use for anybody else to try- We Callt Spring Goods Havel Arrived, tress? raises ms sass. All New and of the Latest Styles, «new _. "{5}: . m“. . f lgritullural Implements. ‘To the Farmers of Fenelbn, Verulam & Somerville. â€"â€".â€"â€" Ilam still agent in this locality for 'Fliursday7'of laSt week i was more: like a day in January than one in March, but a marked change ,took place in the weather during the night, and since then robins, black birds, blue birds. grey birds and yellow birdiharc arrivod. sleighing is done [or in the village, and will not last much longer" in , the country; and at li’p,‘ m‘.‘ As this l.l the ï¬rst opportu! nity'the people of Victoria county have had In hear-and learn of' the wonderful , movement set on. foot for the welfare of: the farmers in this province, all should if po-sible attond‘oneol' those meetings. All are welcome ; seals reserved for ladies. Conic early and secure a seat. â€"Ronnutr Camruunn; Ilartley,.0nt‘.,‘ (/or. Sec. bércival & Soars new Steel Harrow; Thebulls, clips, teeth 69' I,†ice. 0" 051mm“ Lam which Lemmy I U _ M and whiï¬ie trees are all steel, and notabolt- 1n the whole har- “" ’ - l laden sleighs were crossing on Saturday. Personals. l‘0Wâ€"â€"â€"- the only steel whiffleâ€"tree made“ and l'armers will do well to call and see my line of goods before purchasing else- Peter Hamilton’s new Spring-tooth Cultivator, With-his new where. These goods' need no comment. isnprovcdSeeder, is ahead-ofanytâ€"hmg in themarket. Seelng 0" my Paâ€. as they have been “'1 “50' . . . , . . p'.2_-.,..>, ,. '~.,..' 1s bellevmg. Come and have alook. fl“ Oven .3 yens 1nd no Lllls ytal fully - , abreast of the times ll] improvements. flail and See-whom? and-be convinced for yourselves. My stock consists'ot’- ‘ The Massey Harris New Wide Open Binder, 5 and 6"l'cet- out; The Toronto, Mower; ,_ , The Brantl'ord' Fi‘ontl'a‘nd Rear Cut Mower. _ 1 r _ The Wisner Combined-Drill:- The Wiener Single Drill: , I, The Massey-Hin-ris'Cultivatorin {bur sections, the best" on wheels; with or without seed boxfand'gruss seedsscwer; The Sharp's Rare. Spring Tooth Barrows: . Ploughs etc. of' my own make. The Foundry is nominatinng full time. Mill work and all kinds of repairing promptly attended to; 3%?“ Th ank-ing' my numerous custom- ers for past favors, I beg to assure them that I shall do†my utmost; to merit. a. continuance of' their patronage. THUS. ROBSGN. Fenclon Falls, March 8th, 1893. 7726 672- .szy for dill... iiild d? Elihflliiï¬ ildhhll‘idhh. Always on- hand; a‘ l. rge and varied stock of Stained. Paints, Paint Qils & White Lead - all of. the best. quality; . Stoves, Tinware, 850., Cheap as the Cl1eapeSt. If ll can’t please you in the above lines,.it won’t be of much HI deseph Eeard. ~- Fenelon Falls, March 15th, 1893’. Furniture, , oars, Sash. The Fenelon Falls Gazette. Friday. March Slot, 1893. The High Pressure System: A writer in London Society says that, broadly speaking, German school-boys never play.- “ They have no time,†he says, “ for games, but. attend schools forlorn ol' playgrounds, and are so over- \\'i'lglchd with lessons that all their spare cmrgy is used up in the endeavor to get through the work allotted to them, and when one of' them shows signs of ex- haustion, he is sent to a gymnastic in- stitution, and Forced to take courses of ‘ scicntï¬c oalesthenics,†which is mere- ly substituting physical labor for mental. Here in Canada we are fast; following in the footsteps of the Germans; and that the high pressure system of' educa- tion is also in vogue in England is evi- denced by the