Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 7 Sep 1894, p. 5

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Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Graham. That Dr. Galloway be paid 810 for medical attendance on S. Johnson. an indigent.-â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Hall, That the following persons receive aid from the poor rate zâ€"W. Hutchison and wife. 810; J. Field- house, 810; Mary McFayden, 85; Mrs. Sanguines. 85.â€"Cnrried. Moved by Mr. Cnrrins, seconded by Mr. Hall, That the following bills be paid :â€" Robeit ()xby, cedar for culvert . . . . . . $1.50 I). Brown, “ “ . . . . . . 50 R. C. Webster, “ “ . . . . . . 1.00 Mrs. Scott, [33 leads gravel. . .. . 6.65 .\I. ilnygarth, 76 “ “ . . . . . . . . 3.80 J. Woods, 68 “ “ . . . . ' ' ' ' 3.40 W. Moynes, 56 “ “ . . . . . . . . 2.80 D.J. Murchison, “ 10.00 Mrs. McGee, 28 ” “ ......s. 1.40 R.C.Webster,50 “ “ 2.50 '1‘. Robson, two steel road scrapers, 17.00 I“. V'anCamp, one “ “ “ 8.50 W. James, cedar for culvert . .. . 75 A. Cowieson, 3 extra days‘ pathmaster J. ’l‘amlin, hall for council . . . . . ... . J. Tarnlin, hall for legislative election 2.00 ' Lovely Grange, hall ' “ 2.00 Cameron Orange Lodge, hall “ 2.00 S. S. ‘No. 7, school-house “ _ 2.00 James Brown, house “ 4.00 â€"Carried. The council then adjourned, to meet at Cameron on December 15th. Somerville Council. Coboconk, August 29th, 1894. Council met pursuant to adjournment; present, Messrs. Morrison, Romney and ' Burtchall, Deputy Reeve Morrison in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. A number of pathmasters’ returns were examined and passed. Moved by Mr. Rumney, seconded by Mr. Burtchall, That By-lnw No.-â€"-â€", a by-law to levy certain rates, be read a first timeâ€"Carried. ' By-Iaw read a first time and laid over till the next meeting of council. The treasurer‘s half-yearly statement was laid before the council. - Movod by Mr. Romney, seconded by Mr. Burtchall. That the following ac- counts be paid : G. W. Beall, stationery, 84.27; Sam Hughes. printing and ad- vertising, $11.25; Hart &. Riddell, sta- tionery and statutes, 81.90; clerk. post- age, $3.00; clerk. registering births, deaths and marriages, 858; Sam Sud- daby, assisting survoyor. $1 ; James Dickson, for plans of Kinmount and Burnt River villages, 3100; D. McRea, grant for wharf at Coboconk. 810; A. H. Carl. stone hammer and 2 picks, $3. â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Romney, seconded by Mr. Burtchall, That Messrs. Bell and Duniond be allowed to perform their statute labor on their own road.â€"â€"C'd. Council adjourned to meet at Kin- mount on Saturday, September 220d. Powles’s Corners. Correspondence of the Gazette. Fourteen years ago there was a great drouth throughout Canada and the United States. and great damage and loss by Forest fires, and week after week the sun wen: down like a ball of fire. There is no contrast between now and then. Mr. Levi Marshall started for his home in Iona City. Mich. a few days ago. He has been in the lumbering business there for the past twelve years or more. and has done well there, like a good many other Canadians who have gone across the lines. The beautiful shower that came last Tuesday afternoon gladdened the heart of everyone. Suor A Beauâ€"Mr. Wm. Avery, who went to Mr. T. Archer's camp in Longford about a month ago, is home again, and tells us that on Sunday last he shot a bear with the cook's rifle is short distance from the camp. The animal. which would weigh 150 pounds, Was very fat, but its hide was almost worthless. SRILOH‘S CURE is sold on a guarantee. lt cures incipient consumption. It is the y best cough cure. Only one cent a dose ,3 ‘23 cents,5=1cents and SI per bottle. Sold I by W. '1‘. Juukiu. Fins A1 Kinmountâ€"Early last Sat- ~ I , feet, one of which struck him over the t FENELON FALLS MARKETS. gone down the slide. There were 65,-l 000 logs in the first two drives, 37,500 in the third and 32.500 in the fourth, which we are glad to say is the last, so lwhirled around so quickly that some i part of its body came into