Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 3 Aug 1894, p. 5

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small slbres with kitchens behind and :Chicngo numbered 450.666. of whom Ger- “vina room, above His first inmmiou ? many contributed more titan any other five 5 . . . 'l - - ,countries. or 161,033. Canada was there was to bond houses. and then he inclined , “.297 “mug. Enghmd 23,337! while Ire_ W the “0'95 and ""W the quet‘tiou is in 9 land seconds the list with 70.028. China ‘ governor of Illinois rebuked the President the balance, and until it is decided one way or the other work will not be resumed. SIIILOH’S CURE is sold on a guarantee. It. cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose; 2.2 cults, 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold by W. T. Junkin. PASSED â€"â€"-'l‘he following candidates for third cla<s teachers’ certificates pas- sed at the recent examinations at Fene- lon Falls 2â€"K. Austin, M. Bellingham. L. llunter. M. Ingram, S. McDiarmid and W. )loKiuuon. DJniel Ritz, proprietor and publisher of the Ilnmburg, Ont.. Independent, says : “ I was sull'et'ing from dyspepsia. and liver trouble. I took a few bottles of Shiloh’s Vilniilcr and it cured me. [can heartily rectimtncnd it." LIGHTNINst WORKâ€"About 6.30 vestcrday morning, during the storm ihnt Was then raging, a. large barn near the centre of Mr. William Jordan's farm in Fenelon was totally destroyed by fire, together with twenty tons of hay stored therein. The property was not insured. Mr. Jordan’s grain store- house near the railway station in the village had a narrow escape, as a two. venr-old roan licill'cr standing within a few feet of it was struck dead. The a-nimal probably strayed in from the can my, as the armor of it appears to be unknown. Central Prison vaineq Central Prison pure manilla binder twine, running from about 600 to 650 feet to the pound, and put up in bales of net 50 lbs. to the halo, is this year sold at 80. per lb. in less than cn_rlond lots, freight paid to the purchaser’s nearest railwuy station within the Province. It can be obtained by any one remitting cash with the order to Mr. Alex. Jufl'ruy, Bursar, Central Prison, To- X'OIl (0. S. S. Excuasros.â€"--The union excur. siou and picnic of the Baptist. St. Jnmcs's and Presbyterian Sunday Echoils will take place on Friday next, the 10th inst. The Columbia". will l‘avc the Fenelon Falls wharf for Bob- c.ty:.',eon at 8.30 a. m., calling at Stur- geon Point. and Sandy Point on the way to Bobcayneon. Returninu, the boat will leave Bobcaygeon at 2.30 p. tn , calling at Sandy Point and stopping nt Sturgeon Poin; for two hours. Hot and cold water will be provided on the boat. Tickets for the round trip 25 cmts;childrcn not belonging to the schools 15 ccnts;‘children of the schools free. BEE“ The suits that R. Tnggart makes are the best advertisement he can publish, and it is not necessary for him to tell you that he is cutting prices, as they have been already cut away down below anything that has ever been seen in this district. Further. more, R. T. wishes to tell his customers and friends that any orders they may please to favor him with shall have his best and prompt attention, and that he employs nothim.r but the best mechanics. A Letter from Chicago. 'l'n (Ir: Editor oft/1e Fenelon Falls Gazelle. Slitâ€" While lifo in the United States is at all times more varied than it is in Canada, in cities like Chicago (and they are few) it. constantly borders upon the sensational and is alwtys interesting. Indeed, as a friend Well known in the Falls recently re- marked to me, life rolls away here before one is nwate of it, and one is old before he snsoccts it. Young heads, too, are decked and (locked with the silver spray of life’s breukcrs long before their time. It is a rountrv where the young are prominent in cvorv :ivenne of business, in all phases of lift-,in religion, law and government. The tnnvor ot‘Chicago, with its million and a hnif of people, is a young, unmarried man who rose from the ranks and who presides over the citv council of 68 nldermen with dignitv and ability. “ Give the boy a chnncc." seems to be the popular disposi- tion. The whole conntryis now recovering from the shock occasioned by the “ strike ” at l’nllmnn. In this strike 23 lines of rail- way entering Chicago were almost com. pletely tied up. many lives were sacri- tice l, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in property destroyed by lawless tncn. President Cleveland hurried national troops to Chicago with characteristic vigor and Stumped out the useless, illogical, dangerous insurrection. The one great menace to puptlinr government isthc dem- ugngnc, and this is his opportunity. The for sending federal soldiers into a state, when the state was able to take care. ofl itself. and sought by lengthy public disrns- { Si-m to champion the cause of the dcnr laborers (for their votes). As it result of this. the strikers arc unanimously denoun- cing Cleveland and landing Allgeld. This ! l l l some governor Altgeld is the ortly demo- cratic governor Illinois has had sxncc l86':, and it is charged that he was elected by .s‘vmputhizers of the imprisoned anarchists, with the llnzlt‘l‘413i2tllll32lilSKlu‘ should pur- due th.