mu...“ «- a “marqueesâ€; Her Ices: car I . to. l l l l l l 1 .. , r ‘5‘? .. i ’41. i ,. ’e l l l i ' i . a l l . n<o â€".. The Limekiln Club. “ I hev bin deeply pained," began Brother Gardner, as he slowly rose up and stood with his hands under his coat-tailsâ€"" I hev been deeply pained at cummin' across fresh evidences to show dat de cullud man am mentally wabbling about instead of walkin' right ahead in de middle ob do read. Two weeks ago tonight I was in a store when Brudder Waydown Bebee cum in dar an' get measured for three shirts an’ ordered dat dey be made to button behind. He didn't see me, an' I was 10 paralyzed dat I couldn’t hev spoken to him if he had. All my life I has bought unbleached cotton at six cents a yard an’ had do ole woman make my shirts, an' dey was shirts same as George \Vashington, Henry Clay an’ Abraham Linkum wore. De shirt dat buttoned in front, wid buttons costin’ six cents a dozen, has been good not? fer poets, warriors an' statesmen. De home-made shirt passed de Declarasbnn of Indepen- dence. It won liberty for dis nashun. It cl’ared forests au' plowed de prairies an’ laid do foundashun for our present greatness. De ideah dat de time has arreve when a pnssen airnin’ seben dol- lars a week an’ hevin' only one lung left to breathe with feels dat he must hev twelve shillun’ shirts to be in de swrm ‘es takes in breath awayl 3 “ Afewbights age I met Brudder Elder Toots in a drug store. De elder am an ole man. Anyone to look at him. would say (let be was set to stay set. I hev allus considered him a man without any foolishness, an’ you can imagine my surprise when he boldly inquired fur; scented soap, vaseline, sole cream an tooth powder. He actually turned away from a 10 cent tooth-brush an’ took one at 25 1 Did George Washington inquar’ fu.r scented soap befe’ he crossed de Dolawar’ ? Did Patrick Henry hold a bottle of vaseline in his hand when he closed dat memorable speech by saying: ‘ Gin me liberty or gin me death ?.’ Did Abraham Linkum go an’ brush his teeth wid pink powder befo’ signing dat emancipashun declarashun ? Shake- speare, Byron an’ Milton cleaned detr teeth with a rag tied to a stick, but our Elder Toots must ï¬ll his meuf wid EParis powder an' grease up his paws like a dukel Doan' make no drif'runce dat he’s got a big fam’ly,an’ dean' work I half dc timeâ€"he's got to be in style ! ' “ Whar am Brudder Shindig Wat- kins to-night ? 1 answer dat he am home an’ in bed, an’ de doctor says his backbone am two inches outer plumb. I was workin’ in my garden de udder day when Brudder Watkins cum in to see me. He leaned up agin’ de fence .an’ talked. an' by an’ by he Sprung it on me. What d’ye spose dat pusson wanted ? Wanted to berry fe’ dollars to get a pu'r o' shoesâ€"patent leather shoesâ€"an' another dollar to buy two pa'rs 0' red summer socks. My fren’s, I didn’t 'pear to breathe fur three minits. Den my bref cutn wid a rush, .an’ I picked up Brudder Watkins an’ frowed him ober a nineâ€"fut fence onto a heap o’ bricks. “ My ole woman was tooken sick de odder night, an' I went ober to de cabin of Givendnm Jones to berry a leetle ginger. BrudderJones has allus ’peared to me to be a solid, sensible man, an’ I couldn’t skassly believe dat lwas awake when I looked around dat house. Dar was a cuckoo clock, same as dePresi- dent of de United States goes to bed by. Dar was three stuit cheers, a bust of Napoleon, a i’utstool dat nebbcr cost less’u ï¬fty cents, an’ right on de floor, beiu’ stepped on by all do fam’ly a dozen times a day, was a rug dat cost SSl When Mr. Fulton invented dc steamboat. did he hev his feet. on an 88 rug ? When Sir Isaac Newton diskiv- cred gravity, did he hev a cuckoo clock .cuckooin' to him ? When General Tay- lor ï¬t an' licked de Mexicans, did he set on a stuft cheer an’ direct his battles ? “ But dat was not all, my