Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Jun 1894, p. 8

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‘0». ~.n-.. ..<.â€"w .‘oo-v-IN . . .nga #1315; l‘fi‘Fr ' Her Personal Property"; GO TO LINDSAY WHEN YOU CAN DO BETTER . g i BY DEALING AT noun 1 AM . . ‘ overturn a rmsncnass GUARANTEED BEST GRADE THROUGHOUT, WITH THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, FOR THE LOW PRICE OF The Sunflower and its Uses. This commrn but beautiful plant is familiar to everybody, and grows wild over our whole country. It. will grow in almost any soil and requires little in its cultivation. I shall endeavor to show in this article what a valuable plant it is, and whats profitable in- dustry may be made by small farmers who have waste lands that ,could be profitably used for its cultivation at comparatively little expense. There are over fifty species of sunflowers known, but [shall refer more particu- larly to the giant flowered Helianthus .Amiurns. It is supposed to get its name from its head turning to the sun, from east to west, every day, hence its French name, “ Toures;" or, more probably, it is from its resemblance to the old pictures of the sun surrounded by golden rays. In the year 1596 Girard notices the plant in England, and calls it flower 8118 WANTED THE NEIGHBORS TO KNOW WHAT SHE HAD. MlLLIHEBY MILLINERY ‘ 1W rs. Heeley 1105 a splendid stock of filillirzery for Me Spring trade, to w/zie/z Me attention of intending pur- e/zasers is invited. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER A t t/ze Lowest Prices. wmnow PAPER Fancv GOODS A deputy assessor called at a suburb. an residence a few days ago and asked the lady of the house to fill out her statement of assessable personalpropert y. She had never made out a statement before, this public duty having been ut~ tended to by her husband in previous years. In some wa‘ she w s u l‘ l. ' ‘ ITS DURABILITY TURNS INFERIOR MAKES . 5 I l). a. m u. ‘0 .ml “ ABOUT FACE " To THE REAR presion t not t u..statenunt of he: elftcts - . . . . . would be published ill the daily papers, and she was anxious to let her neighbors know what. she had. “ Have you a piano, madam ‘1’" asked the deputy assessor. “ I have that, and a fine one, too." “ What is it worth?" ‘ “ Not a cent less than 81,000." “ What is your other household furn- iture worth ?" The Improved “ BUCK-ES’E ” Phaeton} Cart. $30.00. â€"~â€" NEXT DOOR 'ro xxoxs BLACK- SMITH SHOP, FENELON FALLS. I I I of the sun, or “ Marigold of Peru,” as MATERIALS “ At least. $2,500." The assessor it has quite a respectable antiquity even FOR FANGY WORK” glanced at the ranr carpet doubtfully, in civilized countries. An acre ofland will contain 25,000 plants, at 15 to 20 inches apart. It has been found that they will produce from 80 to 100 bush- els of seed, that will yield from seven to eight quarts of oil to the bushel. The refuse of the seeds, after the oil is expressed, can be made into oil cake for fattening animals. The stalks when burned for alkali give 10 per cent potassa. As the sunflower exhausts the potash in the land to a great extent, the ashes would be valuable to return to the ground with manure. The green leaves make good fodder or can be used as en- silage. If dried and burned topowder, they are good to mix with beans for milch cows. The seeds are said to be more oleaginous than those of the flax plant, and combine all the qualities of the best olive oil. It can be used for lamps, and burns as well as sperm oil, without its smoke. Painters say it is superior to linseed oil, as it dries rapid~ ly and spreads easily. The stalks are full of strong fiber, like that of flax or hemp, and is begin- ning to be used in the manufacture of paper. Machinery» for all purposes has attained such excellence here, and much of it is so simplified and inexpensive, that machines for expressing the oil