Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 2 Nov 1894, p. 2

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w. hawk». '41-.»J-0‘L. . u ,. a . f ’4‘ "‘ THE HOME. V-W Dress for a Little Girl. A model dress for a little girl is made of two toned red woolen material, with long l spoonful without having it stringy); stir in THE PREAGHBR’S TRIAL black pepper. two of sugar and one of salt; add butter (meltedhize of an egg. Heat one pint of vinegar and pour slowly into above mixture, stirring constantly; steam or heat until it thickens. When cold pour onto chicken and celery. REV. W. J. CHAPIN. fleecy weave ; circular skirt. Round cor- sage, full at the waist front. Fitting sleeve, “ adding cake'â€"Tw° lbs' brown mg“ ('2 level teacups sugar is equal to 1 lb. ), 1.3; lbs. butter (lib. butterequals‘l teacupfuls), 1 1b.), 8 tablespoonfuls some kind of wine, six nutmsgs ground or grated, 5 lbs. raisin, 4 lbs. English currants, ‘2 lbs. citron (if citron is not convenient use preserved watermelon rind.) Chop the seeded raisins, citi on and currents till fine, and dust over them before mixing into cake dough 1 cup flour. Mix first four ingredients,add wine, spicing and fruit. Line cake tins with buttered paper and tie more paper around outside of tins with twine. . A PEGULIAB. BASE. A PRETTY BRUNETTE STRICKEN l DOWN IN PHILADELPHIA. A Story or a Young Girl That Created a Great l-‘utter Among the Medical Fra- ternlty. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. lst.â€"A case that is creating a great flutter among the medical dove-cots is that of Nellie Tailor, whose parents reside on Powieton avenue. Miss Tailor is a pretty brunette with red cheeks and a smile that would set the heart of tho sternest reporter fluttering in two seconds. DRESS FOR GIRL FROM 6 To 13 YEARS. The facts of the case are sooner told in her own words. “Three years ago.” she said, with full puff at top. Round yoke and u . . collar combined, with berths. attached to thillfagaglgfi:ogegexn::$£;% tiogggéy 32:3: lower part Of .yoxe' The couar’ yOk?’ belb’ l-employment, not wishing to bea burden on sleev°.and 31“.” handsomely cord gtIEChed' the family. I obtained employment in Wan- Material required,for10 years old,.)0 inches namakerk score and I had nob been long wide’ 4 yards'â€"T°r°nt° Ladies Journal' there, when the indoor work began to tell "“" on me. I lost the color in my cheeks and Forehandedness. I grew pale and thin. My food did not agree with me and I had a headache all the A household writer gives some WW time. Ifinally grew so ill thatlhad to sensible suggestions on plans and system quit work. The doctor was called in and in housekeeping. as follows; one of the he said'that I was suffering from chronic . . dyspepsia and habitual constipation and he secrets of being able to have ones plans gave me very little hope of recovery. He frustrated without serious inconvenience gave me several doses 51",; nearly doubled is in being forehauded. Never allow work menu with pain but gave no permanent to accumulate if it is possible to do it. Keep fellef' Fmany I was “ha” 1” Eh“ f°°d two tablespoonfuls mustard, iublespooa 1'2 eggs, ‘2 lbs. flour (1 qt. sifted flour equals. \ In the pretty village of Chatham, Ill., In the Strain of Pulpit labor no [lad Overdmwn Ills Health Accountâ€" How lie lie: the t'rlsls and Returned to His Duties with Renewed Health. From the Springfield. 111.. Journal. there lives a Baptis: divine, whose snow white hair is the one outward sign that he has . encroached upon the days beyond the allotted three score years and ten. His clear eye, keen mental faculties and magnificent physique all bear witness to a life well spent. This pioneer in God’s eternal vineyard is Rev. \V. J. Chapin, whose 72 years are crowded with noble deeds in the Chris- tian ministry. To a Journal representative who asked him something of his career in the ministry, Mr. Chapiu talked in an interesting strain, and said that, in spite of the indications to the contrary, his life had not all been sun. shine and good health. “As my present appearance testifies. I was fortunate in the possession of a very vigorous constitution. But as is too often the case, I overestimated my physical resources. and when it was too late learned that I had overdrawn my health acmunt. The crisis came about eighteen years ago. At the time I was preaching the gospel from the pulpit, and I became suddenly so ill that I was compelled to stop before my sermon was finished. It was a bad case of nervous prostration, and for a time my friends and family were greatly exercised over my con- dition. Complete rest was imperative, and Mrs. Chapin and I planned and took a long trip. My health was sufficiently restored to resume work, but I was not the same man. I felt absolutely worthless physically and mentally. I had so lost control of my muscles that my fingers would involuntarily would turn over with absolutely no volition on my part. About two years ago, to in- tensify matters, I was seized with a sevore attack of la grippe. 