Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Sep 1894, p. 5

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.n «raw-M‘s” m~\.~.. "...â€"... ‘ .gzmlzu’v v s rpets and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. ~ mw___.__._.‘_ ...â€" Ru DBOP.â€"-Oo Tuesday evening: Mr. Joseph Pearn, Jr.. of Fenelon, was repairing the roof of a straw-pen, when . same part of it gave way. percipitating l Lord and Lady Bremey are on their him, not to the ground, but a distance i way to their 50,000 acre colony in the r of about fourteen feet to the roof ofi another small lean-to building. Mr. Pearn did not get any bones broken or 1 joints dislocated. but was seriously bruised and badly shaken up, which caused his friends to think that a d'octori in Umlade and D‘Hanis, Tex. Half a y i dozen “VQB have been lost. A i A special dcspatch from Victoria. ‘ B. 0., to the Empire says the seal catch should be consulted. and therefore the sent for Dr. Wilson of Fenelon Fails. Daniel Ritz, proprietor and publisher of the Hamburg, 0nt., Independent, says : H-I was suffering from dyspepsia and liverl trouble. I took a few bottles of Shiloh’s! Mrs. Anna T. Winch of Watertown. Vitulizcr and it cured me. Icun heartily N. Y., has recently married Archie Wiltsie of Syracuse. The bride is 76 MILL Bunsenâ€"Greene &. Ellie's old and “16 Emom 25. but the former is saw-mill, near the mouth of Fenelou worth 875:000- recommend it." river, was burned yesterday afternoon, but how the fire. originated is unknown. No attempt was made m save it, as it some time in the General HOSpital with is a. mile from the. village and our apol ozy for an engine is on strike. The property fell into the hands of the On- tario Bank some years ago, and. since ~ then the mill has been idle. It is not known whether the building was insured 0f 01" 00!. A BEAR IN Tourismâ€"Last Sunday a good-sized bcw was seen within the limits of the corporation, as it came out of Smith’s woods and crossed the rail- ” ‘ k l ,_ F”. , .H T ' At Portland. Oregon, on Sunday night D - “"‘y "“c c 0"} to ‘ '5 S u“ ' “0 or fire destroyed property valued at nearly , , three boils and meu’agcomph‘fimj by 31.500.000, belonging to the Pacific same dags‘ WM.“ "her n’ and he “re Coast Elevator Companv, the- Northern told that one of them overtook 1t, and Pacific Terminal Comm'ny "ad the or that, just as he was going to shoot, he remembeer that his gun had nothing,' in it but shot, which would only have been wasted, and so refrained from firing. There is no reason that we know of for suppOsiiig that bears are more numerous this year than usual. but it is probable that mgood many have been driveninto the vicinity of towns and' villages by firesin the woods. , BIG TEN DAYS’ SALE Of Boots and Shoes. ,See our Bargain» the pmdum Will load 9“”; P' R“ train Fables. Piles: of Boots and Shoes about half price. Every line reduced. Don’t miss this sale at “ Tue Mossrnn SuonS'ronn, Inseam. JOHNSTON tit SISSON. SLIGHTLY BUTCIIEltED.