Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Sep 1894, p. 1

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-. wâ€"knw WWWâ€".â€" .. .mwvmm.~mmlmfirvfiw .- . .. . . ..__.......~..-..â€".,.....-.........“..........,.. nInnc'ron‘sr. SOCIETIES. iilillidFdd INDIAN REMEDIES. B APLE LEAF TRUE BLUE LODGE No] 42. Regular meetings held on the , second Wednesday in each month. Hall in 1 McArthur’s Block. R. Tacoanr, Master. H. Avs'rm, Deputy Master. J onx MCGILVRAY, Secretary. ‘l’llE swam STORE Is daily receiving large consignments of FALL AND WINTER 4 DRES S GOODS, Ladies’ Mantles and Men’s Clothing, all of the newest patterns, latest designs and best workmanship. Elli lilill lllD [ill llli illSl lililllji. - ~ - Sagwa - â€" â€" â€" - indian Oil - - Indian Cough Clare Indian Worm-killer - ~ Buflalo Salve - - ._.Ar_ LYTL-E’S FENELON FALLS. l l l I ANADIAN ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS. Trent Valley Lodge No. 71. Meet in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block on the first and third Mondays in each month. J. J. Nansen, N. G. R. M. Mason, Secretary. I O. L. No. 996. MEET IN THE ORANGE J. hall on Francis-St. West on the second Tuesday in every month. strs Dnvusn, W. M. J. T. Tnonrsox, J a, Rec-Sec. NDEPENDENT ORDER of FORESTERS. Court Phoenix No. 182. Meet on the last Monday of each month, in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block. T. Ansrm, Chief Ranger. Joan R. Gasman, Secretary. l’rot‘essionul Cards. music.- MISS THIS’I‘LE’I‘HWMTE, who has studied for years with the best teachers on this continent, and has passed the required examinations at the Toronto College of Music, will give Lessons on Organ or Piano, ALSO vocan LESSONS 1r nssmnn. For Terms apply at Mr. A. Sutherlaud’s residence, Francis Street West. LEGAL &c. . ____.__.__.._-_.â€"._..___m A. r. DEVIJN, BARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street,Lindsay. ,____~...._. ~_ G. H. HOPKINS, ARRISTER, (kc. SOLICITOR FOR T3 the Ontario Bank. Money to loan at . lowest rates on terms to suit the borrower. ()llices: No. 6, William Street South, Lind- say, Out. ‘lANADIAN HOME CIRCLES. FENE- LON Falls Circle No. 127, meets in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block the first Wednesday in every month. P. C. Buncsss, Lender. R. B. Svnvssrsa, Secretary. Our Grocery, Crockery, Glassware, and Boot and Shoe Departments are, as usual, replete with chOice goods and RICH BARGAINS. A F. AND A. M., G. R. C. THE SPRY . Lodge No. 406. Meets on the second Friday of each month, in the lodge room in Cunningham’s Block. DR. A. Winson, W. M. an. W. Fuascoun, Secretary CHURCIâ€"IES. BAPTIST CHURCHâ€"QUEEN-ST.â€"REV. James Fraser, Pastor. Service every Sunday morning at 10.30. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30. p. m. ‘iETHODIST CHURCH â€" COLBORNE l Streetâ€"Rev. G. W. McCall, Pastor. Sunday service at 10.30 a. m.-and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. ‘ Epworth League of Christian Endeavor, Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7.30. M“ We want all kinds of Grain, Potatoes, Eggs, Butter, etc., for which we pay the Lhighest market price. Drop in and see us, and Bring Your Wife With You. She probably wants a new mantle or a new dress, and can save money by- buying it from Melon 1, Bran on it h. RESBYTERIAN CHURCHâ€"FRANCIS Street West-Rcv. M. McKinnon, Pas- tor. Services every Sunday at. 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday School every Sunday at 2 30 p. to. Christian Endeavor meeting every Tuesday at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7.30 p. m. MOORE 8'. JACKSON, I ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, in. Of- fice, William street,Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JAcasox. MCINTYRE & STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, Szc. Offices over Ontario Bunk, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. I). J. Mclxrrns. ALVATION ARMY â€"BARRACKS ON Bond Street Westâ€"Captain Huxtablc. Service every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday evenings, and on Sundays at 7 a. m., T. Srswaur. 10 a. m., 3 p. m. and 8 p.1m. T. ALOYSIUS R. C. CHURCHâ€"LOUISA Streetâ€"Rev. T. B. O’Connell, Pastor. Services every alternate Sunday at 10.30 a. 111. Sunday School every Sunday at 2 p. m. _____._._...