Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 31 Mar 1893, p. 1

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Vol. 1m. ‘- __ _ _“grfattsm_t '8 9 A _ ’0 ’v {5.0 +3 ‘ t: l-‘l o'd .â€" .oo . "(in “Q ,0} - act «:3 0 go cc: C.) -0 "at: Q =« c. s r 34â€"3 ' , '1 "i _ , r: '5‘ PM 2:14 .3»: if .3 v’, F) o ." F" CH ‘f m - c ,3 . ' {63 If] "E", .5 “'3 r3 5.. Ad ‘ ’4 .‘ M ms. ct; cs ~ mt”... met-A; a. ht'lm-XJLWN "â€"1- 'Pr5fess=tionul Cain-(ls. ,‘ SW, ._ 9 Lamas: «:58. m*-_ ___._. . ___._ .._ . Afl’. lllfi‘v’lllN. :' 'fiRllISTER, .-\tt.nrney-at-lnlw, Solicitor ‘3 in Uhancrry. Kent n‘trcel. Lindsay. HOl’KlI‘iS t‘i.‘ l’ll [SfilllldL -'(SUCCE:=.B'HL 't‘o MARTIN it: Ilorxlxs) ARlllS'l‘lili. Ellt'llJtll l‘Ult, .tc Money to Loan at it our cunt, tlllicr. \‘.11- 1 ion: street, next to the Bank of Montreal. =0G. H. Humans. D. .t. Gl-usnom. 1 Mt ll" ll it} At ll .\t.‘i{F()N. ARRH'l‘liitfi, Stlldljlv'l‘tlltS, &c. 0f- 8 lice, William street. llindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSOX. u . MCI N'l‘ ’ .l l9 (it r'i'l'l‘i‘t‘w'd ll'l‘. " * mmnsrinzs, Stllit'ittll‘s, Notaries, 8w. ' . 3 Ollieus oVrr Ontario Bank, hunt street, Molle to loan at 13 per cent. on Lindsay. cosy terms ~ 3. J. Mals'rrun. NO’l‘lQE. All Notes made nayablc to J'AMl-IS Boar Agent, will have to be paid to Frank [\crr post-muster here, who holds said notes. . JAS. JOHNSTON 8: Co- Fenclon Falls, June 301b, 1:391 â€"l9 t.l'. 'l‘. STEWART. I e-..\ a” \ fizzâ€":41. r:::-....._:_:.___.__; 3' MEDICAL. â€"â€"---: - _-.::_-'_::;::_ A. W. .l. DEGRASSI. M. D.. ,ORONER-, Physician,Snrgcon,&c., &c. Residence, Brick Uottagc, Wellington treat, Lindsay. ’ llll. -\. WILSON. ' -â€"1tt.n., M. c. r. .t 3., Ontario,â€" " f nYStcmN, sunstcox a; AGGHUCH- ‘ - . eur. Oliire, Golborue Sweet, r‘enclon Falls. lllt. ll ll (ill.\ll.\.‘vl, RADUA'l‘E of the University ot 'l‘rinity G College. l"rllo\v of Trinity Medical School, Member ot‘ the Royal College or Surgeons ot lG-tgland. .llx'lllllt't' ol the (Jol- '3og_c, of Physicians-fr. Surgeons of Ontario. Office and residence on Francisâ€"St. \\ est Echelon Falls, opposite the Gazette ollice. R- l\./_'E- 1W..-.’â€"‘~._SON, - E’l‘l‘illlNARY SUllUl‘. .‘t ; llonor Grad- - uate (lotat'io Veterinary College, To- ‘ recto, ISM; it. .\l. U. V M. A Residrncrâ€"tform-r Uo.horne and Louisa utrcets, lt‘enelon Falls. Wfif‘d““*‘“"""""€“'~ .. SURYEYURS. m____-___.‘__ .l;\"-il'1-\' tll:‘l{>‘01\l, L. Surveyor, ("omniissionrr in the Q. B., . Colm-yancer, .ma. Residence, and ad- dress, lienelon Falls. _ ....--.._. .__._;.. l.. l1 8. ll ll.\lli'. SET Ol" GlitlD TEETH FOR $l0. Gas and local llllic~llll'iits l‘or painless ex- tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all branches of dentistry. ’ Ollicc over Fairweztthcr .b Co’s store, nearly opposite post-oliice, Lindsay. EDENTKSTF, LINI)SA‘Y, all be at the “ lit-Arthur House," Fenelon ails, the second Wednesday nl'cach month. teatttiful and durable artiiicial teeth made, and all other (lantal work properly done. nearly '47 years’ experience. 16-1y. 4 It is really extra value. GfiiW/ tat-7.1% ' ices. ,',’:'. \m'.‘ .:,-:"‘I;I"- ‘ ' "‘ fii‘klft'fl'fiy: 13' ‘. "rest.- Be sure and try our 25c. Japan Tea. r Grocery stock is complete, and you Will always find prices lOW. “rem carcass“ ceases or «yr prt are the best in the market. Try them. fiTfifiK M2 5...... cg m 6.1.? sq? 03 w 4 :5 M O E Ci} [â€"5 . Q C3 09 C. O (I) a)» P.“ M 'cl {.2 :3 )5) W m“ 5? Cd J ap can. -- cares issâ€" dian and American tiring. rig and summer “trade are arr Don’t buy until you see our stock and get prices. We have the largest variety of the best goods ever See them. town. 111 shown Bedroom and Ceiling Papers, "'- flammg n. ausrta’s om crane. r is r "a: Paints, Glass, Oils and Putty, English, Canaâ€" .::f..~ .5. €133?