Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Apr 1894, p. 7

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Carpets and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. .22. Pun ’GLABS.â€"Tbe sheets or plate glass br/mn in some of our store fronts New Bands, Prices to sun “in Times_ by Chris. Brindon on the Ilth nit. have been replaced by new Imus, which arrived a l'..-w days .120. The pieCes of S‘“- I I I the one that was insured Irc at the seem to pay more attention to my business 1 p i , ,. than they do their own and for the purpose ; l the others are (in: pimp-TH HI the owners of inrnrminq me pubiic' 1 wish to make an i or the "mr“3- 1”") Mr N' Vim" “35 1| unqualified denial of the statement going 9 the rounds that I tried to influence Sir. John diamond with which he can cut lilt‘tu to fit anv wind-ow or Ith-r frame not too “'0'” 0" “MN” m“ “"‘g"5 “f worm“? mm dis osal of the imumncc company but big ftir tin-In. SPRING BARGAINS. We have securrd a large quantity of Boots and Shoes at a sacriticc. No matter how we got themâ€"you can have them at less than wholesale prion. . . . JOHNSON & SISSON . . . The Monster Shoe Men - - Lindsay. Ghastly Traged; A MAN OUT 0? WM“: MURDERS "‘3 I certify that the statements made by Mr. FAMILY AND THEN SUICIDES. DOLGEVILLE, N. Y., March 3].â€" Fritz Kiocizlcr murdcrcd his wife and four children at his home here lastnight and then committed suicide. He was . it merly employed in the felt shoc shop )Allred Dolgc & Son He was one of the leaders of a band of 20 socialists here. For several weeks he had been out of work, and his family had been supported by the town for the past few days. He had been calling off the fur- niture piece by piece until only a few chairs and II. little bedding: remained. Kloctzlcr had apparently been contem- plating the tragedy for several days. On the second floor. in one of the back bedrooms, on a few blankets. with their heads against the wall. wurc found the bodies of the entire family ofsix. First in the row of bodies was that of Mrs. Kloctzlcr. Her throat. had been cut. The second was that of the daughter, Frieda, 12 years of age. Thch was a ghastly gash across her throat. Kloetz- lor’s body was next. It had a big gush in the throat and a knife Wound in the heart. Next came the body of five-year- old Elsie. There were no marks on her body. She and another child had been poisoned. The last body was that. of the three year old son, Bruno, whose head was nearly sen-red from the trunk. The bodies wure cold when found. and the probabilities are that the tragedy was committed soon after Overseer of the Poor Ransom left the house. Kloctz- lcr’s head lay on the body of his daugh- ter Elsic. There are indications that the crime was arranged between the husband and wife. There was no evi- dence of a strangle. .-. Returned. The Bobcaygcon Independent says:â€" “ Mr. Stanley Davey and family have returned from Dakota and the west. He was away three years, and has had (all he rcquircs of the golden west. Those interestqur individuals who state that you don't. feel the cold in the North- west are to some extent. correct, only they invariably neglect to mention that it gets in its Work all the same. No man feels a bullet going through him, but it makcs him feel terribly when it has gone through. [i a man were sure of two crops out of three life in thc Went. would bo possible. For a man without capital loss of all he produces leaves him in circumstances that are at least pinch- ed, puckered