Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 31 Aug 1894, p. 6

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i r. .2. _ m any... am: W4! ’ 5. . $2???” _, . ., Ml, . p K . {firmmggmgygo . ‘ A» s . ._w....m:wm,w_,.iw as". w «arm , .,~...-,.--................,. mmmmmsanmae-a i i d.’.11s:ex:.iw.mm~ .. 'o. â€" - -- v... . ..._..â€"â€"- ._ _....___ I... John I. lice ll'ells low He Was Cnrv ed or leuue Hemlineâ€"Crippled I was lioness sroar. I reuse county, Kentucky, has for many years served his native county and state in the legislature at Frankfort and Washing- ton, until retirement wasa noted 1" :1 in politics;i and jidicirnl circles. A ays a entnc oat re orter called u ughdge Rice, wfio in the {Ellow- lug wor related the history of the causes that led to his retirement: “It is just about six years since I had an attack of rheumatism, slight at first. but soon devel- oping into sciatic rheumatism, which began first With acute shooting pains in the hips, gradually extending downward to my feet. y condition became so bad that I event- ually. lost all power of my legs, and then the liver, kidneys and bladder, and in fact my whole system became deranged. I tried the treatment of many physicians, but re~ ceivuig no lasting benefitfrom them, I went to Hot Springs, Ark. I was not much benefited by some months stay there, 'wheu.I returned home. In 1891, I went to the Silurian Springs, Wakeshaw, Wis. I stayed there some time, but without im- provement. Again I returned home, this time feeling no hopes of recovery. The muscles of my limbs were now reduced by atrophy to more strings. Sciatic pains tortured me terribly, but it was the dis- ordered condition of my liver that was I felt gradually wearing mp life away. Doc- tors gave me up, all kinds of remedies had been tried without avail, and there was nothing more for me to do but resign my- self to fate. “ I lingered on in this condition sustain- ed almost entirely by stimulants until April, 1893. One day I saw an advertise- ment of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. This was something new, and as one more drug after so many others could do no harm, I was prevailed upon to try the Pink Bills. The effect of the pills was marvelous, and I could soon eat heartily, a thing I had not done for years. The liver began to perform its functions, and has done so 'ever since. Without doubt the pills saved my life, and while I do not crave notoriety I cannot refuse to testify to their worth.” Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or Will be sent post-paid, on receipt of price (50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50,) by addressing the Dr. \Villiams’ Schenectady. N. Y. -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€".-â€"â€"‘~â€"â€" MUST SING OR DIE. John Abcll's anericncc wmi Frederick Augustus, King of Poland. John Abell, a celebrated singer and musi. cian, who lived in the reign of Charles II., had a very great notion of himself and would not perform unless he pleased. There is a funny story told of how he was once made to sing against his will. While traveling abroad for pleasure he came into the town of \Varsaw. News was brought into the palace of the famous sing- er’s arrival and Frederick Augustus, the king of Poland, immediately sent word that he desired Abell to appear before him. “ Tell his Majesty. ” replied John curtly, “ that it suits me not.” Buck went the court messenger with a wry face ; he knew his master’s temper too well. “ Tell Master Abell," thundered the king, “that I will have him come ! And take you, boy, three stout fellows with you.” The messenger and the three stout fellows between them managed to carry out the royal wish, and presently marched triumph- untly up to the palace with their unwilling captrch. _ The king was awaiting them in the great hall where he had seated himself in a bal- cony that ran all around the sides. Above him an immense chair hung from the roof by a rope. “ Now, then, into the chair and up with him,” cried Frederick Augustus, with a chuckle ; “ we’ll soon see if our song bird won't sing in his cage. Up with him, my merry men all I ” ‘ And up in the air swung Abell, who still refused to open his month. [When he gave a glance downward, however, he changed his mind. Into the hall beneath him a number of wild bears had been turned loose. . ~ " Sing, sirrah !" the king shouted, “ or down you go to play with my brown babies I" One look at those “ brown babies,” growl- ing and snarling below in a very unbabylike manner, was sufficient to convince the stubborn John. Sing he did, and he often I used to declare in after days that he never song so well in his life as when he was hanging there, 100 feet above the fierce l beasts. .