Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 4 May 1894, p. 5

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a Tm; Warns erl'3n.â€"-Y.:sterd;iyl A monster goose egg was shown in‘ afternoonihelittle steamer Wafer Witch, Kingston on Tuesday by John Nichol- , now owned by the Dutton Lumber Co , l son, of Portsmouth. It measured 8 ,f 3 I I I i BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED IN FENELUN FALLS. GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE ORDERING. A Goon SUIT. l of Lind-ay. came to the Falls, but was l inches one way and 10% inches the other, ‘ tied up b=iow the slide stream, which l and weighed 8} ounces. Captain l‘ll ioft, who has run the boat The Liberals of Saskatchewan have ll”? several 50379. ’lld "0t 0-11'0 (0 0m“ l offered to make )lr. Lanrier their candi- I TAILURl ! l a with the water at its present height. date 101- the Commons, but the Libel-a] T0 MEASURE ’ Mr. JamrS 8'11}. the Company's manaz- leader, while appreciating the oompli- ' ' ' ’ FOR AND C O R N in: man. Was on board, and when he had transacted thqhudncss that brought him to the village the Water Witch left for home. ment, felt compelled to decline. News from St. John’s shows that the number of seals caught by thirteen New- foundland steamers totalled 107,657 Eight steamers yet to return are report 'ed with small catches. An annuity of 8200.000 a year paid for the maintenance ofthe rice industry in Canada. which only gives employ- ment to 75 men, is a pretty blamed ex- pensive way of encouraging manufac- turmg. It has been discovered that Felix Fenton, the anarchist office clerk who was arrested on April 26th. was acting as a medium of communication between anarchists in England and Germany and their friends in France. He rc- ccired a large number of letters daily, and the police are trying to trace their origin. Whitby has a by-law which stipulates that “ no horses, sheep, cattle, goats. swine or poultry shall run at large, with the exception ofa milk cow for each ratepayer, and this cow ,must be giving' milk at. the time she runs at large.” This is the richest specimen of by-law architecture yet. The bad packing of Canadian apples is militatng against their popularity in ALSO_ PER SUIT- CHEAP SUITS FOR BOYS. A First-Class Cutter Engaged. l u l APert'ect Fit Guaranteed. NEW GOODS. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED AT R. TAGGART’S NEW TAILORING STORE. (ENSILAGE) ‘ FOR FEEDING PURPOSES. canine; SEED nausea. sane TURNIP SEED ~_._.._._.__._._.._.N.. ’l‘ur. Witsst. â€"chtnrday afternoon Mr. J. W. Item] of Bobcaygeou ctme to the Falls m'tz Lindsay. having covered the di~tance ol'39 miles in three hours. Soon after he left for home Mr. E. Gregory and M r. George Matthie of Lindsay rode up to the Mansion House. where they had tea befiu-c starting: on their homcward trip. The distsnce is 16 miles. and they told us that they made it in one hour, exclmivc ofa few minutes' rest at Cameron. Mr. Road's wheel is a Comet. Mr. .‘latthio’s a lion:- her and Mr. Gregory’s is a Brantford. SPRI N G BARGAINS. We have secured a large quantity of Roots and Shoes at a sacrilice. No matter how we got themâ€"you can have them at less than wholes ile prices. . . . JOHNSON .t SISSON .. The Monster Shoe Men - - Lindsay. AND ALL KINDS OF splile Hts issue, warms STOCK FRESH. PRICES RIGHT ._ AT... W. T.‘IUNKIN’S. and with Spring comes the requirement of new goods. The question naturally arises, WHERE Gilli I GET THE .BEST VALUE ' FOR MY MONEY? “ “To guarantee this season to sell you better goods for less money than has ever been offered before. WWW New Bun.ntsos..