Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 1 Jun 1894, p. 4

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l r . O .c-r Dundas & Flavelle Brothers ,Doalers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Milliuor h. I Our Cheap he is shoes I THE PUBLIC ARE NOW SATISFIED Th WITH THE PRICES AT WHICH THEY GET DRY GOODS AT THE‘OLD STAND. f. THEY SAY : THAT nouns ABE our sun caravan ANYWHERE. Please Conlinuefialling, for there is always Something New turning up. WM. CAMPELL. Furniture. Doors, Sash, -â€"â€"-ANDâ€"-â€"~ W. M‘Keomn’s, FRANCES ST. WEST, FENELON FALLS. AT CLARK dz SON’S. MADE UP IN THE LATEST FASHION. BLACK PANTS $3; llllllllllllll. llllllllllllll. WW NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Furniture. DURING HOUSE CLEANING A Special Cut in Prices Will" be given to those BUYING FOR CASH. My stock is large and complete, consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, Lounges. Centre T ables. Cane and E asv Chairs. Bureaus. Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture Pictures Framed to Order. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices 3? l'ndrrtuking promptly and carefully “waded to. Is. I") E X’ DI AN, l NnRRT.\KKR It Fraxzrcn: Dunn, Uolborne Street, Penelon Falls. 3,113" 331M .-:-: own" the Shop. ‘m â€"â€" ‘GOLUIAN.’ This fast, roomy and comfortablr s am or has been much improved this season, and is now open fur excursions from all points on Scugog and Sturgeon Lakes, through to Lukalield. Satisfactory rates given. Apply to. W. McCAMUS & 00)., 4.511;, Bobcuygeon. HEADQUARTERS. ‘ N VICTORIA COUNTY FOR â€"IS 481‘â€" W’. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker's Block. Kent-sh, Lindsay. Artlsts’ Goods a Specialty. Machine Needles. Alabastine and Dve Works Agency. 523'” Please call and see my 5c. Paper. "1‘0 the Public. Ill-I ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security or $25,l..ul,l,000 and the some good policy. JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. fl" Also agent for the Queen of Eng. land and Caledonian off-Edinburgh. Capi tal combined, $l5,lltitl,'2470. Agricullural Implements. To the Farmers of Fenelon, Verulam & Somerville. I am agent in this locality for my line of goods before purchasing else- where. These goods need no comment on my part, as they have been in use for over 25 years and are this year fully abreast of the times in improvements. call and See Them and be convinced for yourselves. My stock consists of The Massey-Harris New Wide Open Binder, 5 and 6 feet out. The Toronto Mower. The Brantford Front and Rear Cut Mower. The Massey Combined Drill. The Massey Single Drill. The Massey-Harris Cultivator in four sections, the best on wheels, with or without seed box and grass seed sower. The Sharp’s Rake. _ Spring Tooth Barrows. Ploughs etc. of my own'makc. 38" Thanking my numerous custom- ers for past favors, I beg to assure them that I shall do my utmost to merit a continuance of their patronage. _ THUS. ROBSON. Fenclon Falls, March 19th, 1894f, The Feuelcn Falls Gazette. Friday. June 1st, 1894. Showing The Oloven Foot. The “ true inwardness ”' of the I". P: A.â€"which is just what we thought it wasâ€"has been shown in all its hideous- ness in the village ofSouthampton, 0nt., where there is a large tanncry owned by the firm of Bowman do Zinkan and cm- ployiog about sevonty men. In addition to a taunery and other places of busi- ness, the village has a place of discordi "yclept a P. P. A. lodge, which met last Friday night and ordered about twenty- five of its members, who are employed in thc- tannery, to strike on Saturday morning unless the foreman, Mr. Mc- Dermott, who is a Roman Catholic, was , dismissed. They struck accordingly; but, though Mr. Zinkan is a P. P. A-ster he doesn’t believe in being dictated to in business matters by the lodge, and ‘ the upshot of the strike was that the firm, instead ofdischarg'r‘ng the foreman, who was deservedly popular with them- selves and the men, promptly sacked five of tho ring-leaders who had threat- ened to shoot ‘the bOIik-keeper if he at- tempted to kindle a fire under the boiler, and the other bands, thinking better of the matter, went to work again.‘ In ‘view of the absence of intolerance from the published platform of the order and the mock mouthings of its orators, we fancy the little lodge at Southampton will get a wigglng from the great big grand lodge for thus letting the cat out of the bag, as it. were, at so inopportuue a period ;. and all who are not in accord with the P. P. A. will ironically cheer the lodge at Southampton for allowing its zeal to outrun its discretion. The association has at; last shown the oloven foot most unmistakably, and not a few .mcmbers who have been inveigled into ' it under false pretences are already showing a disposition to kick their; may out of it again. W W” Distinguished Visitors. The Orange Grand Lodge of Canada met this week in Lindsay,.aud on Wed- nesday nearly 500 of the members ,thercof excurtcdto Sturgeon Point and 'Fenelou Falls under the auspices of “ Major Samuel Hughes, M.. 1’," who, . when the Crandell'u arrived here about 3.30 p. m., was exhibiting himself upon Boom! Paper and Picture Frames 5 one of the paddle-boxes, which was the highest point he could attain without mounting to the roof of the upper Cabin or climbing up the smokestack. But 'Bro. Sam failed for oncc‘to make him- self the cynosurc of all eyes and the centre of attraction, for were there not in the crowd bigger men than heâ€"E. F. Clarke, of Toronto, the new Grand Master, N. Clarke Wallace, the cx-ditto, and Orange notablcs' l‘rou1_cast. west, north and south all over this wide Dominion. But Sam was admitted to a footing ofoStcusible equality by all of them. and it was great fun to sec and hear him advertise the fact by running after the cabinrt minister and bawlin'.’ out “ Clarke William-l Clarke Wal- lnco l " whenever thry got separated in the crowd. Our M, l’. is taller and more symmetrical than the late Grand e Massey-Harris 00.; and farmers will do w’ell to call and see strong facial resemblance between them was noticed by many, both having the same look of insolent conceitâ€"the same nugentlcmauly expreésion, if we may so term it. The visiting brethren being accom- panied by the citizen's band and a fife arid drum band from Lindsay, and the Feuelon Falls band contributing its quota of party tunes, it was like the afternoon of the 12th of July; but it didn’t, last. long, for tho ('rundella's «whistle was calling them to rc-cmbuk before 5 o'clock, and it was too bad that S. H. didn't arrange to give them more time at the capital of his riding; though the fault wasn't altogether his, as the boat would have been here somewhat. earlier but for the logs in the river. An hour is not enough, nor are two or three hours either, to view the attractions of our village, which are scattered over a wide area and some of which can be best seen from the top ofa high hill. How- ever, thc visitors marched up from the landing to the village, saw the waterfall (second only to N iagara’s) and what little besides they had time to sec. and then marched down again;. and it was there, a few minutes before the boat left, that Mr. Clark Wallace, one of the members of the Dominion Government, Was guilty of a piece of coarse importi- ncnce that will appear incredible to those who know his position without knowing the man. Stepping in front. of ‘nne of the many pretty girls for whom Fenclon Falls is famous, and putting his face (cigar in mouth) within at short distance from hers, he deliberately said : “ Won't: you come up to Lindsay with ,us 2” to which question the astonished young lady -â€"-â€"uot knowing- him and thinking he was some hall" drunken ignoramusâ€"laughingly replied in the negative. The incident of course pro- voked much comment, and there are ,not wanting those who. think that it is: the boundeu duty of Sam Hughes, as the representative of the riding and a ’squire of domes, either to lick Clarke ’ Wallace or bring the- ma-ttcr upon the floor of' the House. Now we think of and if it. is one of his customs to address young ladies to. whom he has not. been ‘introduccd, the sooner he begins to control it the better. Possibly he thought, in the excess of his vanity, that so great a man as himself must have been pointed out to everybody, ‘andithatafew words from his august lips, even though insultingly familiar, would be considered an honor by any' address chem. The Red Mill. About thirty men have been busy for some weeks post “ fixing up” the rod mill, but on Saturday the- number was ofthc rough carpenter work is done. A carload of machinery arrived last. week and asecond on Wednesday last, and if the remainder comes as fast as it can be put into place, the mill willbe at work by the 1st of July, or possibly a little earlier. Mr. J. W. How-ry, one of the members of the firm, was here this week and was greatly pleased with the rapid progress Mr. Thomson and his men were making with the work. innd'scll and collect payment for the lumber, came to the Falls with Mr. ‘ Howry. The company. have about 150,- OOOrlngs mixed with, say, 50,000 bc- longing to other lumbcrmen, scattered along the waterway between Cameron lake and G’ooderham, and; on Monday morning, a cooking-stove and a lot of provisions wore sent across the lake to the mouth of the river, where seven ,on eight men are now posted to sort the logs. a. few of which- have, we hear, fialrcady arrived. There are some pretty tight jams at difi‘ercnt places along the route. but nothing tovwhnt there would have been but’f’br the late abundant: rai'n, 'without which the lumbermen would have been put to serious inconvenience and: probable lows. Village Council. Fenclon Falls, May. 29th, 1804. Council met at the call of the reeve. Minutes of previous meeting rcudiaud approved. Communication from board of' health rc vaccination laid on the table. Moved by Mr. Sandlfioxd, seconded by Mr. Goldm. That this council ap- point Drs. Wilson and Graham public- vaccinators for the current year, and that they attend at their offices on the second Wednesday in each month-â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Brandon, seconded by Mr. Martin, That the following accounts i be paid and the recve givehis orders for the scum: J. R. Graham, salary as us- sessor, 830; R. Mchugall. work on , streets, 810.50; C. Wise, do.. 811.50; E Mossom Kelly, do, 810; P. Kelly, Sau- .