v.- ____.__ Robson, who, however, will not vacate l A great; prairie ï¬re is-mging in-Kick- his present premises on the corner of Colboruc and Francis streets, as he in- tends to keep astock large enoneh to ï¬ll both rooms. and is-now busy making 3 the changes and improvements rendered necessary by the contemplated; enlarge- ment of his business. Enraascn Examxuionszâ€"Follow- ing is the list of those who succeeded in passing the recent high school entrance examinationsat Fcnelon Falls zâ€"Lily Allin, George Aldous. Bertie Chambers, William Cundal, Charles Deymau. Car- rie Gillis, Minnie Golden, Robert Heth- erington, Charles Hunter, Alta Jnnkin, Ella Johnston, Lizzie Knight, Flora M’cFuydcn, William Mark, Beatrice Slaunder, Florence Maybcc, Lizzie » Moynes. Hattie Martin. Sarah McCal- lum, Martha Puley, Martha Quibell, John A. Reid, Lily Suddahy, Maggie Suddaby, Eliza Switzer. Annie Twomey, Violet Wilson, George Ingram. Daniel Ritz, proprietor and publisher of the Hamburg, Ont., Independent, says : “ I was suffering from dyspepsia and liver' trouble. I took arfew bottles of Shiloh’s Vitnlizer and it cured me. Ican heartily recommend it.†THE LOCKS â€"-It‘or some few days past Mr. William Junkin of Verulam, the well-known professional diver, and two or'three other men have been work- ing at: the lock gates, which of late have been somewhat out of order, in. consequence of the accumulation of gravel and rubbish beneath them. The- swing bridge across the looks, with which something had gone wrong, has also been made to wark properly, and‘ Mr. John Dobson, of Vcrulam, is now carefully pointing the walls of the locks,. that is, ï¬lling up all the interstices between the stones from which the cement has been washed by the action of the water. A BIG Darâ€"As will be seen by whole-sheet posters, (printed three or- four days later than they ought to have- bcen), there is to be a big: day in the driving park on Wednesday next, the civic holiday, for the purpose of raising a fund to pay for the school chartspnr- chased sub rusrt, and also ultra Hires, by consent of all but one of the trustees, but without a regular motion justifying the transaction. The programme of sports. which will he faithfully carried out, is a- good one, and, as the price of admission is very low and this is the most delightful season of the year,.it is hoped that there will be a big turn out from both town and country. BIG TEN DAYS’ SALE (if lloots and Shoes. See our Bargain Tables. Piles of Boots and Shoes about half prica. Every line reduced. Don’t miss this sale at “ The Mossreu SHOE Sroan, Insnsar. JOHNSTON 8; SISSON. A BOY HURT -â€"-On Friday last Mr. Thomas Archer's son Willie, a little fellow about eight years old, was unable to resist the temptation to meddle with one of the windlasscs by means of which the lock gates are opened. and, knocking out a small stone that had been placed between two coggcd wheels to prevent them from turning, the flesh on the lower part of his left arm \vas caught and torn so badly that Dr. Wilson had to put ï¬ve or six stitches in the ed‘uos of the wound. It isn’t much use warn- ing boys to be careful of machinery :zit isn't their nature so be careful. :md’it isu t likely that they will change their nature to please us “ or any other man.†Anmuolnas.â€"-Yesterday the village Wits invaded» by Indians, some of whom are here yet. About ~halfrpast 12 the (bunniesz arrived from Chemong with a large party of excursionists, a good many of whom had more on less air original blood in their veins ;. and a little earlier or a little later. we are not sure which, the nine Kickapoos who are going about from place to place adver- tising an alleged tribal medicine, came to the Falls from Coboconk. The ex~ cursionists were allowed barely an hour in which to see the sights of the village, but the Kicks will remain for nine days, which is the limit ï¬xed for their stay in ‘ any place they visit. They have two tents. 1» ur wigwams and a theatre erect- ed in the grove near .