthc only one in the A. .5 5. n 1 ye w:- | v - . . - .. .‘ n. ‘ .'~ . u. ' :fl “flux, t A. sch...†to... did so. an and thou n Price, Large is ounce Bettie gpiï¬ll; arm... nil-.7, so Coats. itnppnns. however, that- thc chili! oi n. \fv'ARRaï¬sEXVHE-Eglo :mm" ‘llmlm '1’.“"“ks.â€.“i {MEN’S l’i‘i'rtl If not kept by Draggists order direct from a y wiring an incx rrlut ' 1 el s' '- ‘. . i I “F- ‘ . -~ r. m9 i-x :'†_ , . .3 . ,.c let an E, agiï¬iisii, G s‘ssersstzns, his... Kn with n case the disappointed par nt ., 1 is i ‘ lz‘ilul. the child inherits his lmd spelling F01 Sade Fenel‘on by may (:onsoic himsc-li' with the reï¬t-c ion {fracas grandparent. or even l'roxn show if†gig mammalsssmaâ€"Ewulw’:Uonjpuam l 3“ fl" “gill? E s the huzrmn stomach. No [.ierconcan ali‘ord to pass by this jeweloi‘ inca1-‘ » VVn are no xv proloaréa to tun-n our. Ciothc’s a w Wm “Huoounw ‘4‘ DO mom IMO "'m « F73" a . .‘- .' . a «scar .. ï¬vesceatiiigs, arcsssriags a. tings, 6"“4’†IS COMPLETfl-â€"â€"4¢~ We 'omWMoâ€"oowmwowooownww As aprch cf the .pcpularity'of our clothing, ‘jwe may .3056 that orders are continually coming 111 irom - . l‘v’ianitobaand the li‘orgh-liir’sst, . fcuaAERF§<% S£)aLf Farm in Sale m lulled. ,EWALL RhFERS. ZFRQM ENGLEE’H, Chhiliii’jiAN AND shamans reissues. -, All the Latest Designs in Hall, Dining llcctn, Brewing Rec-m and Bedroom Papers, Calling Papers, I Corners and Decorations. ’ * The west parts of lots 23 and 24 in the llth concession of Far-s rs «rest-0 190 acres, close to the Village ofill'enelon Fails. 16rd Acres Gleared, and part seeded down. The unseeded per lion ploughed and ready for, spring crop; the remainder of the land in wood. a-.." (3,533 MARKET AT FENELQN FALLS PRICES d STYLESTO SUIT'CUSTOEEBS. i for grain and corti'wood'oi till sorts. Good llwclling, Barn, Stable is Fences. 0Ҡand $910 "’3' 5G- l)†m“ Pallet h u ,‘ 'W Price Low. Terms Easy. H i, '76 u H ' 7 if not. sold soon, wiil be leased. . u u 8G. .< ' ':: Apply to ‘ , I .I ‘Mq H It 5:10. u u “ 'J. G. “'1 4i; . l ,' u u ‘ 2 cs u , ,J. D. mm.“- }Port Hope. V A a k ‘G. H- G NcVITY, v md all the way to 53c. per Roll. 5-, S-t.i'. 288 Huron Street, Toronto, . - I have on hand the largest stock of W323 Paper ever brought into Lindsay. 'Scietiiiï¬c American REllEllBEli THE r‘L-A‘CE : sst opposite lieu Fest silica Iï¬unt Fifi-cot, I L '3': 1w it“? A. Y. ' _, caves s ,. TRADE MARKS. usages PATEHTS canvases-rs, etc. For information and free Handbook write to MUNN 55 CO. 361 BROADWAY. New Xourr. Oldest bureau for securing patents in Arnexjca, Every patent-italien curl}; us is brought horrors the public by-a notice giveu‘lrce or dim-go m the grounds gorillas ' Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the World. Splendidly illustrated. yo intelligent 'xnzm should be without it. Vt'eetily. Radm a . ear: $1.50 six months. Address MUNN a; (30» = ‘Umsnnits. aï¬lrnroudwa' . New York. reason soons AND snrrmss PATENT ‘MEDiClNES AND asses- ~,-.: f A Essrytï¬rimgieiohoiug to the i FULL " †Saddlery and Earness Tirade , r constantly Etc-pi in stock. Q ~ oTGCh AT ssrgihnnae. ivxr “ as :44 Aplvgg‘fh.‘ v7; . G. A- illin'ri-IEEELL. a is EN“ era’s new". V s.~ts.â€"-(VIT.‘o-.Iznn AIR)“ . y Go tolJ. Nasmxos. Dentist, Lindsay, if . you wnnt tt'cih CXil'flCttd positively with- out pnin Gus has horn given by him with . : great success for 0' ('1' 2 law-ars. He studied with Dr Colton,ol' New York. the invenâ€" tor of gas for extracting l('(‘lil. Numbers of persons are wearing: nrlilicini tenth made by Mr. Ncclnnds 2" years ago, and never rcqnircd any tcpnirs G ltl crowns, porceâ€" . A lniu crowns and hrirlacwwit done. Visits i lo‘cnclon Falls, licAt-thnr iiousc, on the third Tuesday of every month. Cali earl: v in the day. 4(l_-t.- ‘ 'idhd hhddi. MANUFACTURER 0F Am Bone on the Shortest italics. “"13. J ~. \ e ‘. ‘ â€" 3 3» inc “ Echelon Euills Gazette†.’ .I Ewï¬f‘ .m gagiéfcug? lingual“; 5:45ng is printed (Ivory l'ridny at the office, on ' â€"â€" the corner ( f \in ' & F- " ' We have still on hand :1 quantity of ill('ll, ’ A 3' “mus suede. . ll, 2 and 3 iIH‘ll, 2 x4. 2 x 6, 2 x s, 2 x to and Shitéllilfl‘lém Sail A will: ll" Ami/um}: 2x12, iii to l6 [but long, I-IIGEELOCIE 8: PINES, which we will soil 0/2617) for C's/L. ’i‘in: sutlllOI' you come the more you have to pmfess'wnu] or businep choose from. Also, '4‘),0ll0 foot of Dry )oriinei ‘ ‘ {C- cnrds’.50 “an W .1 l I H m ‘ ,1 N “h ‘ W], t; , 101 unnum. .tsun ndvcrugemcu- i .nnr: ' n m in, o m mgr, E10w _\. ._ .( illâ€, 3 omnspwhnc guru“. ï¬rs1ilmcrli01hnud :f \ .-Jo1nt, plauul one an two suics, HMS DH- nmx fur every subsequent inseh - - . ‘ v. . . I . ‘ - Lath and Picl sits, rtaned and Rough, “"“- ‘1‘â€â€œ149‘3 "l “H 3-0311, hull year a; quarter, tor a column or less, upon resign- ubie terms. ’ :2 Window sills. {65“ Any Casing or Moulding can he got JOB PRINTING): phiutul at short notice. Busc-hoords mouid- Of all m'dimlry kinds executed ncntly, co ed or plain. Apply at. our mill. -~ rectly and reasonablt rates. GREENE & ELLIS. 3- D. HAND, ii‘enelon Kaila, June 1611),, 1892. 17. ,Jirtgug'uuy or one cent per week will ht- added as 16678 no it remains unpaid. ‘ Advertisai n 3' Eli.' ates. Hardwood nnd iicmlock. 2 and 3 inches, for stable floors, and ‘lx8 Pine, dry, for