â€"Last Satur day morning Mr. Andrew McFarland appeal: poem to subscribers to pay up of this village niet with a serious acci- their subscriptions :; “ Lives of poor dent in Mr. Austin’s. butcher shop. men oft remind us honest men won’t Just as Mr. Austin was about to out: up a side of pork that he had thrown upon there'grow behind us bigger patches on the block it commenced; to slip, and,, to ourrpants. On our pants, once new and prevent it from falling,.he and Mr. Mc- glossy, now are stripes-of. difl'erent-hue, Earland, who was standing close by, all because subscribers linger and won’t simultaneously. extended. their night pay us what is due. Then let us be up hands, with the result that the edge of andldoing; send in your mite, however the knife which Mr. Austin was holding small,.or when the snow of winter strikes came into contact with Mr. McFarland’s us we shall have no «pants stall.” arm, four or five inches above the wrist, inflicting a.gash about three inches long and so deep. that one: of the tendons leading to the thumb was severed. He Icovered ten infernal machines supposed ' N A new peak 12000 feet high has been discovered in Alaska to the east of Mt. St. Elias. Canadian Northwest. The police of Rio Janeiro have dis- to belong to Anarchists. A clonllburst has caused great damage of this year will surpass any in the history of the sealing industry. Mr. R. S. Palmer, the young Englishman who has been lying for 1 ill a broken neck, was on Sunday taken to Montreal, to be transferred thence to England. A terrible waterSpout is reported from the Village of Suchil. in the mountains Durango. northwest of Fresnille, Mexico. The deluge carried away a woodchoppers’ camp often families, and all are believed to have been drowned. A number of other cases of drowning are reported. CLOTHING AND GENTS" FURNISHING STORE, ~ And ‘we will show- you the largest an. best: assorted stock ever shown in. this county, and-at prices sure. to please. 0m.- New Marines. and Dress Gnods are», egon Railway and Navigation. Company. The elevator contained nearly half‘a million bushels of wheat. Mr. John Shand, representative of." Messrs- Bartram, limited, Edinburgh, arrived at Port Arthur on. Sept. 23rd. The company expects to- furnish the machinery for the pulp and paper mill at Kakabcka Falls. The- mill will be the largest in the world, taking fourteen thousand horscopower to operate it, and every day in the year. The following poetical appeal won for its author, the editor of the Rocky Mountain Celt, the prize of $1,000 offered: to newspapcn-meu for the best stand! no chance. The more we work CORRESPONDENCE. live.» Energetic“ Men Wanted! g“THE GAZETTE.” -where all others fall Coughlsi, Crgupy sore é ' -Throat, Hoarseness,Whoopin Cough and. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Hill 00. Feuelon Falls, Friday, Sept. 28th, 1894. Wheat. Scotch or Fife . ... 55 to 60 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . . . 50 55 Wheat, spring “ . . .. 50 53 Barley, per bushel.... .... 35 37 Buckwheat “- . .. . . . . . 38 40 ‘ ‘ Oats, “~ 25 26 ’- _ '- Pense, “ 5O 53 “ 4o - ~‘ ‘ BOOKS! OF: ALL KINDS. . Butter,per lb...... 17 IS Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . 11 l?- Hafi’,per.ton...... 6.00 7.00 Bides............. 1.00 1.50 Hogs (live) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.75' 5.00 Sheepskins.............. 50 60 Wool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15'. 17 Flour, family, Silver Leaf:‘.. 1:55 1.70 Flour, best. bakers' 1.75 2.00 Flour, clipper, .‘ . . . . . . . . . . 1.30 1.40 Flour,strnigh‘t rolled...... 1.50 1.60 B‘. t ..... 14.0 15.)) " do Search“ . “.32. Everything nee m . . - o a c o o o u n o Mixedlchoprpcrtou . . . . . .. 