Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 20 Jul 1894, p. 5

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“we arm-«wwm. N ,, a Stupets and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, _._.\ .__..... vâ€" .. _. Lawf‘boctst..â€"The Woman’s Forâ€" i had a delightful trip. as the weather cign Missionary Society will give a. lawn social tonight in Mr. W. L. Robson's groundsâ€"as good a place as there is in the vitiage for the purpose. Admission, I as ll~U'ti, 10 cents; refreshments extra. 1 ON THURSDAY Ninthâ€"Don't forget 1 that the Masonic excursion to Burieigh ; Failsâ€"the longest trip of the season-â€" is to be on Thursday next, the 26th, by the st- amcr Colombian. which will a leave here at 7 a. m. For particulars 50': posters. Carr. Steamer, US A., San Diego, 031., any; : ‘1 Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by W. '1‘. Junkin. Asornsa BIG OSE.--â€"Tucsday ap- p-Jill's to be Mr. Wm. O'Brien’s day for big llall. Tuesday of last week he caught one that weighed 17 pounds, and Tuesday of this week he got. one only a pound lighter. They were both taken at utmost the same spot opposite Day’s landing, and were near enough alike to ‘ pas: lor twins. .\'t-;w Formosaâ€"We hear that in Some fields and gardens this year the potatoes are an almost lotal failure, there being any amount of tops, but scarcely any; tubers. If this be true, Mrs. John Wallace, on Bond strcet east, has un- usually good luck with her ” Spuds,” as we know from a sample of fine. ones she sent us a few days ago, and for which sh: will please accept our thanks. Daniel Ritz, proprietor and publisher of the Hamburg, 0nt., Independent, says : “ I was suffering from dyspepsia and liver trouble. I took a few bottles of Shiloh’s Yitalizcr and it cured me. Icon heartily recommend it."' FROM linemanâ€"By Wednesday’s mail we received a letter from Devon- shire, England. containing a remittance from Mr. Ii. E. Glanville, who is still a subscriber for the Gazette, and“ asking i, us to remember him to all his old‘ friends in Fenclon Falls and its vicinity. He was so busy with his hay that he got his daughter Edith to write for him, hutshe forgot to tell us whether the crop was good or not. Goon Eon “M.~.c.”â€"We clip the following from the Drayton, Ont, Atl- ' recite of the 12th inst. 1â€"“ Mr. J. G. Norris has sold his tailoring business and the good-will connected therewith, to .Wr. Malcolm McC‘nllum, who has been his foreman during the past three or four years. ‘ Mac.’ is considered one of the best hands in this part of the country, and now that he has got full possession, will put all the push and ability he possesses into it. The busi- ness will be carried on as heretofore in the Diebel block, over Messrs. Gregory and Johnston's implement store, where CLSLOIDGI‘S will r. ceivc every attention.” Mr. McCallum is a native of Fenelon .ll'alls, and his many friends and rela- tives here will be pleased to learn that he is in business on his own account and will wish him unbounded success. 56‘ The suits that R.Taggart makes are the best advertisement he can publish, and it is not necessary for him to tell you that he is cutting prices, as they have been already cut away down below anything that ~ lea; ever been seen in. this district. Further- more, IL'I‘. wishes to tell his customers and friends that any orders they may please to favor him with shall have his best and prompt attention, and that he employs nothing but the best mechanics. A Boomâ€"With the thermometer running up occasionally to 100- in the shade, with horses sweating even in their stables, and with dogs‘ tongues projecting nearly as far from one end of them as their tails project. at the other, Mr. Jackett's supply of cold spring water is a blessed boon to every resi- dent of the area it irrigates, and not only from morn till dewy cve, but far into the stilly night, men, women and ' children may be seen eagerly quafli'ng