f. ’ WMN._.W~_ next meeting. . Ramaâ€"The last smouldering remains PENELON FALLS MARKETS. Moved by Mr. Martin, seconded by of the bush tires that caused such dread- â€"- Mr. Brandon, That the clerk forward fnl loss of life and property have been Reported bytlze North Star Roller-Mill C’o. the leases as submitted to the council rt extinguished by the recent frequent Fenelou Falls, Friday, Sept. 215i, 1594. pulp mill and John Thomson to the and abundantrains. under the influencc Wheat.Scotch or Fife 55 to co respective parties for signature.â€"Car'd. of which the wilted grass is becoming mm“: f0“; Pet buShel-m 50 55 A by-law to borrow $200 was intro- nearly as green as it was in spring, and Em?" Wmâ€: “ 5° 53 duced and passed. the half-ruined root crops are rapidly B§§f§g§§f.l’“3h°l"" ll: 37 Mr. Brandon gives notice that at the reviving. The rain is doing a great ' Oats, “ :5 33 next regular meeting he will introduce deal of good, no doubt, but it will prcb- Pease, “ 32 53 a by-law to appoint a tax collector, and ably be regarded with a certain amount Rye, “ . 38 4o Potatoes, " . . .. 30 35 1‘ L-l- Butter,per 17 IS S it K If the clerk be instructed to ask for appli- cants for the position, applications to state Securities. Mr. Martin gives notice that he will introduce a by-law at next regular meet- of bitterness by those whose wives or children or buildings, live stock or crops, would have been saved by its earlier arrival. Eggs, per dozen...... 9 10 BM, per ton...... . 6.00 7.00 Hides ............. 1.00 1.50 ' Hogs (live) .. 4.75 5.00 .5 l, l I l LINDSAY Carr. SWEENEY, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal, in: ‘0 5.5mm P‘frmiF-gion to Francis says: “ Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy is the ï¬rst id‘sgl’sms ' ' " "' ' ' ' ' 5:2 D ‘ V san‘lfm'd ‘0 lay his “"9 cable “100‘! the medicine I have ever found that would do Flour fq,ni];."s'i1',ié,i 'n‘f" 1 5- 1 .6 .. .’ side of the iron bridge across the Fene- me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold: by . Flou,’ b‘eS, ï¬n’kers, e " 1‘7; 9'60 1 _ lon river, in the village of Fcuelon Falls. W- T- Junkin- Flour: 1:30 1:40 __ A b “\(I'deblyl AIYT,§:°‘:{°rd’ 550:":[33 CHANGED Harmsâ€"The comm'odious §l33r1,fg;Ҥ:â€Â°â€œed------ 1133 ,é'gg ‘ .. , y ‘ r‘ Oyten‘ u‘ w m e dwelling-house immediately west of the Simrls u ' ' i; sceonder and Mr. Brandon be a com- V» ,1 S l, .u‘ b I \ ., t - 16.00 13-09 a y, mimee to examine and report on anow- 1. Oil] tar r0 er m1 s, as reeenty .hacd chop, per ton...... . 18.00 20.00 in-r \Ir Georve \Iartin to lace a weinrh Changed.hands’ Mr' Broad’ by whom. It --~~ m ~~ o I . ' V \‘l; ' ma ‘ . t n l? f. r. m. :_ was built a few years ago, haying M,†“T on 0 “me Hm 0 u ' sold it to Mr. C‘. W. Home, who is ' , I, ' baffled' . . enlarging the kitchen, putting a neat , g -â€"ATâ€". Lowell ad-lmmcd' vorandah along the front and one side - 7 “ ~ ‘ - ~ W“ of the main buildinv, and making g ' . 5“ Verulam Council. various other improveIncnts. We on NEATLY PRINTED AT ‘ T S ' .