-r t.‘ cosrmso To ï¬t: uouss ron MONTHS AND UNABLE TO WALK. A Sensational Story l'rom the seizbbonr- hum! of ("llkIVHIOâ€"Iht Father Tells Important Discoveries Slade by a French. man “he Read Herodotus. A London despitch says :---An important discovery has just been made by M. de Morgan, director general of the service des flow "In lion tibia-lard Releaseâ€"What l Antiquites Egyptiennes, in connection With a Prominent Toronto Bruxglst Says. From the Toronto Ne ws. Four miles from the village of Cooksville, which is 1.5 miles west of Toronto on the Credit Valley division of the C. P. IL, on what is kno wuss tho “ Centre Road " is the farm of Thomas O'Neil. In the village and for miles around heis known usa man always ready to do a kindness to anyone who stands in need of it. Because of this trait in his character, whatever effects himself or his household is a mxtier of concern to the neighbors generally. So it happened that when his eldcil uon, William O’Neil, was stricken down last spring, and for months did not go out of the door, those liv- ing in the vicinity were all aware of the fact and frequent enquir- ies were made regarding the young man. When,after sulferiug severelyfor some three months. young O’Neil reappeared sound and well his case was the talk of the town- ship. Nor was it conï¬ned to the immediate vicinity of Cooksville, as an outer ripple of the tale reached the News, but in such an indeï¬nite shape that it was thought advis- able to send a reporter to get the particul- era of the case, which proved to be well worth publishing in the public interest. On reaching Cooksville the reporter found no difficulty in locating the O’Neil farm, and aitera drive of four or ï¬ve miles the place was reached. Mr. O’Neil was found at the barn attending to his cattle, and on being made aware of the reporter’s mission told the story in a straightforward manner. He said: "Yes, it is true my boy has had a re markable experience. I was afraid he wasn’t oing to get better at all, for the doctor id him no good. At the time he was taken ill he was working for e. farmer a couple of miles from here, and for a time last spring he did a lot of work on the road, and while he was working at this there was a spell of cold wet weather, when it rained for nearly a week. He kept working right through the wet and he came home with his shoulders and wrists so sore that he couldn’t work. He got gradual- ly worse, the painsspreading from his shoul- ders and wrists to his hands and then to his legs, ï¬nally settling in his knees and ankles and feet, so that he couldn’t stir at all some days. I sent for a doctor from Streets- ville. He said the trouble was an at- tack of rheumatism, and although he kept visiting him every few days and giving medicine, it did not seem to do any good. The pains did not quit and the boy was suï¬â€˜ering dreadfully. Why, when he would wake in the morning he couldn’t stir a limb, but gradually during the day he would get a little easier so that he could sit up for a while. His feet were swollen so much that he could not get on either boots or stockings. After he had been doctoring for nearly two months with. out getting a bit better, 1 concluded to try something else, so the next time I went to Toronto I got three boxes of Dr. \Villiams’ Pink Pills at Hugh Miller’s drug store. We followed the directions with the Pink Pills, but the first box did not seem to do him any good, but he had scarcely begun the second box when he began to improve greatly, and by the time the third box was gone he was i as well and sound as ever, and has not had a pain since. He is now working on a farm about six miles from Cooksvillo, and is as sound and hearty as any young man can be. On his, return to Toronto, the reporter called at the store of Messrs. Hugh Miller &Co., 167 King street east, to hear what that veteran druggist had to say about Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. He remembered Mr. O’Neil getting the Pink Pills, and on a second visit Mr. O’Neil had told him that Pink Pills had cured his son. Mr. Miller, in answer to a question as to how this pre- ‘ aration sold, said that of all the remedies nown as proprietary medicines Pink Pills was the most opular. He said he sold more of these t an he did of any other rem- edy he ever handled. This is valuable testimony, coming from a man like Hugh Miller, who is probably the oldest and most widely known druggist in Toronto. The Dr. Williams’ Medicine Co. are to be con- gratulated on having produced a remedy which will give such results, and which can be vouched for by the best dealers in the province. