Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Jun 1894, p. 5

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BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED IN TENDERS WANTED. Tendhrs will be received by the underb ' . signed up to Saturday, June 2nd, ’04. for the erection of a A BRICK SCHOOL-HOUSE (size 22 x 32) for II. S. S. No. 11, Verulam, Somerville and Fenelon. Tenders must be marked “ Tenders for School.” The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted: For plans and specifications address JAMES POULSOM, Sec-Trees, Fenelon Falls P. 0. May 8th,_1894.â€"12-3 COURT OF‘ REVISION. Township . of Fenelon. GIVE ME A CALI: w-. . . . .7.) is.“ “a”... s--. Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Township of Fenelon will meet for the Revision of the Assessment Roll of1894 At the Village of Glena‘rm. on Tuesday, the 5th Day of June, 1894, at 10 o'clock a. in. Parties desiring to appeal must file notice of their intention With the undersigned not later than the 22nd day of May, or their appeal will not be considered. . :.._..-..-_._ ma -... . H. J. LYTLE, Clerk. Fenelon Falls, May 15th, 1894. §.<. $IO $l2 ‘ SPRING His ARRIVED, Revision for the corporation of the l BEFORE FEXELON FALLS. ' momma. "'â€" A GOOD Amer. PER SUIT. CHEAP SUITS FOR BOYS. NEW GOODS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. moss? SAVED IS MONEY mum AT “ and with Spring comes the requirement of new goods. The question naturally arises, COURT OF REVISION. VILLAGE 0/: FENELO/V FALLS We guarantee this season to sell you better goods for less: money than has ever been offered before. iiiii "'T ' R. TAGGART’S NEW TAILORING STORE. WHERE CAN I GET THE BEST VALUE will be held in the Council Chamber in Jordan’s Block, in the said village, On Monday, the 4th of June, 1894, ' YE VALIANT KNIGHT. SiR' OLIVER. mots FORTH All wool Serge Dress Goods, 1? shades, worth 38c, for 25¢. at the hour of 10' o’clock a. m. Black Cashmere, good quality, 38 inches, worth 320. for 20 TO VAN UISH YE‘ THRSOME DRAGON! All arties interested will take notice All Wool Henrietta. all shades, worth 35c., for I. .. 19 P . . ' and govern themselves accordingly. Beautiful Cotton Challis, dark and light, worth 15c., f0 - 09 N. Finâ€"The Assessment Roll is now on All wool Dress Goods, plain, checks «it stripes, worth 250., 15 file at the clerk’s office, where it may be Prints, wide, fast colors, new goods, worth 7c,, for.... 5 examined by all interested. See our Delaine Prints-,very wide, new p:itterns,worth 17c. 13 W. Th JUNKIN Factory C'otton,extra heavy were, 7, 9-, and lOc., for . . . . 5, 7, 8' x Village élerk Steamlooms, free fromidressmg, were 6:,8,9,.10.12,.for 5, 7, 8,9, 10 i i - . i . , , . .. , ' ’ Beautiful E‘mhroid’erics beginningnt 2c; and up to . . .. $l.00 S A Y .3 _ the 4,000 miners of the 00.11 Lreleik Fenelon Falls, Mayith, 1-894. 14-4. 317 Designs in Laces, éomlng as low as . ...... 1 You’ll feel like kicking yourself if you dlsu‘mt: gem!" Who went out 00 gm e 3.79.Sum'ple [farasol's “ .“ . “ ...._.. .0“... 25- am“ hm": 3”"? Summer Suit made at 0" April ‘1: have 3" rammed to work. w t d hnd‘ustrious, sober, re- Ladies‘Chemise,whi-te-cotton,fullSize,lnee trimmed ..... 29 Clark & Son’s. They were compelled to return to work e I liable men to sell our L‘ D “ ‘i‘ temlliriaidelry trimmed 42 'v . . __ V ‘ - m- starve, ‘ complete lines of Nursery Stock and Seed ‘ rawerS, uc e , ace trimme 2.) . b' A“ Nfiru’a.‘ the 5“,lvau?n.Ar.m-y Potatoes. A few special varieties controlled “ _“ “ “- “ embrOid’y “ 45' “item” cPlcbri'UWJ he": 1’00!“ 8 JIUbllec 'l‘lie seventeen-year locusts have set- by us, Commission or salary paid weekly, “ White Cotton Corsct Covers, lace trimmed ....... 