Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 15 Jun 1894, p. 1

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YO L. XXII. e hEE WI? ' cease ? . islet " teas show goods. ()nr Dry Goods department is full of “ plums ” in the way of bargains and novelties, Delaines, Cashmeres, Serges, Hop- Principal Grant on the Issue. The one point that our people every- where must settle is this: Can we get administrators who are determined that the commandment “Thou shalt not steal " shall be observed? Till that is settled it is useless to talk about any- thing else. Provincial rights, school questions, tariff reform, British c'inncc tion, canals. cables, railwaysâ€"what is the use of discussing these if we sink into a nation of thieves? That is what we must become if we tolerate stealing in high places, for what is done at the top is sure to permeate to the bottom. Look at the revelations that we have had since 1891â€"corruption in so many timed ‘ Tet warm Our store is now complete in every particular, and We invite the public to call and inspect it. Vie consider it no trouble to If you do not buy today, you will toâ€"morrow. after becoming conversant with our remarkably low prices,‘ We keep everything in the general store line except Hard- ware, and if you want any of that we will give you a letter of introduction to Joe Heard. l because they think him a slave to Rome: They might just as well think him the. King of the Cannibal Islands. I know gthe farce of prejudice and passion, but ‘it is difficult to believe. that many ofthe intelligent people of Ontario will be car- ,ried off their feet by this scare. Then- ’are bigots on both sides, but the great mass of the people do not intend to sow dragon’s teeth, and the great mass of Protestants have no intention of fighting God’s cause with the devil's weapons gard to the P. P. A. Coquetting with such an association, or even silently acâ€" . cepttng its aid, must be fatal to him. ' sackings, Whipcords, Figured Lustres, Dress Muslins, Lama quarters that We "0"del'c‘l 1f the” “"5 . . . . . a clean 8 0t anywhere. A recent in- Cloths, etc., in endless Variety, wath a full line of appropriate stance is :uough ,0 Show how d-ecp and trimmings, consisting of Lace Insertions, Serpentine Braid, widespread the roots of the malady are, It may be said that he is not coquettiug. No, but the receiver is as bad as the thief. Such allies must have their price. You CAN ear IT AT - H. J. LYTLE’S, FI‘INELON FALLS. c May 71h, 1894. Professional Chrds. MUSIC. â€"..__.....__..._.fl_ .. . . _ . .._.. _..._._-- hiss THIIISVIETHWAITE, i'th) has studied for years with the best teachers on this continent, and has passed the required examinationsat the Toronto College of Music, will give Lessons on Organ or Piano, ALSO VOCAL Lessoss 1r DESIRED. For Terms apply at Mrs.~J. McArthur‘s Military Braid, Princess May Braid, Laces, Gimps and Ribbons of all shades and widths. Our Carpets and House Furnishings MP3 THE CLIIW artistic designs, richness of coloring and fineness of texture. Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrains, Unions. Heath and Matting, Lace Curtains, Chenille Curtains, Art Muslins and' Curtain Scrlm‘at all prices. FGR A beautiful assortment of Velvet Pile Rugs. and to show how hard it is for a Gov- . ernment to act, even with good inten- tions, unless supported by a healthy public opinion. Two worthy gentlemen were convicted and sent to gaol. Prison disagreed with them, and they were set free. One is about offering himself as a candidate for parliament; the other was taken from prison as a conquering hero. In Montreal fine gentlemen received him at the railway station with cheers, took him to the‘ Windsor hotel, and dined and wined him. He, in reply, said not a word about ill health, but declared that the people would not allow the Government to keep him in prison any longer. When convicts get such treat- ment, ordinary man will not be much disinclined to be classed among convicts. As we think of the saturnalia that must have existed for a long time before such and they are sure to act as a boomerang. I would like to hear from both leaders a repudiation and denunciation of any organization that is based on the pro- scription of any class of our people on religious grounds. We need a union of all good men in Canada, and we dare not say to any man‘that he must abanâ€" don the religion of his mother before he can expect to be treated as a citizen. . On this third ground, then, I say, we cannot afford to dispense with the services of Sir Oliver Mowat." -9 A Patrcn’s Experience. Mr. D. M. Macpherson, the l’atrom Liberal candidate for Glengarry, in a letter to the Glcngrm-ian, says : “I feel bound to attach myself to ‘ that leader who has proved himself in ‘ i l v l l ) residence. - 1,500 yards Carpet sold since 1st April. , a state of . the past to be progressive,libcral, broad- _.