Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 31 Mar 1893, p. 5

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f {Jail Canadian Chooser ,The Grocers‘ Gazette. of London. England; publishes an' article upon the ’ above subject, and with it a‘ letter addressicd'by the Cheese Committee of Helena, .\lontaua, has had an earth- quake shock. No serious damage. James Ryan was before the police magistrate of Victoria. 8; C , on Satur- day, chat-zed. with purloinio; a ci;ar, value be, from the Bay View sale at. It the Hume and Foreign Produce l‘lx- was his first offence. but the justice change to Prof. Robertson, of the sentenced him to one month’simprison- Dominion Experimental Farm, upon the difficulties connected with the dis-' lnent. ' , The. town of Purvis. .‘livsu has been posal 0f the Cauadiait article in the burned hynefl'ot'R in revenge lor.wl:at British market. _ In the firSt place, great injury has been done to the reputation ol' Canadian produce. as well a]; to confidence in the Qanadiah“ shipping-by the unpriucipled e‘onduct of some firms, who have shipped New York State‘and \Visc0nsin cheese as Canadian; and (2).;havc made they considered the unjust arrest, of :: negro preacher. the south trill find that it is a mistake to set. the example in violent and lawless revenues. ' , , A' Windsor (lcspa‘tch sayszéprcston Leach yesterday forwarded to the Gov- erutneut. at. Ottawa a petition, siuned lJ\‘ sales of American makes below their, ncarlv 10.000'pcrsuns. preteStintr against c‘ut‘rent value. and then delivered earlier the lltjthtic'v of the present fisher. laws Litakes'ol' nob-keeping quality. . The result of this is that the buyer, when his purchases are delivered, trots impression that Canadian cheese has deteriorated"dhd'is'unreliable for future and suggesting the abolition of the fish hatchery. BIR'EIIS. _ Groomâ€"At Fcnclon. Falls on Tuesday»: 4 operations, and so" reduces his price. March 23th, the wife uf'Mr.‘ Iohn Geddes of limit; when buying_ '[‘|.(,S'e sellers who a'son. The infant only lived six hours: do not misrepresent'thcir goods suffer fiecausc the price is reduced by the cheap ofi'erxâ€"Ottit-wn Citizen. A Dastardly Deed. I, 'l‘lter‘e'arrii'cd for repairs at the Win. English Canoe Company’s factory this moruiulg’ a' No. (3' basswood canoe with oak gunwales and thwarts, which was b. I i ' . " c an e is the -. qdly ,L emaihsifiefl ‘31 “F or? I), , Wheat. Scotch or Fife . 6.5 to 70 Proper} .0 i '3. I 1' Hour“ 1’- ‘m W‘heat, ran, per bushell... 6-1 65 enthusiastic canoetst ol Madoc, and was whuntyaspring- u , 60 62 ' purchased last summer from the Wm. Barley, per bushel.... 35' 36 .En'rli'sh Canoe Co. A few days two Buckwheat “ . . . .. 42 4.3 ' ‘5 . . . . ., . . r O ,3 n 30 31 some maltetonsly tncltncd .tndtthual P“ 3‘ n 55 57 broke in the boat house at Madoc where R3,?” “ ’ ' " " " 48 50 there were nine strut.- st01'ed,‘a'nd'.taking Infinimes, ~u _ 45 50 an axe, smashed great limes tn the Butter, pt‘l‘ 1b . . . . . . . to 18¢ hott‘om. Some of these are large enough ' Eggs, per dozen . 11- 12' for a man to rttn his fist through. The “3% Per t0“ . -. . .- 6.0:) 7.00 ~'- .- ‘ -- ‘ Hides 2.2:) 300 perpetratorof this cowardlyact has not ; , ,. ,. b 7d,. 1) 7-‘Lv.. HogS.................v... 7.00 (.00 86? FSGOVM 3% CW "0119 t 70- Sheepskins. 40 75 I ammcr. Wool ..... . 16- 18 :53?! _______.¢.