Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 21 Sep 1894, p. 8

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‘ l 4 m l The Fall Fair. Cold Storage Rats and Cats. ‘ " 'They are k' ' g . , . {all (:13: mg preparations for me b g Go To LINDSAY WHEN The Ptttsbun, Dispatch says that m And the farmer and his family are loaded up with care ; They are rubbing down the gelding and the big brood mare, And the threeq’ear-Old is friskyâ€"you ought MILLIHERY WHY YOU CAN DO BETTER BY DEALING AT HOME I I? the cold-storage warehouses in that city there were no rats or mice. . The tem- perature in the cold rooms was too low. The keepers soon found. however. that to see him we, I AM . . the rat is an animal of remarkable And th 5- ’ . OFFERING A adaptability. Alter some of these megvgulgloggTgfftzhgpgxfum When FIRST-CLASS , houses had been in operation for a few They make him go full sail, With red ribbons in his tail; Yes, they’re makingpreparations for the big fall fair. They are combing out the fleeces on the .thoro'bred rams ; They are picking out the best of the pretty / spring lambs; The hired man is working on a wicker- flourish and a will, 'I‘hey are glancing at the wall, where diplomas in a frameâ€" » WALL. PAPER WALL PAPER At Me Lowest Prices. - WINDOW PAPER» speed and moderate expenses. Allan S. Macdonell. solicitor work is done at my office, insuring 75.00. GUARANTEED BEST GRADE THROUGHOUT, WITH THE LATEST . . IMPROVEMENTS, FOR THE LOW PRICE OF . '. ITS DURABILITY TURNS INFERIOR MAKES “ABOUT FACE ” TO THE REAR. NSPECTION INVITED. . . . New Flannels and Flannolettes, months, the attendants found that rats were at work in the rooms where the temperature was constantly kept below the freezing point. They were found to be clothed in wonderfully long and thick for, even their tapering. snake-like tails being covered by a thick growth of hair. Rats whose coats have adapted themselves to the conditions under which able things about them is the devlop- ment of their “ feelers.” These long, stiff hair that protrude from the cat’s work rig, . . For we gas trans Ottawa of the edi- they live have domesticated themselves greed piyg; p l p FANCY NEXT DOOR T0 in all the storage warehouses in Pitts- 3 And the boys are all constructing the KNOX’S BLACK- burg. The prevalence of rats in these _ F Cutest “We Pens. I Fo§%IEE;A#EBK SMITH SHOP, SI SI places led to the introduction of cats. ? 01' “38 safety aud'comfort 0f the Vere dc . FENELON FALLS' - Now it is well known that pussy is a r V ere hens - 9 Thewismcmgic bun TOYS lover of warmth and comfort. Cats, V’Vith turnip tops is full:- , IN GREAT VARIETY tpo, have p great adaptability to condi- ‘ 3, air. the col rooms thcylpine and die , . . . STAMPING DONE ' ’ because of the excessive cold. Theyffiefnlakmg Pr°antl°ns {0’ the b”; "â€"7 One out was finally introduced into e4 3 8. ill!" r, . i There is very’much excitement in the cit. 533’“ Tab)” 2” Exc/zaflge' P gie rooms oatlfie Pennsylvania'sltogcs » cumambient air; ompanyw 10 was a o to Witis I] 38611 farmer 119-3 5* Pumpkin that can’t be H the low temperature. She was a out of i i , I . T . ‘ ~ .. . 1 Amatizlgyggg;ziands to win u on a cap . eW and VVIDtel JaCketS, unusually thick for, and she thrived and 2 ‘ min squash . P grew fat in quarters where the tempera- ’ 7 - Not to mention barley wheat and oats T ’ lure “'35 below 30 degrees- By careful } buckwheat, corn and peas, ’ L eVV D1 nursinga brood of seven kittens was And the product of the vine and the liar. . . - ° , develo ed in this warehouse into sturd VFSE 0f the trees; . â€"_â€"â€"_â€"â€"_â€"_â€"_ en, thickfgrred cats that love an Icelandi’} . gziéfisftuzfigfsufigfitfi’ ' ‘ , . . clime. They have been distributed , Yes, they’re making preparations for the ‘. New Trlmnllng Braids, among the Other “Old‘smmge houses 0f 1- big mu fair, h I Sallie ,rilcently 1;“ & COT‘d‘gabl‘i; Pittsburg, and have created a peculiar .2 t °ug "mi? ilsum. ° m°,'.