__.___.__-+â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"n Preserved the Game. . .. j Z ¢>§2§ O . . 1‘: "73’s.. . "If"; '1‘ :' Wm“; --â€"-‘.--~ Hunterâ€"“I suppose the game is pretty well kilicd oil" by now 3" I Farmerâ€"“0h, no 2 Yer see, tlzer ain't 1 lion no ouelinutin' up here but fellers like you from the city." His Plans. lieâ€""You know, my angel, it will have to be a case of love in a cottage ” Sheâ€"“That will be just heavenly. Where is the cottage!" Heâ€"uf‘Um -I haven't got‘ the cottage yet. You see. I am saving up money for a bicycle first ; much cheaper than a horse, you knew." for Six Years. The Hon. John II. Rise, of Louisa, Law- Medicine Company, Brockvllle, 0nt., or I HIS GREAT LUCK- Was Once Poor-Bnt N ow ls Rich. True Story or new a Poor- Greek Found a Fortuneâ€"Invested Ills Last Dollar Instead or Buying Food. “Nothing vontursjnothing gain” was the motto Constine Konres adopted when he left Greece to settle in America. By sticking close to this resolution be is to-day $4,000 richer than he was last week. The Honduras National Lottery (Louisiana State Lottery) is responsible for Mr.Koures’ sudden Wealth, and there is quite an inter- esting story connected with his good for- tune. Koures is from the nobility and owing to some difiiculty at home he came to America. Here be commenced life as a peddler and soon found himself in Cleveland, Ohio, without a cent in his pocket. He remem- bered a countryman in Chicago, one of the firm of Manosus, Mazarokos 8: Co. 141 South Water Street. The only way to reach Chicago was to walk and this Koures did. One of the firm gave him 85 to get something to eat and procure clean clothes. Koures hesitated and instead of buying food invested the $5 in five tickets in the Honduras National Lottery. To-day he received by express $4,000, one-fifth of the second capital prize of $20- 000 in the drawing of June 12. Koures can speak but little English, but he told a reporter for the Dispatch that the $4,000 would be invested in the fruit business. He was highly elated over his good fortune and he said he thought he now had the basis for a large fortune. He declares that he will continue to buy Honduras National Lottery ticketsâ€"[Chicago (111.) Dispatch, July 16. â€"__+.._____.. One Exception. Artist (with enthusiasm)â€"-“ The lines of beauty are always curves.” Little Girl (amazed)-â€"“ I guess you never saw a man on a bicycle, did you '3” Get Rid mfeural’gia. There is no use in fooling with neuralgia. It is a disease that gives way only to the most powerful remedies. No remedy yet discovered has given the grand results that invariably attends the employment of Pol- son’s Nerviline. Nerviline is a positive specific for all nerve pains, and ought to be kept on hand in every family. Sold every where, 25 cents a bottle. Roses are now in full bloom. Many com~ plain that their plants throw suckers from the roots. These are budded roses. You should buy roses grown on own roots, then will have no trouble. Brown Bros. 00., Toronto, Ont., are the leading rose growers in the country. \Vrite them for an agency Over 115,000,000 people speak the English language. Three hundred years ago, in the time of Queen Elizabeth, it'was spoken by only about 5,000,000 people, and nearly all of them dwelt in the British Isles. Spooner’s Phenyle Disinfectant mixed with fish oil or grease, will prevent the Horn fly. Apply with a brush about the horns, head and back of animals. Nearly every Japanese paper has a “prison editor.” For infractions of the publication laws, somebody must go to jail, and so the “ prison editor’s" chief duty is to expiate thfi newspaper’s ofiense by languishing in a co . Reclpe,-â€"For Making a Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. Adzinis’ Root Beer Extract. . . .. . . . . . . one bottle Fleischninun’s Yeast ................. halts. cake Su ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two pounds Lu cwarm W'ater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water add the extract. and bottle; place in a warm place for twentyâ€"four hours until it form cuts, then place on ice, when it will open spassling and delicious.