“ j ‘r rt... ea. Latest Designs in Hall, Parlor, Diningâ€"room, . At Prices to Swift Get-simmers. from 50. per roll up to 50. per roll. W4W¢MWWWWW GIL-PAINTED Siâ€"lAlDES, Crockery, Glassâ€"ware ct" Fancy Goods. W Paper Hanging and ltelsomsa done in the village or country. Fenelon Falls, March 20th, 1893. Pictures Framed. to ©rder a Specialty. ing Fenelon Falls, March 1st, 1893. ‘A‘Ummsssfiso M Jot-IN JORDAN, Treasurer, in account with Union School Section mm»“« m“ No. 3, Fenelon Falls, for the year 1892. 1892. Dr. Jan’y 1.To cash balance onlmnd............................$ 13 41 Fcb'y 6 “ from Village 'l‘re~~snrcr...... . . . . . . 316 66 . 22 H {mm in error to Mr l-lrnrd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 March 8 “ from Township of l’cueion per .Rcevc . . . . . . .... 30 00 April 4 H .1 “ Village Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45n 00 June 3!) “ “ do. do. . . . . . . . . . . . .... 380 00 Aug; 5 H H Legislative Grant...... 1‘29 00 H H “ Village 'l‘rcasnrer ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 00 Scp’r 14 ” “ Legislative grant from T’p of Feuelon.... 16 30 u u u Mr. Mt'D'Ittgall. I4 00' (‘ct'r 6 “ “ Village 'l‘r«-:1surcr...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 378 34 Dec‘r 22 “ “ School Inspector.........;.............. 15 00 U l‘ “ Village Treasurer . . . . . . . 562 (JOâ€"$2336 24 Cr. Jan’y 20 By cash paid James Byrnell for wood.... 4.60 “ h ” G Mer c. fo-‘worlt.................... 2er Feb‘y 22 “ “ E. D. lland. account.... . . . . . . l 00 H U H Secâ€"'l‘rt-asnrer, year’s salary...... 60 00 “ “ “ 'l‘. Junkin, for 4- maps . . . . . . . .. .... I la 00 ‘1 “ ,“ W. l~1.l‘lllis. account . . . . . . W 23 April 2 “ “ Miss Bell. quarter’s salary.... . . . . . . 18 75 4 ‘4 “ Mr. McDougall, quarter’s salary...... 137 50 I‘ I “ “ Miss Anderson, do. do. .... 75 00 H “ “ Miss Sullivan, do. do. . . . . . . .... 75 00 “ “ _ “ Miss Cameron, do. do. .... 53 l3 u H “ Miss Hand, do. do. 53 13 fl “ “ Miss Macniven, do. do. .... 69 75 U H “ Mrs: S\\"ll1l0t1, do. do. ...... .5” H 25 “ ‘l “t E D. lland. printing Auditors’ report... )0 00 May 16 “ “ C. Wise. cleaning South Div closets...... 5 00 June 30 ” “ Mr. McDongall, quarter's salary . . . . . . . . . 137 50 “ “ “ Miss And rson, do. do. . . . . . . 75 00 “ “ “ Miss Sullivan, .do. do. .. . .. . 75 00 “ “ “ Miss Hand, do. do. 53 '3 “ “ “ Miss Macnivcn, do. do. .... 68 75 July 1 “ “ Miss Bell. do. do. l8 75 2 “ “ Miss Cameron, do. do. . . . . . . . ... 54 13 “ “ “ Mrs. Swanton, do. do. 11 25 [7’54 “ “ Miss lit‘ll. piling wood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 3 30 ‘| H ‘ “ Mrs. Swuttou, (10.. . . . . . . . 2 25 18 “ “ Bri-tnt & Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 00 u u H J Wilsom 25} cords Wood at $2 75...... 69 45 “ “ “ L. DI ynmn, repairing chair . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 1‘ H ” J D Navlonycxpensos to Cambray . . . . . . . . 2 50 u I: H J. A, Ellis, do. do. ..'.. .... 2 50 Ang’t 4 H “ R Rutherford, six day’s \vork...... .. . 9 00 G H “ E. Lansfield, carting . . . . . . 1 90 Sep'r 19 “ “ S. Nevison, painting . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 94 H I‘ “ J '1‘. Thompson, plastering,ctc.. . 6 50 Oct’r 1 “ “ Mr. MeDongall, quarter’s salary...... 137 50 “ fl “ Miss S-.llivan do. do. . . . . . . .. 75 09 ‘ “ “ “ .Miss Macniven, do. do. 63 75 “ “ “ Miss Cameron, do. do. .. 53 13 “ “ “ Miss Hand, do. do. . . . . . . . . . . 53 13 U 1‘ “ Miss lit-ll, do. do. . . . . . . . 18 75 ‘l “ “ i\lr.~.SwnnIon ~ do. do. 11 ‘35 u H H W. 1:. .\l:u1ill,account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 05 17 H ” Miss liellingltnm, 25 davs‘ teaching . . . . . . 25 00 Nov’r 16 “ “ Mr Batcht-lnr. on account of salary . . . . . . 