contact with Mr. Junkin's hand, and jammed his elbow against the wall of the stable Reported by the North Star Roller Hill Co. Pension Falls, Friday, Sept. 7th, 1894. with such violence that one of the small that the river will be free of them for WheakSt‘OtCh OT'Fife 60 to 65 , bones of the arm was broken closc to the remainder of the season when those 3:29“! “"3 P" b‘ff‘hel"" 5° 55 j the wrist. He came, as soon as possible, now in it have passed into the lake. BM??? flinging“ 3(5) 9 to the Falls, where~the fracture was set The Gilmours operated last winter in Bucksâ€"Lea... 35 37 by Dr. Wilson, and atlast account was the townships of Peck and MeCIintock. Oats, “ 25 as doing well. ; in the Algonquin park, and cut 150.000 P8886, “ 50 52 CAP-r. Swnsgy, IT’S A” ' an Diego, Cal" logs, of “'ere left. for some gyes . a .. .... 40 says: “ Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy is the first reason. the other side of Dorset, where 833382,, lb “ " ” " f0 3;? medicine I have ever found but would do the company spent no 19$ 3 sum than ' p‘ ' ' ' ' ' * . 6 1‘ me any good." Price 50 céks. . . ‘ Eggs: Per dozen...... .... 8 8 r W_ T. Junkin' . in appliances necessary to Bay, per 1011...... . 6.00 7.00 transfer the logs from one chain of Bldes ..... . . -. 1.00 1.50 i KICKED BY A HORSEâ€"On Tuesday waters to the other, one of the men Hogs (live) .. 4.75 5.00 _ 1 morning a young man named Frederick with whom we got chatting told us that svllgglpskins . . . .. fig :30 v o o a n o ' no 0 o u n o o u u I my; him?egeuggnfiggbffjtg J}, 333 ggdnbjtendgximmgs on tlfnenr mp. mm, family,Si1ver to... 1.5.. 1.70 - i , _ v 3’ 1m 8‘70"“ 18 Flour, best bukers’ . . . . . . . . 1.75 2.00 lszable {0 harness a.youn2 horse that 18 Winds, he expected to reach Lukefield Flour. Clipper .......... .. 1.30 1.40 --â€"- vcry w1ld,}pot haunt; Ibeg}: viprked for early in October, and that he thought Iglour,straightrolled...... 1.50 1.60 . mm." mo"! s- 30 . W W - r- 33"! Was the logs would remain there all winter. “1". pertou...... lino 15.00 E behind him, be laSl‘ed 011‘ With both Amongst the “ river drivers ” here this filiggésghg‘p, 11%?000 $333 week was Mr. George Cloot, who is 67 years old, and has followed the hazard- ous occupation for 51 years, 35 of which have been spent in the service of the Gilmour Co. He is a straight, active man still, without much gray in his pit of his stomach and the other on his nose, which was badly cut and bruised, though the bone was not broken. Dr. Graham was sent for to attend to the patient. who proved to be less seriously for School Opening -AT_ 3iIiEIIIIIIIIILchins injured than was feared. PERSONALS. â€" Miss Allie Deyman left on Monday for a month’s visit to her grandparents at Midland. . . . Mr. Alexander Begg. of Coldwater, was on a visit to his father, Mr. Stewart Begg, of Verulam, from Saturday last until Monday. . . . Miss A. Power and Miss M. Ingram left on Saturday to attend the model school at Lindsay....Mr. and Mrs. George J. Nie left last Tues- day for a Week's visit to friends at TO~ ronto and Ilamilton......Mr. Johnston Brandon returned home yesterday from a three weeks’ visit to his relatives at Peterhorough......Miss Emily Nie left on Tuesday for the Loretto convent, Lindsay, where she will take up the commercial course. Daniel Ritz, proprietor and publisher of the Hamburg, Ont., Independent, says : “ I was suffering from dyspepsia and liver trouble. I took a few bottles of Shiloh’s Vitalizer and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it.” A CHOKED ’LUNos.-â€"-While Mr. Jos- eph Poem of Fenelon was out on Cam- eron lake, a few days ago, he found a maskinonge that be estimated at about 14 pounds weight floating dead upon the water. As the victim was quite fresh and had no external marks of vio- lence, Mr. Pearn held a post-mortem examination, which resulted in the dis- covery that the deceased had come to his end through an ill-advised attempt to swallow a catfish, which had stuck in his gullet and was dead too. It is generally supposed that birds, beasts and fishes in a state of nature know what is good for them; but it is evident that the ’lunge whose obituary we are writing didn’t know what was bad for him, or he would no more have tackled that catfish than Sam Hughes would have assaulted Reeve Kylie bad be known what the consequences would be; GOING NEXT MONDAY.