â€"-â€"'l‘he little kitchen at the rear of the Mansion House has been pulled down and is being: replaced by a frame addition 22x28 lcct and two stories high. which will give a spacious kitchen on theuground floor and four good bedrooms above. The carpenter Ewlamp Too many people put lame work is being done by Mr. Wm. Adams juigy fruit in the ends of the hmréls: ol' Vet-'ul‘am and girdlohn T. Thompson, aMd scrubby dried up culls in the CONN," Jr., of Item-loo halls, and the buildingr and the Englishmen won’t stand it, ha is to be covered externally with the Jove_ Sharp practices ohms kind may metal shingles and sheeting manufuc- work once 0,. mice, but there is a limit ‘ “Wed by Paddlm'a 0f 0413‘” O” to human endurance,and if the Canadian 1:"39033 59"”? “105‘ Ml“ .Sifmuel 1‘23; apple sellers wish to retain a profitable Luteheon is building an addition 18x 4b market for their fruit, it will be to their All wool Serge Dress Goods, 17 shades, worth 380., for 25c. Black Cashmere, good quality, 38 inches, worth 320., for 20 All wool Heurietta,-fill shades, worth 350., for . . . . .. . . 19 Beautiful Cotton Challis, dark and light, worth 150., for 09 All wool Dress Goods, plain, checks tit stripes, worth 250., 15 Prints, wide, fast colors, new goods, worth 7c., for.. .. 5 See our Delaine Prints,very wide, new p.1tterns,worth 170. 13 Factory Cotton,extra heavy were, 7, 9, and 100., for . . . . 5, 7,8 Steamlooms, free from dressing, were 6,8,9,10,l2, for 5, 7, 8,9, 10 smo’ Bottle. Ouncentadose. ‘ Tats Gama: Conan nnrotl r 0’0 . _ , _ , . where all others fail Caughs, Croup ltft‘Bl’. ill. the WEST. end Of the house pill“ interest to act on the square. Beautiful Embrofierms, beginning at 20, and up to U” $130 Throat, Hoaraenesa, Whoopln Cough and chased not long ago by Mr. William A I a l l . 317 Designs in Laces, coming as low as . . . . . . .. 1 fittg‘gd Eggucaggflgnéggfinlfi agglong Muolenncn I, ,3 on a stone founda_ ‘1 chmnne “Us “at an “PP” ‘5 379 Sample Parasols “ “ “ . . . . . . . . 25 mkenmfime, Sotdfiynmggmta “an”. “on is h"; stories him has a bow wim made in the press to the farmers of the Ladies’ Cbemise,whitc cotton,t‘ullsize,lacc trimmed 29 antes. F‘pr 9. Lame Book or Chest. 3159 d ’ ‘ l _ “d’ . ‘ b l d country to be on guard against the new ' “ “ “ “ embroidery trimmed .. 45 SHILOHSBELLADONNA PLASTER‘M“ 0W 1‘0 [c.“(l'h séolyhu" . its am e um ' agricultural pest, the Russian thistle, “ Drawers: “ “ “10km: “108 trimmed 25 . -- somoy ""5 C a" pm" e ' which is said to be more dreaded than u u u “ “ embroid’y H 45 I f ' ‘w "“'-""""'"-â€""'â€""" the Canadian thistle, which has gained . Whitenconon Gorges. COVEfiglfifgivtgflifii aveyoummrr Tha'gEMEDYi Wheat Prices May Not Rise. such .a foothold in our country. The u - “ ' Night Robes, “' at 60, 75,$1,$1.35 teedtocureyou. Price.600ts. myjeg' rm ___. Russmn thistle was imported in some See our beautiful Shaker Flannel, big drive . . . . . . . . . . . 5 For sale by w 1- Junkin _ . . I I I In an interview with an E,,,P,',.e re- flax seed to Scotland, South Dakota, Hi “ C u ”' Si" t-“fl f E‘ 1 3.! inches Wide . . . . . . 10 Mouaaymemoou,meames and has in that assassins:associsnt --------------- 3 .â€"-â€" \l’. Robertson, the Dominion Dairy Short @399 0f “me .Spread over 30.000 Six Large Linen Finish Handkerchiefs for 25 Commlssmncr. Stud he did not believe square [11:88 0f tel'l'llo?" “10' damage Ladies’ fawn, black, navy, brown spring & summ’r capes 2100 . 3 in BI". ‘78" anne's prophecy the to crops t 6 past year rom tlllS enemy Beautiful LRCC_CllI‘lfllllS, taped edges ...... ...... .... 