the cooling beverage at. the dilIercnt places at which it can be obtained, or carrying it home, in all sorts of vessels, to be used on the premises. Mnduckett, is, of course, working for money, not for love. and after the taps and keys arrive only subscribers will be able to obtain the water; but as it is not only necessary to comfort this hot. Weather, but to some extent a safeguard against disease. it is a pity it cannot be supplied free ol‘chargc {like vaccination). to all who cannot afford to pay for it. SPRING BARGAINS. We have secured a largc quantity of lions and Shoes at a sacrifice. No matter hue w.- gut themâ€"you can have them at less than wholesale prices. . . . JOHNSON 5: SISSON’ . . . The Monster Shoo Men - - Lindsay. Tut: Faunms‘ Picnicâ€"We are told the date of the farmers" picnic to Jacob's Island was fixed by the farmers them- selves ; but, whether this be correct or not. it is certain that when the day, Wednesday, the 18th inst., arrived. so many of them were busy harvesting that the (.olumbiaa left the Falls with only about a hundred persons on board, [ aud'the vast majority of even that. small number were villagers. Enough were, however, picked up at other points to prevent any pecuniary loss, and they ‘wcut out of his mind and shot himself "derailed by wreckers at Battle Creek ~ Helena. was all that could be desired, though too early to get home. While at the island three foot-r;ices,each of 75 yards, were run as follows: Society's race, ' open to members of the Fcnelon branch agricultural society only â€"lst, Thomas Graham,of the Syndicate store, Feuelon Falls. Men's race, open to allâ€"lst, Angus Fountain, Ftsnelon Falls. Boys' raceâ€"lst, Donald Campbell, Fenelon Falls- ’Rah for the Falls! Prairie fires are raging in South Da- kota. ‘ The cholera epidemic continues in St. Petersburg. The laying of another Atlantic cable was begun on Monday. An English buyer is purchasing heavy draught horses at Bellevillc. The ravages of black plague are spreading in China. The Prince of Wales’syacht defeated the Vigilnnt on Monday for the seventh by a mob and nearly killed. Britain’s good ofiices have been ac- cepted in a friendly spirit by China and Japan in the Coreau dispute. The infant son of the Duke of York has been christened Edward Albert George Andrew Patrick David Chris- nan. The Globe correspondent in Winnipeg wires that the crop prospects are better than they have been in any year since 1887. Because he Tost $8,000, Bernard F. Genlsch, a Buffalo man worth $180,000, on Sunday. A Hotchkiss gun exploded while troops were exercising in Chicago on Monday and killed five soldiers, besides injuring.r others. Fifty-two persons Wore poisoned by ice cream at a church festival in West Union, Ill., last week. One is dead and three others are dying. In the House of Commons on Monday Hon. Mr. Foster introduced a bill pro- viding for an increase of $5,000,000 in the Dominion note circulation. From 2,000 to 5.000-1’1lcsin Buffalo called on the Mayor on Friday, asking for assistance to get back to their own country. They are in great distress. The Parisian police have information that an anarchist has left the United States with the intention of‘committing wholesale outrages in Paris. Robert Harding of Lockport, N. S., was brought into St. John, N. B., on Friday five nights adrift in an open boat. It is reported that the‘ Czar will par- night, after being four days and don a large number of political prisoners on the occasion of the Czarcwitch’s wedding. Au east-bound express from Chicago, on the Chicago &, Grand Trunk, was on Monday, and Thomas Crow, the firemen, killed. The new United States cruiser Min- neapolis made her trial trip on Saturday and steamed over 21 nautical miles an hour for a distance of 88 miles. Cramp & Sons, the builders, win a- bonus amounting to $400,000. A Russo-German named Rengarten of Riga will start in August. to walk around the world. He will