Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 27 Apr 1894, p. 5

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Larpets and Oil-Cloth Loosâ€"A small drive ofsawlogs own- I have trotted a mile in less than 2.30. ed by the slide this morning. first of the season. Carr. Sweater, U. S A, San Diego, Cal., says : “ Shiloh‘s Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by W. T. Junkin. THE FIRST Boarâ€"Navigation in our local waters has been open for some little time, and the first steamer to visit the Falls this year was Messrs. Parkin’s Marie Louise. which came up the river as far as Smith's landing on Sunday. The Zetm Bruce has been sold to go to Huntsville and was on a truck at the Lindsay station last Saturday afternoon, but no other boat has changed owners as far as we have heard. Jusr LOOK [leanâ€"Wool Delaines liic.; all wool Whipcord, 42 inches, 300. I have received my samples; they are the finest I ever had ; call and see them. By selling from samples I can give my on :tomcrs a choice of a larger assort- ment of styles and grades of goods than ' . any merchant in town Could possibly carry in stock. All dresses, mantles and capes ordered from samples sold at cost price, customers paying their own express charges. Millinery, the latest and cheapest in town, straw shapes 15c, 250. and upward. A first-class dress~ maker in charge. Mas. R. MCDOUGALL. SIIILOH’S CURE is sold on a. guarantee 1t cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose ; 25 cents, 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold by W. T. Junkin. O 'l‘uE SWING BRIDGEâ€"For some days past two or three. men have been work- ing at. the approaches of the new swing bridge, which was opened last Monday to make sure that it was in perfect working order. As the telegraph wire across the river interfered with the bridge, it was run through a tube and sunk in the water and the Falls can now boast of a submarineâ€"or, rather, snbaqucousâ€"cable on a small scale. The semaphores have been erected and connected with the swing in such a manner that they work when it is open- ed and shut, and a neat little house for the'accomodation of the watchman has been erected at the north end of the bridge. SPEIN G BARGAINS. We have secured a. large quantity of Roots and Shoes at a. sacrifice. No matter how we got themâ€"you can have them at less than wholesale prices. . . . JOHNSON & SISSON . . . The Monster Shoc Men - - Lindsay. Tun SIDEWALKSâ€"We are glad to see that the sidewalks are being attend- ed to, as many of them needed it badly, especially the one aIOng the south side of Francis street west, which, on account of the creek, is very difficult to keep in order and is now getting a thorough overhauling. It is a great mistake to lay sidewalks with the planks running lengthwise, unless the foundation can he made perfectly solid; and even then, though the planks may not spring, they Soon begin to rot and break at the ends where they meet the sleepers, forming unsightly and dangerous holes. To lay the planks crosswise costs a little more at first, but it is far cheaper in the end. to say nothing of the lesser likelihood of accidents and lawsuits. ’l‘na S'raar'r hoursâ€"There are now five electric lights on our public streets, the number decided upon last year and at the points then indicated, vi: : one near Brooks's hotel, one between the bridges, one at the Mansion House, one at Dr. Wilson’s and one at the Methodist church. So far they have not given as much or as steady light as was generally expected, but. will no doubt do better when they have been running for awhile and everything gets into per- fect working order. Hitherto the perâ€" sonnel of the company who mm the lam and furnish the light has been kept secret; but the question is set at rest by the following, which appeared in last Monday's Globe in the list of companies incorporated :â€"“ The Fenc- lcu Falls Electric Light 00., Findley hlcliougall, J. H. Brandon. John Aus- tin, Ilenry Austin and G. II. Hopkins." Daniel Rita, proprietor and publisher of the Hamburg. Ont., Independent, says : N l was suffering from dyspepsia and liver trouble. I took a few bottles of Shiloh's Vitalizer and it cured me. I can heartily recommend it." . A FINI: lloasn.