l- . ...., r" ~ disinterestedâ€"says:â€"-â€"“ .‘lr. J. I) Fia- roile. Lindsay. is beyond doubt the b.;~‘t curler in the Province. and perhaps in America. fie has been the leading spirit in the winning: of a cartload of curler." the Hamburg, 0.1L, In [rpm/1:121, says : “ I took a few bottles of Shiloh’s I can heartily trouble. Vitalizer and it cured me. recommend it." .I.t.\t.\tED.â€"On Saturday last Mr. H. W. Greene met with an accident in consequence of which he is still conï¬ned to the house and only able to move about on crutches. He and his son Charles were moving some logs (that had been deposited near by during the winter) to the Pulp Mill Co's saw-mill to be converted into lumber; and one of them swung around on its centre when the team began to pull and struck .‘Ir. Greene and knocked him down, jamming his right leg between itself and a log; near which he was standing. :1 No bone Was broken, but the outside of the knee and the inside of the shank were so badly bruised that he is still under the care of Dr. Wilson. JUST LOOK HEREâ€"Wool Delaines 15c. ; all wool Whipcord, 42?. inches, 30c. I have reccived my samples; they are the fittest I ever had ; call and see them. By selling from samples [can give my customers a choice of a larger assort- ment of styles and grades of goods than any merchant in town could possibly carry in stock. All dresses, mantles and capes ordered from samples sold at cost price, customers paying their own express charges. Millinery, the latest and cheapest in town, straw shapes 150.. 25c. and upward. A ï¬rst-class dress- maker in charge. Mas. R. MCDOUGALL. SPRING BARGAINS. We have secured a large quantity of boots and Shoes at a. sacriï¬ce. No mat ter how we got themâ€"you can have them at less than wholesale prices. . . . JOHNSON 6i SISSON’ . . . The Monster Shoe Men - - Lindsay. ACCwENT.â€"â€"â€"Imst Friday Mr. Henry l’earce‘s fourth son, Willie, who is in the employ of Dr. Wilson, led one of the doctor’s horses out of the stable yard and then jumped on its back for the purpose of riding it to the creek a few rods up the street. The sidewalk is a good deal higher than the roadway. and from the one to the other is a short ‘steep platform or bridge, which the horse descended so suddenly that the boy was thrown over its head and drag- ged at least- twenty yards by the halter, which was twisted around his left hand, and by some means one of the bones of ~ the arm got broken just above the wrist. i. The accident will of course lay him up for a considerable time, but will do no lasting injury, as he is only about four- teen years old and as healthy as he can possibly be. ' trill nets were seized and destroyed by Fishery Inspector McCrae. They had been plucod in the Grand River above the dam. Cane Vincent Eagle: “The coming season a much larger acreage than ever hil‘ore will be devoted by the farmers of Wolfe Island to the growth of peas for the seed houses of this place.†An auctioneer in a New England city recently sold a horse at auction for 50 cents. The horec was so bony that the auctioneer said. by way of explanation, that "they (the bones) were exhibited intentionally. for the purpose of show- ing: that none had been extracted.†Charles Patterson. a farmer living near Gallipolis. 