39 IV 'VICTORIA COUNTY FOR price of wheat would 00 up to $2 a is placed at s2.ooo,ooo. 09m? Yarzti54b- bunch. wholesale pnce 1.00 * b I I! H d It a a l ‘ - t} Beautiful Linen Tea. Towels, per doacn.... 50. _ I ' us “‘ ' e mug' mt u" 9’s m "3 wâ€"eâ€" â€"â€"-â€"â€"»vâ€"~ Men‘s Socksi‘pure‘wool and very fine, 01117.... . . . . . . . . 10 event ofugreatwar, or othercatastrophe. FENELON FALLS MARKETS Large Curt-lagerUmbmllus, going at . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... 50 the scale of prices of gram was likely to ' Five-fourths Table Oil-cloths, new patterns . . . . . . 25 â€"18 ATâ€" remain low. The cheupness of labor in Goat’s 10-yd3- Spool, black and white, [101‘ dozen...... ‘ '30 Russia and India, and the reduced cost of agricultural implements and other Reported by the North Star Roller Mill O'o. Fenelon Falls, Friday, May 4th, [894. w. A. GOODWIN’S, W WOO-OW , . l . b d t Leap the p . Wheat, Scotch or Fife . . .. 64 to 65 . Baker 5 Block, Kent‘St" LmdsaY' mac nnery, were nun o - l‘lCG wheat, fall. per busheluu 58 60 Ladies, you should see our stock of Dress Goods, Delaires and Trimmings - ~ . - - - . .- . , ‘ , _ ' Artists’ Goods a S ecialt :{hxlfitutll‘tlf E33331“ ii'AZCi-n fags}. 3711;; izlrlnbishel“ 23 fig Gents, we carry the largest stock of Gents’ Furnishings, Hats Etc. 1n Lindsay. I p y' of daieviw ‘Wa's ,1, M the farmers would Buckwheat “ .. .. 43 45 0111‘ Men’s and 3035’ Clothing SW31! ISHOW Complete atprtcestoplease every buyer. Machine Needles, Alabastine and Dve . rs _ fl _ “ get a larger share of what was paid by 32:; ,, ' ‘ Works Agency. the ultimate consumer, if they paid more Rye, ' u 42 4;, WPlcase call and see my 50. Paper. attention to butter and cheese making. Potatoes, “ 25 30 ' < i I E For instance, the freight charges on a gutter: Peglbu-u - . . - . .. 16 17 v- 3 » tub of butter and a bushel of wheat from “ggsi PC“ 07‘9" - - - - - - - - - a 9 10 _‘ -v . 1 F Montreal to Liverpool were the same. 3235;“ to" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "l S D: I - ‘u The bushel of wheat brought who )5 , ' " """ '- '2. ' 60 CCMS' while the Nb of, but?“ sol“ glpsgspfigih: ............ . 5.9305 40 KENT STREET, LINDSAY. ” Now Is THE “ME To BUY . for perhaps 812 or $15. Concentrated W001 _ . . . . . . . . . . I4 16 I products, then, seemed to be what Can- 5110‘”: film”)? Stiff!” LCM-- 1~G5 ‘ ‘ adian larmers should devote their attcn F133? fififii‘feh ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ° i223 l E S a SECOND DIVISION COURT 1 two to more than they do at present. p10,”:S,,.,,,gm‘,.1;1ieain: 1,15 1,55 ‘ ...01.' THEâ€" __ . Bran per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1.00 15.00 C ‘ ' ‘ â€"_ “’ ’ . . , , aunt of‘ Vlctorlu. \ I I] .t e u u k v. .t Slf-"lsy “ - - - - - - - . - - . - 1‘6‘00 33-00 i Mr. Wm. E. Ellis havmg transferred his y DUMNG HOUSE CLEANING i not ler ca tum ous or it] a e 181 - Mixed chop, per ton . . . . . . . 22.00 .400 Insurance Busmess to me, I am prepared The next Sittings of the above Cour, Wm ed Greece on Friday. The southwest. portion of Missouri was swopt by a cyclone on 3i onday. Myriad" 0f Sf’wmee" year .locusm Come on to the subscriber‘s promises, lot I _ _ . have come out of the ground I" New 27 in the 4th concession of Fenelon, on l Nonebuthrsl-class BritishandCanadian York state. Wednesday May 2nd :1 bay and whitel - t. I d f. d: t" .1. . fl._ Thch are now ufiucrs on pony, Will) it saddle on’und ptll‘t ol'a bridle l companies represented. o sornce on 9 en “1 3 leg“ lng m “a . . -. , . x . J . 