____ A" four legged hen is one of the entries‘ sit a. poultry show in Concord, N. H. _ Au Egyptian scythe, dug up on the ' banks of the Nile in 11890, and said to be as old as Moses, is exhibited among the antiquities in the private museum . of Flinders Patric, London. The shaft. of the instrtiment is of wood, set with a‘ row of fineflint saws which are securely cemented in a' groove. ‘ Senator Boord, of Indiana", has introâ€"' duced a bill in the State Legislature to prevent the importation and sale of the “crin'olinc hoop skirts.” The fine for violation of the law is to be not more titan $1,000 and not less than $100 and imprisonment for opt less than 30 days. It. is believed the bill will carry. A'- poor widow living in a village near V Cologne has sent a letter to the emperor of Germany, asking him to give her money enough to learn a trade by which she would be able to keep herself and children. In a postscript she begged his majesty to look over the old clothes 7A._o_l_',_th_c empress and send her a dress. The emperor, it is said, will aid the woman” I ‘ A lady took a lively young setter dog into a dry-goods store in Washingtoa, recently. When the dog heard the whirr of the cash box, and saw its swift flight- appa‘rently through the air, he thought it was a bird, and tore up and down the. aisles after it, scattering, the crowd Eli r11? iiEED. WonsmYâ€"Coornu â€"On Tuesday, Mitrch 281b, at the residence of Robert Cooper Esq” by the Rev D, N. McCamus, Elisha. Wot-sley to Adelinc‘Cooper, both of Fen: elou. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. .â€" Réportcd by the Noth Slur Roller alfz‘ll Co. Fenclon Falls, Friday, March Blst, 1893. New Advertisements. . DEALER IN ldlhhlllllltl AND FAll Sm see-2: S heals at all than. .__.._‘ Wall and Window Paper. IN GREAT VARIETY. @‘atarngring Rhone. Eggs Ta/uc/z 2'72 Exchange. . _ Sit d, lfillt’lflll la- Btllnms s. and amusing everybody in sight. IL; had to be removed forcibly from the best hunting ground he had ever struck. In all probability the greatest mou- arch, as far as size goes, who rules in the world, is the king ol the Gilbert Isl-ands, ’l‘eiburi-mon, who weighs 300 pounds. His son, the grown up prince. is st‘rll heuvxer. A. daughter of his majesty, only eight: years old, weighs 100 pounds. The king has an Ameri- can cook and; livcsiu a comfortable fashion, and all his subjects pay a. poll tax of $1 each. Giuseppe Cipolla, self-coaless’ed cx-convict. He was a passenger aboard the Italian steamship t-llava, which came to port yesterday. ()ipolla told the authorities that about At Very Loaveth liatzes three years one, while a soldier in the Italian army, he had served two days in prison because he had smiled one day while at attention in his company’s ranks. Cipollaâ€" was detained as a convict. John Gustal'son, of Brooklyn, has invented a mechanical .“ stick ” for the Use of compositors which allows the free use of both hands in picking the type out oi the boxes. It consists of a funnel- shnpcd device into which the type is dropped, face up. The mechanism turns the type in the tight direction and puts it in its place in the line. It is said that by its use and the aid of both hands in picking up type the average ‘ cmnpositor Can set 2,000 ems an hour with ease. The device has been taken up by Washington capitalists. who are cmvincml that it is capable of perform- ing what its inventor claims for it. Allen S. Idacdontall, Barrister &c., Cor. Kent and York Sts., Lindsay, eyed institutions and private capitalists in Toronto, Peterborough and Lindsay, and is now prepared to receive applications for. loans in large or small amounts, and on real or personal security. The very closest rates. The most favorable terms. Lindsay, February, 1893.. 51.. 