Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 11 May 1894, p. 4

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"‘71.. _,.. in Cheap Sale is a. Success l. W To the Farmers of Fenclon, Verulam 8. Somerville. I am azcnt in this locality for THE PUBLIC ARE mow SATISFIED The Masseyflarriscoq WITH THE PRICES AT WHICH THEY GET DRY GOODS AT THE OLD STAND. a T H EY SAY -° THAT cooos ARE NOT sou: ensures ANYW'H ERE. WW Please Continue Calling, for there is always Something New turning up. WM. CAMPBELL. Furniture, Doors, Sash, â€"â€"â€"-AND-â€" UNDERTAKING, ‘Keowm’s, FRANCIS ST. WEST, FENELON FALLS. AT CLARK & SON’S. MADE UP IN THE LATEST FASHION. BLACK PANTS $3. lilllilllll. union. HOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Furniture. DURING HOUSE CLEANING A Special Cut in Prices Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH. l I Hum Paper and Picture Frames *. My stock is large. and complete, BEDROOM SUITES Lounges. Centre I ables. Gone and E (15)! Chairs. Bureaus. Sidc~boards. an t every description of Kitchen Furniture ~â€" Pictures Framed to Order. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices W“ Undertaking promptly and cnrelnlly attended to. I... I) E X’ BI .A. N, Usnnnnn & Fnastrcnc Dunn, Golborne Street, Penelon Polls. 3' Sudan: orcr (It: Shop. ‘8 ’ l l of En ‘COLUMBIAN.’ This fast, roomy and comfortable steamer has been much improved this season, and is now open for excursions front all points on Scngog and Sturgeon Lakes, through to Lnkelic‘tl. Sittisfttctory rules given. ‘ . Apply to W. MCCAMUS & 00., â€"â€"7â€".')m Bobcuygcon. HEADQUARTERS. 1N VICTORIA COUNTY FOR â€"IS ATâ€" w. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker's Block. Kent-sh. Lindsay. lArlists’ Goods 8 Specialty. Machine Needles. Alabastine and Dye Works Agency. 33" Please call and see my 5c. Paper. 1‘0 the 1)lll)lic. HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. 1nd farmers will do well to call and sec my line of goods before purchasing else- xherc. These goods need no Comment on my part, as they have been in use for over 25 yours and are this year fully Call and See Them and be convinced for yourselves. My stock consists of The Massey Harris New Wide Open Binder, 5 and 6 feet cut. The Toronto Mower. The Brantford Front and Rear Cut Slower. The Massey Combined Drill. The Massey Single Drill. The MasseyHurris Cultivator in four sections, the best on wheels, with or without seed box and grass seed sower. The Sharp's Rake. Spring Tooth Barrows. Ploughs etc. of my own make. og- Thanking my numerous custom- ers for past favors, I beg to assure them that I shall do my utmost to merit a continuance of their patronage. THOS. ROBSON. Fcnelon Falls, March 19th, 1894. The Fcnolon Falls Gazette. Friday. May 11th, 1894. The Great Incubus. At Winnipeg, a few days ago, Mr. Van Horne, President of the C. P. It, received the usual annual petition for a reduction of freight rates, and in the course of his reply thereto asserted that, as many of the leading merchants of Winnipeg were charging a great deal more for their goods than they could afford to sell them at, he could just as consistently ask them to reduce their prices as they could ask him to reduce his rates. But there is no force what- ever in his argument; for, while the business men of Winnipeg are merely “ making hay while the sun shines ” by taking advantage of circumstances that are at best but temporary and may come to an end at any moment, the C. P. R, safe from rivalry, is master of the situ- ation and has the helpless public of the North-west by the throat. Possessing millions of acres of fertile land, it might be thought that. it would pay the com- pany to encourage immigration by every means in their power; but they have no doubt