â€"â€"â€"- A. V. J. DEGRASSI,M. D., COROMER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., kc. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington trect, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, -â€"M. a, .u. c. r. a. 3., Ontario,â€" ilYSICIAN’, SURGEON k ACCOUCII- cur. Ollice, Colborne Street, Feuelon Falls. â€"_..._.m____.__ ._....__ Da. H. H. GRAHAM, ‘tRADUA'I‘E of the University ol Trinity 1 College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England, Member of the Col- lege of Physicians .t: Surgeons of Ontario. Ollice and residence on Francis-St. West Feuclon Falls, Opposite the Gazelle office. T. JAMES’S CHURCHâ€"BOND STREET Eastâ€" Rev. Wm. Farncomb, Pastor. Service every Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School every Sunday at 11.30 a. m. Bible class every Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. 36? Seats free in all churches. Everybody inviteslto attend. Strangers cordially welcomed. DIISCELLANEOUS. If You Want Oils, Want Paints, Want Varnishes, want Stains of all Kinds, Want Alabastine or Kalsomine, Want White Lead and Dry Colors, Want Curtain Poles, Rings and Brackets, â€"....__.â€"â€"a 1‘ ECHANICS’ INSTITUTEâ€"P. KELLY, i Librarian. Open daily, Sunday except- ed, from 10 o’clock a. m. till 10 p. m. Books exchanged on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 12 a.m. till 3 p. m. and in the evening from 7 to 9. Reading room in connection. ,.__._._._ R. M- MASON, TETE llNARY SURGEON; Honor Grad- \ uatc Ontario Veterinary College, To- main, 1884 ; R. M. O. V. M. A. Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, Fenelon OST OFFICEâ€"F. J. KERR, POSTMAS- TER. Ollice hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Mail going south closes at 0.15 a. in. Mail going north closes at 3.30 p. m F‘HS' »_ _ I V _ _ Want, Wall Paper, Borders and Window Poles, OUNTY COUNCIL- 7’ I‘VARDBNâ€"Ié 80:115.“,(113103CAYGEON. 54:3:4‘73773-133*3:xlwiirz Iiex ey . . . . . . . . eo. LLai aw.Reeve JAMES DICKSOX, Want Perfumery, Essences and Soaps, Bohc:t_\‘geon...E.Bottum......Reeve Carden...... .J. Alton . ......Reevc Dalton . . . . .. . J. Thompson . . . . Reeve Eldon Dr.J.W.Wood Reeve ' ' " ‘ ' ' ' A. McFarlane Deputy W. C. Switzer Reeve Wm. Adams . . Deputy Fem,” Jno.Chambers Reeve ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' Wm. Hall Deputy Fenclon Foils. J. McFarland . . Reeve Laxtou, Digby and Longford John Bailey. . . . Reeve Richard Kylie Reeve Lindsay . .. .. { Geo. Crandell lst Deputy L. Surveyor. Commissioner in the Q. D., , . Conveyancer. kc Residence, and ad- dress, Fcuelon Falls. Want School Books and Stationery, 3 Want Bibles, Albums and Prayer Books, Want Dolls, Toys and Fancy Goods, Want Pictures and Frames, Want Anything in the Fancy Goods Line, We will be delighted to quote prices. w Oil painted Window Shades a Specialty, at Mounted on Rollers, from 500. up. Emily .... The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other azzmszhr-tics for extmcllfig teeth withoutl lulu. .1 5c! .3!‘ Juio‘riu.’ Trent, better than i the average, for $9 00. Rooms directly I \\'.Lownsbrough Reeve opposite Wood‘s stove depot. Lindsay“ Mariposa F. Shaver. lst Deputy l M”’W ., CALL 331) SEE THE“ AT i Omemee Dr. V. Cornwall Reeve ll. HART. 11- D- 5- 0 1 R. Bryuns....llecve . PS ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ " (I).Wnlker....Deputy S. NEVISON’S BAZAAR, FENELON FALLS, ONT. John Howie..l{eeve ’ A. Morrison..Deputy vemlnm } Jas. Lithgotheeve [John Kelly .. Deputy Woodville .... .‘. FerguScn....Reeve SET OF GOOD TEETH FOR 510. Gas fix and local unnsthctics for painless ex» .tractiug. Satisfaction guaranteed in all branches of dentistry. Office cur Fairs-rather & Co's store,l nearly opposite the post-other, Lindsay, Somcrvillc . . . FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28TH, 1894. R. N. Johnston 2nd Deputy l W.McCrimmon 2nd Deputy ration was diuretic. No.‘ 33. Inspecting the‘TrentBout-e. ' The Pcterborough Ezmm‘ner ol' the 22nd inst. says :-â€"- “Messrs. J. H. Baldersou, B. .