-â€"All admirers ofa linudioulc horse should go to the Me- Arthur House stable and see “ Phys- ician." a standard bred trotting stallion brought to the Falls at short time ago by Mr. llugh McDougnll. who has a " letter from a resident of Prince Edward Island. where the horse was raised, congratulating him upon his urchase. Physician is a rich golden ay,wIth black legs. main and tail and some Mr. Carew of Lindsay went over They were the E. I., in 1888~'89 and '90, and also took He took first prize at Charlottetown, P. the first prize in his class the year he appeared at the New York National horse show. We are glad to hear that I Physician is to remain at the Falls, for this season, at any rate, and bills con- ' taining route, tull pedigree 860. will soon be issued. Commandant Booth announces that the Salvation Army will soon attack China. The Northwestern Cordage Company, of St. Paul, Minn., is making arrange- ments to start a binder twice and rope factory at Winnipeg. A clause in the Wilson bill will force owners of horses going into the States to race to pay duty, if the bill passes in its present form. For alleged barn burning, Tom Black, John Willis and Tony Johnson, colored, were lynched at Tuscumbia, Alan, early on Sunday morning. M rs. James Webster, living in Milton, aged 57 years, gave birth last Sunday evening to twin boys. There is no par- allel case in medical records. Rev. Dr. Parkhurst of New York has definitely announced the intention of his organization to enter politics and at- tempt to overthrow Tammany. In turning sod near Moweaqua, Ills., farmers have found large numbers of locusts of extraordinary size. Similar reports come from Sedalia, Mo. The strikers on the Great Northern Railway have begun to sidetrack trains and otherwise disregard the law, and troops have been ordered out. A race war is on in Madison Parish, La., and so far one white man and one negro have been killed, while thirteen negroes are in gun] charged with murder. The solarometer, a new instrument, designed to do away with the present means for determining latitude and longitude. is being successfully used on the North German Lloyd steamers. About 130,000 miners in the United States quit work on Saturday in obedi- ence to the order of the United Mine Worker’s Association. The men de- mand an increase of 20 per cent. in their wages. Superintendent Arthur Dominy of the life saving service is nearly 7 feet tall. He is known as a giant in Bay Shore, N. Y., where he resides. He recently had a safety bicycle made to order with 34 inch wheels. It is the largest safety wheel ever built. The Post Office Department has made a notification of a change in the form of post office money orders. This intro- duces into the order the name of the payee, and makes the order negotiable, like a bank cheque. The new form will be sent to the post offices as rapidly as the old ones which they now have are used. W BIRTIIS. Juntaâ€"In Fenelon Falls, on Thursday, April 26th, the wife of W. T. Junkin, drug- gist, ofa daughter. DIED. Sravnxsoxâ€"ln Bobcaygeon, on Wednes- day, April 25th, Mrs. Caroline Stevenson, aged 69 years. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. Fenelon Falls, Friday, April 27th, 1894. Wheat. Scotch or Fit‘c 64 to 65 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . . . 58 60 Wheat, spring “ .... 57 58 Barley, per bushel. . .. . .'.. 4O 43 Buckwheat“ . . . . . . .. 43 ~15 Oats, “ 34 35 Pense, “ .... 55 57 Rye, “ 42 45 Potatoes, “ ........ 25 30 Butter,per lb............ 19 20 Eggs,per dozen.......... 9 10 Hay, per ton............. 6.00 7.00 Hides 1.00 1.50 Hogs ..... . ..... . 5.50 5.75 Sheepskins............... 35 75 W001 .. 17 18 Flour, family, Silver Leaf” 1.50 1.65 Flour, best hakcm’ .. . . . . .. 1.75 2.00 Flour, clipper . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 1.30 Flour, straight rolled . . . . . . 1.45 1.55 Bran, per ton...... 14.00 15.00 Shorts, “ . . . . . . 15.00 16.00 Mixed chop, per ton . . . . . . . 19.00 20.00 Excursion @ Steamer ‘OOILUMBIAN.’ This fast, roomy and comfortable steamer has been much improved this season, and is now open for excursions from all points on Scugog and Sturgeon Lakes, through to Lnkefield. Satisfactory rates given. Apply to W. McCAMUS dz CO , â€"-7-5m Bobcuygcou. lndustrious sober, re- liable menho sell our ‘l s, N o. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED I FENELON FALLS. A GOOD SUIT T0 MEASURE . . . . FOR TAILUPU SHOP... Em: NEW GOODS. R. TAGGART’S NEW PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED AT GIVE ME A CALL N BEFORE ORDERING. $IO $I2 CORN PER SUIT' (ENSILAGE) SUITS FOR BOYS. ron FEEDING PURPOSES. ' casedâ€"râ€" SEED TAILORING STORE. fix? 533:: srcmc HAS-ARRIVED, and with Spring comes the requirement of new goods. The question naturally arises, WHERE CAN I GET THE BEST VALUE FOR MY We guarantee this season to sell you better goods for less been ofi‘ered before. money than has ever WWW All wool Serge Dress Goods, 1 Black Cashmere, good quality, All wool Henrietta, all shades, worth 35c., for . . . . .. . . 19 Beautiful Cotton Challis, dark and light, worth 15c., for 09 All wool Dress Goods, plain, checks & stripes, worth 250., 15 Prints, wide, fast colors, new goods, worth 70., for.... 5 See our Delaine Prints,very wide, new patterns,worth 17c. 13 AND ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEEDS STOCK FRESH. PRICES RIGHT â€" ATâ€" ' W. T. JUNKIN’S. MONEY ? 7 shades, worth 38c., for 250. 38 inches, worth 320., for 20 31.00 Bottle. " : _. One cent a dose. Factory Cotton,extra heavy were, 7,9, and lOc., for . . . . 