figured it all out closely, and have arrived at the conclusion that it will be, in the end, more profitable to let the land, which is constantly rising in value, lie idle, and put on the traffic " all that it will bear." It’s Time It Was Settled. The village council is to meet this evening (if nothing occurs to prevent it) for the purpose of settling the long vexed question of exemptions to be granted the Pulp Mill 00., and the different points in dispute are to be argued, before all who choose to be present, by ,‘Mr. John Mcchyn, the village solicitor, and Mr. John A. Bar~ ran, on behalf of the company. When the Pqu Mill Co. came here over eleven years ago an agreement which it was intended should last for twenty years was entered into; but it was afterwards discovered that such an agreement could not be made for more than ten years, nnd, ifit could. the recent insolvency of the company would have dissolved it. The only member of the new company who was a member of the old one is Mr. John R. Soutt, who is a pretty shrewd hand at a bargain, and, being all the property the company may acquire in the future! Twice the coun- cil put into writing What they were prepared to do. and each time. the document came back to them so altered that they hardly knew it. Whether the company are aware of it or not, there are quite a number of ratepayers who are opposed to their having any exemptions at all, and the best thing they can do is to come down from the skies and accede without- further delay to the fair and reasonable terms offered by the eouncil. The T. V. G. Delegation. The Pctcrborough town council last Monday voted a sum of tnoncy to send a delegation to Ottawa in the interest of the Trent Valley Canal, and the Times, which has been very active in working up the excitement, hopes that the delegation will be the largest that ever visited Ottawa, and says that. " chcnp railway fares and moderate hotcl expenses will enable every mun- icipality along the line of the waterway to participate in the good work without hearing too heavily upon the ratepayers." On Wednesday rcevc McFarland receiv- ed a letter or circular from Capt. Bot- tum, warden of the county, stating that tickets from Pctcrborough to Ottawa and back would be issued to delegates for $2.80 and a return ticket from the Falls to Pcterborough is $1.90. As the delegates will have to be away from home for three days, the cost of each one to his municipality will be nearly $9, and we are therefore glad to hear that Fenclou Falls is only asked to send two; but how, at that moderate rate, the talked-of army of a thousand is to be made up we do not know, unless the great majority of them go at their owu expense. The matter is to be considered at the council to-night, and, as “ it is better to be out of the world than out. of the fashion," it is not likely that they will refuse to spend the few dollars necessary to send a couple of the repre- sentatives of the village to Ottawa. It is to be hoped that the delegation will, unlike its predecessors, be able to make- 21 lasting impression on the minds of the Government. m- Village Council. Fenclon Falls, May 7th, 1894 Council met at regular meeting, pres- ent, reeve McFarland in the chair. and councillors Brandon, Martin and Gold- on. Minutes of previous meetings read and approved. Moved by Mr. Brandon, seconded by Mr. Martin, that the following accounts he paid and the rccvc give his orders for the some: D Vnrcoc, 8% days work on sidewalks, $10.63; It. Juckctt, cleaning ditches and repairing culverts, $3; J, Qulbell, carting plank, $4.75; E. D. allund, printing, 825; J. McFarland, telephoning $1 80; J. McFarland, chur- ity, 3165; C. Wise, 11 days on side- walks, $11; Deputation rc T. V. C. to Peterborough, $7 ; Treasurer, Keith’s taxes, (street and bridge account) 32 50; N. M. Keith, balance, 84.75 and $5. $9.75; Treasurer, Stoddard’s taxes. (street and bridge account,) 85; 1'1 Stoddard, balance of ‘ons’ work on sidewalks, SS 50; J. H. Brandon, tele- graphing, 63 ccnts.