“Ms... .. ._. ‘5‘... "3...... w . w"... s.-.“ a a... *vâ€"m WWW re 03 r- ‘ no r 3, {controversy about my condition. Inevsr Charlatans and Quack: . .. ' - ‘L ___TA'JK Efelt better in my life and, barring aoei~ Have long ï¬led their vocation on the euro 0 ‘ no \ ‘ T c Q ~ 'dants, will be ready to ï¬ght the ï¬ght of my fering pad of the people. The knife in. ~, ‘~ . ha -tu.:iy Auotralian ill Prime hf. on Sept. 26: " pared to the quick ; caustic applications ' T 0f ’ Condition for [[13 Contest With I hereby certify that the foregoing in- have tormented the victim of come until " . I p- 1 terview is truthful in every detail. the conviction sha d itselfâ€"there’s no \ n 1 “ZS mmons' (Si ) Dav Canoes cure. Putnam's Fagin“ Corn Extractor . . . _“ Dr. Williama’ Pini Pills are especially proves on what slender basis public opinion 1 hf"? 5°,†Tum-“‘3 Sum“ gaggiï¬ï¬'ï¬ .0 1'9"! “He‘ll-t 0' '1‘ In" “re- valuable toathletes and those undergoing often rests. If you ends: from corns get ,ï¬ggï¬ï¬'di,“ w†hug“, noml train- ' Ilka lofl'c'fl 0' “0 In“ '9 Ell. severe physical training. They act as a the Extractor and you will be satisï¬ed. 0 lug. ltin an excellent regulator-flisvin 00m- in"! ‘0 KCCP '- SWIM-l"! ill-axe? - tonic and ikacer, stimulate the whole Sold everywhere. 0 pletel cured me of constipation and idno’ Does not Believe in Doctors. i system and keep the blood and nerves in “out, 8‘ From the St. Louis. “0.. Chronicle. As Sep'ember 26, the date set for the $5,000 attie between Dan Creedon and Bob Fitzsimmons, grows nearer its uncer- tainty grows greater and the interest of the sporting world increases. \Vhile Flu» simmons will no doubt be a hot favorite in the betting, yet. the truth of the matter is, that but very few have got a true line on Creevion. who have come in touch with him. are say- ing but little out. loud, it is a well-known fact that Fitzsimmous’ iollowars are ï¬nding is a quiet way all the :Creedon money they W." L. Personally Fitzsimmons ‘ y. The While the wise men of the ring ‘ has always believed that Creedon was easy game. But then, Creedon has improved almost ieyond belief since he came to thiscoun- instruction he received while ieiping to train Corbett for the Mitchell ï¬ght did him no end of good, while his method of living and manner of taking “ the pink of condition." They pills also effect a radical cure in all cases rising from overwork, mental worry or excesses of any Sold by all dealers at 50 cost: per box, or six boxes for 82.50â€"uever sold in nature. bulk Or by the hundred. â€"â€".â€"_â€"_ o. .. ~ Cholera in Europe. are disquieting. In Western Rutsia the disease prevails with great virulence, and the mortality is increasing in the districts lying along the boundaries of Germany and Russia. But the outbreak near Liege in southwestern Belgium is more alarming.for it seems probable that the greater part of the Mouse valley will beinfected and a new centre established two hundred miles from Paris. It was just two years ago that Reports from Europe. during the past week concerning the progress of cholera The foot travel across London bridge each year reduces to powder twentyvï¬ve cubic yards of granite. Get Rid of Neuralgia. There is no use in fooling with neuralgia. It is a disease that gives way only to the most powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment at Pol- son’s NerViline. Nerviiine is a positive speciï¬c for all nerve pains, and ought to be kept on hand in every family. where, 25 cents a bottle. According to English insanity returns 16 cases in 1,000 are caused by love affairs. St. Leon's "keeping" properties are un- equalled. It is just a! good in bulk