cross Asia, embark in Japan for Southampton, pro- ceed to New York, and thence sail for France. He intends to give six years to the task. A dcspatch from Helena, Mont., says: The Great Northern Express Company was robbed of $11,600 at Wickes, 20 miles cast of Helena, on Friday morn- l 1 ing. The money belonged to Each, ‘ Cory and, Co.,. wholesale grocers, of The robbers overpowered the express waggon, and took the whole outfit. Dr. Senncr, Commissioner of Immi- gration at New York port, in speaking ofimmigratiou said :â€"â€"“ It is surprising the way in which immigration has fallen off of late. In the first six months of 1803 there came into this port 226.624» emigrants. During the six months just past the total number was 92,785. Of this number 16,958 had been in this country before, and 35,900 went to their immediate families. This leaves in what we call actual immigration only 39,929 for the first six months of 1894'." Mr. Con. Millan, of Kingston, has secured the skin of the calf which was given birth to by one of' Mr. H. Darragh’s cows at Pittsburgh receutl , and will have it stuffed. The calf had two perfectly formed heads and necks, {our front and two hind legs, two spinal columns, two tails and two hearts. The» stomach was twice the natural size, as was also the liver, and the calf was as large at its birth as an ordinary one of six weeks of age. The extra beads, etc., were all perfectly formed, and of the natural size. time. John Rutherford, a Beverly Town- ‘ship former, was gored to death by a bull on Thursday evening. At Honan, China, recently two Am- erican lady missionaries were attacked y BIRTEIS. Sermonsâ€"In the township of Vernlam same thought that 7 o'clock was an hour l on Thursday, July 12th, the wife of Mr. George Spronle cfa son. Dnsw.â€"â€"At Coboconk on Monday. July 16, the wife of Rev. Mr. Drew of a daughter, MW FENELON FALLS HARKETS. Reported by (he North Star Roller Hill 00. Fenelon Falls, Friday, July 20th, 1894. Wheat, Scotch or Fife .. .. 67 to 70 Wheat, fall, per bushel.... 58 60 Wheat, spring “ . . . . 5G 58 Barley, per bushel.... 45 48 Buckwheat“ '.... .. .. 45 50 Oats, “ 34 35 Pease, “ 50 58 Rye, “ ....... . 42 45 Potatoes, “ .. . . . .. . 30 40 Butter, per lb . . . . . . 13 14 Eggs,per dozen.......... 8 9 Bay, per ton...... . 6.00 7.00 Hides . . . . . ........ 1.00 1-50 Hogs............ . . . . . . .. 6.00 6.50 Sheepskins. . . . . . . . . 35 75 Wool 15 17 Flour, fumily,.Sil.ver Leas. . 1.55 1.7.0- Fl‘our, best bakers‘ . . . . . . . . 1.75 2:00 Flour, clipper . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.30 1.40 Flour, straight rolled . . . . . . 1.50 1.60 Bran, per ton . . . . . . . .. . 14.00 15.00 Shorts, “ . . . . . . . . . .. . 16.00 18.00 22.00 24.00 Mixed chop, per ton . . . . .. . AT ONCE. 50 Bushels Old Potatoes 300 Bushels Oats to buy their Lumber, 0 y Latb, Shingles and Wood at the Red . . . . . . . . Mill, Fcnelon Falls. J'. W. HOWRY & SONS. live, Energetic Men Wanted! To represent us in the sale of our HARDY CANADIAN GROWN NURSERY STOCK. Position pcrmnneutand affords good chance of advancement to all workerc. Liberal inducements to new men. Scnd for our terms. The trial will cost you nothing. STONE Oz WELLINGTON, Tunoxro, ONT. 12-3m w t lndustrious, sober, re- an e I liable men to sell our complete lines of Nursery Stock and Seed Potatoes. A few special varieties controlled by us. Commission or snlnry paid weekly, and guaranteed promptly. Exclusive and choice of territory given. Outfit free. Don’t delay. Apply at once for terms. ALLEN NURSERY 00., 2-20 Rocuusren, N. Y. CC ' (ENSILAGE) FOR FEEDING PURPOSES. denuda- SEED MAN'S-EL SEED TURN-'1? SEED AND ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEEDS STOCK FRESH. PRICES. RIGHT _ AT’... W. T. lllNKlll’S. m Caught. (:roupy flora Throat. Boat-scans. 1:60pm Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it in: no that uncured thousmdgand will can You outscaraana .8553}!!! «$353; mam ’ rm. For Solo by '3. 