211; years old, was detained at Ellis Island yesterday as a : Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property l‘lonebutlirstâ€"class Brilishandcanadian Companies represented. W FAREI PIROPE 1‘31‘1? at very low rates. James hrnold. Fenelon Falls, June 14th, 1892. l7-1y. 1‘0 the 13’ublic. Y HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security of‘ $25,000,000 and the same good policy. JOH‘N AUSTIN,Agent. y 13%“ Also agent for the. Queen of Eng- Capi i - 'W an. [and and Caledonian of Edinburgh. tal combined, $45,000,000. Fenelon Falls, July 25th, IBM. mumps-.wâ€"mo' . _ The. white people of 2;: t WiShes tb'notify the purchasing” publicof Lindsay- and the- surrounding country of the high adv-once ill-nearly all-lines~=of STAPLE & FANCY DR? @0033... But' we are thankful to say we had our new spring- stock Bought Previous to the’AdV‘ance, antl- you'will see by the following price list that we intend giving the publicthe benefit. So make one grand- rush for the chcap'store;. Ladies’ White Gotton’ Drawers, tucked ti: lace trimmed;- “ White Cotton Chemise,- cmh'roidery lined, at.. “ White Drawers, tuckedi 8.: embroidery lined...- “' Chemise, lace trimmed,- “ Corset Covers, lacc trimmed. . . . .nouv..‘ ”' Underskirts. tucked &‘ I frillcd‘. . . . .. ‘Afll'thé'Bu'oies are c'ryin g' fut-I our Motto Bibs . . . . . . . Something new in Curtain p Draperies at. . . . .. .v 2300 y‘ds. Beautilnl Shaker Flannel, now . . . . . . 1800 yds. Feather ’l‘iekiugat. .; ,27'00'55'ds; Cottonade bought be- fore tltc advance 8: to be' cleared out very cheap' You should see ottr Grass Lin’n- Our Factory Cot’ns at 5â€"7-80ts. are the cheapest ever in Liud’y Ladies call & see our allrwool Henrietta, all colors, at. . .. . We have just rec’d a. case of WooliD-ress serge, all shades We carry the largest stock of Dress-Goods Sc Trimmings in the c'onnty. 1300 yds. White Embroidery commencing at . . . . . . . 500 Large White H’d‘kffs at. . .. Ladics’ Fancy Cot’n Undervcsts 10‘ 25 Mens' White Launderd Shirts. 50 ” Fancy Flannel Shirts , 45' ' ‘ (collar attached). . .. 45 “ Fine Cotton Undershirts. 29' 45 “ “ “ Underpants. 29' 29 2 pairs Mons" Braces. (quality guaranteed) . .L. .. 25 25 2 “ “ Wool Socks......- 25 See the Wonder Sockl'or . . . . . . 10 50 Men’s Heavy Cotton Socks-H... 57 See our Mens’ Serge Pants, only 6-5 05 “ “ “ Nobby Tweed Pants 1 00 “ “ Boys’ Knicker Pants. . 60 10 Boys’ 2 piece Suits & Base-Ball -und But for . . . . . . .. 1 95 7 Men’s Tweed Worsted Suits, 8? bo’t at a'great barg’n, to be cleared very cheap. Men’s Walerpr‘fC’ts gnarant'd‘ 2‘ 00 3 lbs. Bunch' Cotton Vat-21.... 1 00 10 We have the largest & best IVhitc Bed Spread . . . . . . . 1 00 See our Daisy Turkish Bath Towel 25 23 Good q’l’ty Bl’k Cashmere, sp’l 2‘) l bushel Fancy Dress Buttons.. 5 293 White Lace Curt'ns, top'd edge 50- Somcthing new in Dress Ginghams at . . . . . . . . .. 1'0 2 Spools Cotton Thread, 200 yards (6 cord) for . . . . . . 5 2 Heavy Towelling going at..... N 5 2.} llemp Carpet (wide)...... 10 Lafi35.â€"It Will be to your advantage to call and examine our Brass Delaines. fined to ourselves. All the difi‘erent lines we show are con- fiah33.â€"â€"Our Spring Hat stock is now complete and it is a. daisy. OF CPI-IE LiON- There are more Hoosier Drills. of our manufacture in use in Ties, Collars, Gloves, Handkerchiefs and Braces we ake the lead. Spot‘sz azfé‘mt‘zbn given to all [eater orders. hilrd. CARTER, 40. Kent Street, Lindsay. in Canadathan 'of'all. other kinds combined. Guaranteed the 7:? 15$ «4.2-‘1 Brill Mattie. Perfect and instantaneous regulation ofdepth of Hoes in all kinds of soil. The ONLY PERFECT FORCE FEED in use. latest improved labor saving in than ever before. The thorough equipment of our factory with the achincry and a. largely increased output enables us to ‘ offer the. Hoosier Drill and all other implements of our manufacture at prices lower 1 For catalogues, prices and terms, see our local agents throughout the country, or send to our office. NQXON'BROS. ETC-Go, Lil"). INGERSOLL. ONT. Has completed arrangements with mon- 11385,, fifl§€§§i§ figfiffifi, FEZ‘AEEEEE mmWJJ ‘ . asst fi . hams roe Fast dolored Prints for 10 cents. The freshest Goods in the Village at I 'rfi J]! lids. camphellb. mares-en. . l/latfble Works. . (inflame z is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, etc., a