‘eyp ace W“ NeVV Corsets and Gloves breed of cats, adapted to the conditions ~ 5 'They “9 making Prepnmmns for the big - me or oanmg on arms at ‘ ’ under which they must exist to find ‘5}. i’ fall fill? ' Five and a-half er cent. ,‘ ' ' - . ‘ - , d l- in a... barnyard, in the kitchen, down . . . P New Fillhngs and Ties, their prey. ,Thcsgcutsgneshort-tailtd. ,: cenm_everywhere; I P51113165 “glsléllig totborrmlv on tliclse terms chubby puSSics, With hair as thle and Z » ._ ~ - - 5 ion no e ay 0 ma 'e app ication. W. , ° ' j ‘ , ' , The 33:32:33 '3 W and “1° brush *5 1...... W... of and... slight. 1...... New HandkelchlefS, 31,133,513, ggr aggyoplg,fgt:§jm§}g l E And the girls are making butter with 3 rates, according to security. In most cases ‘ ' , f T ‘i , The triumph of the pastâ€"are a glory and [I name. Before each eye arises The vision of big prizes, * Yes, they’re making preparations for the big fall fair. â€"The Khan, in the Toronto World. ” Jest Dyin’ for Lub.” .‘IE‘IRS'I‘FOR THE COOK, THEN FOR THE CHAMBERJIAID. As -I sat in a hotel reading room, close to a window opening out on a veranda, a colored man appeared at the window and looked so wistful that I asked him if he wanted anything of me. He looked LINDSAY soy and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. â€"_ cemetery work. Barrister 850., Lindsay. Marble Works: R. onfienns as is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- Estimates promptly given on all kinds of New Towcllings, 33 KENT-ST. LINDSAY. Opposite the Benson House. SEdd” Gentlemen’s Furnishin We cordiallyinvile you to call and examine our new Fall Stock. One price to ‘ everybody. . KERR ilE SPfllé Cottons and Shirtings, gs Complete. ' nose and eyebrows are, in the ordinary domestic feline, about three inches lone. In the cats cultivated in the cold ware- houses the “feelers” grow to a length of five and six inches. This is probably because the light is dim in these places, and all movements must be the result of the feeling sense. The storage people say that if one of these furry cats is taken into the open air, particularly during this hot spell, it will die in a few hours. It cannot endure a high temperature, and an introduction to a stove would send it into a fit. Nihilist Inventions. The French War Office seems to be Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, etc., a specialty. WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the market on Cam- bridge street, opposite Matthews’ peaking house. Being a practical workman all should see his designsand compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. ROBT. CHAMBERS. North of the Town Hall! all around to see, that no one else was near and then whispered: , “ I’zc jest dyin’ fur lab 0’ de gal who i cooks furglis hotel.” . “ Well, have you told her so ?” “ No, sah. but I wants to tell her in a letter. Hain’t got de couraige to talk to her." “ And you want me to write the let- ter ." -- I does sah. Boss, if yo’ll write me .MEOVJQJBBQ. . . , the target for all inventors, intelligent. and otherwise. Just now it is occupied with the project put forward by M. Turpin, the chemist, for the wholesale massacre of the enemy in the next great war. One luminary, however, soars to greater achievements, and proposes that the Minister of War should subjugatc and train squadrons of horscflies. These novel warriors, it is suggested, would be fed on blood smeared beneath a thin __, -. .. A. .",.~..,. imihwlwid",“_»."5‘» Above On! In One-Ital! Actual 8h. THE HATHAWAY PATENT FENCE WIRE, .« ,. fl.