1'. Junkin. TAILOR SHOP... ALSO-â€" BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED 1N FENELON FALLS. A GOOD-SUIT TO MEASURE . . . . FOR PER SUIT. CHEAP SUITS FOR BOYS. BEFORE ORDERING. $10 $12 A First-Class Cutter Engaged. APerl‘ect Fit Guaranteed. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED AT R. TAGGART’S NEW TAILORING STORE. l 6 NEW GOODS. SPRING HAS ARRIVED, and with Spring comes the requirement of new goods. The- question naturally arises, 1 WHERE CAN I GET THE BEST VALUE FOR MY MONEY? We guarantee this season to sell you better goods fer less been offered before. money than has ever WW All wool Serge Dress Goods, 17 shades, worth 380., for Black Cashmere, good quality, 38 inches, worth 320., for All wool Henrietta, n11 shades, worth 350., for . . . . . . . . Beautiful Cotton Challis, dark and light, worth 15c., for All wool Dress Goods, plain, checks & stripes, worth 25c., Prints, wide, fast__colors, new goods, worth 70., for.... See our Delaine Prints,very wide, new p.1tterus,worth 1 7c. Factory Cotton, extra heavy were, 7, 9, and 10c., for . . . . 5 Stenmlooms, free from dressing, were 6,8,31,10,12, for 5, 7, 8, Beautiful Embroideries, beginning at 20. and up to . . . . $1. 317 Designs in Laces, coming as low as . .. . 379 Sample Parnsols “ - Ladies' Chemise,white cotton,fnll sizc,1acc trimme . “‘ embroidery trimmed If U . (L H H HOHIGIO omwcwcw'owqg F. v- I. 1 9, CF“ to "IIIIIO Clo-clouctuccc p l 25 29 45 “ Drawers, “ “ tucked, lace trimmed 251 (1 tr tt tt H embroide it 45 “ White Cotton Corset Covers, lace trimmed . .. 25 “‘ “- “ embroide trim’d . . . . . .. 35. “ “ Night Robes, “ at 60, 75,SI,S1.35~ See our‘beautit‘ul Shaker Flannel, big drivc .. .. . . . . . . . s “ “ “ “ 32 inches wide...... 10 Heavy Cotton Shirtings, fast colors, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Extra Heavy Feather Ticking, job price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Six Large Linen Finish Handkerchiefs for .. . . . . . . ’25 Ladies‘ fawn, black, navy, brown spring & summ’r‘capes 2.90 Beautiful ane Curtains, taped edges . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . 30' Cotton Yarn, 5-1b.'bunch, wholesale price . . . . . . . . . 1.00- Benutiful Linen Ten. Towels, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Men’s Socks, pure wool and very fine, only . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Large Carriage Umbrellas, going at . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-0 Five-fourths Table Oil-cloths, new patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . 25. ’ Coat’s 10-yds. Spool, black. and white, per dozen . . . . . . 30 WW- Ladies, you should see our stock of Dress Goods, Delaines and Trimmings. Gents, we carry the largest stock of Gents’ Furnishings. Hats Etc. in Lindsay .. Our Men’sandBoya’ Clothing Stock is now complete at prices to please every buyer. ’ C‘ARTER, TIIE' IJ‘EOPLE’S FRIEN D, 40 KENT STREET, LIN DSAY.. u; thnnANeE. Mr: Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At Very Lowest Rates None butfirst-class British and Canadian Companies represented. 36?” FARIVI PROPERTY at very low rates. - James Arnold. ‘ SECOND DIVISION COURT â€"OF THE- C‘ounty of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will» be held in Dickson’s hall, Fcnelon Falls, ON MONDAY, OCT. 8th, 1894, commencingat 10 o’clock in the forcnoon Thursday, Sept. 27th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this cunnty. Defendants living in other COUIL~ tics must be served on or before Sept. 22nd. S. Nnvtson, E. D. Hun. Bnilifl‘. Clerk. Fenelon Falls, July 12th, 1894. THE. VERY .I'. M’FABLAND HAS EVERYTHING IN GBOGERIES. GHOIGEST 00008. iReally-made Clothing at Cost for W \ Cash for 30 Days. secretsfimii'imiw -- Every Article a. Bargain. -- W. J. McFARLAND. GIVE ME A CALL. . ..-~.... In . ............. ., .

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