10 00 Dcc’r 19 H “ J. l‘lt'nt‘tl, advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 00 22 “ “ Mr Batchelor, balnn’ee of salary...... 66 33 u “ “ Miss llacniveu, quarter’s salary . . . . . . .... 63 75 N U H Miss Sullivan, do. do. 75 00 l‘ ‘| “ Miss Hand, do. ' do. 53 ‘3 U "l “ Miss Calm-ran, do. do. .... 53 13 H U ” Miss Bellingham. M days’ tcnehing.. . .. ... 14 00 27 ” “ Miss 13-“. quarter’s salary . . . . . . 18 75 “ “ “ Mrs. Swanton, quarter's salary . . . . . . 11 25 H “ " Mr McDongall, do. do 163 50 " i “ “ Miss Anderson, balance of salary. ..... . .. 29 50 3o “ “ \V. R. Madill, account...... .... 1 05 H “ “ W. 'l‘. Junkin, do. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9t" u u n J A. Ellis, do. . .......... 9 03 U “ ‘* J. Heard, do. ...... . . . . . . . . . . .... 16 84 N “ “ 1". McDougall, order book . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 31 “ “ By cash balance on hand . . . . . . .. 41 24“$233G-2’t We hereby certify that we have examined the Treasurer’s books and we believe the foregoing statement. to be true and correct. Fenelon Falls, January 25th,'1893. J. C. FITZGER \LD JAMES CAMERUNJ} Auditors. The Canadian Order of Foresters is a fraternal benevolent society. incorpor- itteti in 1879 and registered under the insurance corporation act. 1892, of Ontario. The. objects of the Society are to lurnish its members with sick and l'uneral benefits and an insurance of one or tWo thousand dollars. The payment of these benefits range from about one dollar to One dollar and lilty Cents per month. aecm'ding to the am of the member, and the amount of insurance carried. The n‘wmhership is composed ol men only, and when admitted they must. be between tho ages of eighteen and forty-lire. The [n'cscnt number ol' members is over 16,lltlll. and the society has a cash surplus on hand for the partnont oi the insurance or over $215,- (lllt), $50.00“ of which is in Dominion of Canada bonds, and the balance is lives-ted in the best. monetary institutions of the Province. In addition to this, Courts have about half a million of dollars in their trca~uries for the pay- ment of the sick and funeral benefits. The high secretary of the Order is Mr. 'l'hmnas White 01' Brantl‘urd. and it is expected that a court of this popular and purely Canadian society will shortly be organized hereâ€"493m. ' _..___.‘,.__ Mrs. Nancy A. Owen, of‘ Ithaca. ‘1. Y., died on Saturday aged 101 years, 5 months and 6 days. Booted at Her. LONDON. March 28.-â€"â€"'l‘he only full- flcdued crinoline which has appeared in the streets of London was worn yesterâ€" day by a young woman on the Staff of an (waning: piper. Her costume was not. a burlesque. but a genuine, old-style criaolinemzule as nm-amivc as a modern cpstmner Could build it. The young \Voznan walked from the Embankmrnt through Piccadilly, Regent-street. Boud- strect and other fashionable West E all thoroughfares. followed most of the time hv a bowling mob of street gaming. Finallv she took refuge in a bus, and the conductor promptly charged her double fare for the extra. space occupied. it is now Safe to say that the crinolinc css in England has been passer] salclr. The Princess of Wales's rcl'usal to a v ' l3 pmrc l'ull skirts has vetoed l'ashiou's in- tile decree. ~- _ __..-. The Russian sceptre is of solid gold, three feet long. and contains among its ornaments 268 diamonds, 350 rubies and fifteen emeralds. It is reported at Montreal that s. to combine the movement. is on {not principle woollen mills ol' the Dominion- al'ter the l'ashiou ol' the cotton combine. Duringr a lire in a flour mill at Litchr field, lll., the other day, a quantity of mill dust exploded, wrecking several buildings and seriously injuring about twenty persons. h

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