and unpleasant. A total l03h‘ two years in SUCCCSaIOD, and a man bar: no use for any chance of a possibility of a crop the next year. His desire is to have himself decently planted. Mr. Davey takes the Beehive Farm on Stur- geon Lake. a good farm and one of the prettiest places in the district.” â€"-â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"--o -0 The Bay of Quintc is clear of ice. This Is the earliest opcning ol'navigatiou on the bay in 30 years. All trains are tied up on the Burke branch of the Union Pacific railroad in Idaho on account of snowslidcs. Louis Kossuth was buried at Buda- post on Sunday. Over 300,000 attend- ed the funeral. l’riucc Bismarch's birthday attracted thousaud‘ of uxcttrsionists to li'Iiedrichs- rul c on Sunday. Burglars made an attempt on the oatotficc at Georgetown on Saturday fight. but our: frightened off before se~ ring entrance. At llrockville jail on Saturday mornâ€" .iug: a nun nann‘d Coven, confined as a lunatic, 'snatchcd a razor from a fellow- prisoncr who was shaving and killed himx‘elf. mm Village Comm! and People of Fault)" : It!!! : I hen-hv beg to return my sincere thanks I for the liberal grant made by the Council I.) me, and for the subccription taken up on my behalf, and to express. my vt-ry highv mipwciation of the very haudsoum way in I‘lICh the people ct t-‘cnclon Falls have deal: by me. S. SENSOR. Village Constable. Ftnelon Falls, April 5th, 1594. CORRESPONDENCE. To (It: Editor oft/t: Femlon Falls Gazette. . _ I beg leave to Inform my friends and the For the benefit. ofcertain parties who , public in general that I have opened up an l Ordered Clothing House and Gent’s Furnish- l ing Establishment in \VM. MCARTHUR’S BLOCK, OPPOSITE THE POST-OFFICE, where all the reâ€" quirements of the trade will be found. at a certain rate per «lay. I have never had ‘ . an}. comemuun Wm, M, Thflmson 0,, m, I have also secured the servmes of Mr. question of wars since he cum m the Falls Samuel Penhale, of Toronto. a first-class cutâ€" I I I l Any inc but an idiot would know that it is » ‘ ~ . to my interest. as well as every other busi- i ters and none but firSt-:0135b hfldldb “[111 be employed. A Perfect Flt Guaranteed. ncss man's, to have the working men get as Give me a call and see for yourself. The prices will high wugvs as pos<ihle. Hoping these gos- startle you. ROBERT TAGGAR‘I'. sips, III-uddcrs and bzickbitcrs will in future FENELON FALLS, APRIL 32m, 1894. SPRING HAS ARRIVED, log you for the space in your paper, I re- main yours truly and with Spring comes the requirement of new goods. The question naturally arises, Tam Guns-r Conan emu: rom tl m where all others fail Coach‘s). ergo; Born Throat, Hoarseneas, \Nhoopln Cough and Asthma. For Consumption it as no ti ‘ has cured thomandmand will cons mu takcnln t-lme. Sold by Drugglsm on a gun», antes. For 3 Lame Back SHILOH'S BELLADONNA _ CATARRH 72:; REMEDY. I aveyouir? This remedyls unn- toedtoourcyou. It’s-leaflets. lnjccgi-ncg For Sale by Vl. T. Junkln. PATENT MEDIGINES JOHN H. BRANDON. Fenclon Falls, April 4th, 1894. Brandon in the above letter are absolutely true. JOHN THOMSON. m_ --v _, ... _._,... FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Hill 00. Fcnclon Falls, Friday, April 6th, 1894. Wheat. Scotch or Fife .... 64 to 65 Wheat, fall, per bushel. ... 58 60 I Wheat, spring ” .... 57 58 Barley,pcr bushel........ 37 40 Buckwheat“ .... .. .. ‘- 43 45 â€"â€" FOR MY MONEY? Oats, “ ........ 33 34 Pcnse, “ .... 53 55 Re “ ........ 42 45 - p35,“, .. 