fren's. I got a peep into dc spar’ bedroom an’ beheld shareholders on de bed an’ a oanepacious canopy above it. some as do kings of Europe. Dar was a red table- cloth on de table, an album fit for a queen lyin’ around an' all do knives au’ forks had handlrs on ’em. Brudder Jones works in a woodvard for $9 a week an' has a wile an’ eight chillen. but he must be in do swim l I knowed one time last winter when he went wid- eut Socks in order to buy a soup dish wid two rcg'lar handles to it! “ My fren's, I have mentioned only three or fo' instances out o‘ a dozen I could name. It makes me sick at heart to see dese things. If de time has arrove in de history of de culi’d man when he has got to set down on stuit cheers, dangle his hoofs on $8 rugs an‘ be sung in sleep by cuckoo clocks. den do sooner I am called to go do better. , It's ahead of my time. an’ I can't ketch l up (0 it. I ltuln't goin' to say no 1110'} 'beut it. but I want it understood right yore and new drit dc man who mo in do ' swim hadn't lwttvr on H M my lions-é z.» borrow money. ’lI-m: 'Il' III)!†'_’w?" trew splaiuin' to no: ll.“ he luv :o- [.I her 36 to get a set 0' silk underclnthes to w‘ar to do bassball game Ishell light MILLINERV MILLINEBY WALL PAPER WALL PAPER A t t/ze Lowest Prices. WINDOW PAPER FANOY GOODS MATERIALS FOR FAHOY WORK TOYS IN GREAT VARIETY STAMPING DONE Eggs Taken in Ext/range. MRS. i-TEELEY. MONEY TO LOAN. I have recently had a considerable, though limited, sum of money placed with me for loaning on forms at Five and a-half per cent. Parties wishing to borrow on these terms should not. delay to make application. Large amounts of funds, at slightly higher rates, according to security. In most cases solicitor work is done at my ofï¬ce, insuring speed and moderate expenses. Allan S. Macdonell, Barrister &c., Lindsay, LINDSAY Marble Works. as R. cuï¬nsnns or: is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, etc., a specialty. WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the market on Cam- bridge street, opposite Matthews’ paiking house. Being a practical workman all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. ROBT. CHAMBERS. North of the Town Hulk CTSEMARKS ' ' COPYRIGHTS. ’ CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT? For a Rina: 1: answer and an honest opinion. write to U N do 00., who have had neari ï¬fty years’ experience in the patent business. mmnnica- tions strictly conï¬dential. A Handbook or In. steelsswessiamn “d is" in.†r a on me an- ical and scientiï¬c books sent free?†Patents taken through Mnnn & 00. receive ppeoial noticein the Scientiï¬c American. and us are brought widely before the public with. out cost to the inventor. This splendid nper. issued weekly. elegantly illustrated. has b artho largest circulation or an scientiï¬c work in the world. 83 a year. Sump 8 copies sent free. Buildin Edition monthly. 8‘ .508 year. Single cotpies, 2. cents. . ery number contains beau- ti ui plates, in colors. and hotegra ha of new houses. with plans, enabling uiiders 0 show the latest designs and secure contracts. Address KUNN .. wa items. 361 BROADWAY. David Chambers, General lacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls Blacksmithingin allitsdiil‘erentbrnnches done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particuluruttention paid to herse-flreeing. Give me a callnnd I will guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. HARNESS m-SADDLES-u- ....VALISES.... ._.AT_.. lulu BEBBY’S ....KENTâ€"ST,,.... ....;1:_.INDSAY,.... E\'F‘.li\'l""\"‘v BEIJINGle TO THE Sfili'mp’i ‘- " ‘ 'lNESS TRADE "'i\' in. KEPT IN STOCK. down on him an' make him wish he had,i R E P A l R I N G anther bin bo'n. We lill acwgo home." DOSE ON SHOBTEST NOTICE. JOSEPH JUST IN A FULL SUPPLY OF THE BEST CANADIAN AND AMERICAN WATER WHITE COAL OIL. ’ “I " A": Hanan. WHY