1 recovered only parti- ally from it and had frequent returns of that indescribable feeling which accompan- ies and follows that strange malady. I 1001:- ed in vain for something to bring relief and finally I read an account of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. Something seemed to tell me that they would do me good and I commenced using them. They gave me additional strength from the start AN INTERESTING CHAT WITH THE I I Itissoldona . _ e fists. It cures ncipient Consumption andan best Cough and Group Cure. . Pale Faces show Depleted Blood, poor nourishment, e v e r y t h in g bad. They are signs of Anaemia. ,. . . «12:3! .-. .. .. the Cream of Codâ€"liver Oil, with hypophosphites, enâ€" riches the blood, purifies the skin, cures Anaemia, builds up the system. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. Don't be deceived by Substitutes! Scott (a Bonus, Belleville. AnDruggists. 50o. £03 By ii . J. HUNTER. Ph.D.. D.D. {‘hapters to men on social nuritv mg. ltis written in p‘ ‘ Y. may understand. culan contn \\ lL' 1AM Blunts. Publi-hcr. Toronto. Ont. N HORNS MUST Go. The Leavill Deho ' ' - pcrs will take them dflflllv‘izthcllzgs trouble and less pain than any other way. Send for circular giving price. testimonials, etc. A series 0 ' and right liv . lam language that al _ . Live Agents wasted. Cir mini: terms sent on implication YOUR PROFITS “‘ill be increase rd. your land freed from foul woods. if you Grain Ground by n .,I :1 . ~ / ‘ . . li’lTlllillllS ' 1 o 1 oh Stone Onoppei Grinds everything. even to the finest seeds. Stones last allt‘otime._ , '_ l‘on pinto». chilled l-lli. urn not"! It “In! French liuhr Manual: inches thick. Chilled Clear Through. ' . Easy to run, simple. durable. fastâ€"\\ rite “S- Waterous, i Branthrd (‘ANAILL tend The Northern Business College for a term. Do you want to know what on can learn? Then write for Announcement to C. A. lsmmg, Own Sound,0nt. duraorflsésslrrd . . 1 t t chf ' everything in such order that a little wou donly 8 “Y on my a oma or“ coup e neglect will not show. Occupy spare moments of the days that are not very busy ones, in doing work a. little ahead of the time when it. is actually needed. Then one will be the mistress and not the slave, of her housework, and the true work of the homemaker will be accomplished. But one may even be a slave to the idea. of being forehanded ; and many a house- keeper frets herself nearly to death in order to keep everything done ahead of time, so that there will be no accumulation of work. It becomes almost a mania sand though each season’s work is done so Ion ahead of time that she could give herself weeks of complete rest, she seems only to get it done in order to begin the next, and thus keeps herself as much a slave to her household work as if it were always be- hindhand. The only advantage in doing work ahead of time is that one may do it easily, and at such convenient times that it will hardly seem to be work. If the habit becomes so fixed that it seems a necessity, the work has become the master, and the mistress of the house is the slave. â€"_ '- Useful Recipes. Beef Bouillon.-â€"â€"Take lean beeflfromlower round and shank of veal in equal propor- tion. Put. a heaping tablespoonful of butter into your kettle, put in meat, cut into small pieces; stir over hot fire until meat begins to brown. Then add one pint of cold water and cook until there is a thick glaze on bottom of kettle, which should be about an hour. Add cold water in proportion of a pint for every pound of meat. Let it come to aboil, skim and set back where it will simmer for six hours.’ Strain through a. fine cloth, season with salt and red pepper and set away to cool. When thoroughly cold skim oil' the fat. When ready to use, bring to boiling point and, if necessary, skim again. It should be served hot in cups, without spoons, and with salted wafers, as a first course or sort of introduc- tion to the supper. If preferred, serve chick bouillon, which is prepared in the same way. But if bouillon is not served, serve instead choclate with sweet graham wafers. Cheese Sandwiches.