specialty. WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the. market on Cam- bridge street, opposite Matthcws’ peaking house. Being a practical workman .tu should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. RESET. GE‘EEWEERS. North of the Town Hall VVANTIED. Agents to sell our choice and hardy Nursery Stock, We have many special va- rieties, both in fruits and ornamentuls, to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission. or salary. tritory. _ MAY BROTHERS, \, Nurserymcn, 49'10w.. Rochester, N. Y . I Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of. ter- aet’s» and? Gil-Clot Nile... Keenanâ€"fer mos-k, Street, Lin cry“. To the residents of Fcnclcn Falls. Take'notice that any person or persons. removing,1r from any village or district inâ€" fected with diphtheria to Fcuelon Falls will .be quarantined for a period of 14 days- or longer, at the discretion of the Board of‘ Health. The citizens of Fenelou Falls who- do not wish to be so inconvenienced will govern themselves accordingly. By order ofthc Board of Health. 4. A. WILSON, M D., â€" Illmi'z‘eal Heal”: Officer-r Fenelon Falls, Feb’y 22nd, 1803. l-t. f. ' “Var a. A NOW is THE TIME TO BUY shellfish-751% DURING HOUSE CLEARING a Special Gal lll‘ mas; Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH. ' My stock is large and complete, BEDROOM snares, Lounges. Oem‘re Tab/es. Care and E as Ulla/rs. Bureaus, Side-boards. and every descriptionof‘Kitchen-Furniturc Pictures Framed to Git-tier. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices 36*?“ Undertaking promptly and carefully:- utteuded to. L. DEYMAN’, Uncommon & Fuaxt'rcns DEALER, Colborne Street, Fenelon Falls. 3213' Residence over the Shop. “@11 nenoooanress. IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR ileum Paper and Picture Frames ---IS ATâ€" A. Get) 9 DWEN’S Baker’s Block, Kent-513., Lindsay. firtists’ Goods a Specialty.. Machine Needles, Alabastine and. Dvc V Works Agency. 3%“ Please call and see my 5c. Paper. Lindsay,Apri12nd, 1892. NERVE BEANS are a new d!»- covery that cure the worshcuses oi Nervous. chility. lost Vigor and Failing Manhood; restores. the weakness.“ body or mind caused NERVE BEANS by cvor-work, or the errors or tax-- W cesses of youth. This Remedy ob< :Jlutcly cures the most; obstinate cases when all other TREATMENTS have failed oven to relieve. Sold hydrog- zlsts at. $1 per 1e: . .‘ for $5 or sent. by mail on receipt. of price by ., ' “a, ‘EJ’AMES MEDICINE: 1‘0" Toronto. Ont. Write it): i: impairs. Sold Inâ€" Fenel-‘on. Falls at W..5I‘. Junkin’s This GREAT COUCH CURE}, this success: ful CONSUMPTIOI-F CURE, is without a par. allel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand.. Ifyou have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has; the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious. disease CONSUMPTION, don’tfaz'l to use it, it. will cure you or cost nothing- Ask your Druggist for SI-IILOH’S CURE, Price 10 cts., o cts. and $130. . all your Lungs are sore or: ack lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. 25 cts.. Earle Chambers, General Blacksmith, Panels-st, Fenelon Falls Blacksntithing 1.1 all its tlitfereut branches. done on short notice and at the lowest living priceSu Partlcularattcntion paid to. horse-shoeing. Give me a. calland I will; guarantee satisfaction. 45-1y. SECQED' EVESEQN SQURT,‘ , â€"OF‘ THE.â€" C‘oun-ty of Victoria. The next sittings of the abch Court will? be held. in Dickson’s hall, Fenclon Falls, ON TUESDAY, APRlL 25th,.1833, commencingat 16 o’clock in the forenoon. Friday, April 14th, will be the last day.- of service on, defendants residing in this: county. Defendants living-in other courts ties must. be served on or before April 9th. S. Nuvrsov, E. D. llaun, - Bailifi‘. Clerk. Fenclon Falls lan’y 28th,,L893. l

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