-\., secretary of the Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, Dr. Preston, M. l’., Carleton Place, R. B. Rogers, superin- tending engineer of the T. V 0.. Com- modore Calcutt and others boarded the steamer Daisy, yesterday, and made an inspection of the Trent Valley Canal, taking in the waters of the Otonahee and Trent rivers. The route was pretty thoroughly inspected, and the party returncdjn the evening. Mr. J. H. Balderson inspected the route from Healy’s Falls to Balsam Lake, and was much surprised at. the facilities the chain of waters afforded for navigation. It is stated that in a very short time tenders will be called for, for the con- struction of the nine-mile section be- tween Lukeiield and Peterborough, and the six mile section between Balsam lake and Lake Simcoe. Hydraulic lift locks will be placed on this section, and six locks will be placed on tho nine-mile section, as against thirteen ordinary locks.” The Cost of Elections. A prominent American passed through Toronto on Saturday on his way to Chicago. In the course of couversatiom he said: “I was in Massachusetts the other day when a Republican candidate was nominated for one of the Congres- sional districts. To secure the nomin- ation cost $20,000, and the election, that will take place later on, will neces- sitate the expenditure of $80,000 more. There is a total of $100,000 for a seat held only two years. And yet we expect honest government from men elected in such a way. Why, that man will have to draw on the treasury of the Sugar Trust before he even sees Wash- ington.” Things are not yet so bad with us, but we are steadily following the evil example of our neighbors. The cost of politics is ever growing greater in Can- ada as Well as in the United States. The expense ot'looking after the votgrs' list alone may run with us anywhere from $500 to 534.000 for each side during a Parliamentary term. The other et- cetcras also loot up to a very large sum, and all this cost falls mainly on the , candidates. This is all wrong. Pure government is impossible under such a system. The first step towards improved conditions must be in the direction ot‘ a reduction of the cost of elections and the distribution of this cost over the rank and file of the party instead of l'orc~ ing it allupon one man.â€" Toronto News. _____..__..- ,__...- .___. Jack-tne-Ripper in the Austrian ‘ Tyrol. VIENNA, Sept. 23.â€"-A terrible double tragedy of the “ Jack-thc-Ripper " class is reported from Amras, not for from Innsprucck, capital of the Austrian Tyrol. On Friday lastu younu and pretty waitress of Amrus went away from her employer's residence to witness a religious procession near that place. On her return home the girl was mur~ dered, and the only clue found up to the present of her assassin is a razor- edged knife, which was picked up near her body. The murder caused a great sensation in the neighborhood. Close to the spot where the waitress was killed the body of another woman, naked, and slashed with a knife in the regular “ Jack-the-Itipper " fashion, was found today. In addition, another woman belonging to the same neighborhood is missing. The whole of the Admin dis- trict is in a state of the greatest excite- ment. A strong detachment of gend- urmes and two companies of imperial riflemen are scouring the country,arouud the murderer have proved unsuccessful. M- o~â€"â€"__...... Ten-dollar Bank of Montreal bills raised to fifties are floating about Mont- real. Louis Bradshaw, a young man, and Josephine Beauchntnp, a little school- girl, were seriously, if not fatally, hurt at Port Hope on Monday by a G. T. ll. ttrain crashing into a rig they were driv- g in! on a level crossing. , An Ottawa market gardener has suc- l tained at even half that figure, farmers in Ontario ought to make more out of growing tomatoes for England than they :do even out of the cheese sent to that loonntry. Amras, but so far all efforts to array =ceeded in selling: a shipment of his to- gmatoes in Liverpool at a shilling p-‘r ipound. If asteudy market can be oh- 305" f .2... - . . J’J ‘Lm’wmnfi-n i 4.4%.“ ‘ ‘ g...“ .11-: ii “41. H .. A‘ w .' t s v . . . paw...â€" rxwrflr. . .l .. i;\‘*'x, -. ,r. . §:vw>.n~â€"~I4F-'|Tlf-v‘.x’f-f .. "- W, Mm.~ ’17:::.;.:’. a. u. \ ~ ‘ w< .M‘my . 4 £5. ‘ 1;».

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