â€"Grate one pound of rich, soft cheese and mash it into one cup of butter; season with cayenne pepper and salt. Chop celery or] Have long plied their vocation on the suf- olives very fine [preferably celery because many people do not like olives). Spread thin slices of bread, cut to match together neatl with the cheese and butter mixture. sprinkle with the chopped celery, put two slices together and keep in a cool place till ready to serve. Perhaps it would be well to serve plain bread and butter as Well. since there are a few people who don’t care for cheese. Salted Almonds.-lllnnch your almonds by pouring boiling water over them. Let them remain in the water till cool and the skins will readily slip off. Dry thoroughly, then spread in a baking pan, add a teaspooni’ul of butter to every half pound of meats. Stir on top of the stove till the butter is melted, then put in the oven and allow them to remain till they are a delicate brown. Remove from the oven and while hot sift over them unfi- cient salt. When cold. sift oil’ superfluous salt. Salted peanuts are also good, though not so fashionable. Chicken Sciaticâ€"Boil three chickens till very tender. salting :o taste. When cold out in small pieces and mix with equal Toronto. This means that Camlixans will r ‘ l l l l 1 amount of cclerycut zine. For dressingbea: ‘ thorougtly twoor threeeggfleggs with yolks in are beaten :..orcughly when you candip a! of hours. After eating I would suffer from and mned “P my syflem {Pom “ condition dizziness, and I would see evérything of almost absolute prostration so that I was double. Then a terrible headache would able again,” resume my duties 35 "- minls' get in followed by vomiting and pain. I ter- The improvemenf W33 Simply WWW]; tried a lot of medicines of different kinds IONS! and the cred” 15 due D" WNW-ms but they did me no good. At last a friend Pink Plum” , , advised me to take Schiller’s Sarsaparilla Mrs- Chnpm “’13 Present during the 0011 Pills. I followed his advice, and much to “TSP-3&0“ "1‘1 said i “ I don,” Wink MI" the wonder of my friends I began to recover Chain“ could ever have tesume‘i hls prth' at once. Ten boxes of Schiller’s Sarsapar- lug after he had “he “ttP'Ck 0f 19‘ griPPe hf“ illa Pills have completely cured me. My 1‘5 110‘ been for Pink Plus,- The)’ (111 11”,“ mother was completely run down nursing 50 “web 800d that I (19°1de ‘0 trY the” me and Schiller’s Sarsaparilla Pills have efficacy on myself- I have been_ troubled cured her also.” Know your own mind. for Vears With Wh“ our Physwmn: Dr- If your druggists will not, get Schiller’a Hewitt,called rheumatic paralysis,and since Sarsaparilla Pills send to us and we will taking the PRU“, Plus ,I have been strong- mail you a box on receipt of 500. or six er and the Pi"“1 "1 my “8*” arm 33d hand 13 boxes for $2.50. Address K. E. Schiller a less mte- We keep the pills in the house Co" Toronto. all the time, and they do me a great deal of good in the way of toning up my system , and strengthening me.” GA A . 4‘") The income of Henry Labouchere from In all cases like the above Pink Pills offer ' ' If )5 Really; Truth is estimated at $50,000 a year. ‘ ' "" aspeedy and certain cure. They act di- ‘E~ NR ,/ us! to an or e as Don’t be Imposed Upon. fl J if d rectly upon the blood and nprves. Sold by all dealers. or sent by mai . postpaid, on .\ _ when you ask for Doctor’s Pierce’s Golden receipt of 50 cents a box, or $2.50 for 6 boxes “oak M’)’ Adi/Ice and. Medical Discovery. Go to a reliable deal- by addressing the Dr. Williams’ Medicine I “i t o em tnis’g er. He will sell you what you want. 00., Brockvilleh 0nt.,_ or Schenectady, n5 5 R 3, {lg ’L t The ones who have something else to urge N. Y. Beware Of substitutes and nostrums JO genKSMoKe.F6r nus ‘ u on you in its place are thinking ofithe alleged 'to be “just as good." ‘ ” l "\A 0.3m} rofit they’ll make. Those things 574% 3.; Elk/u. p ' (c '8 OCOVr-‘Al ’ K 1(0ng Maureen. S. S. KIMBALL. 87 Craig Street, Montreal. ASKYOUMSEWINGMACHINEAGEHT roan: 0R SENDA scant STAMP ma PARTlCULARS.PRlCE LIST, SAM PLES. COTTON YAR N.&c. release their grip “P0n 9' Pen» and my hand ‘ NIANllufifiT'lié‘éRCil THING- a Young man or woman can do istoats' LY .;, 10 7 .. REELMANEBB f : I- ,1 iQEQORGFJQWN I Champion 1? I have been drinking St. Lcon Mineral Water regularly for four years. and consider lttho very best thing to drink while in general train- ing. It is an excellent regulator. having com- pletely cured mo of constipation and kidney trouble. W. H. HASLITT. 