- a letter what will personate dat lady’s heart I’ll thank yo’ all do rest 0’ my life. White folks know jest how to talk in a letter.” ‘ SHDVELS, PIG KS, FORKS, must Attractive in Design, and will stand a Test Breakage of 2,500 lbs. skin covering on dummy figures dressed as; soldiers of the Triple Alliance. When diplomatic relations were near breaking point, the flies would have the ‘- than ‘ COPYRIGHTS. 193’! .i..2éi~“‘.l§ntol’et.TEP-T ? mil“? an op men. 6 o BIUI‘IN do 00.. who have had netu'l fifty years' experience in the patent business. mmunlca- tions strlctly confidential. A Handbook of In- formation concerning Patents and how to ob- tain them sent tree. Also a catalogue of mechan- ical and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Mann 8; Co. receive special noticeln the Scientific American, and t as are brought widely before the public with. our. cost to the inventor. This splendid aper. issued week] . elegantlyillnstrated.hasb tpnrthe largest circu utlon of an scientific wor in the world. 33 a your. Sump e no ice sent tree. Building Ed tlon monthly. $2508 year. Single on ten. 2.; cents. Every number contains beau- tl ul plates. in colors. and gl‘llpltépgraphs of new a 0 houses. with plans. enabll rs sh w latest deal 5 and secure ggntracts. Addrgss we HUNN CO. NW YORK. 36]. BROADWAY. FULL STOGK BUILDING HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, AND WHITE LEAD, A FULL ASSOBTMEHT 0F TINWARE, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH. Ban-it CARRIAGES $5.00 AND UP. To the Patrons: Lanflgfioo and. $7.00 Per Ton IN CAR LOTS- Jog. HEARD. NOTICE. To the residents of Fenelon Falls. Take notice that any person or persons removing from any village or district in- fected with diphtheria to Fcnelon Falls will be quarantined for a period of 14 days or longer, at the discretion of the Board of " You love her as you never loved before or can again ?" “ I does, sah. If dat lady wants me to jump off dc roof 0’ dis hotel, I’ze per- feckly williu'." " And I may add that unless she gives you her heart and hand you pro- pose to pine away and die ?" " Dat's it, sshâ€"pine away and die. Come down mighty hard on de pine away an’ die part.” “ You offer her your undivided affec- y tions and will put forth every effort to i make her life one long and blissful dream ?" “ Dat's itâ€"dat’s it. Shoo, but how do white folks kin talk in a letter! Yo’ jest write one fur me, sali, an' dat cook an' me will be ingniged befo’ night." In half an hour he returned for the letter. which he said he was going to send into the kitchen by one of the girls. An hour later he returned with it in his band and said: juice of certain poisonous plants added to their daily food, and when war should be declared, the French army would merely have to send them as an advance guard in the path of the enemy. The inventor of this idea seeks to protect it by a patent. A photographer is respon- sible for the discovery of a project for obtaining plans of the enemy’s fortifica- tions. Of course, the invention is ex- ccedingly simple and can, naturally, be easily carried out. It takes the form of a captive shell, made to explode over fortresses, etc., and containing a small camera attached to a parachute. The enemy’s fortifications would be photo- graphed instantaneously, the apparatus hauled down like a kite, and the only remaining operation would be to develop the plates. Another inventor thinks that explosive bullets filled with pepper would haye the twofold result of blind- . ing the enemy and fostering French V g trade with its colonies; while a fourth ‘ A - , W . .0? Mmfiu‘w .43“- N . David Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls Bacggcam. HENRY PEARCE respectfully informs his numerous old cus- tomers and the public generally that he has returned to Fenelon Falls and resumed Blacksmitliiiigiu allits difl‘erenthrauchcs done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me a callandeill .. Bass, did yo, 'dress dis letter to . . , ’ Health. The citizens ochnclon Falls who ' j b ' f ' | ‘ d fl guarantee satisfaction. 