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are a perfect such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, artial paralysis, locomotor ataxia. St. itns' dance, nervous headache, nervous’ Isoou removed, however, and plates were prostration and the tired feeling therefrom, the after effects of la grippe, diseases de- pending on humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions and area speciï¬c for the troubles peculiar to the female system, and in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of any nature. Bear in mind Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers sub- hlood builder and nerve restorcr, curing they mated ’t' the pyramid of Dashour. Relying on a passage in Herodotus, M. de Morgan de~g :1 mm Sin lanthanum m. I _-..-v. . __..-... - Putting the 3...... Behind the Cart. " As soon as my ï¬eld of 'grain'is grown,†Said the farmer, sore in need, “As soon as my ï¬eld of grain is grown I am going to sow the seed." “As soon as my vessel reaches port,†Said the skipper, with a wail, “Assoon as my vessel reaches port I am going to set my sail." voted all his energies to the study of this ‘ ‘ As soon as the man is well and strong," pyramid, which is situated at a "distance of thirty-six kilometers from Cairo. been :tbe object at various searches but none of them has produced results which can be compared with the discovery of hi. de Morgan. The inscriptions state that this is the treasure of the Princes Ouser- tesen II and Ousertesen III. It consists of thirteen funerary chambers, the mummies of which have not yet been removed; of a breastplate in massive gold bearing the cartouche of Ousertesen II, the hierogly- phic: of which are made of carnelian, lapis- lazuli, and turquoise ; a collection of small gold bivalve shells, with which the Egyp- tians loved to adorn themselves; of brace- lets in gold set with stones, a scarabeus in amethyst, a tiger's paw in gold, is lotus ornamented with stones, 9. lion couchant after the fashion of the sphinx, a gold and silver mirror, some pins, a considerable quantity of pearls, amethysts, and other precious stones. Those treasures have been for the last few days on exhibition at the museum at Ghiseh. M. de Morgan has at present only explored the north past of the pyramid of Dashour : the south part- is still intact. He expects to ï¬nd in the latter the royal chamber, where he will, no doubt,discover still more extensive treasures. The Heavy End of a Match. “ Mary,†said Farmer Flint at the break- fast table as he asked for a second cup of coffee, “ I’ve made a discovery.†“ Well, Cyrus, you’re about the last one I’d expect of such a thing, but what is it ‘2†“ I have found that the heavy end of a match is its light end,†responded Cyrus with a grin that would have adorned a skull. Mary looked disgusted, but with an air of triumph quickly rctorted, “ I’ve got a discovery too, Cyrus. I It was made by Dr. R. V. Pierce, and is called a ‘ Golden Medi- cal Discovery,’ It drives away blotches and pimples, puriï¬es the blood, tones up the system and makes one feel brand-new. Why, it cured Cousin Ben who had Con- sumption and was almost reduced to a skeleton. Before his wife began to use it ‘lshe was a pale, sickly thing, but look at Hull: she’s rosy-checked and healthy, and , weighs 165 pounds. That, Cyrus, is a dis- covery that’s worth mentioning.†| Young or middle-aged men,sulfering from , premature decline of powor. however in- duced, speedily and radically cured. Illus- 3 trated book sent securely sealed for 10 cents : in stamps. VVorld’s Dispensary Medical ‘ Association, Buffalo, N. Y. r IED'I‘CE-CREAM. It Sounds Queer, but it Tastes Very Good. A Philadelphia. ï¬rm makes a specialty of I fried ice-cream, which is pronounced deli- . cious by all who taste it. A small, solid ; cake of the cream is enveloped in a thin 5 sheet of pie crust, and then dipped in boil~ _ ing lard or butter long enough to cook the 2 outside to a crisp. Served immediately,the ice cream is found to be as solidly frozen J, as when it was ï¬rst prepared. The process ‘ of frying is so quickly accomplished and I the pastry is so good a protector that the boat has no, chance to reach the frozen ‘ cream. _ Baked ice cream which has a meringue ; top is another caprice of cooks that is z toothsome, though this tampering with a l delicacy that is perfection when it is in its ‘- perfccted, normal condition seems unneces- sary. Good ice cream is as good as can be. Speaking of the dish, a woman recalled 1 the other day the fact that it was ï¬rst in- troduced at the national capital by Mrs. . Alexander Hamilton. She used to tell with ; amusement of the delight with which Presi- {dent Jackson ï¬rst tasted it, and how he lpromptly decided to have ices at the Ex- ? ecutive Mansion. Accordingly,guests at the next reception were treated to the frozen mystery, and afforded considerable fun to the initiated by the reluctance with which Those from the rural dis- tricts, especially, ï¬rst eyed itï¬suspiciously, then melted each spoonful with the breath before consuming it. Their distrust was emptied with great rapidity. A. BROKEN DO‘VX BROKER. A Clever Cunmllun Who Used to "old [town the Chicago Board or Trade.