- latter :‘som pr‘son. He gave them their libertv over .u year ago. It is inter- euinc to khow thin while all thosc‘auan‘ c’iistsuhut one am, itxrefgn born, foreigners had a large part iii their prosecution. ‘ The . state‘s attur II‘\‘ who prosecuted them is an} Englishman. the silerstl' whp hanged Six of ' them is n Souvegaptn. the Judgt‘ \v ho sen- . tcnccd them is a lord-headed old Scotch- um ‘ increased ni tjnitysas n rebuke to toe gov. ., l I while its vote swings the state to one side a who was marketed recently by an 5 3 sends 584. Japan 7, France 2,502, a small innmber compared with others, as little ' Norway with 21,835. The numbers in full are interesting to economists. The city‘s population increases about 60,000 yearly, or the other. As 1896 draws nigh the men on the checker-board of politics show signs of life, and prophecies are made. It seems certain that unless there is a speedy return of “ good times,” the democrats will go down to certain defeat. While the hard condi- tions prevailing all over the country the past year can not be traced to the party in power, yet the universal disposition of man to attribute his hard lines to external causes will be exhibited as usual in Novemâ€" ber, 1896, unless prosperity returns mean- while. But many causes make it difficult to foretell,- the results of that contest. In the last presidential election there were at least five distinct parties in the field, a fact which shows the unsettled condition - 6f American politics. The old issues arising out of the war are dead or dying, and new ones demand attention. Legislation is de: mandcd by the silver men, the labor ranks, the farmers of the west, and of course the manufacturers are always in the field with claims. But another question looms up, headed by unbcnding and unconqnernble leadersâ€"the prohibition question. In l888 there were 157,000 votes cast by this party; in 1892 300,000; and the proposed union of this party and the People’s party (already a fact in Virginia) promises to become a strong factor in the coming struggle. Woman suffrage in all elections is com- plete in Colorado and Wyoming, and is a very live question among the politicians, since the women are expected to attack the saloon toothand nail. The Wilson bill will surely become a. law, and it is more favor- able to Canada than existing laws, which is not saying much in its furor. McKinleyism is not quite dead in the country, though I cannot but think it will prove to be the high-water mark in tariff legislation for mztny years to come. The idea of a tariff commission, appointed by congress and composed of experts from all parties, to take up the whole question and settle it in view of the interests of manufacturer and consumer, thus taking the whole bugbenr out of politics, is now engaging the minds of many who recall the fact that it has been a. debatenblc plank in party platforms for a hundred years. Cmoauamas. Cholera is spreading in Europe. Colorado is terrorized by a gang of robbers. The Russian thistle is appearing in Manitoba. Another plot against the Czar is reported to have been unearthed in Poland. The act to admit Utah as a state of the Union only requires the President’s signature to become law. Steerogc passage from British 0t American ports has been reduced to 36 shillings, including outfit. A cyclone struck the village of Wil- more, in Jessamine County, Kentucky, and scarcely a house escaped wreck or damage. A dozen persons were badly cut and bruised. Wheat. cutting has begun in the Hamilton'district; the crop is the best seen there for some time; the first sold last Saturday at 53 cents a bushel. A terrific cyclone has visited Watongn, the seat of Blaine County, Oklahoma, destroying many buildings and the crops and injuring many persons. The town was badly wrecked. Carr. Swssxsr, U. S. A, San Diego, Cal., says: “ Shiloh’s Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good.” Price 50 cents. Sold by W. T. Junkin. Experts state that the new cribwork at the head of the new ship canal at the Canadian Son will have to be rebuilt in two years, owing to defective workman- ship. A San Francisco despntch says 2â€". Notwithstanding the large catch of seals in Japan Sea the owners of sealing schooucrs will not make as much money as expected, because of the low price of sealskin<. The catch reported thus for is 50,000 skins. Municipality of the Village of Fenelon Falls, County of Victoria. \TOTICE is hereby given that I have i transmitted or delivered to the persons . mentioned in Sections 5 and 6 of the Voters' Lists Act, the Copies required by said Sec-I tions to be so transmitted or delivered. of the list made pursuant to said Act of all, persons appearing by the last revised As- sessment [toll of the. said Municipality to be , entitled to vote in the said Municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at municipal elections; and that said list was first posted up at my otlire at Fenelon Falls on the second day , of August, 1594, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to g examine the said list. and, if any omissions GREAT DSUMMER SALE NOW GOING ON AT ' Dry Goods and. Clothing Store Lihfihi. "9*x‘oén. EVERYTHING. TO BE SOLD AT A. GREAT SACRIFICE, AS OUR STOCK IS! I FAR TOO LARGE. â€"â€"~â€"-9â€"...