18.00 20.00 p for school Opening gW‘ ; . ' MEMORIALGAHDSt ~ ‘ .. . ,,.:;;;L;;;::Eg.:.:..._§ W. T. J union’s- -33... To represent usin the sale of our HARDY CANADIAN GROWN-NURSERY STOCK. Position permanent and affords good chance of advancement to all workcre. Liberal inducements to new men. Send for our Eterms. The trial will cost you nothing. STONE &. WELLINGTON, 312-3111 Tonoxro,’ Our. 31.00 Bottle. ‘ Onecentadose. ‘ Turn Guam COUGE Ctm SUBSCRIBE FOB Asthma. For Consumption it; as no rival' . gageiiggi thoussarigsl; 8111?. wililsgunn YOU if V me. 0 mi on a air-- 'nutee. For a Lainey Baclggor Chestghusa: $1 PER YEAR. SHILOH’S BELLADONNA PLASTERW. . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_. Industrious sober - re- liable men,to sell’our complete lines of Nursery Stock and-Seed Potatoes. A few special varieties controlled by: us. Cemmission or salary paid weekly, and guaranteed promptly. Exclusive and! choice of territory given. Outfit free. Don’t. ' delay. Apply at onceiforterms. ALLEN NURSERY‘ CO.) - 2-20 Rocunsrnn, N. For.~Sale by W. T..Junkin. Subscribe;for the ‘fGazette... GIVE ME. A CALIQ. BEFORE ORDERING. BEST VALUE EVER. I OFFERED IN FiENELON FALLS. A GOOD’SJUIT % T0 MEASURE AND: , . - up" T ‘3 . . FOR ' PER SUIT- 2‘ ......a ....--,..‘;.. gm‘ _._._‘ " . - “...... “...,” .. ,:.. â€".«n'~'£l”" . - ......4 . i i «x: .‘ z . . . , . .z.-. , , v. .â€"-â€"-â€"_â€"_.__ «wâ€"ww. ) “mama. 3.;::.;~<-_ . V uv'“. aw ,. immediately want to D“ “rilson’ who Touthc‘Edilor (aft/re Fcnelon Falls Gazette. . AL'SOA. N . V. put three Stitches into the edges Of the S“IF-{would'lilte throu h the medium of I I ‘: S U wound, Which» 0“ Tuesaay moraingt your. valuableipapcr, togcompliment the - pimpomss Cutter Enaagedf l Whe'} the SiltChcs were hike“ Ohio. “7‘13 School Board and teachers on the energetic . i I" I APert-ect Fit Guammged' ' healluo‘ rn ldl , and the doctorr has manner in which they are enforcin .the ‘ 3 i p 1y b H d 1 d' t d‘ t H g SUIT‘ THE TIMES‘ "“ strong ropes tiatt e mo ttty an usc- {I‘Vrrt‘gflr mg: .Fum‘cyifln ‘ a “3 Same ' ~' PRICES TO" I ‘ l i .. .. “he” 0f the mum" "in be my “me' i‘liciiiiiitiliiilgnwili)nihii'siiiiio ) NEW GOODS. SAVFD IS \IO‘IDY'E tnNED AT' V ‘r . . . . . . ‘ 1 ' l . " ‘ s .h it at all, impaired by the acculent.. is about twelve years 0’“, ma dOeS no’, MONEY‘ * * _ V . __ know one letter'from another not having . - - l 3 i i A. SH$IRT “(KLT'K‘Qn divednieSdhy beensent to school. The writhr hopes that - f R S 3;“: fawning ‘ m' cone. 57’ ‘1’ m is this reference to the matter will be suf- -‘ - . ,- I ‘ " ' ' ' a ligpcl'llntelidlfig she alterations In 'thi ficient to cause the guardian of that boy to ,- _ i ’ -â€"-- > tone on ‘a 5. am, gave a practtca- send him to school without any. person , . I I . _ illustration of the um]. of the old guy- buying to take any action in the case. _ If _ I R SECOND DIVISION. COURT. ins. “ The more haste the worse speed.”‘ ed.“°:‘:’3'“:_: 3:0 ‘2: :hftfllztgrstfinnl‘iiangg " E ‘ ' " â€"or 1113â€"» ,~ . . . cnm B»111II eixsm . __ _ Returning lrom the main street to his duty 3f good. citizengs ,o‘su’ppon those in : County. of Vlctolqu. “Why he thought he ‘thl‘hmke 8 Short authority by using all reasonable measures Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred ‘ 139 . O l H out andsavettmc by climbing over the to enforce the truant law; Insuraneezliusmess to me. I flm‘l’WPflW The next sutings of; the above Oourt “‘l‘lgi railing of' the‘iron bridge, and walking- Yours, 033-: In“: ‘ to take risks on all classes ol‘propcrty be held .111 Dickson 5 mm, Lennon papa, alongthe walloi‘ the mill race. instead Feuelommns September 25tfimiséf- ~ $ At Very Lowest Rates ON MONDAY, 001'. gm, 1894, of corn: to the end of the bridge and ’ " ' 3 r . t 10 , l k . the f r coming part-of the way back again ; but s i l __ _ ' I _' commencinga o c on in orenoo in carrying out his intention his feet W IBIiRTHIS- f F I Nonehuliu's’t-class Britishandflanadian Thursday, Sephmmwm be me “many -' , - mucuâ€" a tie townsri o ' ene on ' n . -. .f 1 t 1..;-'d', . 