GO TO LINDSAY WHEN YOU CAN DO BETTER BY DEALING AT HOME I (? I AM . . OFFERING A FIRST-CLASS TOP BUGGY GUARANTEED BEST GRADE THROUGHOUT, WITH THE LATEST $7 .00. IMPROVEMENTS, FOR THE LOW PRICE OF . . . ITS DURABILI'I‘Y TURNS INFERIOR MAKES “ ABOUT FACE †TO THE REAR. NSPECTION INVITED. . . NEXT DOOR '1‘0 KNOX’S BLACK- SMITH SHOP, FENELON FALLS. ,. S. S. GAINER. KERR At On. NEE BANE PIT: OPPOSITE BENSON HOUSE. LINDSAY. New Fall and Winter Jackets, New Dress Goods; New Underwear for Ladies and Children, s. New Corsets and Gloves, New Handkerchiefs, New Trimming Braids, New Frillings and Ties, New Flannels and Flannelettes, New TeWellings, Cottens and Shirtings, Gentlemen’s Furnishings Complete. We cordiallyinviie you to call and examine our new Fall Stock. One price to everybody. 33 KENT-ST, LINDSAY. Opposite the Benson House. KERR £1 CC. eacgcam. HENRY PEARCE respectfully informs his numerous old cus- tomers and the public generally that he has returned to Fenelon Falls and resumed The Boot and Shoe Business in the store lately occupied by Mr. S. Nevi son on the east side of Colborne street,and hopes by turning out GOOD WORK AT LOW PRICES to obtain a. fair share of patronage. WDrepiuJeuve your measure and be convinced that he can do as well for you as any boot or shoemaker in the county. All kinds of REPAIRS EXECUTED with neatness and despatcb. J. Neelands, Dentist. Beautiful sets of Artiï¬cial Teeth inserted for $|0,$i2 and $i4. according to quality of teeth and kind of plate. Imitation gold ï¬lling inserted in artiï¬cial tel-[h free of charge. Gas (vimlized air) and local RnfES- thetics used with great success for painless extraction. Visits the McArthur House, Fenelon Falls,the third Tuesday of every month. Call in the foreuoon, if possible. Ofï¬ce in Lindsay owl; opposite the Simp- ou Home. NOTICE. To the residents of Fenelon Falls. Take notice that any person or persons removing from any village or district in- fected with diphtheria to Fenelon Falls will be quarantined for a period of 14 days or longer, a. the discretion of the Board of Health. The citizens of Fcnelon Falls who do not wish to be so inconvenienced will govern themselves accordingly. By order of the Board of Health. A. WILSON, M. 1)., Medical Health Qflicer Fenelon Falls, Fcb’y 22nd, 1893. l-t. f. The “ Fe‘neion Fails Gazette†is printed every Friday at the ofï¬ce, on the corner of May and Francis streets. SUBSCRIPTION 81 A YEAR IN ADVANCE, or one cent per week will be added as long as itremains unpaid. Advertising Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 cents per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the ï¬rst insertion, and :2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cor- rectly and at moderate prices. 3 s. 1). case, .3: 0 Living Without Their it, ,. . Most persons of an obsen: ,2 mm of mind are aware of the fact that there are several species ul insects, says the St. Louis It‘vpulih'e, that will mntiuttc to lire without scouting inconvenience for some time after decapitation ; exact knowledge of lltt‘ length of time which the various species of insects would sur‘ rive such mutilation being somewhat ru:ue. Prof. Conestrini once undertook a seris ul experiments with a \‘iew of determining that and other facts in relation to the wonderful vitality of such creatures. In each case the head was smoothly retrieved with a pair of thin-bladed iorceps, and when spontan- eous movements of the wings and legs ceased be employed sundry irritating devices, such as pricking, squeezing and blowing tobacco smoke over the insect. As a result of these experiments be ascertained that members of the beetle family at once showed signs of suffering, while such as the ants, bees, wasps, eet., remained for hours unnfl‘eeted. Some “M...