- The root beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery storcsiu 10 and :15 cent bottles to make two and live gallons. Sheets of paper, arranged like a blotting pad, are attached to the mouth-pieces of some telephones, so that each speaker Will talk over a clean sheet. This is to prevent the communication of disease from one speaker to another. If you are sick and cannot get reliefyour hope is in St. Leon. \Vhat it does for others it is sure to do for you. Try it. People who are troubled with sleepless- ness should drink cocoa. in stead of tea or ofi'ee at the evening meal. Fall Wheats. Prices per bushel, (loresee Giant, $2.50 White Leader, $1.50; Dawson’s Golden Cliafi', $1.00; Jones’ Winter Type, 85c American Bronze, 85c; Early Red Clawson 850; Cotton bags 20c. Send for Circular to the Steele, Brigglesrcon Seed Co.(Ltd. 132 King St. 13., Toronto. Danger Ahead. Heâ€"“ I am afraid to bring my friend around here, for fear you will fall in love with him.” Sheâ€"“ Why, is he so much better look ing than you?” A P. 725. filr. Joseph nom- moi-ids, (in 0I1l50llll8l', 52‘.) E. 146th St, N. Y. Cit}, writes us volur. inrily. In 1302. at the battle of Fair Oaks, he was SirICRCl‘._VJIIll typhoid fever, and nil-3r a long struggle in limpilals. lasting sov- " crzil years, was dis- ' charged as incurable Willi Consumption. Dootors said boili limes were azlccteil and he could not me long. but c. comrade urged him to try llcod's Sarsaparllla. Before he had finished one bottle his couch hcvanto get loose, the. shaking sensation hell. and. night sweats grow loss and less. lie is new in good health and cordially recommends Hood’s Sarsaparilla ‘ 1 general blood purifier and sonic medi- ve, especially In his comrades Ill the G. A. it. lieâ€"59's PILLs are hIEd-DIMQ. and are pse- ‘rvz'. in composition. proportion sud “emanate. - _ W... mwmw..-m~ . v. . Genuine [cues Invests In Last 85 in Its lordnm National Lottery and ' Secures $8.00. for ltâ€"Remsrksble and l I It’s a Curious Woman I who can't have confidence in Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. Here is a tonic for tired-out womanhood, a remedy for all its nliar ills and ailmean if it doesn't elp you, there's nothing to y. What more can you ask or, in a medi- cine! The “Prescription” will build up. strengthen, and invigorate the entire is. male system. It regulates and remotes s ‘11 h f I Q s I ‘ enriciiegrgilgrbim?3:’p$§3§aad brings refreshing sleep, and restores health - ‘ “d “8"- In "‘W °°mP1“n""°‘ PennanentCureof . PAIRS andflclles ' ‘ of . Scrofula Canada. . . and derangements, it's the only guaranteed I have been drinking St.Leon Mineral Water remedy. If it doesn’t benefit or cure, in the case of every tiredâ€"out or sufiering woman, ' ' l r1 for tour ears. and consider it the 15 Disease Germs hvxng in :33; goal thing to (Ii-Ink while in fineral train- she’ll have her money back. Nothing urged in its place by a dealer, nvlnE oom- ldney wwudgrmct it SAMPLES.COTTONYARN.& ‘ Tmsxsooiiu Fox.- 529? swine ~ fi-REELMAN'BROSNI‘F‘ “ ’ QE‘Ol‘lGETOWN,QN . though it may be better for him to sell, can be “just as good" for you to buy. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, Egress. binoumm’ indigesuon and he‘d. the Blood and feeding upop ing. It isanexcellent regulator. plot.er cured me of constipation and The Fishwlfe and the Prince. “5 Life‘ Overcome these mu" °‘ Not long ago the Prince of Wales visited germs With . I «AVG. W. H. %§iwo§5l’bdbgl‘rila§i of Cdnada a seaside town in England, for the purpose ’ of laying the foundation-stone of the new S Emulsion St. Leon Mineral Water Un'y. Ltd. harbor. The Prince, in company with the Cream of Codâ€"liver Oil, Head once-King St. W.. Toronto. All Drugglsts, Grocers and Hotels. Lord Dufferin, drove through the town preceded by the Mayor in his ofiicial robes. and make your blood healthy, skin pure and system strong. An old fishwife, failing to distinguish His Royal Highness among the other gentlemen, Physicians, the world over, , endorse it. exclaimed, “I wonder which is the Prince!’ Don't be decaliéd by Suhslllulesl and then cried out at the top of her voice, “ Long live the Prince!” Instantly the Prince turned and bowed. “Is that him?" she inquired, with a disappointed air. “ Of Soott¢ Bowne. Bellsville. All Druggists. 