25 a” 0"" Cil'm'l“ “"131 Juu‘v‘ 29d w 4th) tied dowu upon the upper Cape May, and guaranteed promptly. Exclusive and “' “ _ “ embroid’y trim”d.. ...... 35 this being the fiftieth year since he N. J" county fields, orchards and vineT choice of territory given. Outfit free. Don‘t “' “‘ _ Night RObesi . “ i M 60,75,$1,$1~35 Blamed Pig ministry Th” ‘Army 1,53“, yards, and are, destroying the fruits and delay. Apply at once for terms. See our beautiful Shaker Fla‘nnel, 13‘ m the Bans m” have a special. meeting V6"el3rb195- The farmers are now dis' ALLEN NURSERY co" Heav Cotton Shit-tin s fast colors at. . . . .. 5 ‘ . . a. . . R, y g) , co nee-ounce; 0’} Monday, the 4th: “he” addrC‘S-TCS cussmg plans for self protection, and 3‘20 ' OCHESTERI - " E-xtm Heavaeatliec Ticking,j’ob price . . . . . . . . .......'.. 8' Wlll be delivered by RCV. Mr. McKin- 'are seeking to exterminate the pests, W _ Six Large Linen Finish Handkerchiefs for ....._.. . 25. , non, Rev. Mr. Fraser and Dr- Wilson Considerable damage has been done a]. i gfldlifi ting": b13501? {la-"Y; broavndsl’ring 5‘ Summ'l‘ capes ‘ . ~ I. eauiu ace urains ape e gee :zzgiya"?gliaiumzlnlihiuzgugéue ready' : Cotton Yarn, 5-lb. bunch, wholesale price . . . . .. . . . . .. ' 1.00 , ' ME A. Gardner, president of the ' Beautiful Linen Tea Towels, per dozon. . .. .. . .... . . . ... 50 Sale of F‘urniture. - , .- - _ - Men’s Socks pure wool and very fine onilyr....... ... 1'01 . anrd 0:: rhgrienlture,‘ i‘tpllj'yinér a the 5 Large Curriiige‘ Umbrellas, going at]. . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. 50 Don‘t forget the Auction Sale of' House- , ("139,0 _ commons to lIr' wry mp' ‘ Five-fourths Table Oil-cloths, new patterns. .. . . . . . .. 25 hold Furniture, &c., at the residence of Mr. ll": said ‘t “’33 pmbable “.‘e expert ex“ N Goat’s 10-yds. Spool, black and white, per dozen .. 30 Win. E. Ellis on Thursday, June 7th, at amination ot'the lungs of imported Can- i.3o o‘clock p. m. A chance for bargains adian cattle now in progress would not W without reserve. Daniel Ritz, proprietor and publisher of, the Hamburg, 0nt., Independent, says : “ I was sntfering from dyspepsia and liver . trouble. I took a few bottles of Shiloh’s 7’i’itulizer and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it.” IMPROVEMENTS. -â€" Though no new houses are just now being built in the village, considerable additions have been made to two, Mr. McClennan’s residence and 'I‘womoy’s hotel (as already men- tioned in the Gazette) and several others are undergoingr repairs and improve- ments. Mr. F. McDougnll's house on Colborne street is being i'e-shingled and be concluded before the end of June, when the report would at once be sub- , mitted to Parliament. DIED. Herimxisorou.â€"â€"In the township ofVeru- lam, on Monday, May 28th, Mrs. Wm. Heth- erington, Jr., aged 25 years, 1.1 months and? 25 days. ' F'E'NE’LON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. Feoelon Fells, Friday, June lst, {894. ' TURNER” SEED CORN (ENSILAGE) FO‘H’ FEEDING PURPOSES. ‘ Manor suns AND ALL KINDS OF Ladies, you should see our stock. of‘ Dress Goods, Delai'nes. and Trimmings. Gents, we carry the largest stock of. Gents! Finnishinggs. Hats Etc. in Lindsay. Our Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Stock isnow complete at prices topleaae every buyer. CARTER, MANGEL. SEED THE ‘PEOPLE”S .FRIEND, 40 KENT STREET, LINDSAY. E N S I} iseconn oiws‘ion COURT painted; Mr. Wm. Jordan’s two‘liouses gilleflgifcfitw OLFiii'el-ul :61 i0 , C t â€"°’;"_:;; , , , e ‘ e- .. -4 ' . 