1 county. Defendants living in other coun- suike m the Umm,‘ States, and the around his mck. The owntr can hate him . on rovin "0 )erw an] a ip chm M I ties must be served on or before June 16th_ movement ennttnucs to spread. p g! l ' p av \Hfisu 3%” FARE-‘1 PROPE T E, D, Hum, The Dublin Amnesty Association has ' “ ‘ ‘ ' _ 1 . at very low rates. Clerk decided to nominate the Dynamitcr “new” M35 4”“ Isak-“‘3 . - - . James Arnold. Duly to stand lor the City of Limerick in the next general election. Floyd Radabout, a farmer, ‘34 years ol age, living near Big Springs. Ohio. hanged his two little children and him- self because of family trouble I \ , . , ' . , “'0 i‘uwdlule tunnel mic or “u” This fast, roomy and comfortable steamer: . ‘ “"05 0‘ name“ has b‘i‘i" fi'_"5l‘°‘l “Pd ’ has been much improved this season, and is l ,v-‘f was lormail ' o tuned l) l’resndent Dtaz now 0 men for excursions from all points on ’ ' .l l 3' l l ‘ on Sunday. The tunnel cost $10,UUO,- , Scngog and Sturgeon Lakes, through to! mm [ Laketteld. Satisfactory rates given. l . ' . v 1 ‘ V , ' 2 In Brooklyn. N Y.,on Monday. .‘l ,. ADP!) 10 “- MWAMUD 5» CO: I ' ' â€"7~5m Bobcuygeon. 1 be held in Dickson’s hall, Fcnelon Falls, ON MONDAY, JULY 2nd, 1894, commencingat 10 o’clock in the forenoon . v... . .L - .. . .- M.__~_.‘. Hem ESTRA’Y PONX’. ll Special Cut in Prices. Will be git/en to those BUYING FOR CASH. At Very Loxvest Rates i to take risks on all classes of property. 1 Thursday, June 215t, will be the last day My stock is large and complete, consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, Lounges. Centre 7 ables. Cane and Easy Chairs. Bureaus. Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture S. NEVISON, Bailiff. Fenelon Falls, May 2nd, 1894. Excursion ' _,..,....;ylé\ Steamer ’ ‘COthj Ill GRQGERIES. THE VERY GHOIGEST 80008. Pictures Framed to Order. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices fl“ Undertaking promptly and carefully attended to. L. I)EY1\IAN, Dsntaunn & Foam-rum: DEALER, Lizzie l’robtecek, 31 years old, a widow, I sprinkled her bed with oil, set it on fire, . industrious, sober, re- Chusc, despondency. l liable men to sell our ' lav down and was burned to death. The gr“, coal strike cmniuues in the . complete lines of Nursery Stock and Seed ; w UOlbOl’DB Street, Penelon Falls. - « ~ - . Potatoes. A few special varieties controlled . . ‘ - '1 t - ‘ 5 ' I l V ‘ I . . . ‘ 36' Residence orc'r (hr Sim 2. “m m'm‘s'b mile, mm?“ c‘di‘ligc: Li???“ I": l by us. Commission or salary patd weekly, i 1 many ran ti‘sn rtt t t‘ t c . . _ and guaranteed promptly. Exclusive and, the grill" “Okt‘ “film's “"13 1.300 or "'9 choice of territory given. Outfit free. Don’t l 17.519 ovens are at work. delay. Apply at once for terms. A. ll Sutherland. a Grand Army AIIE‘q RUR.3ERY 00,, ~ ' ' ' I. man ofSaums, Mass, has coughed up i l HE ROYAL CARADM“ “SLI‘AM'L _ , ROCHESTER. 3- Y- , ' ' 1 ‘ Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance 8 "Villa “MC!” has inmblc‘] mm smcel .' y a -- u l 0! England, giving insurers the security of Dunbar H, 1363, when be remitted it i l $25,000,000 and the same good policy. in his neck at the battle of Culpeper' sunscniBE FOR ' ‘ JOHN AtlSTlNchm. fl" Also ngen t for the Queen of Eng- , land and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Cupi CF A R D ‘ tel combincd,$t5,ooo,ooo. l I l Penelon Falls, July 25th, 189:. Cl‘o the I’ublic. Cash for 30 Days. ' 2-20 Courthc use. He was about to bare an operation pérft‘fmed in 5"“ “m “ll”: “THE ailrd him. It is believed now that he l will entirely recover. $1 PER YEAR. w .t... .~.

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