â€" Tl‘he Strain too Ilncli for lllm. The wheat pit at the Board of Trade at one time knew no one more popular than “Jammy †Miles. -.\Ir. Miles was a Canadian, stilutes in this form is trying to defraud and he reached Chicago when a youth with you and should be avoided. Ask your i but the price of awcek’s board in his pocket. dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for l’.ilo 9 He became a clerk in a broker’s oflice, and People and refuse all imitations and substi- tutes. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills may be had of all druggisls or direct by mail from Dr. “'illiuius' Medicine Company, Brockville, Onl.., or Schenectady, N. l'., at- 50 cents a box, or six text-s for $2.50. The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment comparativer inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. There is a proposal on foot to light. Lon~ don by electricity for nothing. It costs London 4:. 6d per ton to get rid of its refuse, the contents of the dust bins, slope, road sweepings, and that sort of thing. Now a Frenchman has invented s combin- ation of boilers, fines and stesm~ reducing apparatus generally, that will urn this refuse of London at a cost of Is. a too. The steam generated by homing street sweepings andthe contents of dust-bins will be sufï¬cient to run dynamos enough 'to li ht all London. So, as well u saving 3.1 S . a ton on getting rid of its refuse, Lon- don can be lighted for nothing. and what can be done in London can be done in any other cit in the world. A fortnight ago a small vil re some few miles north of Lon- a? Great blissenden. was lit for the ï¬rst ' e by electricity. This is the first of the small villages to take on the fluid, and its lighting is urtainly cheap enough. in a couple of years he started in business for limself. A few years ago when the big †Hutch †deal was on, Mr. Miles was heavily interested, and he lost the greater portion of his wealth in the whirlpool that sucked in so many others. The care and worry of stock transactions prayed on his mind so that he could not sleep at night for several months, and one night he took a fainting ï¬t. That dread disease insomnia took a deadly hold on him. His system broke down completely, and he found that he could no longer stand the strain, so he gathered the wreck of his fortune together and invested it in real estate, and he knocked off all work, determined ifpoasible to end the rest of his days in peace. Fits of local paralysis would attack his limbs. The points of his ï¬ngers were numb, and if he tried to walk he had a sense of falling backwards. At last a friend advised him to try a box of a new preparation which has been giving wonderful results in cases of the disagreeable complications that fol- low la grippe, and nervous diseases such as neuralgia, nervous headache, etc. Mr. Miles got a box of this preparation called »Schillcr’s Sarsapsrills Pills, and a dozen l boxes have restored his health so complete- ly that he is talking of startings brokerage : ofï¬ce again. Sold by all drugolsts or sent l postman! at 5°C. 4 per box, six boxes for 2.50 by addressing H. K. Schiller 8: 00.. l 73 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. ‘. Said the doctor, drawing close, It had “ As soon as the man is well and strong I will give him a curing dose.†“ As soon as my trade picks up a bit," Said the merchant, looking wise, “ As soon as my trade picks up a bit I am going to advertise.†Wide Awake Soap will do more work and do It better than any other soap in the world. Try it. Dolleyâ€"“Well, old fellow, I asked Miss Amy last night to marry me and she declined.†Goslinâ€"“Did she deliberate as though hesitating to pain you 2†Dolleyâ€" “No, she produced her negative by the in- stantaneous process.†Boclpe.â€"l~‘or Making a Delicious Health Drink at Small Cost. Adams' Root Beer Extract ........... one bottle Fleischmann's Yeast. . . .. ............ halt a cake Sugar .................... . . .......... two pounds Lukewarm Water .................. two gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water, add the extract, and bottlcj; place in a. warm place for twenty-four hours until it for merits, then place on ice, when it will open sparkling and delicious, Theroot beer can be obtained in all drug and grocery stores in 10 and 25 cent bottles to make two and ï¬ve gallons. “ Did you give up anything last Lent, Gaswall l†asked Dukane. “ I did.†“\‘Vhat did you give up 2†“ A check for $l50 for my wife's Easter toggery.†‘ I say. Tom. my wife got a. bar of Wide Awake Soap last week ; she says it is the best she ever used for washing. I tried it in my bath on Saturday night and! tell you it beats them all for a toilet soap. You Just try it. A prolonged ï¬ght, between a hen from Galway and a Louisville rat, took place a few days ago in the latter city. The ï¬ght lasted half an hour, and the hen killed the rat. The Sting ‘Vltliln. It is said there is a rankling thorn in every heart, and yet that none would ex- change their own for that of another. Be that as it may, the sting arising from the heart of a corn is real enough, and in this land of tight boots a very common com- plaint also. Putnam’s Painless Corn Ex.- tractor is a never falling remedy for this kind of heartache. as you can easily prove if afflicted. Cheap, sure, painless. Try the genuine and use no other. An illuminated keyhole has been invent- ed for the beneï¬tof people who stay out late at night, and sometimes try to open the door with a corkscrew. Wide Awake Soap can be used in hot water. in cold water, in hard water, in soft water, in any way you choosa ; it makes the clothes clean and sweet and. leaves the hands soft and smooth. Telephone girls in Chicago have been ordered' to shorten their dress, to prevent the rising of dust. Dust is injurious to the instruments. - Nerve Pain Cure Polson’s Nerviline cures flatulence. chills and spasms.» Nerviline cures vomiting, diarrhcca, cholera, and dysentery. Nerviline cures headache, sea sickness and summer complaint. Nerviline cures neuralgia, toothache, lumbago and sciatica. Nerviline cures sprains, bruises, cuts, (kc. Polson’s Nerviline is the best remedy in the world, and only costs 10 and 25 cents to try it. Sample and large bottles at any drug store Try Polson’s Nerviline. A. P. 707 Consumptionâ€"Low Condition spears... ; . Forflaking Root Beer During the summer months a more do licious drink than Root Beer could not bl desired. For the beneï¬t of our readers we give this recipe. Take Spider's Root Beer Extract - one bottle \cat - ‘- - - liall'acake Sugar . â€" - - - 4 lbs. Luke Warm Water - - 0 gallons Dissolve the sugar and yeast in the water, add the extract. and bottle, place in a warm place for twenty-four hours until it for- ments, then place on ice, when it will open sparkling and delicious. The Root Beer Extract can be obtained at all Grocers’ and Drug Stores, at 25c.per bottle. ‘ Reports from Florida state that the alli- gator is rapidly becoming extinct. It is reported that fully 2,500,000 of them have been killed it the past dozen years. Do you use soap ? Why not' use Wide Awake then ? it is guaranteed absolute. 1y pure and is the best in the World. A pound of sheeps’ wool produces one square yard of cloth. A Toronto Coroner's Verdict. Dr. W. A Young, Coroner, 145 College St., Toronto, writes that he has used St. Leon “Tater very largely in his private practice, and can endorse it as one of the best saline waters at present on the market and positively curative in its ell‘eots. Sold by all principal druggists, grocers and‘ hotels. “ How many ladies have you invited 2†“ Twenty-ï¬ve.†“ But I thought you were going to invite ï¬fty l†“ But consider the ashion of sleevss.†Wide Awake Soap is a mammoth bar of pure soap. Try it. He (exhibiting sketcb)â€"“ It’s the best. thing I ever did.†She (sympathetically)â€" “ Oh, well, you musn’t let that discourage you.†Schiller’s Sarsaparilla Pills act directly on the kidneys and by stimulating their action and purifying the blood they help the sys- tem to throw off disease. A chemical an- alysis, after taking these pills, will show a+ marked falling off of albumen in the urine of those suffering from kidney trouble. Price 50 cents a box, six boxes for $2.50 laide St. West, Toronto. Drunkenness is comparatively rare in Rio Janeiro. When the people of that country require a stimulant they ï¬ll them- selves with coffee. Wash your linen with Wide Awake Soap and see how beautifully white 11: ‘ ; will be. seas“? L alll ’9 250m, " ' 50cts. and -r $1.00 Bottle. Onocentadose. . _ H p Imp; It is sold on a erontee by all drug- gists. It cures ncipient Consumption Wonderful Results From Taking and. is the best Cough and. Group Cure. Hood’s Sarsapariï¬a. Miss Hannah Wyatt Toronto, Ont. "Four years ago while in the old country (England), my daughter Hannah was sent away from the hospital, in a. very low condition with consumption of the lungs and bowels, and weak action of the heart. The trip across the water to this country seemed to make her feel better for a. while. Then she began to get] worse, and for 14 weeks she was unable to get ; oil the bed. She grew worse for ï¬ve months and - lost the use of her limbs and lower part of body | and it she sat up in bed had to be proppe - up with pillows. Physicians Said She Was Post All Hblp and wanted me to send her to the ‘Homo for Incurables.’ But I said as long as I could hold my hand up she should not go. We then began I Hood’ssiiiï¬I‘Cures i to give her Hood's Sarsaparllla. She is getting ’ strong, walks around, is out doors every day; has no trouble with her throat and no cough. and her heart seems to be all right a in. She has a first class on lite. We re r her cure as nothing shorto a miracle.†. an'r'r, 89 Marion Street, Parkdale, Toronto, Ontario. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable and perlectlyharmless. Soldbyalldrugglsts. £50- _ ; H1EE.TQ§3 SIRE. f ,1 JSOLUI‘ELY FIRE PROCE- MEIALLIQ ROOFING CC? A; as manure 9â€â€œ " . :- '~ 7 _ ' .».':»- WA male and female, ’ To sell our new Kellla Clranrr. laurel, new; Iclls to our] housekeeper. Also our Ilrrsd.Cake and Paris: Knlru. Carver, and Knife snzl riclnois ï¬lial-pron. No capital required. Buy sellers, his; puma. CLAUSE Bill-Mil. (30.. lock Box 324. Toronto. Ont. Money spent tor ggod bcoksls well spent, Any book’or novel, new or standard, mailed post; free on receipt of price. Send for our catalogue. Established in 1850 by A. I’iddington. RISSER & CO. mansion! noon areas. 248 Yonge St. â€"- Toronto by addressing H. K. Schiller & Co., 73 Ade- ‘ s Gerâ€"man Syrup†G. Gloger, Druggist, \Vatertown, Wis. This is the opinion of a man who keeps a drug store, sells all medicines, comes in direct contact with the patients and their families, and knows better than anyone else how remedies sell, and what true merit they have. He hears of all the failures and successes, and can therefore judge : “I know of no medicine for Coughs, Sore Throat, or Hoarseness that had done such ef- fective work in my coughs: family as Boschee’s GermanSyrup. Last sore Throat“ winter a lady called Hoarseness, at my store, who was suffering from a very severe cold. She could hardly talk, and I told her about German Syrup and that a few doses would give re- lief; but she had no conï¬dence in patent medicines. I told her to take a bottle, and if the results were not satisfactory I would make no charge for it. A few days after she called and paid for it, saying that she would never bewitliout it in future as I. few doses had giver. her relief.’ ‘ (b ' Citron ic Co nghs . Persons afflicted with these or any throat or lung troubles , should resort to that » Most Excellent Remedy, ‘ Scott’s ; Emulsion ‘ ? of Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. No other preparation “CAUTION.â€â€"Beware of substitutes. ; Genuine pre srcd by Scott &.Bowne, i' Bollevllle. old by all druggists. .‘ 60c. and $1.00. ..‘ ‘,s’.'. . CANVASSE RS \VANTED for the Farmer's Friend and Account Book, presenting separate accounts for all farm transactionaetc. One agent has alibndy sold nearly 400 copies in one county. Semi for circulars and terms. \ViLmAai Biiious, Publisher, Toronto.- ‘ HUNGL MILLS 9 AND SHINGLE MACHINERY @ The host can be procured from warsnous, “Milan‘s... ACRES OF LAND for sale by the Sam'r PAUL I,OO0,00 dc DULUTH Raunoan Couraux in Minnesota. Send for Maps and Circus hrs. They will be sent to you FREE. Address HOPEWELL CLARKE, Land Commissioner. St. Paul. Minn. ___._ .. _..-..__. DR. 'I’AFT'S- ASTHMALENE c U R Gives u Nights Sweet sleep & so that you need not sit up all 111 ht gaspo ing for brunt i for fear of suffocation. On receipt of name and P. 0. address will mull R E E TRIAL BOTTLE Du. Tsar lines. Muni- CINE (30., Rochester. N. Y. ’l‘oronlo Bilnnch 186 Adelaide St. W. lsc Dr. 'l‘urt's “'lillc l'inc Syrup for Cold GRAN BY RUBBERS. They give perfect satisfaction in ï¬t style, and ï¬nish, and it has become a. by-word that “ GRANBY RUBBERS wear like Iron.†- - THE OXFORD‘- - OIL GAS COOK STOVE From Common Coal Oil. N0 mar, N0 near in me KITCHEN. Cooks a. Family Dinner for Two Cents. . willwutwlok. Makes and Burns Its Own Gas That will burn ROUGH WOOD and GOAL . . . Equally Well. . . 80X DGR Dill ::Wlli do In: Has the largest Oven. IS A FARnER's STOVE is Everybody’s Cook stove. See It. T118 GURNEY FOUNDRY 00., Lil, TORONTO. l W I a l l l t i i