____.._-..__ , - _ - . Publw morals could be°9me minded and honest. I hope to be able LEGAL &c‘ F1001 Oilcloths, yard and yard and a half Wide, handsome powble’ we are forced to ask Wm, with allmyhumble ability“) strengthen , . mm... A. r. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. M HOPKINS & CHISlâ€"thM, (Sl‘CCESSOR 'ro Mums 8: Hora‘ixs) ARRISTER, SOLICITUR, are Money 8 to Loan at 6-per cent. Office, Wil- linm street, next to the Bank of Montreal. G. ll. llorxtss. D. H. ClilSllOLM. MOORE 8'. JACKSON, ) ARRISTI‘IRS, SOLICITORS, &6. Of- “ V lice, William street, Lindsay. ’ F. D. Moons. A. J acxsos. -__..fl,.__...___________..__£_...._ MCIN'I‘YRE & STEWART, ARRISTEIIS, Solicitors, Notaries, &c. B Olliccs over Ontario Bank, Kent street, . Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. a D. J. Mchrras. T. Srswaar. MFDICAL. A. w. J. neonassn M. D., ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., 85c. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, -â€"u. s., u. c. r. a s., Ontario,â€" ll‘i’SIClAN, SURGEON a ACCOUCH- cur. Office, Colborne Street, Fenclon Falls. ‘ Du. H. II. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the Universilyol Trinity G College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College1 or Surgeons of England, Member of the Col- lcgc of Physicians & Surgeons pf Ontario. Oflicc and residence on Francis-St. \l est Fonelou Falls, opposite the Gorilla office. R. M- MASON: TETERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- \ uatc Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto 1884 3 R. .\I. 0. V. M. A. Residence-Francis Street East, Eenelon Falls. ' "scavenge. m: 27-“- N. . .__ JAMES menses, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 8., P, Conveyancer, kc Residence, and ad- d recs, Feuelon Falls. " " mm.” ‘i-i W..-" W. H. Gross. Dentist- ‘l‘hc beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with lucccu. Gas and nllpther anesthetics for extracting teeth without pain. A set of .Ilrlq‘ficml flab, better than me avenge, for $8 00. Rooms directly opposite Wood's More depot, Lindsay. H. HART. L. D. S. 831‘ OI" GOOD TEETH FOR $l0. Gu A “a local anesthetics for painless ex- tracting. Snusfaction guaranteed in all I of dentistry. ""3313 our Fairrcathcr & 00'. store, and: opposite the put-once, Lindsey. Provisions we excel. Wth PAPER. patterns. 18 dozen Parasols, from 50e. to $3. an assortment to ’choose from. Bay where you have Hosiery, Gloves, etc, for the million. , Our Clothing and Gents’ Furnishings department contains a full line of men’s, boys’ and youths’ Black Worsteds, Halifax Tweeds, Blue Serges and Canadian Twecds. A fit’guaranteed. Camping Shirts, Bathing. Suits, Hats, Caps, Ties, Oil-cloth Coats, etc.,' at amazingly tall! Pacts AND" Shoes The largest and best stock in the county. In Groceries and Fresh Fruit, Cheap Sugars, Fine Teas. GOOD VALUES. DIcDougall, «««m I i r you see them you will buy Sure. Brandon & Co. SEE OUR . . 50. ‘38: Papers. 100. o a one our ravens so At 150., 17c., 200., 250., 350. and 40c. are the Best Value we have ever shown. WINDOW SHADES AND WINDOW PAPER. . . . THE CHEAPEST IN TOWN. NEW BRICK INEYISCI‘I’S Bill’th BLOCK, STREET, FENELON FALLS. I might have happened to the richest province in the Dominion it any easy- going politician had had charge of its strong box. What plunder there was for a gang. We have timber limits worth tens of millions; we could stand a debt of twenty or thirty millions as easily as Quebec. A politician of easy virtue would have lavished these mil- lions on heelcrs and hangers on, who, in return, would be enthusiastically voting him a god. Does not this, though, throw some light on what we have es- caped, and On what we owe to the man who who has been in charge of our “strong box” for twenty-two years? As-‘nredly, the revelations have had that effect on me. Our money is still ours, and our honor is safe. Thank God for it: also let us keep our powder dry -â€"that is, keep a good servant at his post. A man who will not read this lesson will not readianything. In one word, Ontario cannot afford to dismiss Sir Oliver Mowat. There is, howover, another reason for voting for him that appeals to men who believe that British connection is indispensable to the growth of‘Canadian nationality. Mn. Mowat was always loyal, but in the last two or three years he has taken a decided stand that has cost him some followers, and that in my opinion should win for him twice as many. His acceptance of honor from the Queenâ€"and it is clear to me that as a rule politicians should neither seek or refuse such honorsâ€"his Niagara speech, his dismissal of an official who defied him on a point of duty involved in his oflice to the crown, these things should not be flirgotten. When D'Alton Mc- Carthy said, ‘ Though Sir Oliver Mow- at has lost Elgin Myers he has gained Mr. McCarthy,’ a good many added in- (lividually, ‘and me, too.’ In one word, those men who are in favor of British connection cannot afford to dismiss Sir Oliver Mowat. Again.'there can be no doubt that Sir Oliver Mowat stands now for the fair treatment of minorities, and that is the only way to make possible a united Canadian people. Some Protestants Seem to be scared now, and they will be ashamed of themselves by-and-byc. We Protestants used to be fearless. We used to say that truth is great and will prevail; that truth needed only a fair field and no favor; but now some of us seem to be afraid of the rustling ofa leaf. It is fancied that one Roman Catholic in a Cabinet can bind half a dozen Protestants, and that a feeble minority can deprive as of our liberties if they get their share of a number of paltry oflices. The forms that this centre takes are so extreme that it is im possible for the thing to last any time. For instance, there is not a. more typi- cal Protestant in Canada than Hon. Mr. Gibson. ' He is straight from first to last, incorrnptiblc, every inch a man, capable. diligent, an honor to his city. Yet some good men are opposing him his hands to promote ‘ the greatest good to the greatest number ’ in the practise of economy in all its details, the promo- tion and purity of morals, and in civil and religious liberty, as well as general improved administration and the con- servation of the civil and religious rights of every class of our people. In my address I said: ‘ I will also en- deavor to prevent by the some, means class legislation that will not give ‘ I cannot help saying here that I \vonâ€" d‘er a little that Mr. Meredith does'not speak out what he must feel with re- perfect freedom to all religious denomi- nations to worship their Creator accord- ing to their conscience and creed.’ And further on in the said address I said : ‘ I desire to say most emphatically that our organization has never had and neVer can have any affiliation, directly or indirectly, with any organization affecting the religious standing of the people.’ I feel confident that a great benefit can be generally given to the struggling industries of our farmers by wise counsel, liberal assistance and practical example. This is fully con- firmed by some experience which I have had in the past, when upon sev- eral occasions I was delegated to wait upon Sir Oliver Mowat and his Cabinet ' to solicit aid and give counsel for the promotion of the dairy interests of our Province. In every case the assistance asked for was cheerfully given and the counsel prmnptly acted onâ€"the full effect of which is felt and appreciated by every dairyman in the Province to the extent that all men can proudlv say that we have succeeded beyond our most sanguine cxpections, and when we measure this success and compute it into money value it shows an culmncad value of over one million dollars to the Province, or about three dollars 0n the product of each miieh cow made into cheese alone each season. The spending of a few thousand dollars in proper channels has brought millioiis in return. The propriety of such expenditure no one can or should dispute." â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"o-o From Horse Plains, Montana, to Odin, Idaho, the distance is 125 miles, and 95 miles of the Northern Pacific railroad tracks in that section are under water. A Vancouver deapatch says all Domin- ion day celebrations in British Columbia will be abandoned and the money allot- ted for that purpose given to ihe flood sufi'erers. A strike at Pekin, China, has collapsed after the Government had the leaders arrested and tried for treason. The convicted ones will be strangled or ban- ished to the lever and mo uito regions. Lieutenant-Governor ' cwdney of British Columbia has telegraphed to ,Lnrd Aberdeen that the effects of the sliced have been overstated; that the greatest loss is the season’s crops; that no lives have been lost, and that at the time of telegraphiug little or no news- of stock having been destroyed had been ,received. _, .,_M.._. .,..A -e». .-.. .....~o a--«â€"$. pwa‘,.~. m-

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