4o-ly. - do not wish to be so inconvenien - m “"1133 0‘03 “news “9“ pom)“ ‘ .N . ., cod WI“ 31;... Iinda Drown ? . n The BQQI and. Shoe 3115111955. govern themselves accordingly. needles, sent to the enemy’s camp by a. l " 3‘85. lgist :tho urine iggbt Spire} in the store lately occupied by Mr. S. Net; By order of the Board of Health, sister of mercy, would have the effect of - ‘ ‘~ on it 0 too nine tru e ur son on the east side of 0911mm? Street,“ A WILSON M D poisoning the soldiers’ fingers, thus rcn- ‘ iwmmwmmmHARNESS WWW. WhammMmemo -1'>>Bleb{J:m°;- f ,,, SADDLES coon WORK AT LOW PRICES Fenelon p.113, Fcb'y 22...,1893. m. American. u Kgiewdszzgk 3:112: I was fishin. . I” . ' ' I to obtain a fair share of patronage. “ H "' S . ‘i ~ pa . WDrop in, leave your measure and be The Fenclon Falls Gazette How Dehorning Originated. - .' ’ ft“ “m” dun mun“! 1‘55 night! a", I; ....V_A_LISES.... convinced that he can do as well for 5'0“ - o t d F 'd h m ""â€" has concluded to transfi: my ondyin as any bent or shoemaker in the county. ’51?“ e “girl-"E “ “3'1?” °.° “5°” Dahomng came did not originate l afi’cckshuus to do head chamber-maid. “‘53â€" ' “ All kinds 0" e comer 0 M an mum Streets. from fashion as did the dockinv' of .- Jest change do name, an’ doan’ scratch ’ REPAIRS EXECUTED SUBSCRIPTIONS! A YEAR IN ADVANCE, horses, but from a necessity onhghe " '1‘" 4“ Pm“: “my 0‘“ d9 bllsgfulfima? s with neatness and despamh- or one cent per week_will be added as farm, the ranch, the cars and the bout. , Surgitlp‘if‘rgglilsag’;;:0::. gztbzfng: .._... 10118118 "lemmas unpflld- The goring of cattle costs the stock 4‘ t) "t . I H - . p . ....KE]_\T‘]jâ€"ST, ~ . Advertising Rates. raiser hundreds .of dollars annually. ’ dry 8‘“ d9 5031’ on ‘10 J, NEBIandS, Dentlst. Professional 0,. business cards, 50 can“ Packing for transnt on cars is much safer u Why, John. .dcar," said Mrs. Jar- ley In her husband on his return from Mix trip to Washington, " your new cost 2i> worn threadbare.” -- I know it. Jennie," said Jnrley, sadâ€" ;‘ty " I gave the colored boy at the hotel :a St! hi” on my nrriul, and be brushed out of existence, nearly." EVERYTHING BELONGING TO THE SADDLERY AND HARNESS TRADE CONSTANTLY KEPT IN STOCK. REPAIRING DOSE 0N SHORTEST NOTJQE. Beautiful sets of Artificial Teeth inserted for 510,3” and SH. according to quality of teeth and kind of plate. Imitation gold filling inserted in artificial teeth free of charge. Gas (finalized air) and local untes- thetics used with great success {or painless extraction. Visxts the McArzhur llousc, Fcnelon Falls, the third Tuesday of every month. Call in the forenoon. if possible. Office in Lindsay nearly opposite Ill-i sung-,5 .on Home. per line per annum. Casual advertisements, 8 cents per line for the first insertion, and 2 cents per line for every subsequent inser- tion. Contracts by the year, half year or less, upon reasonable terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cor- rectly and at moderate prices. 1 E. D. ll A N D, Proprietor. if animals are polled or buffalo headed. and when it comes to packing cattle on board ocean cattle-boats. the advantage is decidedly perceptible. When one animal with a weapon furnished by na- ture for protection gorcs another from pure devilmcnt, as is frequently the case on large cattle ranches, it is natural that the owner should interfere and remove the weapon.â€"- Orange Judd Faramj.

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