385 Manning Ave. Champion Pedestrian of Canada St. Leon Mineral Water Uo’y. Ltd. Head Dulceâ€"King St. W., Toronto. ll Di'ugst'lst}2 Grocers _ and Hotels. pay them better, but they don’t care about on. ) None of these substitutes is “just as . good”~as the “Discovery.” This is the _â€"_____________, only blood-cleanser, flesh-builder, and. strength-restorer 5o far-reaching and so unfailing in its effects that it can be guar- anteed. " In the must stubborn skin, scalp, or scroiulous affections, or in every disease that’s caused by a torpid liver or by im- pure bloodâ€"if it ever fails to cure, you have your money back. It is reported in London that Lord \Vil- liam Beresford will shortly be married to the Duchess of Marlborough. Catarrhâ€"Use Nasal Balm. Quick, posi- tive cure, Soothing, cleansing, healing. - WW“ I f Better this season than ever. Everybody wants then! Every dealer sells them. They wear like Iron. Au eminent American divine writes :â€" i-lod has been pleased to store the earth and the air with remedial agencies. for the sure of disease and the prolongation of life. [ believe St. Leon Water to be one of these agencies. It is invigorating exhilar- ‘ I m‘ Specmlty. We have letters from all ports of Canada saying: ' Preston Furnaces are the Best ' . In a. : :’ -‘ "2’7: 6% . ri d' 1. Used co eously its ‘ 1 v . A, ‘ I gaff: “8:01) r3? val-{hole urinarv ppassage is _ 0 ~ Let us send you Catalogue and full particularli, and you can most beneficial. I. 0 I .‘l‘; "\“‘..f\-;“'J:‘; Wit. Fan-car's. D. D. Chicago. Toronto, Ontario. In Java the bride washes the ’ feet as a token of subjection. groom B l PRESTON, om mnrmmmmmmmrmmnmmnmg 3 GLARE BRQS. & 00., - Charlatans and Quacm- After Taking Hood’s Sarsaparilla fering pedals of the people. The knife has pared to the quick; caustic applications (6 . ' .‘ ' v have tormented the victim of corns until ,1 flasd‘menng from “n” ‘5 known as me conthion ahaped “senâ€"there’s no n'ightsdiseasc for five years, and for days atr- cure_ pumam’a Painless Com. Extractor timeI have been unable to straighten mysol... l E ‘Cured of a Serious Disease. OXFOR 22:?» FURNACES “rod ALI. sure or sunnmcsu Gapociip from 10.00010 80.00 Gabi: Gl'a'eet proves on what dander basis public opium“ up. I was in bed for three weeks; during f.liat’. often tests. If you sud-e, from cows “5 l time I had leeches applied and derived no bene- the Ext“ch “d you will be “Lisfiéd. é fit. Seeing Iiood‘s Sarsaparilla advertised in Sold everywhnm. i tho papers Idccidcd to try a bottle. I found In Hungary at one time. the groom ; ’ “_'_"_â€"'â€"“'â€"" gave the bride lipkick for the same purpoes i "EAvyoogJEENAcE during the wedding ceremony. i mm“ larva“, “£12m, lies? Steel PlstsFlrs Box Dome 3n Radiator. which heat Sarsaparllla Get Rid of Neuralgia. There is no use in fooling with neuralgia. qnmkermmmm durable it i:a disease that gives way only to the " Rglgglaotlgodorn ConPatruc- most powerful remedies. N21 remoldy yet “Ran gargaan owor discovered has given the gran resu to that invariably attends the employment of Pol- “PM b'uow I had finiShEd taking P31! 0‘3 b0?” son's Nerviline. Nerviline is a positive Eng“: 5°‘t5?drzui°ahdl‘telp from talking use first 00A]- FURNACE 'PeCific for 3“ an“ Pain" “‘1 ought ‘0 be 5 alkin secobdebotgle 133°ns°§ielilasse3§$ [-3383 30M" chfiflmfl‘ kept on hand in every family. Sold every 1 agalhmymgy Gz()_L[gmn'T0ronw,OnL misfit-errantmlmunxram Largo i’iuun Surface Largo F Door Sectional Firs Pot Rotating Bar Dam in: Gnu DEEP ASH Pi where, 25 cents a bottle. Inquirerâ€"“ Does a fish dict strengthen the brain Y” “ Perhaps not : but going ush- zng seems to invigorate the imagination." t 15y of action. Sold by all magma m' Model f893 d W The W onmtfiswdfbraw m ', i OXFORD D URNACB Full Guaranteed Capacity : figflmi “macaw. loos. Cans-lions will be interested to know that the famous llisscll Carpet Sweepers are now manufactured in a branch factory at t v ‘ ' Ill! ‘ “mm by... '- ' l. u at * ii ‘is e2 "‘65,- ::;§:;13.2.3;52.‘£f 31,53, 3,, mg. m... a...» i The cunnsv rouunmr company Ltd. TORONTO. housekeeper to possess a sweeper publicly m mm m ‘ recognized the best in the world. Humvee. Con. “""V'TTTHlSIS‘GOOflFORl'fl1§f§ENPT0-f . OSiWI'?’ . lQNJE.;::.;Ju~ ' Canada. . . . I l

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