‘Iarter and he would be called the g itary Inspector, on account, fillâ€"Car- bandsomcr mm of the two, but the ried. it, Mr. Wallace is Controller of Customs, . person to whom. he might» coudescend to , reduced to twenty, as the urcaterpart : _Mr. L. Ht S’wan from Toledo, Ohio,.' who is to be superintendent of» the yard .1) Communication from Mr. John Finn in regard to gully on his premises laid‘ on the table. ' Moved by Mr. Mortimscoonded by Mr. Brandon, That the matter be referred to the street and bridge committee. Communication fFom Mr. H. Brooks- in regard to drain south of the river laid on the table. Moved by Mr. Brandon, seconded by Mr. Martin, That the street and bridge committee be instructed to examine the drain opposite Brooks's hotel and report: its condition at next regular meetingâ€"- Carried. ’ Moved by Mr. B‘mndou, seconded by. Mr. Martin, that James Dickson be in- structed to survey the cemetery and stake same properly, be agreeing to wait for his pay until money is forthcoming out of the comotcry funds. his taxes to be allowed each year out of moneys duo him until he is paid in full for. his scr- vicesâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Sandl‘ord, seconded by Mr. Golden, That Thos. Northoy's tender to supply the stakes for the comâ€"- etcry nt 1% cents apiece be accepted.â€" Carried. Council adjourned to meet at. the call- of the recve or next regular meaning.» Mechanics" Institute Meeting. Fonelon Falls, May 22nd, 18942. Board met at. special. meeting, Mr. T. Robson, President, in the chair, Olllt‘t" members present, the secretary, treasurer and Messrs. F. McDougall, A. Suther- land, G. Nic, G. Littletou, J. Heard, J. Arnold and W. L. Robson. Minutes- of last meeting. read by the- secretary land adopt-eds Moved by Mr. McDougall, secoaded' by Mr. Arnold, that the following. gentlemen be on the differeutcommittees: 'Librury, Messrs. McDougall, Suthcr» ‘laud, J'unkin and Nie; entertainment, Messrs. Arnold, Clark, W. L. Robson, McDougall, Littlctou, Magoo and Dick‘ son ;.financc, Messrs. Sutherland, Rob’- son, McDougall and Hoardâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr.. Arnold; seconded by: Mr. Sutherland, That the secretary be instructed to purchase books to tho value of 37.5. for the libraryâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr.. J'uukiu, seconded by' Mr.. Heard, That: the library committee be instructed to get terms with rcgardi to printing catalogues for the use of the' institutc.â€"â€"Carried. The board then adjburucd‘ to meet at: the call. of the chairman. Personals. Mr. W. R. Mudill of Toronto was no the Falls on Tuesday. Mr. John Maynard of Bowmanville and his little daughter Gladys have- bcen at Dr..Wilson’s since last Saturday. M-r. Daniel Deliury of.‘ M’anilla, a! student at the Toronto University, is at. the Falls visiting his brother, Mr. Robâ€" .crt DeEury. Mrs. W. H. Walsh and‘ her sister, Miss Lochart, returned home last Fri-- day after a-seveu-weeks’ visit to relatives at, Toronto. Mr; and Mrs. C'Oultcuof Pontypooll and their little boy were at the Falls on Wednesday. Mr. Coultcr is nephew of' Mr. F. J. Kerr. Mr. G. M. Pearce-of Manilla, accom- aniod by his daughter Edith, was at: the Falls from. Tuesday until Thursday visiting his brother, Mr. Henry Pearce- -_.~- .........,..-__ Frommâ€"Oh Suturday lust Mr. Wm. Avery was fined 83; and costs, $2.45, the Crundélla on the Queen’s birthday. Mr. McFarland, tho magiswatc, did not take any evidbncc, as the offence was admitted, though the defendant asserted? thatit was more trivial than was stated in the indictment. SHILOH‘S CURE is sold on a guarantee. It. cures incipient consumption. It is the best. cough cure. Only one cent a (10330 ;» 25 cents, 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold' by W. T. Junkin. M cruoms'r QUARTERLY M EETING.â€"- At the fourth regular quarterly meeting of'the Fenclon Falls Circuit, Methodist church. held on Monday, May let, Rev. G. W. McCall, B. A., B. D., was- invited' back for another year on the- clrcuib. The total amount of money raised during the past year for all pur- poses was 81,720, a very good showing far such depressing times. Carr. chsscv, U. S A, San Diego, 0:11., says: “ Shiloh‘s Cntarrh Remedy is the first medicine I‘ have ever found that would do' meanygoml.” Price 50 cents. Sold by- W. T. Juukin. Tm: PULP MILLâ€"One of the results of the strike in the coal regions was the shutting down, on Saturday last, of the Fcnelon Falls pulp mill, which happened I to be nearly out of chemicals when the G. T. R. was compelled, through want of coal, to temporarily discontiuuo carrying certain classes of freight ; but we are glad to hear that the difficulty has in some way been got over and that the will will resume operations on Mow day next. for assaulting Mr. S. Gainer on board" -â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"- War . - Mun-F...“

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