as bottle and much less expensive. There is only one flock of ' pure merino sheep in England. The Tree of Heaven is the common name W. H. Hssu'r'r. 885 \ianning Am. Champion l‘bdestrian of Canada it. Leon Mineral Water flo'y. L . Head onion-Kin; St W.. Toronto. All Druggiste. Grocers and Hotels. Your Proï¬ts f rt Prom t Ballgamth Pains andï¬ches- Willbe increase M ed. your land freed from foul . weeds. if You Sold every ' suffering with weakness and P , Feed Your Stock emaciation, who give little , f' 5‘ Grain nourishment to babies,should '. around i g ‘ bya § WATEROIIS take . ’ O : 50011 S Buhr Stone Ghopper Grinds ever thing. even to the ï¬nest seeds. S’tones last a lifetime. { Iron plates. chilled 1-16. are not in it with g French Buhr Stones.61nchcs thick. Chilled Clear Through. ' Easy to run, simple. durable. fastâ€"W rite us. Waterous, Brantford, America experienced its greatest scare. Cholera ships were numerous in New York harbor, and President Harrison issued his proclamation that all vessels for the Ailanthus, a ver topical, looking tree. Brown Bros. Co., oronto, 0nt., tell . us that itis not a very satisfactory growsr carrying for our section. This house wish an agent immigrants should be quarantined for here. The 1 twenty days. The need of vigilance at the offer liberaly 5311::mfzufnd expenses and present time is hardly less great than it care of himself has greatly improved his condition. Some time ago it was reported that Crcedon wasa victim of muscular rheu- maiism and that his days as a ï¬ghter had passed. This has no doubt taken many of the sporting furteruity over to the Fitz- Emulsion the Cream of Codâ€"liver Oil and hypophosphites. It will /'?y a mmons side. Creedon is doing his training in St. Louis under the core of his foster brother, Tommy was then. Practical Value of Music. In the great crisisof men’s and nations lives, in ï¬erce struggles for country, liberty and principle, what better spur to flagging courage, to the weary and faint- hearted, than the battle-hymns and war- sougs of the nation? \‘Vhat more surely stirs enthusiasm to so lofty a flight as to unite with the thrill of faith and hope in ltiude in 32-21;), iris-do amt! 44-40 {alga-ï¬fe ggxclllihtest, . e . ' . - 5 m est n r on 61' '13 some on idea. as by an execmcc sources.rhetoric“ “ W“ ‘° oh " s W T ' 3â€â€ SCH I LLE R’S . ' - ' ' ()th . a whole people to action. Then it is that is made R I N V I 4440 } the gran (lest deeds are done. They Always Do. Teacherâ€"m They builded better than they knew.†‘Do you understand that?’ Bright boyâ€"“ Yes’m. They always do." “ Who always do ‘2†Windsor Castle has been used as a. royal residence for 784 years. Recipeâ€"For Making a Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. Adams' Root Beer Extract. . . .... . . . .one bottle Fleischmann’s Yeast.. .. . . . . . .halfa. cake Su ar ..................... . .......... two ounds Lu cwarm Water .................. two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water add the extract. and bottle: place in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it fer-manta, then pluce on ice, when it will open sparkling and delicious. ' The root be=r can be obtained in all drug CANADA. See our Exhibit at Toronto and give them strength and make Quebec Fairs. their babies fat. Physicians, the world over, endorse it. . Don’t be deceived by Substitutes! DRAINAGE Scott a Bowne. Belleville. AllDruzgists. 