â€"Carricd. A petition from Robert Jackett and 2 others, praying that the fence of Mr. W. H. Walsh be not allowed to be rc- built on the street,waslnid over till next meeting. Communication rc deputation to Ot- tawa re '1‘. V. C. laid on the table. Laid over till next meeting. Communication regarding the Napa- ncc Paper & Pulp Co. and lenses laid on the table. Laid over till next meet- ing. Moved by Mr. Brandon, seconded by Mr. Martin, That the following abate- ments be allowed the collector: Mrs. Ann Irwin, $2.50; Martin Kelly, $17.50; Mrs. C. Mitchell, 812.50; Mrs. J. Pearson, $2.50, and the following properties be returned to the county treasurer for collection: G. E. Martin, as per roll, $10; 0. Bigclow, south ol" Dundas St Flavelle Brothers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Millincryg Moved by Mr. Oswald. seconded-5y Mr. Romney, that Mr. C. Fell be paid three dollars for seamenâ€"Carried. .‘Iot‘cd by Mr. Morrison, scenndcd by Mr. Burtcltcll, 'l‘hnt Mr. W. Nicholll be authorized to purchase 100 feet. of rope to swing the floating bridge cross~ lug the Burnt River on the 7th conces- sion Humâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Romney, seconded by Mr. Oswald, That thr. following account: against. the municipality be prlltl : E. 1). Hand, printing bills. $1.25; Thomas Walker, attending at J. Schcll's during isolation of Schcll's family on nominal of diphtheria. $12; W. "T. Junkin, medicine &c. for J. Schcll. $10; II. J. Windrim. attendance at J. S liumney's diphtheria case. 86; Dr. Gruhutn,ut- tcndancc at Schcll's. $10 ; 'I‘hos. Simult- lnnd, supplies for Scltcll. ‘7; Wm. Flatt. do. do, 83.50; Ben. Smith. do. do., 83; to be repaid by Schell to muni- cipnlity. T1105. Mitchell, diggingurnvo, 31; Grant to Mcchunics' Institute at. Coboconk. 320; J. Ilowic, attending tux sale. 33 ; J. Howie. :Ittcntllng [noct- ing Board of Health, 81 85; John Fell, do. do.. $1.25; II Doughty, do. do, 81.95; H. Graham, do. do.. 32 2'5; S. Sudduby. d0., $1.25â€"on sulnry. 3‘30; George Vnnluvan, repairing bridge. $30; George Wutson,‘work on bridge. 31.20; D. Chalmers, goods supplied Mrs. Slit-p- pard, 92 centsâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. Rumncy, seconded by Mr. Burtchcll, Thut by-lnw No.â€"-. a by- law to appoint public vaccinntors, be now read and passt'd.â€"Czn'ricd. By-law reed and passed in the usual. manner. Moved by Mr. Oswald, seconded by Mr. Morrison, 'l‘hnt b_\'-law No.â€". it by- law to regulate the use of billiard :tnd bogntcllc tables, be now read and passed. â€"Cnrricd. By-Iaw read and passed in the usual mallllcr. Moved by Mr. Oswald. seconded by Mr. Morrison. That the arrears of taxes churged against, Silos O'Brien for u 16 con. 14, and also arrears charged against Charles White for lot 8 west of Elizn- both Street, Coboeonk, be ubutcd.â€"â€"Cnr~ rind. On motion of Mr. anucy. seconded by Mr. Oswald, the Council adjourned to a Court of Revision.â€"-â€"Cnrricd. Mechanics’ Institute Meeting. Fenclon Falls, May 8th. 1894. The members of the Mcchunics’ In- stitute met at the regular annual meet- ing. Minutes of the lust. unnqu mect~ ing read and approved. The annual reports. of the secretary and treasurer were read, and, on motion of Messrs. Dickson and Clark, adopted. Moved by Mr. Junkiu, seconded by Mr. Dickson, 'l'hnt Mr. 'I‘. Robson bu rc-clccted presidentâ€"Carried. Mort-d by Mr. Campbell, Sec mdcd by Mr. Clark, That M r Jumos Dickson be rc-clcctcd vice-prosident.