___.. ' O O 4 ex The council met at the town hall, Bobc:iy:;con, on Monday, Sept. 10th, at the call of the rcevc. Jas. Lithgow, Esq., in the chair, deputy-rceve John Kelly, and councillors John Lewis, Wm. Mann and Jas. Akister were present. A by~law levying the taxes for 189-1 and a by-law exempting dogs and bitches from taxation were passed. The collector was allowed an abate- ment of 83.50 on John Johnston’s taxes on northâ€"cast quarter lot 3'3 con. 8; and having completed the collection of the ’93 rates, his sureties were released- A by-law was passed authorizing the issue of debentures running 12'years, for $650, for the purpose of U. S. Sec. dcrstand that Mr. Moore got the quar- which price it was Certainly very cheap, low as property has been for some time past in Fenelon Falls. TRENT VALLEY CANALâ€"The Em- pire’s Ottawa correspondent, writing on the 17th inst, says :. “Mr. Collingwood Schreiber, chief engineer ofrailways and canals, returned from the Trent Valley district to-dny. Since Tuesday of last week he has made a thorough inspectiOn of the line of the proposed Trent canal work from Peterboro’ to lake Simcoo. In about three weeks’ time tenders will be called for portions of the work, on which construction is to be commenced ter acre lot and house for $375, at ‘ DRY GOODS, CLOTHING AND GENTS’ aha ‘GAZET'I'E’ OFFICE. g liie, Energetic Men Wanied! To represent us in the sale of our HARDY CANADIAN GROWN NURSERY STUCK. Position permanent and nll‘ords good chance of advancement to all workcre. Liberal inducements to new men. Send for our terms. The trial will cost you nothing. STONE & WELLINGTON, Tonouro, Our. 12-3m 25cm, .. Womand ‘. ." $1.00 Bottle. SUBSCRIBE FOR Trim GREAT Conan Cur: romptly cur FURNISHING- STORE, “THE eazsrrs.†$1 PER YEAR. where all others fail Can he Crou acre Throat, Hosrseuess, Whogpln’ Cough and Asthma. For-Consumption it as no river 3 l l v i without delay, namely, the 9-mile section 1 has cured thousands, and will CURE YOU id l l l l l l l i l between Peterboro’ and Lakeï¬eld, and the 14-milc section between Arcs, on Balsam lake, and Game Bridge, on No. 11, Vcrulam, h‘enelon and Harvey. Moved by J. Kelly, seconded by J. Lewis, That Robt. McFarland be ap- pointed collector at; a salary of $75.â€" takenin time. Soldb Dru late on u - antee. For a Lmeynaol‘igor (3118'8 at 32%;" 9“ eat. use SHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTERSSO. . " Lost. luke‘Simcoc. Between Arcs. and Lake- . Industrious sober re- 5 '- r . 79:: .,' . g; In amendment moved by W. Mann, ï¬eld there IS at present uninterrupted And we ‘Vlll show liable men’lo 8011,0“1‘ ‘w' .« I , ' , ' n ' .. v . , . v , seconded by James Akister' Th3, John water communication. 1 1 i d $13322? 1X?Riv":)(liaï¬ie‘fg’rgiggictflrgï¬gg - --3Jt-,.::ï¬â€™.z::»: $3 Johnston be appointed collector at a. 8311- Daniel Ritz, proprietor and publisher of you t 16 all geSt an by us. Oommissihn dr salary paid weekly toedzggggi'locy‘bu. oil’iiiï¬mi‘llléiï¬l‘lï¬: ii ar 0f890..â€"Carried_ ‘ the Hamburg Ont. Independent says: “ I. . _ and mmnt d u... E - 1 5' . d, _ E ï¬lmed by Jus. Akister seconded by wusbsuï¬â€˜crin‘é Emmy dyspepsml and live!“ beSb assorted StOCk choicga of tcridorygrgiilgn.)Outï¬il‘rZel‘Dgii’t- For Sale by w' 1“ Junkm' ‘ ' . . ’ - , _ tron lo. I too a. few bottles of Shiloh’s ° ' delo . A) lint - f t ' . I ‘ ' i , John Lcw1s, That this COlIDCIl tcspcct ever Sho‘vn 1n thls .Y 1P) 011“ 01‘ 011115 Vitalizcr and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it.