60o. 4:81. is a. fertile source of disease. ls YOUR N ‘ blood suffering from defective sewerage! Impurities cannot accumulate it you will use ordinary precaution. and SARSAPARILLA PILLS the Modern Remed for n. sluggish con- dition of Liver und lood. Try it now! The most practical rifles for me n usage- erte for catalogues to The Marlin File Arms 00., New Haven, Conn. U.s. EBï¬RT COLLEGE, BELLEVILLE. ONT. SPLENDID RECORD of six candidates for Tracy. He was seen in the ofï¬ce of his “ The architects 'you know Pop’s _ . Don‘tprocrastinotc. . . . . ‘ , . . . l' l. â€" manager. COL John 13- Hopklnfl, by a new ï¬ve-thousand-doliar house cost most 88m†“Mncummn A“ “mm “10%†“ Chronicle repcr ter, and among other thing! ten thousand." unbosomad himself regarding the "muscular rheumatism" story : “In December last" (he laughed when the subject was broached) “I was giving Spll‘i‘lng erhibitions with a variety and utliletic company. We' played a week’s eugigemant in Boston. During Christmas Wick it was bitterly cold, the theatre in which we played was miserably heated behind the curtain. The dressing-rooms were so cold that you could actually see your breath. My contract with the manu- ger stipulated that I was to box two bouts of three rounds each, one of which was to be “try-out" with any local ï¬ghter possess- ed of an ambition to make me ‘bite the dust.’ , “Though my task was not a severe one from a scientiï¬c point of view, the work was hard and monotonous and the perspir- ation streamed from my pores as I scampern ed from the stage into my cold.damp dress- ing-room. I resisted the shock of these sud- den changes until the night before we closed our engagement, when, as I was dressing preparatory to leaving the theatre, a sickening chill penetrated my back, my legs a:hcd and I suddenly become sick at my stomach. I drank two hot whiskeys in a neighboring saloou,hurried to my hotel, and huddled up in bed. "0n the following morning on awakening, my right ankle was still and sore, and the muscles of my arm were swollen and pained excruciatingly. "I rapidly grew worse. My physician ordered hot water bags for my feet and prescribed an alkali concoction for muscul- i :- rheumatism. lVithiu a week I was un- ‘ibie to hear my weight on my feet. “1 discharged my physician in despair I u-i tried enough so-cailed rheumatic cures :0 stock a fair sized drug store. By the u ~lvice:of Col. John D. Hopkins, my menu: ,er, 1 purchased a box of D:. Williams' ‘_-‘ink Pills. Col. Hopkins had read so much in the papers of the marsellouscures made by Pink Pills, and being a victim of ueriodicai attacks of rheumatism, gave iiiem a trial. "Physicians be hanged, I have spent huh; .‘reds of dollars on em,†here broke in inking a seconl box. and the pain an} He Went Shortly After. Miss Amy (at 12.10 a..m., after Gosiin has related an anecdoteiâ€"“ That story reminds me of you, Mr. Goslin.†Gosliu (presumptuously)â€"“ Because it is bright, I suppose." Amyâ€"4‘ Not at all. Because it won’t o s â€"â€"â€".â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" Heâ€" May I kiss your hand? Sheâ€"IV ill you be satisï¬ed then? Heâ€"Yes. Sheâ€"Th en you can’t kiss it. Yachtsmanâ€"“ Why are you tyiugthos’e pieces of wood on those bottles of whisky? ’ Watermauâ€"“ So them what you haven’t emptied will come ashore when you upset.’ .__..__.._â€"â€"â€". It's Astonishing sow Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription act! upon nervous women. It’s a marvelous ‘cmedy for nervous and general debility, l)horen, or St- Vitus’ Dance, Insomnia, or inability to sleep, spasms, convulsions, or " ï¬ts,†and every like disorder. Even in cases of insanity resulting from Iunctionai derangements, the persistent use of the “ Prescription†will, by restoring the natural functions, generally effect a cure. For women suï¬â€™ering from any chronic f‘ female complaint" or weakness ; for wo- men who are run-down or overworked ; at the change from girlhood to womanhood ; and, later,at the critical “change of life.’ $1.00 Bottle. One cent a dose. ' ‘- v Itia sold on a tee by I, gists. It cures ci ient Cons and. is the best Couahpand Crounuénugbton Equ aITFaBj imported; - Toi’e M} Advuce. and lri5i5t: on getting this ; Jihï¬uliï¬: 5cm ‘ic is 3 medicine that safely and certainly FOR SALE. " Canadian Patent for Wrench. builds up, strengthens, regulates, and cures If it. doesn’t, if it ever fails to beneï¬t or cure, you have your money back. \Vhat more can anyone ask ? Is anything that isn't sold in this way likely to be “ just as good?†â€"â€"â€"â€".__â€" A Pretty Picture. Little Girlâ€"“Oh. Mr. \Vheelmsn, stop talking to sister a minute, and come and see my kitten. She looks too cunning for anything.†do \Vrite for circulars. Something good. money in it. William For-gin, - Washington. l’n. FOR SALE. "Canadian Potent. for Car Coup or." \‘v rite for pirticulars. John w. Runner, - “raver Springs. Pa. STaMMERING and tut-baring- gcrmunentiy cured. ' ;\o_elvunce fees. ‘ THs.‘ ll irsn'ee i. STITUI‘E 65 Shuter St... Toronto. oraxrfo‘on Wrecked oz Rescued By W. J. HUN-run. Ph.D., D.D. A series 0 chapters to men on social purity and rigii: liv ure . LINI‘ON - I 2‘ GLAH Bos. & oo., - Candidates prepared for Teihchcrs' certiï¬cates. Diploma-i nwurded in Commercial Science, Music. Fine Arts. Elocution. Will reopen Thursday. September 6th, '91. F lender address or ca PRINCIPAL DYER, M.A.. D.D. GRANBY ï¬neness They give perfect satisfaction in ï¬t, style and ï¬nish, and it has become a by word that f Sold by oil Druggists. 500 per box. 6 boxes or $2.50. 'vVholcsaio by H. K. SDHILLER & 60. TORONTO “ Granby Rubbers ?’ wear like iron. ' HEATING 0111' Specialty. We have letters from all ports of Canada saying Preston Furnaces are the Best Let us send you Catalogue and fuiiparticulars, and you can Judge for Yourself. PRESTON,0NT Stoves Have Been Tested by the people for nearly HALF A GENTURY Take no other said to be just as good. If your local dealer does not iianzlxe our n2. 1 9 . . m...†pnemhwi: L. L. Agam__.-.-ï¬.t_... .. . 2 Col. Hopkinm hMrn “liliekeiman d (reluctantlyiâ€""Umâ€"e ing. ltdis writlacnlrflplsip languaget ignitCul goods, write our 1“ "After using one box of Pink Pills," con. w a.†‘3 t 9 “W†Flag? , _ "lily n" emu-"E ' we gen“ WM g-I - Ir , nearest house. : nued Creedon, "the pain gradually reâ€" Little Girlâ€""Sheï¬af‘ndmmp 3° “trash Igliï¬slAzgnB‘dIdgg,t‘lggbllfligls. iidï¬l’éfhi‘gn ' and p‘retty a-sharpenin her claws on you â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"___ L do Toronto Montreal ic c e. 1 on n â€" -â€" ’ WANTED-“BRIGHT BOY Tho MCCLARY MFG. C ., g veiling disappeared from my ankles an zest, and the muscles of my arms were re- i-‘ored to their not uni condition. “ I left for Jacksonville, Fla, New Year's l).iy with “ Billy Delaney, trainer anim Corbett, to assist in preparing the champion for the international glove con- test with Charley Mitche‘l. I had ï¬nished my second box of Pink Pills when I lefi Boston. The sudden change of the climate combined with the malarial atmosphere of Corbett/s training quarters at .\l syport, revived the pain in my muscles and l be~ chine alarmed at my condition. A P. 729. Scrofuia in the Neck The following is from Mrs. J. W. Tillbrook, rv‘ic of the Mayor of McKcesporf. Perm: “ My little boy Willie, now six years old, two yours ago Iiilil a bunch under one car which the doctor said was Scruf- ulzi. As it continued to grow he ï¬nally lunccd i In every town and village in Canada to sell THE EARTH. the new weekly illustrated newspaper. Knocks the others all out whcr ever offered. Boys already appointed are mowing nr 1m one to four dolinrs fir Friday afternoon and Saturday's work. Apply now before places are all taken. THE EARTH, Si Adelaide St. “3. Toronto HAMILTON LADIES’ ODLLEGE Reopens September 8. 