and separating the fiber can be produced at small cost. As the sunflower is less de~ pendent on the weather than many plants, it is well worth trying by those who have waste lands, and the returns are quick and pretty sure. . There is another item where this plant can also be made most profitably available. Wherever a field of sun- flowers is grown its owner should set up an apiary. It is one of the best bee pas- tures known. ‘Its numerous luscious nectaries yield an abundance of the best and most palatable honey. Anyone who has passed near a clump of sunflowers in full bloom must have noticed what a buzzing the bees kept up round them, and what a strong scent of honey they exhale. I trust that this information may induce many to give this culture a fair trial, and that we may yet see fields of sunflowers as common as those of cats or rye. The seed of the sunflower given to chickens in the winter answers as well as animal food for them, and helps to produce eggs early in the season when fresh ones are scarce. so profitable in '«every market. The young flower cups. when taken before the seeds are formed, and dressed like artichokes, are very palatable. One species, the H. tubernsa, a tall, wild plant, known as the Jerusa- lem artichoke, is also a useful plant when cultivated so as to increase the size of the tubers. They give a. whole- some vegetable, and will prosper where potatoes fail and makea good substitute. Thus it will be seen that the sunflower is one of the most valuable crops the farmer can raise on his waste land, as it will grow where other crops iail. _..__.___. - A Pasture Pointer. "IN GREAT VARIETY STAMPING DONE Eggs Taken in Ext/image. MRS. i-TEELEY. MONEY TO LOAN. I have recently had a considerable, though limited, sum of money placed with . me for loaning on forms at Five and u-half per cent. Parties wishing to borrow on these terms should not delay to make application. Large amounts of funds, at slightly higher rates, according to security. In most cases solicitor work is done at my emce, insuring speed and moderate expenses. - Allan S. Macdonell. Barrister &c., Lindsay. LINDSAY Marble Works. $8 R. CHAMBERS ilk is.prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONUMENTS'AND HEADSTONES, both Marble and Granite. but put it down at that. KERR & to NEW Oisn sronr “ I a , said. There were a few cheap chromos OPPOSITE BENSON HOUSE. LINDSAY. "‘"“~"“g °“ “‘8 “"- “ Have nine oil paintings, worth $50 apiece." New Fall and Winter Jackets, v New Dress Goods, “ Do you keep any poultry ?" “ Yes, sir, I'havo about 500 young chickens." " What are they worth f" “ They are of a very fine breed and i , , , “ Chickens, 8500," he replied, as he New Trimming Bra-ids, fined outthe blank. “ Do you keep a now or a horse 7" New Corsets and Gloves, any cow.” " You have no franchises to assess, ‘ o four. You can put them in at 8100 Ne‘V TOWGiilngS, apiece, can’t you ?" ' ' Cottons and Shirtings, 34950. Is that almost right?” “ No, but I have a fine gout." New Frillings and Ties, have on 1’" “ Certainly, madam. The total is . . . “ You might make it a round 85000." Gentleman's Furnishings Complete. “ What do you value it at ?" New Handkerchiefs, - “ o-o,” she responded doubtfully. Her husband has been haunting the “ About $100. Naunie's better than Ne“, Flannels and Flannelettesa “ But I think my husband has three or assessor’s oflico ever since in an effort to playing a joke on the deputy when she everybOdy' swore to that statement.â€"-â€"Sun Francisco dihlilkfillillt. K E R R & C O . “’8” A D... .â€" TIIE DUTCHMAN’S EXPERIENCE HAD SEASONABiE srnmo ooos. A certain Dutchman, owner of n MRNJQIBBQ. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. . ' Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, etc., a specialty. WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the. market on Cam- bridge street, opposite Matthews‘ pniking house. Being a practical workman all should see his designs and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. BOBT. CHAMBERS. North of the Town Hall. small house, had effected an insurance on it of £800, although it had been built for much less. The house was burned down, and the Dutchman then claimed the full amount for which it had been insured, but the officers of the company refused to pay ._more than its actual valueâ€"â€"about £600. He express- ed his dissatisfaction in powerful broken English, interlarding his remarks with some choice Teutonic language. “ If you wish it," said the agent of the insurance company, “ we will build you a house, larger and better than the one burned down, as we are positive it can be done for even less than £600.” FULL STOCK BUILDING HARDWARE, To this proposition the Dutchman ob~ PAIHTS’ o'Ls’ AND WHITE LEAD’ jected. and at last was compelled to take A FULL ASSOHTMENT OF TINWABE, the £600, ALL OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT ROCK BOTTOM PRICES FOR CASH, Some weeks after he received the . â€"â€" - money he was waited upon by the same BABY CARRIAGE-ES $5.00 AND UP. AbouOdtlaan-baluctaalm THE HATHAWAY PATENT FENCE WIRE. Most Attractive in Design, and will stand a Test Breakage of 2,500 lbs. EAT,RADEARKs COPYRI G H TS. CAN I OBTAIN A PATENT ? For a romlpt answer and an honest oplnlo write to III N do 00.. who have had 11ng y years' experience In the patent business. mmnnica. uons strictly confidential. A Handbook or In- formation ooncernl Patents and how to ob- tain them sent tree. lso a catalc oormeohan. lcal and scientific books sent free}u Patents taken through Mann & 00. receive at notlce lnthe Scientific American, and t as are brought widely before the public with- out. cost to the Inventor. This splendid aper. Issued weekly. elegantlylllnstrated. has n arthe largest clrou atlon or on scientific wor In the world. 3 ayear. Sam e co lea sentfree. Bulldi Ed tron mon 1y. ayear. Single cotptes, 2. cents. Every mun ei- contains bean- i’ofil “an. $l’..°2.‘°"'b‘il“‘ thll‘fmt’é‘h?‘ "i." can as u era a owt latesgadesl sand secure contracts. Address 6 . MUNN 00.. NEW YORK. 38]. BROADWAY. SHOVELS, PICKS, FORKS, agent, who wanted him to take out a policy of life insurance on himself or his wife. “ If you insure your wife for To the Patrons: Landâ€"Flagr $6.00 and $7.00 Per Ton £2,000.” the agent said. "and she David Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls It is not uncommon for inexperienced stocktnen to think they have scoured Blacksmithingin all its different branches “1 a b . l done on short notice and at the lowest 03“ u" 935m“ ccame hey can mm living prices. Particularattention paid to into a field where crass is a foot or more horse-shoeing. Give me a. call and I will high. Except with clover, and not al. guarantee suiisfaction. 45-ly. ways with that. a large growth is not ..___._-.. the sweetest and most nutritious. Very often indeed the‘uutouched grass in the A R pasture field is left uneaten because it lacks the sweetness which cattle found in shorter and more nutritious grass. We have often seen the grass eaten down -- -- TRUN KS- - ~- as any bent or shoemaker in the county. almost to the soil over an underdraiu, eutly just as good, but uueaten, a few ‘3'?