-â€"â€"Carricd. Moved by Mr. Nic, suct‘mtlutl by Mr. lampbcll, That Mr. M. Kelly be rt- elected secreter_y.â€"-Carricd. Moved by Mr. Clank, seconded by Mr. Campbell, That Mr. W. 'I‘. Junkin be re-clcctcd trcasureinâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Junkin, Seconded by Mr. Campbell, That the following get:- ticmcn be elected a board of directors for the ensuing year: McSSrs. W. L. Robson, G. Nic, I“. McDougnll, A. Sutherland, J. Arnold. A. Clark. Jr, G. Littleton, F. H. Magoo and J. Henrr‘, â€"Cnrricd. Meeting adjourned until Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock p. tn. us a board of directors. School Board Meeting. Fenclou Falls, May 4th, 1894. School board mct, members all present except Messrs. McDougnlI and Nevison, chairman in the chair. Dr. Graham, That the secretary be instrumetl to notify the prcScnt stttlfol' teachers that any of [Item who wish to apply for rc-cncogcmcnt file their certif- icntcs ol'qunlilication along with their ' r t . 1 ' . ' __ ' , ‘ . 9 ‘ a . aided and abetted by Mr. Barron, who i river, .34, 630; Parker DJVIS, south of, "ppllc'l‘m‘w 0“ 0’ bdm‘“ ll“- "13' “1-5:. is said to represent one of the share holders and who “ wants the earth,” the council have found it impossible to necadc to the demands of the company. It may as well be said in plain English that (although the value of the pulp. mill is admitted by all) public opinion i is strongly against. giving them any' further exemptions or privileges than they enjoyed under the original agree- ment. :1an that their persistence in unreasonable demands has excited a Icelingtr of irritation which they will be wise to alloy. The first agreement was u-.-cn 1.") 8847' Frank I’igcon south ! 7 I t ’ ot'rivcr, 143, (It); Wmlioutlcy, south of river, north-cast part block J, 84 38' â€"Otll'l‘lcfl.» Moved by Dr. Graham, scoondcd by .‘lr. Dickmn, That the secretory order I l I I John Thomson, mm, 13. east 0'. east the auditors report. ol the school board hulfG, 81 2;") â€"Carried. Council adjourned to meet at the call of the more. Somerviile Council. Burnt River, April 28th, 1894.l Council met pursuant to adjournment. I Present, Messrs. Ilowic, Morrison, 05-, to be published in the Fenclon Falls (1w cello in an itemized Illi‘lll--â€"Clll‘l'lctl. Moved by Dr. Graham. SI'Cuntlfltl by Mr. Sandford, That this board appoint Mr. Dickson to superintcnd the repair- ing of the fences at the north and south - ward schools. The board then adjourned. 36" R. Tnggnrt’s is the place to get meet again on the 30th day of May as Moved by Mr. Dickson, seconded by I gland, giving ittSurt-rs the security of" t S25 not: 00') and the. same wood molicv. ‘ J I b . liberal enough in all conscience, and, wald and ltutnncy, Mr. Howie in the your new spring suit. Good tit. Good ma. [um-cover, the company‘s obligations chair. Minutes of last. meeting read} teriul. Good workmanship. Prices low. were not strictly enforced; but Mr. and confirmed. ‘ l SPRING BARGAINS Barr?“ "0“ "MRS exempt“? {tom v M!" Bunche“ entered and took blsl We have scoured n large qnhntity of taxation on not only the pulp mill. hurt: I sent. , Boots and Shoes at a sacrifice. No matter kiln, dwt-lilug houses (which the village; Mr. C. Fell was heard respecting a how we go, u,,.,,,__,.,,,, m" m", up,“ a, I I l l I l I l o l l S- ah, age,“ for we Queen of Eng so icitor says cannot legally be exempt- l scraper purchased by him sometime ago less than wholesale prices. . a w ' t land and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Capi l tel combined, $45,000,000. ed.) piling ground. pulp wood and the and which has been used .on the roads . . . JOHNSON .9: SISSON . . . recently built saw will, but also upon for some years. The Monatchhoe Men - - Lindsay. T... P

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