â€"Tbe Kick! apoo Indian medicine men who came to the Falls last Thursday will leave on' Monday next, so that those who have not been to their entertainments will only have two more Opportunitiesâ€"this- evening, which will be free, and t0-. morrow, when an admission fee of ten cents will be charged. The troupe consists of three genuine Indians and several whites, amongst whom we recog- nised an old acquaintance under a new name. The tent, which will hold about 300 persons. is always well filled, and the entertainment, which we “ took in ',’ on Wednesday evening was good of its kind and cheap at the price. As to the- efiiency of their medicines we know nothing, but the circulars scattered around the village contain a great many very flattering testimonials. BIG TEN DAYS’ SALE Of Boots and Shoes. See our Bargain Tables. Piles of Roots and Shoes about half price. Every liuc reduced. Don’t miss this sale at “ Tun liossrsn Snon S’rons, LINDSAY. JOHNSTON Jr SISSON. DIDN'T MEBT.â€"Last Monday night, the first in the mouth, was the village council's regular meeting night, but. nevertheless, they didn't meet, although all of them except Mr. Sandford were at the foot of the stairs in Jordan’s block about 8 o’clock. Councillor Sand- urday morning the following buildings ford is far away the biggest man of the in the village of Kinmount were des- l 10:, but his vote is only the same size as troyed by fire. which broke out from ’ any of the others, and there would have some unknown cause in the one first been aquornm even if another member named: D. .‘leDougaII's blacksmith'el had been absent. The reason given for shop and implement shed. Searl Scott‘s; not meeting was that there was no dwelling and . unoccupied store. John business of any consequence to transact; Kingsborough's hardware store. Rivers‘ 3 but in our opinion regular meetings barber shop and dwelling and BOWie’s should always be held, if possible, even hotel. A large quantity of chattel prop- i it‘ there may be. as far as the members crty was also burned. The accounts we ; of the council know, nothing to do but get ol losses and insurance are so con- to adjourn. In this case the meeting flicting as to be utterly unreliable. was postponed until Monday next, when l o u u l 8. Penn HR \CCllm‘tT.-â€"Last Tues. I Perhaps two medium sized, Instead of day lorenuou. while Mr. Lancelot Jun- :1” Vie"! b's': COWCIIIUI’ may be away kin. of the 6th non. of Verulum. wasl mm lowe- ahuut to take a team of horses from his; Gituoun‘s Loos.â€"7.&bont a 'month. stable. or colt entered, and, to make it. ago the second of Gilmnurs drives or go out again. he gave it a siap with his; Inns passed through the Falls, and since right hand; whereupon the intruder, Friday last the third and fourth have hair, and can do a day’s hard work with any of the young fellows. but we fancy there are but few who will not agree with us that it is about time he was retired with a comfortable pension. o-~~ Cholera of a terribly virulent type is raging in Russian Poland. Forest fires continue to rage in the Puget Sound country. Serious forest fires are reported in the neighborhood of Wilkesbnrre. Pa. liold is said to have been discovered in Clarendon township, Frontenac county. A terrible fire has occurred in the Canton River. A flower boat caught fire and the flames spread rapidly until hundreds of' these vessels were destroyed. At least 1,000 natives perished in the flames or were drowned. An English syndicate has practically closed a deal for the purchase of all the paper and pulp mills in Wisconsin. The mills in the deal number 34, and the price agreed upon is $14,000,000. The transfer will be made on March 1. DIAliRIED. LANG-SWANTON.-â€"At the residence of the bride’s father, by the Rev. M. McKin- non, B. A., on Wednesday, the 5th of Sep- tember, 1894, William Wordsworth Lang, of Peterborough, to Mary Swanton, daughter of Wm. Swauton, Esq, of Fenelou. ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF East Victoria. The following is an Abstract of the State- ' ment of all ELECTION EXPENSES __op_ William Thurston, one of the candidates for the election of. a member to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario, at the election holdeu on the 26th day of Jane, A. D. 1894 : Paid Hall Rents... ....S 8.00 “ Livery Bills . . . . . . . . . . .. 21.25 “ Bobcayg’u Independent, printing 3.00 “ Postage and Telephone Acc’ts 1.58 $33.83 ransom“. sxrsxsns. Paid Hotel Bills . . .. . . . . .. $33.60 “ Railways, etc..... 11.05 “ Posting Bills.... . 10.00 “ Hall Reut........... 2.00 “ Telegraphing . . . . . . . . 90â€"$57.55 $91.38 (Signed) THOS. ROBERTSON, Agent. 0. D. BARR, Returning Officer. Lindsay, Sept. lst, 1894. = ELECTORAL DISTRICT OF East Victoria. The following is an Abstract of the State- ment of all ELECTION EXPENSES ._op_ John H. Carnegie. one of the candidates for the election of a member to the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Ontario at the election holdeu on the 215th day of June, A. D. 1894: Paid for Livery ...... . . . . . . . . . . ..$43.75 “ Postage, Printing and Sta- tionery . . . . . . . . .. 31.01 “ Caretaker ...... . . . . . . . . ISAC ‘1 Express . . . . . . . 90 “ Hall Rents .. .... . . . . . . .. 25.00 ‘* Telegraph Accounts . . . . . . 5.83 -â€"â€". $l27.88 PIRSOSAL messes. Paid Livery Eire . . $172.25 “ Halls .. ........ 20.40 “ Hotel Expenses.... $400.15 (Signed) WI. AchRT‘tlUR, Agent. C. D. BARR, Returning Ollicer. Lindsay, Sept. lst, 1894. “.6242”... -- Every Article at Bargain. -- § § NEATLY PRINTED AT aha ‘GAZETTE’ OFFICE. § live, Energetic Men Wanted! To represent us in the sale of our HARDY CANADIAN GROWN NURSERY STOCK. Position permanent and afi‘ords good chance of advancement to all workere. Liberal inducements to new men. Send for our terms. The trial will cost you nothing. STONE s WELLINGTON, Tonosro, ONT. 1W. T. J union’s. 12-3m SUBSCRIBE FOR “THE GAZETTE.” $1 PER YEAR. Onecentadose. ' .. Tins Gama: Conan Can "p . . I,,.'~ Where all others full Coughs, Crampy 8:19: Throat, Hoarsencso, Whoopiu Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it has no rlv ' mecngizi thonssfignfiaiisi will guns YOU n me. to on a guar- tee. For a Lainey Bnclggbsr Ches u_so Siemens BELLADONNA PLASTE "- CATARR H HILOH’ sneer. y I. This remed is amn. teedtocnreyou. Price,60cta. Inyjecgii'treo. For Sale by W. 'l'. Junkin. W t d Industrious, sober, re- an e I liable men to sell our complete lines of Nursery Stock and Seed Potatoes. A few special varieties controlled by us. Commission or salary paid weekly, and guaranteed promptly. Exclusive and choice of territory given. Outfit free. Don’t delay. Apply at once for terms. ALLEN, NURSERY 00., Rocnssrna, N. Y. Subscribe for the ‘iGazette. 2-20 NEW...’ TILII GIVE ME A CALL Barons onnnnmo. BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED IN FENELON FALLS. A GOOD SUIT _ T0 MEASURE AND . . . . FOR PER SUIT- ALSOâ€" CHEAP SUITS FOR BOYS. A First-Class Cutter Engaged. I E Apex-feet Fit. Guaranteed. NEW GOODS. PRICES TO SUIT TIIE TIMES. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED AT R. TAGGART'S NEW TAILORING STORE. EN seconn DIVISION noun-r --OF THE-â€" County‘ of Victoria. Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fcnelon Falls, ON MONDAY, OCT. 8th, 1894, commencing at 10 o’clock in the iorenoon Thursday, Sept. 27th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before Sept. 22nd. E. D. llaxn. C- lerlx. At \rery Lowest I£aters None butfirst-class British and Canadian Companies represented. o8” FAIEDI PIEOPERTY at very low rates. James Arnold. S. Nevxsox, Bailifl‘. Fenelon Falls, July 12th, 1894. M .l. M’FARLAND HAS EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES. N THE VERY CHOICEST GOODS. Ready-mode Clothing at Cost for W cash for 80 Days. W J. McFARL'AND. ._ .._-I,A _.4, . I I I l I . m g- ....I......_...--. .M.‘ N . aw...“ <~â€".~

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