189-1. All teachers honor graduates of universities or colleges. Regular courses for graduation in literature and sczcnce. music. art. olocution. Winnipeg â€" Vancouver. nmnnniiimmmmmnmmmmnm EOXFO Wâ€) FURNACES . COAiind'" ..ron ALL SIZES or suunmcs.. Capacity from 10,000 to 80,00 Gubic ‘Fecl WW mmm “ I went up to J icksonville and secured and it discharged to; etc. Excellent accommoduti-m. inspiring in- "CYCLONE STEEL RADlATOk†‘ - _ ~ . ‘tructor-. reï¬ning :Lssociniions and pica-sans . r-uozher suppy of Pink Pills. The mar- . some time. “etheiibc ‘3. _ )' ~ . vello Is also". of these Pills almost infill: - . . gm, giving him Hood, surroundings AdLIFEHs'IIIG'i rincrpui, D - wmio Tiilbrook . . . -- . 1 1 A-Bl-"*-‘~- S-T-D-v L-L- HEAVY cane. especially ballot ~ Snrsopariils and ie m __ _‘- “honed forwood burnth “The Pink I’iils battled successfully with the rheumatism ani the seeds oi malaria planted in my system by the damp nights spent on the Faorida coast. Iwas in cmdition to begin work with t‘oroottafter a few day's rest and was “\pl'lly restored to health, the muscles .iiny legs aui ar'ns being as strong and )olasever. . i "i never in my life worked harder ihan during the Corbett training cam- uign a: Miyport. The rheumatic lukles of a few weeks previous, were In†Irom soreness and silliness, asaii visitors to lilayport who witnessed me play hansi- ball and speed over the hard sand of the beach can attest. iaxed, my appetite improved, I proved very rapidly until the sore healed up. last winter it broke out again, followed by Erysipelns. We again gave him Hood's Sar- suparillo with most encellent results and he 23.3 had no further trouble. ills cure is due to Hood’s Sarsaparilla llo lids never been very robust, but now scrum lr-ulthy and daily growing stronger.†Hooo's PILLQ do not weaken. but all digestion and tone the stomach. Try them. 25c. soineniiuits almost incessnmlyf JUMPIN i} from A ugusr to May. Wonderful product ofa Foreign Tree. Great» est curiosity to draw crowds wherever nhown. on strkeia in shop windows. etc. Just im- They hop. skip. jump. slide. turn LE RRoo n on "-!I.LUSTRATEgD CATALOGUE FREE ' METALLIC’ROOFING Q r ,. MAiqrAcn/RES. TOR. I KNiiZ-IINGMAC ONLY ASKYDu..SEWlHG Wharf Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box Dome and Radiator. which heat quicker and are more durable RADIATOR of Modern Construc. tlon and Great Heating Power LARGE ASH PIT COAL FURNACE Large Combustion chamber Lon Flre'l’ravei,enolrollngradlator Large Heailn Surface Large Fee Door Sectional Fire Pot Rniazln; Bar Dumping Grate DEEP ASl‘l l’l'l‘ . Semi for... IIIIIIIIIIII OXFORD WOOD FURNACE Full Guaranteed Capacity mmmmmmmmmm aw " A ""mhm" “mu†“I u‘“ I ported. Everybody wants one. Full history . mm “WARE? STA“? “ - osrmcus andtu‘nuouw- I00!- piun 'ed irom the cold of the hortlx into or“ Zines and sample Jumping Ben. to agents EWJPA‘Eng'o'Ari-ghpviiiuussn Manufactured bra... .the I ampuess of the l'klonda climate into :1»: a)“nt giggingg.mllih&°cé:% U _1 [s S. . 0 SE _. l a rheumatic siege, ta mg no particumr ’3“ ‘m' zi- - ‘3 ‘ ’ . v; . .. . _V GOOD «I. ,, ._ - .... .i m w... to... we, «guano or inï¬ll: crowns: “2333;. @EELMANB - we, "‘9 WIN" PW“ w my Pink ~li treatment. 1 give you every Sn‘iu. Try ML 3'“ mom,» :1 .Vv _ 4, detail of the case in order to end all further lxrnls lit-rum. to. 15.5 4.2. Pills" Pa. -.,. u» ¢= , A,