‘laryborough Lodge, and last night gave their ï¬rst yerformance, which consisted of vocal and instrumental music and dancing apes county, Kansas. A small horse-power engine which is said to make forty-two cigarettes a min- ute is the invention of a Frenchman. One billion feet' of timber per year is being out. in Texas; at. that rate it will take but ï¬fteen years to exhaust the supply. A. FL Spring, manager of the West- ern Bank at Penetanguishene, has dis- appeared, leaving a shortage 'of between 815,000 and $20,000, all in eighteen months. A talc mine near Sharbot Lake has been opened by 11 Berlin (Out.) com- pany. The tale is manufactured into dustless crayons, much desired by school teachers. A rich ï¬nd of gold and copper ore has been made near the town of Parry Sound. It varies in width from one to three feet and is traceable for nearly 4,000 feet. There was a lively row at the Dom- inion Rifle Association matches on Mon- day over the ammunition, some compet- itors claiming that the issue of 1894 is inferior to that made last year. By the collapsing of a bridge over a ravine at Fairmount Park, near Kansas City, Mo., 50 persons were precipitated to the ground, a distance of 15 to 20 feet, and 20 of them were injured. Some ï¬end or ï¬ends lately cut open the sides of two valuable mares belong- ing to Mr; Henry Rydull, of Abermarle township, near Wiarton.. One was dead when found, and the other had to be killed. John Nightingale, the man who re- ceived thirteen stabs in a brawl on Vic- toria street,. Toronto, is pronounced out of danger by the physicians at the hos- pital. His wounds will be a long time healing, however. . William Prague;-porter of a London Hotel, in his sleep on Sunday night Walked out of his bedroom window on the third floor and fell onto a shed and from there to the ground. He was badly bruised. The village of Hensull, in: South Huron is threatened with destruction, as the bush and ï¬eld ï¬res are getting dangerously 01050. Between there and London the farmers hch given them- selves up to ï¬ghting the flames. The churches are all waging more or less open war against the liquor, trafï¬c. Many secret orders have followed suit and the indications are that the Knights of Pythins, now meeting at Washington, will soon be in line with the rest. It will not be long before those engaged in the traï¬io‘are outlawed by custom. if not by statute. Two masked men attempted to rob the crew of a freight train on the Chi- cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad at Decrï¬eld, Ill., on Eriday night last. The special ofï¬cers of the railway com- pany, who were on the train, went- to the- rescue of the crew, and in a run- ning ï¬ght, with revolvers,. which fol- lowed, one of the men and; a special oflicer were killed. Both robbers es- caped, and, as far as learned, neither was seriously injured. Both. however, were thought to have been‘ struck by bullets from the revolvers of’rhe olï¬cers. . o-â€"-â€"‘ A. large rug of linen crash placed“ under the sewing machine will catch threads, clippings and cuttings, and save a deal of sweeping and dusting. BIRTIIS. Levant-tauâ€"In Fenelon Falls, on Thurs- day, August 33rd, 1894, the wife of Mr. Joseph Levercau of. twin daughters. Cameraâ€"In the township of Verulam, on Tuesday, August 28th, 1894, the- wife of“ Mr..Char1cs Calder of a son. DIED. Tacomaâ€"Jo Fcnelon Falls, day, August 29th, 1894, Henry. F. Taggant, aged 25 years and 5 months. ~ Hanna.â€"â€"ln Fenelon Falls, on Wednes- day, August 29th, John Hanna, for many years a resident of the village of Omemee, aged 88 years. Mundaneâ€"In the township of Fenelon, on Monday. August 27th, William Marshall, aged 4.0 years. ._._.__ a ._.._.-s __ â€". CORRESPONDENCE. and brief orations in favor of their i To the Editor oftllz Pension Fails Gazette. physio. bia this year has been enormous. Half the cotton crop in Dallas county. Texas. is said to have been destroyed by boll worms. The wheat crop of North Dakota and Minnesota this year is one of the largest ever harvested. .‘lim Mary Brown, of Princess Anne clients. It is said that Chicago capitalists are Sm,â€" Kindly allow me Space enough in our paper to thank the business men-of? l l of our public schools. the park. so that on the 61h of September 1 will be able. to pay in full for all the charts, for which purpose we are trying to raise the funds. Yours respectfully, Md. swallowed a chew of gum somd Joana ï¬nal time ago and has just died from the Penelon Falls. August 29th, 1894. mm was "1.40.. SALE, I culls oï¬ce. leave you; money, and PENELON FALLS ll-A‘RKETS. Reported by Ute North Star Roller Mill Co. Fenclou Falls, Friday, Aug: 3ist, 1894; Wheat. Scotch or Fife . . .. 