â€" which seemed stunned from the effects ' ol' the operation recovered after a time, ' and continued to live and enjoy a head less existence for several days. Butter- flies und moths seemed but little nï¬'ected by the guillotining process, and the common flies (diptern) appeared to regard the operation as a huge joke. “ The common house fly," says our experimenter, “ appeared to be in full possession of his senses (rather paradox- ical, when in all probabilities the canary had swallowed head, sense and all) 36 hours afterwards.†The bodies of some species of butter. flies survived as long 115 18 days after the head had been removed, but the head itself seldom showed signs of life longer than six hours after decapitation. In the general summary of these huge experiments we are informed that the last signs of life were manifested either in the middle or last pair of legs; and that the myriopeds showed great ten- acity of life “ and appeared wholly in- different to the loss of their heads." o-.â€" Remarkable Trees. On the Canary Island grows azfeunâ€" tain tree, a tree most needed in some parts of the island. It is said that the leaves constantly distil enough water to furnish drink to every living creature in Hicro, nature having provided this remedy for the drought of the island. Every morning, near this part of the island, a cloud or tnist arises from the sea. which the wind forces against the steep cliff on which the tree grows, and it is from the mist that the tree distils the water. China, too, claims her re- markable tree. This is known he the tnllew tree, so called from the fact of its producing a substance like tallow, and which serves the same purpose, is of the some consistence, color and smell. On the Island of Lcwohew grows a tree about the size of a common cherry tree, which possesses the peculiarity of changing the color of its blossoms. At one time the flower assumes the tint of the lily, and again shortly takes the color of the rose. In Thibet there is n curious tree known as the tree of the thousand images; its leaves are covered with well deï¬ned characters of the Thi- betean alphabet. It is of great age and the only one of its kind known there. The caebab tree is considered one of the most wonderful of the vege- table kingdom. It appears that nothing can kill this tree; hence it reaches an astonishing age as well as an enormous size. The natives make a strong cord from the ï¬bres of the bark; hence the trees are continually barked, but with- out datuage, as they soon put forth a new bark. It appears impervious to tire, and even the axe is resisted, us it continues to grow in length while it is lying on the ground. In Mexico there is a plant known by the name of Polo de Lecho. It beloi-gs to the family of euphorbia. The Indians throw the leaves into the water, and the fish beâ€" come stupeï¬ed and rise to the surface and are then caught by the natives. In this case the effect of the narcotic soon passes off. The milk of this plnut thrown upon the ï¬re gives out fumes that produce nausea and headache. The milk taken internally is a deadly petson ; it will produce death or insan- ity, according to the size of the dose. There is a popular belief among the lower class in Mexico that the insanity of the ex-Empress Carlotta was caused by this poison.â€"San Jose Mammy. -â€"wâ€"a - .._.._ _.___ The largest inns in the States is sit- uated in Louisiana, it being 100 miles one way and 25 the other. The fenciuw alone cost 850,000. a A gold-weighing machine in the Bank of England is so sensitive that a pesto age stamp dropped on the scale will turn the index on the dial a distance of six inches. 'l'h’ie drvest place in the world is that part. of Egypt between the two lower falls of the Nile. ltuin has never been known to fall there, and the inhabitants do not believe travelers when told lb†l'rupn'dor water can fall from the sky. ' ma mm“- .7»