50c. a3). pared to the quick; caustic applications have tormented the victim of come until 1 " 551,b,es_ The onlnepcme, the conViction shaped itselfâ€"there’s no 131338;”..thchums. ” my flllll IGIHlBlS . .Q IN TORONTO DO THE BUSINESS OF THE PROVINCE . . . . mg Charlatans and Quacks. Have long plied their vocation on the suf- fering pedals of the people. The knife has , Plant is exempt from taxa- tion, water is free, best ship- fling facilities in the Bomb» ionâ€"all railways and boat lines center at Ontario's capilal. Farparficulars as to [aeolian and most suitable premises, -l address . . . . . course it is,” answered a neighbor. “ Well, well," she replied. “ That’s a regular knock-down ! Well, if our Mayor don’t beat him all to fits in dress I” cure. Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor light proves on what slender basis public opinion “6;th A. y . ,_ Action. often rests. If you sufi'er from corns get 5017,, T016 Jeflon' Made muTake Down." the Extractor and you will be satisfied. Writefor'csmmfucsm ~ “*1” . Sold everywhere. - T113 MflIllIl HIE IlllS 00., ‘Z_ , *-‘* ' NewHaven,Conn.,U.S ; '- 'A’ - Wilson Publishing 00.. (LIMITED) 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto.- V......-....-.â€"..._ - __._-.â€"- _---.._.. ‘ “'93!” mmmmmmmmmmm tut-flaring permanently cured. . No iidvnnce fees. Uni-e gu ii'unreod. THE - LINTON - INSTITUTE 65 Shutcr at. Toronto. STAMI‘IEBING and fillllllllllllllllllll 'Nrito for circulars. They give perfect satisfaction in fit, style and finish, and it has become a by word that “ Granby Rubbers ” wear like iron. 0m- Specialty. We have letters from all parts of Canada saying ‘ -- ABSHIL’IS Earmn’liipoicé? .xv‘ffalqé‘mj Adi/Ice anch lujij t on getfing’thisr ,lO gent: SMoKelfti-l ‘ ° u even. Preston Furnaces are the Best « I EMP'EBiC‘O COVMA Let us send you Catalogue and full particulars, and you can MARK A Judge for Yourself. . 0., - PRESTON, ONT. % FARMERS, “use something good,’ Peerless Machine ' I TAKE Your Homes Coiiifoi'talilc . . NO _ 0mm , i, We can supply you with A “.1 ,. m " the best IT’S MADE SPECIALLY FOR YOUR USE (12 Gold. Medals) Hardware and General Stores all sell it. SAMUEL ROGERS & 00., Toronto, Ont. Wan Furnace in Canada. Our Famous Magnet has no equal. BELLEVILLE. ONT. NATISAGE MACHINE. New Finish Cliop‘ h. per. Cost $110. will sell at $60. Decided Bargainâ€"Park. Blackwell 5: Co. Ltd..'l‘oronto. 4 ARMS WANTED.*'I€ you wish to sell. send card for descriptive blank to the Old DominionLandAdvertisilng Compauy,'l‘orouto CARD, 1000 printingspostpaidonly 10 cents. The Herald, No. 156 A. Luni St.. Philn.. Pa. ALBERT COLLEGE, EVERY USER DELIGHTED / gSpurst‘vnm IIIECOItD oilsix candidatesffolr London â€"- Toronto â€" Montreal . enior .laitricu ation. A l were success u . 1 _. . ("iindidates prepared for Teuclicrs’ certificates. 1 ‘ . , u ‘vinmp”g ‘ Vancouver Diplomas awarded in Commercial Science, Music. Fine Arts. Elecution. Will reopen Thursday. September 6th, '91. For calendar address PRINCIPAL DYER, M.A., D.D. ~_â€"â€"â€" uniinmmmmmmmmmmmmnmg EOXFOR hill-- FURNACES; ..rori ALL SIZES or BUILDINGS.- Gopocitp from 10,000 to 80,00 @ubic “Feet 3 cs § woos FUBNA g MA): [[000 “rocked & Rescued By W. J. HUNTER, l’h.D.. DJ). A series of chapters to men on social purity and right liv ing. ltia writtcnin plain language that al may undersinnd. Live Agents Wanted. Cir culnrs containing term; sent on application “‘iLuasi BRIGGS, l‘ubli~licr. Toronto. Ont. HAMILTON LADIES’ GflLLEEE Re-opens September 6. 1894. All teachers honor graduates of univcr~iiics or colleges. llegulnr courses for graduation in literature and science. music. art. elocufion. . etc. Excellent accommodation. inspiring in- l itructors. refining ncsmimions and pleasant surroundings. Address the Principal, A. BURNS. S.T.D.. L.L.D. DO YOU WANT ‘- THE BARTH’?’ ' The first edition of this handsome new illus- trated weekly nevi-spaer appeared Aug. 25. and it sold like hot cakes everywhere it was introduced. - WE WANT A SMART BOY In every town. The most liberal terms evcr crrcred. Be the diet to apply. Write: “Tlle Earth." I: win Building, 73 to 81 Adelaide St. “1, Toronto. Ont. «CV “ CYCLONE STEEL RADIATOR " HEAVY GRATE. especially adapted for wood burning Heavy Steel Plate Fire Box Dome and Radiator. which heat quicker and are more durable RADIATOR of Modernponstruco tlon and Great floating l’ower LARGE ASH PIT 00M. FURNACE Large Combustion Chamber Loogflre‘lrsvelpnolrellnxradlatw Large first“: Surface Large Fee Door Sectional Fire Pot Rotating Bsr Dumping (Irate DEEP ASH PIT liliiiiiillliliillliiiliiliiil OXFORD WOOD FURNACE Full Guaranteed Capacity : mwue anamvmoiuu. soon. ....Manufactnrcd bra... Erna comm rousonv GQMPAIIY Ltd, ronouro. , mammalime "aliL'J’ST'FATEP CATALOGUL Fess. ., Elnorssqosufic @C‘QFSfiAQBQNIQ

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