'n “3,. ghgpeffi! and he an a ‘i'smnfw 0: about on Wednesdayy September will, the wife oi‘ "":”"%‘é”" campames represented ggum"°,,§;;,,:l;,f{;‘123.3,, (th (it‘lizcrl ('(m‘d- - wa H. 00‘ 0m“ some 083 m i' 0 “For Mr. Russell Warner. of a daughterâ€"still I‘ tics niust be served on.orhefore Sept.22nd. Willoh parted beneath iiimtflnd let him born. V ‘ " , 1 fi- S N v y F D “A‘” through into ten or twelve feet of water. Mariamâ€"In Feneion Falls, on Wednes- e 0 1 W “mg -' 3‘59"; " ' ' ‘t ’ (X few seconds later, with the assistance fifty, September 20th, the wife OfiMI‘.‘ Wash» ' at val-Y. o ' ‘ Bfllllif. (Jltfl‘h, . of a friendly hand, he was on the wall “‘3‘” 3‘ “mm-‘7 “m 50'“ ' I e ‘ V _ ' James Arnold. pcndon Fang, July- 121b, 1.39.1. oi the race, with no worse injuries than W_ ' f a e . .- a couple of bruises, oueon the bacitol‘ BIA-lhflIED- . _ _ _ p » his head and the other a goodldcnl lower 3ECAT‘TEWâ€"BRF‘50‘I‘ZR‘TA; Ehgr‘i‘ethOdgt‘ For. Fungi}- _ down, but he was at his work again as figgfi‘fifinhfiquontig; S'Sei‘1tefige'rGgmh' _’ l ‘ 5mm 33 he hhdidmuged'hls Ck’thcs' .\Ir. Archibald McArthur in Mrs. .‘viaria Bro: I ‘ Cowux'oxvxox, ,0 good health the thour, both of the township of Eldon. most important requisite to a good 001111 GhAilef-GOLDENF‘AI the Bt‘DtlSi PM- ._â€"â€"+-....â€"(â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- plexiun is to use only a good toilet soap. somatic. llanulsug by “I; Refiu-‘IP-‘g’rfl‘eln I Mr. 11. J. Lytle has just receivedm large 0“ ‘1Ur5‘3)'- “PM?! 9" 1‘ h v x . Fr â€" 3- ' “ .. consignment of English and American Chm“? 3.2 Graham,- ‘VhOlCSf‘IL‘ t9“- mer- soaps. including- Cashmere, Bouquet, and l 01mm. FOrOEHO. to MuryJane,eldest daugh- , . . . , g- ' T G D Oolgatc's best grades, as well as Pear‘s ’ ter of ML.“ :11. Golden, oszenelon‘l‘nlls. IIIChIdlng {1133, 188,. llI‘tS, I unsceniul nap; Clciii-eg’siGly'cerinlt; pad DIFD â€"â€"- etc".\ve can save you» )ncum yer, ant the mac at vertiseu" ut erâ€" 1, . . , . v V milk 303?- Imun.-Ir..the township-of Fenelon, on ' It Will any 'l‘he sealer Wanderer has been taken % person, if he only wants to Saturday, Sept. 1211:], Sarah Ann Daniel, spend So, totgo to Carter’s. wife of Mr. Wilden Imric, aged 25‘ years. Inwmâ€"ln I’cnclon Falls on Wednesday, Ready-made Clothing at Cost for ll‘m Vlt‘mrh‘» B3 0-! by u- M- 8' Pheas’ ; September 20th, Mrs. Ann Irwin, aged 75 am. having been found with secret‘gunsl years and 9 months. l on board. i' l ‘ Emma Coleman. ‘24 rears of age, the l , _‘ good looking daughter of a citizen of; ESTRA" STBI‘R' ' ‘ . . - i _ Danrtile. Ill., 30“ h“? “gilt w ‘hefl Game on to the subscriber's premises. lot father's estate for 81.200. \Wut (0 (zine ; 1-5 concession 5, Somerriile, about the mid- caen. and is said to have entered a i die of May, a yearling Steer. light red with ’ msmmnm 0,, w‘b‘sh “venue in an ? some white spota. The owner can have W Cash for 80 Days. * '- Every Article 9. Bargain.~ 5-. . intoxicated condition, mounted a chair, fifth?" hm‘i” “when-Y “d “’1‘”; I. and‘ began threwinn about tits." gt . ROBERT flipping". I ' place. She was arrested audihad $1.10»). Burnt River P. O. ' 4. c p - . 9‘ Mt. Semen-tile, Sept. .1 1th, lest-31.3! . ‘

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