-(â€"-â€"â€"-â€" It makes no dif- crencc if your wants are only small; we can save you money, and Will do so if you come to the cheapest store in Victoria county. W CARTER, The World Beater, orany other errors are found therein, to take i ~ immediate procaedistgs to have the said a, I _ errors corrected accwrding to law. Dated August 2nd, 1594. W. T. JL'XKIN, crsmr, who. I may add. is a twrman. l In “so we ,bnngmbom population ot‘t Clerk of Fenelon Falls. van...» Catgfgists and Oil-Cloths, o. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. FENELON' FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Ali" ('0. i Fenelon Falls, Friday, Aug. 3rd, 1594. Wheat. Scotch or Fife .... 67 to 70 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 58 60 Wheat, spring “ .... 56 58 Barley, per bushel. . . .. 45 48 Buckwheat“ .... .. -. 45 50 ~ Oats, ‘f 34 35 Pease, U 56 53 . Rye, “ 42 45 gotatoes, “lb nu 4O 50 (EXSILAGE) ' ‘ utter,per ............ 14 15 Eggs, per doaen...... 8 9 F0“ FEED'HG PURPOSES- Hay, per ton...... . 6.00 7.00 _. Hides............. 1.00 1.50 Hogs.................... 6.00 6.50 s............ 35 7. CARROT SEED Wool l 17 Floor, family, Silver Leaf. . Flour, best bakers‘ . . . . . . . . Flour, clipper...... .30 1.40 Flour, straight rolled . . . . . . 1.50 1.60 Bran, per tou...... . 14.00 15.00 Shorts, U 16.00 18.00 Mixed chop, per ton . . . . .. . 22.00 24.00 is: MANGEL SEED TURNIP SEED AXD ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEEDS STOCK FRESH. PRICES RIGHT ._ AT... W. T. JUNKIN’S. A---»-._._._, -_ ..t__-_.. WANTED AT ONCE. 50 Bushels 01d Potatoes 300 Bushels Oats Everybody glasses, at the Red ....ltlill, Fenelon Falls. J. W. HOWRY & SONS. live. Energetic Men Wanted! To represent us in the sale of our HARDY CANADIAN GROWN NURSERY STOCK. Position permaneutand affords good chance of advancement to all workere. Liberal inducements to new men. Send for our terms. The trial will cost you nothing. STONE 5: WELLINGTON, 12-3m Tononro, ONT. Industrious, sober, re- 4 I liable men to sell our complete lines of Nursery Stock and Seed Potatoes. A few special varieties controlled by us. Commission or salary paid weekly, and guaranteed promptly. Exclusive and choice of territory given. Outfit free. Don’t delay. Apply at once for terms. ALLEN NURSERY 00.9 2-20 ROCHESTER, N. Y. unannqnu l'x'lcts. and ' $1.00 Bottle. " One contadose. .. , , 'l'ms GREAT Cocoa Conn rom tl res where all others fall Cough}; Crgupy not. Throat, Hoaraeneas, Whoopin Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it [has no rival- hos cured thousands,and will Conn mu if takenin time. Sold by Druggists on a guar- antee. For a. Lame Bank or Che use SHILOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTE .250. CATARRH I EMEDV. love on Gator: r This named is ran. teed to cure you. Price, 60 etc. lnyjecgi'sitxeo. For Sale by W. T. Junkin. Subscribe for the ‘Gazette. BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED IN BEFORE FENELON FALLS. ORDERING. l 3W"- A coon sort T0. MEASURE AND R. TAGGART’S NEW TAILORING STORE. . . . . FOR SHOP... , APerfcct Fit Guaranteed. ‘1 SECOND DIVISION COURT IN SURANCE. _,,, ALSO_ PER SUIT- NEW GOODS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. County of Victoria. GIVE ME A CALL CHEAP SUITS FOR BOYS. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED AT Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred hi9 Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At V'ery Lowvest Rates be held in Dickson’s hull, Fenelon Falls, ON MONDAY, OCT. 8th, 1894, _ . I . commencingnt 10 o’clock in the forenoon NonebUtf'rSt'CIass BritiShand canadian Thursday, Sept. 27th, will be the last day companies represented. of service on defendants residing in this COnnty. Defendants living in other coup. ties must be served on or before Sept. 22nd. S. Nevxsou, E. D. HAND, Bailiff. Clerk. Fenelon Falls, July 12th, l894. 36" FARIVI PROPERTY at very low rates. James Arnold. .l. iti’FdliLAiiii HAS EVERYTHING Iii GRDEERIES. THE VERY GHGIEEST 60008. heady-made Clothing at Cost for Cash for 30 Days. -- Every Article a. Bargain. -- l J. Mcfififmo. W The next sittings of the above Court will '

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