following capital lines which appeared some time ago in 21 Lon- don publication, and the author of which (whoever he is) ought to be rewarded by interment in Westminster Abbey when he “shuffles off this mortal coil â€: FRANCE ST. WES-T.. to the fact that'our W and we are now showmg the latest [Vowelizes 1n 54???ng and suï¬wlzer ' Stuff the school children, ï¬ll up the heads of them, E Send them all lesson-full home to the beds of them; Blackboard and exercise, problem and Stufl‘ them with ’ologies all they can smatter at, Fill them. with ’ometries, all they can batter at, Crowd them with ‘omouics, all they can chatter atâ€" When they are through with the labor and show ofit, ' What do they care for it, what do they know of it? Feedthcmvand cram them with all sorts ofknowledges, ' Rush them and push them through high schools and colleges. Keep the hot kettle on, boiling. and froth- "18‘: Marks count forever-ï¬lling, deaths count' for nothing; Rush them and push them while they’ve the will for it, Knowledge 'is great, though many you kill for it. Pile on the taxes to pay you the bill for use CALL AND SEE THEM- Watch the papers for the next week or- two; Wire. R. hicflï¬ldï¬lhlniq 2 doors North of the P. 0., Fenelon Falls. wereemmwmmwmmwm- _I have on hand a number of Men’s, Boy. ’ and Youths’ is breaking up ‘at the month of the river and is‘no longer sat‘c. Although there was an unusual q'iiantity of snow on the ground it. has gonegravlually, thanks to the cold nights, and there has been less flooding than usual; but on Sunday evening Dr. Mason had'to borrow one of' Mr. Aldousls horses to ride to his stable, which was surrc'r'undcd by water several inches deep, and two families on'Mity street, who occupy houses built on sloping ground. were for a couple of' days unable to leave or enter by their i't'ont'deOrs, the flood being mat way up'ithe'steps of' tth verandahs. The Francis‘strect creek is not as full as we expected to see_ it, and alter 'dark on Saturdayevcning the recve and coun- ci‘llor Brandon did a' good deed by chopping and clearing away the ice under the bridge at. May street; but for which the water would have backed up, as usual, and inundated the l'ron'ts of three or four lots. By Tuesday night so much ice had‘ conic dOWn the creek that. a jam was beginning‘ to form where it; goes under-the Alt-Arthur block. and, Fearing trouble. the street, and bridge committee sent for Mr. Charles Wise, who Was busy till near morning with his axe preventing an obstruction from thrilling: Klarms ire. About 5 o’clock on Sunday afternoon ï¬re broke out in .lzlaryborough Lodge in consequence of a. defect in one in the chimneys; but M r. Sylvesteri’and a few neighbors extinguished the incipient conflagration so quickly-that the danger was over almost before the alarm bell ceased ringing. ' About: 7 o’clock on Wednesday» even- ing Mr. George Blatchf'ord, the‘ new moulder at the Camel-om Lake foundry, who boards at Mr. Chas. Haskell’s on Fidler’s hill, happened to look? out of his bedroom window and saw that. the foundry root' was on ï¬re, and} running down stairs, rushed outï¬of‘ the houSe, accompanied byâ€" Mr. Martin Haskell. mill and North Star rolling mill were blowing, and, fortunately, Mr. Robson and a number of villagers reached the Foundry in time to extiiiguiSlt the ï¬re before much_ harm was dc’mc.’ An investigation showed that. it originated in a. box-of small wooden patterns on a low-shelf, and was no doubt caused'by a spark from- thc Furnace, as a humber of' castings had been made during the day. The moulding room is built of wood but. veneered with brick, and the ï¬re consequently ran up the inside of the wall and was not seen until it burst through the reel. The total damage will not, probably, exceed $50, and is covered by insurance. Mr. Robson Foundry from dcstrnmion. School Board E'i’oceediugs. Fcnelon Falls, March 23rd, 1893. School board met; members all pres- ent: and the chairman in the chain. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Moved by Dr. Wilson, seconded‘ by be adopted and that; it be published.‘in the Fenclon Falls Gazette.â€"â€"Carriedi~ Moved by Mr. Austin, seconded by Dr. Wilson, That Min Nevisoo, Mr. Clark and the chairman be a. committee to purchase necessary window blinds For the north ward school and other neces- 1 , t _ it. sary repairs â€"Carricd. . wmoh I Wlll sell Urge them and press them to higher am- Moved by Mr. Sandf'ord, secondad by DIUOHS- Mr. Nevison, That the Following ac Heed not their minds’ or their bodies’ con- ditions ; Stick to the system you long' have been. motto ; Drop the weak souls who can’t learn as they ought to, Feed them and ï¬ll them, no end to the worrying; Push them and press them, no end to the hurrying, and made by one of the best houses in the Dominion. â€"ALSO,â€"~ counts be paid and the reevc give hi orders for the sonnetâ€"Mr. McD-ougall cherishing, . quarter's salary due March 3lst, 1893 ’ - - i v ' ~ 1 . fd-' d- H..- as I do not want to carry them over. Now is your tune to get Omegiiisffiighme w 10 m a mg {m §E,B‘f,"..;â€li2 llf’on“id;ad-°\ii2; iciiiilel: ‘ ‘ ‘ r r . i A ‘I - {r .. t , '~ . ‘ l ,‘I ’ I ' . T t I i ‘ k i v 4 a. good Ovelâ€"coat cheap. l‘hese goods are Strong meats for babes! I. the ages Inst am do†$69 75,,1155 Hand, do. do $53) l3; Miss Cameron, do. do., $53.13- Miss Bell. do. do., 5318 75.; Mrs. Swan too, do. do., $11 25 ; F.‘ D. Hand, for printing, $1 ; J. Bryaus and Colmer, emds of wood, $90 98; Mrs. Swan- By this time the‘ whistles on'thc pulp. Mr. Austin, That the auditor'é-roporr . _ ,, :wdl help thenrto Wipe ofl’? the ' balance,- I which thevrwish to do as Soon as possible. » Mr. Thomas Archerlcamo home last. Saturday lrnm the towmhip of' Longi'or‘df and will remain for a low weeks. Miss Drilly of Lindsay, who lel't; the Falls about a month ago to visit; her" | home, returned last Satan-clay and is in’ her old' position at 3'] rs. R \chnugall’s. I Mrs. Alexander )leArthnr. of Lind- say, has been at the Falls visiting Mrs. Joseph Moirlhnr since Friday -last. Her son acco'npmiod her and remained? until this morning, and M r. McArthur. ’was here a'day or two at the beginning: of the whek.’ V _ . Mr. Robert Cooper, who -' went. to' Monsoinin, N. W. T., over two years " ago and came home last D.:ccmber on a visit, lel't On Tuesday nmrning for" Q’;\ppcll'e,.t'al‘ltiy, :‘tivii'lage of about 800" inhabitants 20 miles west. of Moosomiu,- where he intends to ' work at. hisitradc of lmrnesslmziking, there being plenty to do in that line at good wages. Mi‘ï¬'A‘: Clark. Jr. returned‘on Satur-' day from his business trip to \lr’innipcgr and other points; and‘ brought home with ‘hi'mfordm-s' for a 'little over $1,000 worth of clothing, which, with work for local customers, will keep Clark & Son's numerous employees as busy as bees for some time to 'come. “ Sandy,â€'spcnt a‘ few? hours in Chicago, and was aston- ished" at the. stupendous preparations“ ’bcingmade for the \l’bl‘ld's Fair, which is to open on May lstvâ€"or a little later. He says that the weather in \Vinnipcg-’ was f'ri'ghtl'ully cold; but the city now: enjoysthe inestimable been of cheap“ Coal, which is supplied at 54a ton fl'Olla.