0., has never had a mir- ror in his house He went to town the other day and bought one. That even-' in}; his 10-year-old son saw it for the first time in his life. When he saw his l image there it frightened him dreadfully. He thought it was a ghost or some equal- uncanny thing. and sizing a shotgun tired at it, shattering the new mirror into a thousand fragments. l’nlpit advertising is still evidently d much in vogue in the Northwest. Au '3' old Orillia friend sends the I’nclcrta copy ol the Regina Standard, with the following paragraph marked:â€"â€" The dmce at the Barracks wa~~ about the only event ot‘the week that Was not an- nounced from one or the other of the local pulpits last Sunday evening. The list was an unusually lone one, and the most retentirn unnuory could not keep the half of the events in recollection. minister‘s hand and he must read them or breed a rupture. When he got through with the announcements. he heaved a sigh of relief and solemnly But the slips had been placed in the , Tut; Boss Cetan â€"â€"-.-\n exchangeâ€" l The Prince of Wales Speaks, , I I A f He ex. 4 ll trophies for ï¬x it work, and has now i pressed his gratiï¬cation at the deciston ; ,l c irried away the Ontario Curling .-\s~o- l of the Government to increase the navy, ; l s I ciation's medal for the best. individual lpvhich, he said, was the bulwark of ‘ , national defence. Daniel Ritz, proprietor and publisher of Royal Hixhnvss Said: " God forbid , l ’ that it should imply any threat to other was suffering from dyspepsia and liver recumries' l l ! At DunllVillO 0“ Sillldil)’ 400 .‘y‘m‘ds 0f duced, namely, the west 108 acres of lot 23 l l y I l l a i g l - 34““ m“ ill“ ‘0“ 0f “‘0 evening. “ F0" , and guaranteed promptly. Exclusive and what shall it proï¬t a man if he gain the ' choice ofterritory given. Outï¬t free. Don't i A whole world and lose his own soul,", « I upon which he preached a very able sermon. i l ofierud a toast to the army and navy. ,- the defenders of the Empire. 0:: this subject His ALSOâ€" It is just the reverse, for in order to be at peace, we must be strong. Therefore, it is the best policy to! strengthen the ï¬rst line of defenceâ€"the = navy. I hope the motto of which our volunteers are so proud, that of" De- fence, Not Deï¬ance,’ may ever be retained by the navy.†The speech was loudly cheered. 0P.-. NEW GOODS. R. TAGGART’S NEW DIAILRIED. Kano.â€"Kt:LLv.â€"-At the Manse, Penelon Falls, by the Rev. M. McKinnon, B. A., on l Tuesday, April 17 1894, Mr. John Andrew KCISO, of the township of Verulam to Agnes Kelly of Bobcaygeou. - FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported'by the North Star Roller Hill 00. Fcnelon Falls, Friday, April 20th, 1894. WHERE on I GET BEST VALUE EVER OFFERED IN FBNELUN FALLS. n-.."published in Lindsa '. and therefore ‘ , l LONDON. April Iiiâ€"At the festival . dinner given at the .‘Iiddlesex Hospital : l the Prince of Wales, who presided, I I I A D s U -T0 MEASURE . . . . FOR PER SUIT- CHEAP SUITS FOR BOYS. A First-Class Cutter Engaged. APerfect Fit Guaranteed. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. MONEY SAVED IS MONEY EARNED AT | I GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE ORDERING. TAILORING STORE. SPRENG HAS ARBWED, a. and with Spring comes the requirement of new goods. The questlon naturally arises, THE BEST VALUE Wheat. Scotch or Fife . . .. 64 to 65 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 58 60 9 Wheat, spring 1“ . ... 57 58 ' Barley, per bushe . ... . . .. 40 43 . Buckwheat u 43 45 We guarantee this season to sell you better goods for less -' L 9 r 83:26, ,1 :::: r: money than has ever been offered before. Rye, “ ' ------- - 42 45 WW ’ Potatoes, “ ... . . . .. 25 30 1: f3 All wool Serge Dress Goods, 17 shades, worth 38c., for 25¢. Hiabfl to“. H." ' "u. n 600 7m) Black Cashmere, good quality, 33 inches, worth 32c., for 20 Hidés I ' u n†u L00 1.50 .All wpol Henrietta, all. shades, worth 350, for .. .. l9 Hons 0 . ' u ' . . . . n 5.50 5.75 Beautiful Cotton Challis, dark and light, worth 150., for 09 Sheaepskins' . o . . ' n I .7. . . . . . 