60 to 65‘ Wheat, fall, per bushel. . . . 50 55 Wheat, spring “ .... 50‘ 53‘ Barley, per bushel. ... . 35‘ 37 GREAT . o o o o o u o Potatoes, “ 30 35 Butter, per lb...... _16 17 Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . 8' 8 Hay, per ton...... ...... . 6.00 7.00 Hides 1.00 1.50 Hogs (live) .. 4.75 5.00 MIDSUMMER Sheepskins.............. 50 60 Wool ........ . . . . . . I5 17 . Flour, family, Silver Leaf. . 1.55 1.70 r , Flour, best bakers’ . . . . . . . . 1.75 2.00 Flour, clipper . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.30 1.40 Flour, straightrolled . . . . . . 1.50 1.60 Bran. pcrton...... 14.00 15.00 Shorts, “ . . . . . . .' .. . 16.00 18.00 18.00 Mixed chop, per ton... . .. . 20.00 ' MEMORIAL GARDS g NEATLY PRINTED AT % The ‘ GAZETTE" OFFICE; W NOW GOING ON AT live. Energelit Man wanted! To represent as in the sale of our'HARDY CANADIAN GROWN NURSERY STOCK. Position permanent and ali‘ords good chance of advancement to all workers. Liberal inducements to new men; Send ' for ourr terms. The trial will cost you nothing. STONE 8: WELLINGTON, 12-3111: Toaoxro, Os‘r.‘ sunscmBE' FOR" “THE; GAZETTE.†$1 PER YElIllila~ Dry'c‘roods and... Glothing Store a , Larsen. ~°$>3¢€+ém W t d Industrious, sober; re- an e I liable men to sell. our! complete lines of" Nursery Stock and Seed Pctatoes. A’ few special varieties control-led by us. Commission or salary paid weekly, and guaranteed promptly. Exclusive and delay. Apply at once t‘onterms. ALLEN NURSERY 00.,- 2'-20 Rocnasrna, N. choice of-territory given. Outï¬t free. Don’t ~ Buckwheat“ . . . . . n. 353 37 i ' Oats, “ . . . . . . .. 25‘ 26 I Pease, †.... 50 5?. ~ Rye, u as 40 ‘ BOOKS. or ALL KINDS. Everything needfull for: School Opening _.AT__ T. J union’s. anccutadoso. H M TmsGmna'r Cocoa Conn p' v - where'ull othersafan Con ho Cro So '- .'.l‘hrcat, Hoarscncss,'Vll g I up re . Asthma. For Consumption it as no riva1~ . . has cured thousands, and will cam: You if hoopla Cough and -. takonln time. Sold by Druggtsta on a. guar- antee. For 8 Lame Back or Cl es .' SHXLOH’S BELLADONNA PLASTEtég‘isg . LO alscaraaaa ' - “15-; u'i: Havo rr r is remed is us an-- toed to cure you. Price. casts. layiscgorxgee, . For Salivby W. T..Junkin.. Subscribe for the ‘lGazette- EVERYTHING r TO BE ,« BEST VALUE’EVER OFFERED» IN FENELON F/ALLS. GIVE ME A CALL. BEFORE ORDERING. l I TOQ‘MEAsggE; T: I ' GREAT TA ._.§$;.'2s?$'2 SHOP... NEW' GOODS. SACRIFICE, as our. CHEAP SUITS FOR BOYS. A. First-Class Cutter Engaged. A‘Perfcct Fit Guaranteed. PRICES TO' SUIT THE TIMES. MONEYx' SAVED} IS MONEY EARNED AT STOCK Is FAR T002 1 EV STRAND * . LARGE. i ‘ â€"-â€"-â€"â€"A Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferredl his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks small classes of property At Very Lowest Rates None buiiirst-class British and Canadian Iii nla’kes “0 dlf‘; Companies represented. onwednes, erence 1f your wants WPARM PROPERTY at. very. low rates. are only small; we can .will do so if you come to the cheapest store- lin Victoria county. THE VERY W The run 0i salmon ID BI‘IIIBII 0010!!!" Tension Falls, and all those who have so 3 liberally subscribed towards the funds for ' , d, 1 t n t sports on the civic holiday. for the beneï¬t 5 ; B y- c hm c f m Will the parents : e o g a etc.kiudly turn out in force that day in: I l W l l The World Beater, l i KENT-ST, LINDSAY. James Arnold. ll; TAGGllR’ll’S NEW TAILORING STORE. COURT" SECOND DIVISION â€"01" THEâ€"- County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court wili' be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, ON MONDAY, OCT. 81h, i894, commencingat 10 o'clock in the forenoorr Thursday, Sept. 27th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. ties must be served on or before Sept. 22nd. S. Navrsox, E. D. Hun, Bailiff. Fenelon Falls, July 12th, 1894. .l. M’FABLAND HAS EVERYTHING. IN GRDGERIES. GHOIGEST 00008. Cash for 30 Days. in Every Article a. Bargain. -- l backing ox-l’nllmm °mPl"ye“ m an†‘ in 800d condition‘ nude by wm' Englisml l J A R N D . C F - oar manufacturing works at: Hiawatha, Peterboruugh. Apply at the 6 Kansas. Beulah Falls, Aug, 16th. 189Lâ€"2'ltt: Defendants living in other coun-~ Clerk. ‘ a . ‘~ , «EMâ€"u... I... ..