“ All kinds of while the grass grew green, and appar- feet away. Then. too, a dressing of u ’ R-EPAIRSICXECUTEI) mineral fertilizer. either potash or phos. s with neutness and dcspatch. photo, will do much to sweeten this too 3 ' * ‘ A Very Eff ctive Hint. IN OAR LOTS should die, you will have the sum to the Dutchman ; “ you ’surance follows ish all tiefs. IfI insure my vife, and my vife dies, and if I goes to the oflico to get my two tousaud pound, do I gets BACK AGAIN. â€"~â€" To the residents of Fenelon Fans. tousand pound, she vas vorth about six Take notice that any person or persons pourld- _ "you d_°" t mm dc 5” Pq'mjl», ‘ ' ‘ removing. from any village or district in. V0 V1“ gifyou a bigger and better Vlfc. " respectfullyinforms his numerous 01d ens, fected With diphtheria to Fenelon Falls _ Health. The citizens of Fenelon Falls who Boot and $1106 BuSIneSS ‘13":3; 3291:3322: “Sgcgfdcgmienienced Will it Don’t you think earrings would be, in the store lately occupied by Mr. S. Nevi g 3,, order 0, we Board Main, come you ?" inquired Kosciusko Jones son on the east side of Colborne street,und " hopes by turning out solace your heart." J05. HEARD. all do money? No, no quite. You tumors and the public generally that he M” be quarantined for 9' Peri°d 0f 14 dull" A WILSON, M. D” of Birdie McInuis, tho belle of Harlem. GOOD WORK AT LOW PRICES Fenelon Falls, Feb’y 22nd, 1893. l-t. f. lie-“mum” “"9"”"9 onmc- “ I don’t know," replied Birdie, doâ€" u ‘ . n murely. The Fenelon tans Gazette “ I suppose the reason you don’t. wear them is because it will hurt so to have your ears bored." “ Oh, not in the least." said Birdie, 0,, one can, per week will be added as with animation. “ I've had that done long as itremnins unpaid, already quite oftenâ€"almost every 0er- “ Donner und blitzen," exclaimed N O '1‘ I C E. --â€"- vill say to me, ‘ She vas not vorth two has returned to Fenelon Falls and resumed 0" long": 3 “‘0 diserelion 0" the Board Of 5km“, 11mm, 017,“, Kosciusco had been paying birdie very to obtain a fair share of patronage. IQ” Drop in, leave your measure and be ' e t . : . w if on . . . confine d int he cm do a“ GI or 3 is printed every Friday at the office, on the corner of May and Francis streets. SUBSCRIPTION 81 A YEAR IN ADVANCE, _._._.___._..... large growth. Probably on most soils l KENT_ST Advertisiu ,. :Rntc8 ing. in fact, for the last three weeks." ‘ . dd. l ltel b k- -‘ ’ _ 3'” ' 'l‘l K." ld iii; afiidgihnc sdiiégizians 3,529 giant uo- LIIN DSAY: .... J0 Professional or business cards, 50 cents mo 0 cmsco mac '0 around m _..._ ”.§.~.â€"..__â€".â€" Q <: a - . 3 cents per line for the first insertion, and ,- and commenced to fade arming”). pm," Om" ammo and gum “mom”! in EVERYTHING BELONGING ‘TO THE griz‘fgiLl'a 2:11:1ng ihctkurdiih‘itdi’ioqtimiiid 2 “a” P" “M for “My subseqiient inser- the room. He fairly melted away into equal parts, dissolrgd in hot water, i SADDl.Elt\: ANpfltRNfiSS TRADE fining inserted in :nific‘iu, we") fife g. tion. Contracts hy we ye“, bu”. year or . obscurity, and now a wide chasm “pun "lake lhe be“ “mi most convenient mu. 00313111511.) hEl’T l.\ STOCK. Marga. Gus (vitalized air) and local-nnms- less: “1'00 reasonable terms. 3 ates the llnllant Kosciusko and thr- cilaee to keep in the house. theties used with great success for painless JOB PR] 51' | 'ING g charming Birdie.-â€"- Tam: SUN/rye, When lamps are not in use for a fi extraction. Visits the Alt-Arthur House, - . .- m.-....- -l h id be d Fenclon Falls, the third Tuesday of every or “iiordmi‘ri holds “Mined “can” co" . . . . week or more the or 8 on poure . . , . . recilt and at mudtmte prices. 1 fl Oh! ll lou please m ,5 [he chhl. a "tale 0“ “in can“! an “a month. Call in the forenoon. if possxlne. - 3 ' ‘ ' ‘ out, or no . -» ' ‘ ' l ' ' ‘ Odin in hit dsa ' nc rl" o i sit- the Sim 3.0. “AND, ren insured' 'm 7 " .. Gum, uracil.“ , pleasant odor when next it alighted. I DONE ON SHORTEST NOTICE. i ' -‘ “ J “’0 L 1» Beautiful sets ofArtifieiul Teeth [ISN'ch per line ‘Icru'mum- Ci‘w‘” "dvcl’lil‘cmenup the plan", pulled his hat "a. the C(wer' son “use. Proprietor. why 7 " “ 'Cause th' nurseryb afire, 'm." 1 a o d ’ k i‘S l l I New Underwear for Ladies and Children, 3323‘ m e ‘-‘ °°"‘ “ ’ mu 8 “ We cordially invite you to call and examlne our new Fall Stock. One price to 0°"Viuce that “M” "‘“t his “'if" “"‘S , a I f’.

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