‘ mines owned by itself‘, so that. neither‘ .i‘ing-nor-combine can raisethe price. Eds-rum: I-i'bIaDAYsrâ€"Jl‘he public' schools clOscd yesterday for" the Easter holidays, and will re-open on Mendny,~ 'April 10th. During next. week a.‘ national conventionpf school teachers‘ Will“b(§ held'al; Toronto, and Fenelon Falls will be represented then-eat; by Mr.- McDougall, our head master, and some, it not all, of the lady teachers; Sonar TO LOSE Hour-The Uxbridge _.Iournul says 1â€"“ We are sorry to hear" ot“ the removal from this section of Mr. )I. W. l’lank’s imported Clydesdale, Anehtertool, which he has just sold to‘ Mr. John Sykes of Verulam; Auchterâ€" tool has- proved > to be one of' the best“ stock horses‘thnt'has ever been in this section, 'and will be a grand accession to‘ the stock interests of the country he has gone to.†_ ATilVORECZAGAIN.â€"Mr. S.'S..Gainer,l carriage maker, is at; wo'rk again; this‘ time in a commodious flictory of' lllS' own, innnedia’telyiwest of Mr. Knox’S‘ wellâ€"known blacksmith shop on Fruncis‘ street east. While it was being built-‘ m, . , . I . ne ver latest ha es Flowers 1 b n elve ' . . - . . . .- - . _ y l. S .(p i 2 O S, V t5, Laces 8E0, Bothgii‘tlitdirnioun brains ands oil their desn'es “5 to Say that he Slllccmly Ml" Gum“ could “or amend to “wall; Jule arrived from Toronto and Montreal. digestioi g p thanks the friends whose prompt and else; but he is now ready for orders,- energctic assistance no doubt saved the “and Will do his best to give satisfaction‘ to all who may favor 'him with their†‘ patronage; THE Bumsâ€"For some time past the" members of the village band have con-‘ templated buying the instruments and?- unilortns in use, which were the property of L: 0.1 in No. 996,; and ass i meeting: .hcldcn Wednesday eveningJit was def-3 ‘initcly decided to make the ‘purchase, ianda ï¬rst payment; has already been: made. The boys hope that the village ‘- 1,", \-w|' u . J “w... «my. r. ..;.. :“r«..n.,gt~.. “,1; .wt' ' . - Parents at home will attend to the bury- tom-Piling Wood» $3-â€"0m‘1'i0d~ A Large ere-cit or fleets and shoes. for W, is ,h, mom, 0. Wm - ~ , at Pliices to suit the times“ Knovilgdgesiâ€"tiend is, ambition an egress. Groceries, Crockery and Glassâ€"ware. - A. full line of the best goods to be had always on hand. ‘5' Mi'Fpsï¬LAN T “'0 rney’s Block . A ten-year-old Russian iiii’iï¬â€˜igrh’it, . . . Antoin Kudenzkski, arrived at New Victoria County. York on Thursday on. the steamer' â€"â€" Rhaetia. 'Ilc was all alone, and started Correspondence 0f the Gazette. for Chicago with a ticket pinned to his. Paraons or Innns'raY.â€"â€"t\Ii-. Joseph coat. The little fellow left his home-2 until you wme ,0 the Mammoth Shoe Store. Stratl'ord and .Mr. John Hope; two ol' with his father seven months ago. They ' l .0, Lindsm._ We have the biggest,“ Chen,» the leading directors of the Farmers reached Hamburg, where his father died. .es, stack ‘05 Boots, 51,093,31ip1,er5,Rubbers, Binder Twme & Agricultural Manuf'ac- of the choler‘ . The boy remained there' sac. ever shown in town. Come direct tous turing 00., Brantford, will address until friends started him on his 10110» and bl‘ing‘tlle ï¬â€˜mllY- meetings as Follows zâ€"Hartlcy, Friday, journey for America. He. has a brothel: JOHNSTON csrsson’s, April 7th, at 7 p..m.; Lindsay, in the at Chicago who has promised to take. 6.. First Door EastofDalg [lousehLindsag/u council chamber, Saturday, April 8th, canaof him._ . Hold on to Your Money Fmelon. F ails, January 27th,â€"1893., â€"r. 9a