20 25 We guarantee this season to sell you better goods for less Butter, per lb.....'. ...... 18 20 money than has ever been ofl'ered before. Eggs, per dozen.......... 9 10 Hay, per ton...... 6.00 7.00 W Hides 1.00 1.50 ' gloss - -- - - ~u- -- - -~ -- 5-5‘; 5";5 All wool Serge Dress Goods, 1? shades, worth 38c., for 25¢. ......â€" leeps "18- . n-u 3 5 Black Cashmere, good quality, 38 inches, worth 32c., for 20 W001 .- u - - . ‘7 18 All wool Henrietta, all shades, worth 350., for . . .. . . .. l9 Flour, family, 'Silver Lea!" 1.50 1.60 Flour, best bakers’ .. .. . . .. 1.75 2.00 BIBLES AND . Beautiful Cotton Challis, dark and light, worth l5c., for 09 All wool Dress Goods, plain, checks & stripes, worth 25c., 15 F101”: c“PPQP- - - - n - n - u 1-25 1-30 Prints wide fast colors n ‘ y . , , ew goods worth 7c. for.... 5 H £101”: “might “med - - - o - - L45 See our Delaine Prints,vei'y wide, new’pltternsmbrth 17c. 13 N Ks- Saan, peruton. .. . .. ... ... . 14.00 15- 0 Factory Cotton,cxtra heavy were, 7,9, and l0c., for . . .. 5, 7, 8 .0’351 I - -- - -- -- oy- - 15-00 "5-30 Steamlooms, free from dressing, were 6,8,9,10,12, for 5, 7, 8,9, 10 -â€"â€"â€"- Mixe c 10p, per ton -- . - 19-00 20‘ Beautiful Embroideries, beginning at 2c. and up to . . .. $1.00 317 Designs in Laces comin as low as ...... .. l 379 Sample Parasols, “ g “ “ . .. . . .. . . . . 25 Ladies’ Chemise,whitc cotton,full size lace trimmed . . . . 29 “ “ “ “ embroidery trimmed . . 45 “ Drawers, “ “ tucked, lace trimmed 25 ‘ u (I u It It embroidly It 45 “ White Cotton Corset Covers, lace trimmed ...... 25 “ “ “ embroid’y trim’d. . . . . . .. 35 w. , ’ “ “ Night Robes, “ at. 60, 75, $1,813!) K I N 8 See our beautiful Shakrr Flannel, big drive . . . 5 I I as, This fast, roomy and comfortable steamer has been much improved this season, and is now open for excursions from all points on n ” ‘ , .u u 32 “Wiles Widen-no 10 Scugog and Sturgeon Lakes, through to gepvygottonpbhilrtmgqs, {first cologsmt . . . . . . . . .. 5 . W Lakefieli smisfncwr . rates ivem x ra eavy teat Ier Ic mg, J0 price 8 ' Apply to W hiicAwui & CO Six Large Linen Finish Handkerchiefs for ..... . ..... . 25 _ ' ‘ " Ladies’ fawn, black, navy. brown spring a summ’r capes 2.90 I â€"7-om Bobcaygeon. Beautiful Lace Curtains, taped edges . . . . . . . . .. 39 IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR gotten Yarn, 5-lb. bunch, wholesale price ...... L00 cautiful Lincn Tea 'l‘owels per dozen . . . . . . . . . . ...... 50 ' AUCTION SALE men's socks, pure wool ana’ver. he. only.-.” ..... . 10 00m aper an lBlUlB rams: _0F__ Large Carriage Umbrellas, going at . . . . . . 50 Five-fourths Table Oilcloths, new patterns...... .. 25 “'8 “'- Valuuble Farm Property Coats’ ZOO-yds. Spool, black and white, per dozen . ..... 30 IN THE TOWNSHIP OF PENELON. w. A. GOODWIN’S, Baker’s Block, Kent-sh, Lindsay- lArtists’ Goods 5: Specialty. WW Ladies, you should see our stock of Dress Goods, Delaines and Trimmings. Gents, we carry the largest stock of Gents’ Furnishings. Hats Etc. in Lindsay Our Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Stock isnow complete at prices toplease every buyer. Machine Needles. Alabastine and D76 CARTER, 38“ Please call and see my (Sc. Paper. TIIE PE()PLE’S FIIIEN D, 40 KENT STREET LINDSAY. H H NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY 00W The following property will be offered for sale by public auction at the McArthur House in the Town of Fenelon Falls, on Tuesday, the 24th day of April, 1894, at the