†,MILL Announcesâ€"Last Saturday Mr. John McGillivray, who is employed in the capacity of oilcr in the red mill, got a. nasty blow on the back of his head from an end of one of the coating chains which had broken and which he was about to ï¬x when the machinery upstairs was set going. His scalp was badly cut and swelled up to a. great size; but, fortunately, his skull was not injured, and he is again at work ....... fully calls the attention of the Fenclon council to the dangerous condition of road past J. D. Nnylor’s place, from his gate westward . and urges the removal of his fence further to the south, as it is represented that the said fence enâ€" croaches on the highwayâ€"Carried. The following accounts wore duly passed, and orders drawn on the trees- urer : Work on road and to pay others; Thos. Wilson, 55 3.00 Jus. Kcnncdyï¬ 8.00 Jos. Plague, 2.00 John Hunter, 32.50 ALLEN NURSERY 00., 2-20 Rocussrsn, N. Y. "strategist-.- county, and at prices Subscribe for the ‘lGazette. sure to please. ' GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE ' ORDERING. , SUIT out .1; to can WWLWrmwsm. “3:542: has. .. r BEST VALUE EVER l OFFERED IN FENELON FALLS. Our New Mantlcs and Dress Goods are ..... ..x. mum‘sâ€... ...†.M..._........4.... .. , . . .wgu..-n,.. N. . .. ..t». M “WW...†James llick, J. W.’1‘hurston, 20.00 R. Thurston, 36.60 Silos Thurston, 3.43 J. )loil'ntt, 27.00 Wm. Puync, 2.».00 John Junkin, 50.00 John Junkin, 12.50 J.V. Thurston, 17.00 17.50 It.G:11nble, 30.00 Isuuc Mann, 10.00 'I‘hos. Ingram 20.00 W. Junkin, 25.00 J. Morrison, 25.00 Edward Sproulc,50.00 Ed. Drynns, 35.75 Wm. Martin, 30.00 J. Stewart, 10.00 R. Robertson, 8.00 W White, 15.00 again in the afternoon. Yesterday forcnoon Mr. Isaac VanNor- man, an old railroad man who is laying track through the piling ground of the red mill, fell over the bank of the river in consequence of snapping of a crowbar that he was using, and cut his face, but not very badly, as ho was back at work Both men went to Dr. Graham to have their wounds ALSO_ 'PER. SUIT- CHEAP SUITS FOR BOYS. A First-Class Cutter Engaged. Al’erfect Fit Guaranteed. NEW GOODS. PRICES TO. SUIT THE TIMES. MONEY SAVED‘ IS MONEY EARNED AT :3:....‘..:>..th “ï¬e-“m m. - :.-'<_ w». at: a». was w «new: 1- v :. must: .... . v. e w-XM‘Jâ€"dw- . 9.4., m- mun-K owes-1M1“ -. .< ngv‘,m¢~uu~imvmrf' ‘ ‘ ' e ‘ T1105. lit'll, 20.00 Wm. Junkin, 16.00 Bun Parker, 17.00 David Sherill‘ 37.00 th.)lann, 40.00 Jus. Martin, 30.00 J'nson l’ntterson,15.00 ijJuukin, 25.00 Jns. Jllllliln, 40.30 Ed. Thurston, 19.00 \V. inglisll, 3.75 J. Dell, 22.13 Jns. Falls, 10.00 S.Quigley, 10.00 Wm. Martin, 12.00 John Lewis, 60.00 John Hunter, 3.25 F.Stcclc,culv’t, 5.00 J. Kelly, to pay others on bridy. ... 15.50 “'m. Junkiu. gravel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Win. Cosh, 60 loads of gravel . .. .... 3.45 dressed. BIG TEN DAYS’ SALE Of Bootsnnd Shoes. See our Bargain Tables. Piles of Boots and Shoes about half price. Every line reduced. Don’t miss this sale at “ Tun Moxsrnn Sum: Sronn, Lixnsar. JOHNSTON & SISSON. A runaway took place at a. funeral at ll. TAGGIIRT’S NEW TAILORING STORE. SECOND nmsrcm COURT â€"-OF THEâ€" Oounty 01' Victoria. Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared â€"â€"â€". The next sittings of the above Court will John Warren, culvert, . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 Alliance, Ohio, on Friday, and ï¬fteen t0 take I‘lSkS 0" “11019-5353 or Property be held in Dickson’s hull, Font-Ion l-‘nlls, , ‘ 1- - _\ :‘I I ., 5,, .\ ....‘ 3_-\0 ‘ , . - - . lltnry (t1lllOt£,(l) .onds JI‘HLI a persons were inJurcd. At Very Lo‘vest 1311,1505 James Kelly, 130 loads gravel . . . . . . 6-50 W. C. Mauro, 0 si-rupers and repairs-13.20 .\l. lloyd lb (30., lumber for bridge.... 