35 75 All wool Dress Goods, plain, checks tit stripes, worth 25c., ‘15 W00} . . . . . . . ' . i _ . u ,7 18 Prints, Wide, fast .colers, new goods, worth 76., for. . .. 5 Fluur’ family, Sirvcr Lent _ 1.50 1.65 See our Deliuue Prints,very Wide, new p.1tterns,worthl7c. 13 Flour, best bakers' . . . . . . . . 1.75 2.00 F‘mtory cotton’cmm heavy.w°r°’ 7’9’ and loco for - - - - 57 7s 8 Flour, clipper ' . ‘ . . I . . - . . . 125 L30 Stenmlooms, free-from dressrnghwerc 6,8,9,10,12, for 5, 7,8,9, 10 Flour Straight mnea. †. n 1.45 1.55 Beautiful Embrotderics, beginning at 20. and up to . $l.00 Hm“ ’per ton . . . . . . . i o . . . ‘ “.00 15.00 317 Desrgns in Laces, coming as low as . . . . . . .. l Shorls “ . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 l6.00 3‘9 -b‘imple yamsois “ u . u ‘ ' ‘ ' " ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ’ ' 25 Mixed ’chop per ton . 9‘00 20 00 M Ladies Chemise,wlnte cotton,full size, lace trimmed . H . 29 , . . . . . . l - H u “ “ embroidery trimmed .. 45 “ Drawers, “ “ tucked, lace trimmed 25 tt H (I u H embroidly it 45 “ White Cotton Corset Covers, lace trimmed ... 25 ' “ “ “ embroid’y trim’d . . . . .. 3 “ “ Night Robes, » “ at 60, 75, $1, $1.35 See our beautiful Shaker Flannel, big drive . . . .. . .. . .. -5 “ †“ “ 32 inches wide...... ' 10 Heavy Cotton Shirtings, fast colors, at. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 This fast, roomy and comfortable steamer E'xtra‘ Heavyh‘eathen Ticking. job price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “" 8 has been much improved this season, and ,3 Six .La’rg'e Linen Finish Handkerchiefs for . .. . . . . . . 25 now open for excursions from all points on Ladle? ml“) mac“! 93V.“ brow" spring '5‘ Sllmm’l‘ capes 3-90 Scugog n“d, Sturgeon Lakes, through to Beautiful Lace Curtains, taped edges . .. , . , , , _ 39 Lukeï¬eld. Satisfactory rates given. ggmyï¬gnf'f‘a blri‘lWllehOlesdflle price . . .... . . . . . . 1.00 ' ‘ ‘ 2 one on owe 5 er omen . . . . . . . . . . 50 ADI“) to w- MCCAMUD 5‘ 00'! Men’s Socks, pure wool untilvibry line, only . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 â€"7-5m Bobcaygcon. Large Carriage Umbrellas, going at . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 50 e Five-ftmrths Table Oilacloths, new patterns . . .. . . . . . . i 25 Goat’s, lO-yds. Spool, black and white, per dozen. ..... 30 ._..op.._ Valuable Farnl PrOperty IN THE TOWNSHIP OF FENELON. W The following property will be offered for sale by public auction at the McArthur House in the Town of Fenelon Falls, on Tuesday, the 24th day of April, 1894, at. the hour of 2 o‘clock p. m., under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in . a. certain mortgage which will then be pro- in the 9th concession of said township, and. those parts of lots 22 and 23 in the 3th concession of said township lying north of the present travelled road, containing about 65 acres, which may be known as the llyrnell farm. TERMSâ€"Ten per cent. cash at time of sale ; liberal terms for payment of the bal- ance will be made known at the time of Mr. Wm. B. Ellis having transferred hiv sale. For further particulars and conditions Insurance Business to me, I am prepared of sale, apply to to take risks on all classes of property ROBINSON, O‘BRIEN .ir GIBSON, At Verv Lo‘vcst Rates Vendors’ Solicitors, †74 Church Street, ~73. Toronto. None butiirst-class British and Canadian _ Companies represented. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HARVEY, IN THE. COUNTY OF l‘l‘lTEllROROUGlI. W FARE]: PR.OPERTY at. very low rates. James Arnold. There will be sold on ll’ednt‘sday, the 2nd Day ofltay, 1894, at I] o’clock in the forenoon, at Gonmus’ [lo-run, in the Town of Boncarnnox, by vir- W tne of powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the sale, the following property: The north half oflot ‘21 in the lSth CO!ICCS§l-in of the l l said township of Harvey, containing 108 i I acres more or less. The following improve- ments are said to be on the premises: About 70 acres cleared. having erected i w thereon a frame house and frame barn. ? TERMSâ€"Twenty per cent. of the pur- chase money to be. paid down on the day of sale. For balance, terms will be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to ' JONES, MACKENZIE & LEONARD, Solicitors, Toronto St., Toronto. . l Or to A. E. BOTTUII, Bobcaygeon.â€"â€"7.4 i w d lmlnstrious, sober, rc-i I liable men l0 sell onrg I complete lines of Nursery Stock and Seed ' Ev Art 1 Potatoes. A few special varieties controlled -- e a! l by us. Commission or salary paid weekly, l THE. VERY i . delay. Apply at once for terms. ALLEN NURSERY CO» Roccssrun, X. Y. 2-20 Ladies, you should see our stock of Dress Ggpds, Delaines and Trimmings. Gents, we carry the largest stock of Gents’ Furnishings, Hats Etc. in Lindsay. Our Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Stock is now complete at prices to please every buyer. MROhine Needles. Alabastine and Eve CARTE PEOP’IJE’S FERIEN D, 40 KENT STREET, LINDSAY. sneanarrowlsmm Cash for 30 Days. Wow R 3 . â€"â€"OF THE- County of Victoria. The next sittings of the above Court will be held in Dickson’s hall, Fcnelon Falls, ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1894, commencingat 10 o’clock in the forenoon Saturday, April l4th, will be the last day of service on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other conn- .Carpets and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. m where all others fall Coughmrgu :2: t, Homericâ€, Vihoopln Gong and Asthma. For Consumption it has no rival. cred thousands. and will cum: YOU If mum Sold bygrtcxgmsts cna guan- o 9 saxnoa's BELLADONNA ginghpï¬ï¬igi , c H’CA‘FARRH _ ._ car. PATENT MEDCINES AND DRUGS. SCHOOL BOOKS AND SUPPLIES. .BIBLES AND HYMN BOOKS. â€"â€" TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY. ’ w n w. 13am HEADQUARTERS. ileum Paper and Picture Frames â€"IB ATâ€" W. A. ‘GOOD'W'IN’S, Baker’s Block, Kent-sin, Lindsay. ' Arlists’ Goods a Specialty. Works Agency. WPleasc call and see my 5c. Paper. iliilllil. am NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Furniture. DURING HOUSE CLEANING A Special Cut in Prices Will be given to those ., BUYING FOR CASH. ties must be served on or before April 9th- Elly-Stock is; Luge and complctU t ( , S. Nansen, Bailiff. Fenelon Falls, Feb. 22nd, 1894. E. D. "AND, Clerk I. Ili’FAIlLAND HAS EVERYTHING IN GROCERIES. CHOICEST, GOODS. “m Bargain. -- J. MCFAR LAN D. consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, Lounges. Centre Tab/es. Cane and Easy Chairs. Bureaus. Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture Pictures Framed to Order. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices 5233“ Undertaking promptly and carefully attended to. L. I) E Y KI AN, U xnnnrannn k FURNITURE Deanna, Ready-made Clothing at Cost for W vogue Street. reheiou Fans. Residence over the 3/10)», “m ...._._.. ...._ .._. '1‘0 the I’ulrlic. HF. ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE . Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security of $25,000,000 and the same good policy. JOHN AUSTI N, rill/an ߠAlso agent for the Queen of Eng- land and Cnledoninn of Edinburgh. Capi tel combined, $45,000,000. Penelon Falls, July 25th, 1831. v