5, 7, 8 Tm Gm.” Conan . "l i " "I 1". Steamlooms,frec from dressing, were 6,8,53,10,12, for 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 where all others fail Genghis), Orgqu gig: Beautiful Embroideries, beginning at 20. and up to . . .. $1.00 Thw‘b Hflfienno VWhOOPInfiagWKII and . . . Asthma. For Consumption it no rival. 317 Desrgns 1n Laces, coming as low as .. 1 New“! womanhdnd mu on.“ You It 379 Sample Pnrasols “ “ “ .. . . .. . . . . . . . . 25 taggingme. Sold bygarugglstegg a gum-q Ladies’ Chemise,whitc cotton,fuilsize, lace trimmed 29 an 01' 3 me 0 .0? 83 “50 g u u “ ,, embroidery “Mama " 45 smnon's BELLADNA pLas'rahesc. “ Drawers “ “ tucked lace trimmed 25 v . It It ’ u u u eliubmidry u 45 . » r, , 7,: . H “ White Cotton Corset Covers, lace trimmed ...... 25 “ 17": . “ “ “ embroid’y trim’d. . . . . . .. 35 aveyoucatarr r This remedyis amnâ€" “ “ Night Robes, “ at 60,75,$l,$1.35 teedtooureyou. Friedman. Injec rtree. See our beautiful Shaker Flannel, big drive (I If H N Heavy Cotton Shirtings, fast colors, at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Extra. Heavy Feather Ticking, Six Large Linen Finish Handkerchiefs for . . . . .. . . . . . . 25 Ladies’ fawn, black, navy, brown spring & summ’r capes 2.90 Beautiful Lace Curtains, taped Cotton Yarn, 5-lb. bunch, wholesale price ........... 5 For Sale by VI. T. Junkin. HEADQUARTERS. IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR 32 inches wide . . . . .. 10 jobprice.............. 8 .. LOO edges 521?;‘ét‘.l:§fԤ.3$°t£‘itt‘§’vpei;d§.f§f‘.;ti;:::::::::::: f8 Boom Paper andPicture Frames Large Carriage Umbrellas, going nt...... . u... ...... 50 Five-fourths Table Oil-cloths, new patterns. .. . .. . .. .. . 25 “‘15 “‘â€" Coat’s lO-yds. Spool, black an Ladies, you should see our stock of Dress Goods, Delaines and Trimmings. Gents, we carry the largest stock of Gents’ Furnishings. Hats Etc._in Lindsay. d white, per dozen ... 30 w. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker’s Block, Ksnt-sb, Lindsay. Artists’ Goods a Specialty. Our Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Stock is now complete at prices to please every buyer. Machine N eedles, Alabastine and Dve CARTER, THE PEOPLIE’S FRIEND, 40 KENT STREET, LINDSAY. IN S URANGE. 55‘3"" Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his Insurance Business to me, I am prepared to take risks on all classes of property At Very Lowest Rates None butfirst-class British and Canadian ‘ Companies represented. 39" FARM PROPERTY at. very low rates. James Arnold. MT THE VERY I. H’FARLAND HAS EVERYTHING IN GRDDERIES. . Works Agency. 3%” Please call and see my 5c. Paper. Illlllllllllll. Illlllllllllll. NOW is THE TIME TO BUY Furniture. DURING HOUSE CLEANING A Special Cut in Prices Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH. DIVISION court-r â€"OF THE- County of Victoria. The next sittings of the cheve Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fenelon Falls, ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 251b, 1894, commencingat 10 o’clock in the forenoon Saturday, April 14th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this coanty. Defendants living in other coun- ties must be served on or before April 9th. S. Navxaoa, E. D. HAND, Bailiff. Clerk Fenelon Falls, Feb. 22nd, 1894. My stock is large and complete, consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, lounges. Centre 7 ables. Cane and E asV 0/1005. Bureaus. Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture Pictures Framed to Order. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices 365’ Undertaking promptly and carefully attended to. In. DEYI‘IAN. DHDISEST 00003. ansaraxrn & Foam-rune Dutch, 'Poeardy-malde at cost for Uolborne Street, Fenelon Falls. Cash for 80 Days. l [6" Residence over (In: Shop. W "1‘0 the I’llblic. l 9 RE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE '4 _.’ 1 “:4 4 4 white on his feet, and his size, symmetry and style of going’maltc him greatly admired both by those who are no judge of horses and by those who are. y the famous Edward e was sired b _ erett, is tall brother to Eclipse, 2.2%. and has numerous relatives who 2-20 com lew “M5 “f xnrserrv S‘Mk and so“! E M. 1 B I . Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance Potaptoes. A few special varieties controlled g -- 9 6 ad -- i at England, giving insurers the seem“). U, bv us. Commission or salary paid weekly i , ' $25 000 000 and the same good policy. slid guaranteed promptlyb lgxcflnsivgnn’df , ' ' JOHN AUSTIN’A‘WM choice of territory given. at t rec. on t < Mao agent for the Queen M F“ . . - . a â€" . g- delfl. Apply M on“ tor mm“. land and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Cap; ALLEN NURSERY 00., J c A R tal combined, $15,0m,000. I I Pension Falls, July 25th,1891. Rocnrsrsa, X. Y.

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