5.44 It. .\lcl~‘:tr1nud, salary as collector. . .. 75.00 J. Middleton, grnvclliug road 35.00 The council adjourned to Oct. 22nd. A RUMORâ€"There isa rumor, which we believe to be well founded, that the pulp mill in this village has been sold to Messrs. Pugsley, Dingtnan d: 00., of Toronto ; but, if the sale has really been made, it is too Into in the week to obtain . reliable particulars. SllllJ’lll’S CURE is sold on a guarantee. 1! cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose; 25 cunts, 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold by W. T. Junkiu. Fours-runs“ l'ixclfltSION.~â€"Dmi't for- get the Foresters' excursion from the Falls to Lindsay on Thursday next, the 27th inst..the srcond day of the. Central Exhibition. The Urmulrlla will leave here at S a. tn. sharp; returning, will leave Lindsay at 5 p. m. Fare for the round trip 25 cents; children 15 cents. Pnousxam: Cowmanâ€"A promen- ade concert. under the auspices of the W. C. T. U., will be held in the skating rink on the evening of Monday, the 24th inst. of music, readings and addremes. open at 7 30. concert to commence at 8. Admission 10c. Refreshments extra. Everybody cordially invited. only companions were two dogs, also emaciated by hunger. â€"m~‘_â€"_~_-WW The band Will be in “item l )5 concession 5, Somcrville, about the mid- danee, and there will be a programme, die or May, a yearling Steer, light red with Re. , some white spots. The owner can have freshments will also be served. Doors'hlm “P0†Pmï¬us 9mm"! and Paying charges. At; Selma, Alabama, Sam Johnson, a negro, sold himself on Saturday to Col. Stark Oliver, a farmer, for 560. Oliver was formerly a large slave owner. He led the negro behind his waggon with a plough line on the journey home. William Young, who was sent from Rut Portage to the Rainy River district to investigate losses by the recent bush tires and supply relief: has returned. He will apply most of the Ontario Gov- ernment grant to providing the burned out settlers with building material, to enable them to build shelter for the winter. The Board of Health of ll‘cnnwanda, N. Y.. made a shocking discovery on Saturday. A widow, Helen Delaney, was found living in indescribable ï¬lth and squalor near the Salvation Army barracks, reduced through privations to lunacy and approximate starvation. Her husband had been a public charge, but the widow had been neglected; her ESTllak‘Y STEER. Come on to the subscriber's premises, lot ROBERT UMPHREY, Burnt River P. O- Somerville, Sept. 11th, 1894.413“ ON MONDAY, OCT. 8lh, 1894, commencingnt 10 o’clock in the iorcnoot. "anabUthrst'CIass BrmShand Canadian Thursday, Sept. 27th, will be the lust «lay Companies represented. of service on defendants residing in 111?"; ._ county. Defendants living in other com: W F ‘PNI PROPEP TS, tics must be served on or before Sept. 22ml . 1“ ‘JA‘ ’ : ' ‘1 E. D. 1145: . at very low rates. I L' liirll James Arnold. I'OI-£9~%«é u o S. Nsvtsox, Builiil‘. Fcnelon Falls, July 12th, 189-1. In Ready-made.010thing We take the Lead For Fit, Finish and Price. l. M’FABLM HAS EVERYTillNE Ill GRWERIES. THE VERY GHDIGEST 00008. In Gents’ Furnishings. including Hats, Tics, Shirts, etc, we can save you BIG MONEY. It will pay any person, if he only wants to spend $5, to go to Carter’s. W Ready-made clothing at (lost for Cash for 30 Days.’ -- Every Article a. Bargain. -- J. MCFARLAND. W CARTER. LINDSAY. 5 ,. i, l l ,l