3" May 5”"? “2? to ha": smile foué'd'g “71:3,: 323mg: r H” 56 58 ,\ *â€",' Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred hitl Gun y 0 etOI in tons pu out er win on o e 80 xe BMIC , )er bushetnu 43 45 o 1 Insurance Business to me, I am prepared The next Sim" 8 of the above (you t m ulp that tllieir‘dbuilfiler ilvould mt know ‘ Buckev'béa, n M” 45 50 STOCK FRESH'ATPRICES RIGHT totalie risks on all classes of property be hem m Dioisonis ha”, Fenelon {pansy tieni; tico ye ow iouse, ringing Oats, ‘L ........ 34 35 - - . , . i i o, it. new... no... on u 53. as; , At “315’ “West Rates : ON MONDAY. JULY 2nd, 1894. mm“ Wes" has been rc'smngled; Mn *ggfgmes ' N" 3'5. w. T. s. ' commencingat 10 o’clock in the forenoon L-imboris house, opposite the gazette IBump’p'er ,bmwj'. ,2 ,3, Nonebuifirst-class Britishathanaiiian : Thursday, .rnno.2isi,.w.iu he the last day otfice. has a new fence in from oi it. and Eggsrpe, ammum ,W a 9. Companies represented. gof service on defendants residing in this two of the Smith estate's double houses Hay, per ton...... . 6.00 7.00 on Francis street east have been stripped county. Defendants living in other coun- Hides 1.00 1.50 ties must be served on or before June 16th. live. Energetic Men Wanted! its" FARM PROPERTY § of their clapboards and are to be pluster~ 5°35 -- - - - H 6-00 6-50 S Names, E D Hun . x _ . ‘ Sheepskins ..... MM ...... 35 7.5 To represent us in the sale of our HARDY M ore; Low gates; ' . . ' ' ’ ’ ed outSidi. and re shingltd. Any amount W001, . M. H u _ ,5 ,6 CANADIAN GROWN NURSERY STOCK. 1' Bailiff. Clerk .\._.~_ _ __ ,___,... _. _. 9" pupefing is being done. but that is Flour, nimii'y,suvcri.onr.. 1.50 1.65 James Arnold. ' . Fenelon Falls, May 2nd, 1894. iiiSide work, of which we have no par- Flour, bestbnkerg'uu 1.75 2.00 Position permanent and nfi’urds good chance of advancement to all workerc. Liberal ticulars. Emmi “Hillfiu-uli-a - - - - - . inducements to new men. Send for our " our Simian?!) 8 '----~- - 0‘ ‘~ 5 terms. The trial will cost '0“ nothin . . Bran,’pe' tona....... ...... .. & We have secured a large quantity of Shorts, “ ...... ..-... 16.00 18.00 ‘ ‘ 1 W 12-3m Tonosro, Curr. Boots and Shoes at a sacrifice. No matter Mixed chomp“- mn . _ n u . 22.00 24.00 how we got themâ€"~you can have them at less than wholcsnlo prices. . . . JOHNSON it: SISSON’ . . . The Monster Shoe Men - - Lindsay. Clmlm exists in Polfind- UN‘ICIPAL CORPORATION or run A flood in China drowned 900pcrsoos, i COl‘NT‘ 05‘ “CTORIA- l. M’FAllLAllll HAS EVERYTHING iii GllilcElllES. ‘w THE VERY iiiiouirsr Goons. .s. , __ uâ€"Mwwawu )lzicwiierroll is reprieved until Oct. 1. Home is hereby given thM the . '1 RT." Mr. Gladstone is rapidly recuperating M .c_ 1 co“ c_l ' .» .. g ‘ _'_ L - ‘ from the clients of the operation on his um lpa. n 1 ' L. ,' ‘ eye. - of the Corporation of the County of Vic- x A mob in Tarhes, France. ducked an ‘0‘“ “"11 me“ Quantum 23$“ A. L I anarchist named Tournach in a horse is me COENCIL camera, iii ms menu's Conan 3 S trough. ' " cover uorsr, LINDSAY, fi’é‘if’afifié‘éfiéo. g’ggifii'céfigiltagd cafih for Days' 1 There was a genuine. snowstorm at _o,-_ fiscgkdmmdmwg mgorgo i Port Arthur on May 26th; lolly two inches oi snow fell. Hail fell to the depth of two feet in the northern section ol‘ Oxford on in- ‘ dnv. Great damage to crops is reported, . and several wash-outs on the railways i mum). mews office. occurred. Lindsay, 2911: May, l894.â€"-l5.2 tannin time. Sold on: antes. For a SHXLOH'S BELLADONNA PLASTB . .â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"_â€". m .l. MCFARLAND. - u Every Article a. Bargain. -- Tuesday, the 12th Day of June, 1894, at 2 o'clock p. m, for the transaction of general business. i i l l l r. uarcusrr, REMEDY: Count Clerk. " ave irtisremedyts v33. y I mmcyrmyou. monsoon. " tree. For Sale by W. . ska-Jain.

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