hour of 2 o’clock p. m., under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will then be pro- duced, namely, the west 108 acres of lot 23 in the 9th concession of said township, and those parts of lots 22 and 23 in the 8th concession of said township lying north of the present travelled road, containing about 65 acres, which may be known as the Byrncll farm. TERMSâ€"Ten per cent. cash at time of sale ; liberal terms for payment of the bal- ance will be made known at the time of sale. For further particulars and conditions of sale, apply to ROBINSON, O‘BRIEN ti: GIBSON, Vcndors’ Solicitors, 74 Church Street, â€"7.3 Toronto. sscoun DIVISION coun'r F â€"01-‘ THE- County of Victoria. Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his DURING HOUSE CLEANING Insurance Busmess to me! I am prepared The next sittings of the above Court will to take risks on all classes of property be held in Dickson,8 hm", Fenelo" Falls, A At Very Lowest Rates ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1894, . . commencingat 10 o’clock in the forcnoon WI" be given to those None but first-class British and Canadian . . , Saturday April 14th Will be the last day compames represented- of scrvicb on defendants residing in this county. Defendants living in other coun- se' FARLI PROPERTY “"5 ""‘3‘ be “"ed °° °’ mm A?” 9‘h- My stock is large and complete, S. Nuvmou, E. D. HAND, Bailiff. Clerk James Arno'd- Fenelon Falls, Feb. 22nd, 1804. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY IN Till: TOWNSHIP OF HARVEY, IN THE COUNTY OF I‘ETEllBOROUGH. There will be sold on Wednesday, the 2nd Day of May, 1894, at very low mms' consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, Lounges, Oenlre T ables. Dane and Easy Ghal'rs. Bureaus, Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture | at ll o'clock in the forcnoon, at GoULAIs' 5 HOTEL, in the Town of Bonoavcsox,by vir- tue of powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the sale, the following property: The north half of lot ill in the 18th concession of the , ,suid township of Harvey, containing 108 5 acres more or less. The following improve- ,mcnts are said to be on the premises: l l l l I N l. M’FARLAND HAS EVERYTHING Pictures Framed to Order. l . About 70 acres cleared, having erected} ,-’-‘ tllcrenn a frame house and frame barn. , I ‘ TERMSâ€"Twenty per cent. of the par-1 l SUllSBllllB Minoan IN GBOGEBIES. chase money to be paid down on the day of; i‘ Evexli'tllillg sold at Lowest Li'ing Prices sale. For balance, terms will be madci was” Undertaking promptly and carefully known at the sale. For further particulars l '4 ' attended to. " apply to . T . JONES,.\IACI_(ENZII-I a LEONARD, In. 1) IL.‘ Y DI A 1‘, E F 50153:? 3:0010 5L, TUPOMOy Uxozuraxsa 8; Fuaxrrunz Dir/tun, é Or to A. .. BO ‘ r. , o caygeon.â€"7.~l R a I ‘ ,___,.-____ ea, Yul-made at Cost far m bolborne Street, Pension Falls. - . Residence over the Sit ). ‘8‘ l Industnous, sober re- ‘8. 0’ l I liable men to sell,onr ‘ _.__..._____, ‘ complete lines of Nursery Stock and Seed ’ O f 3 D m . : Potatoes. A few special varieties controlled ‘ o r130 the 1’Il})110. by us. Commission or salary paid weekly. l‘ , and guaranteed promptly-.0 I‘lxtélusivtsnndl - . IIIE ROYAL CANADIAN lNSL'RANCP: , choice of territory given. at It rec. ou't 5 M W Co, has amalgamach with the Alliance ; dclay. Apply at. once for terms. i In a -. ‘ of England, giving insurers the security of . ALLEN NURSERY 00., l $25,000,000 and the same good policy. . 2-2,, Rommrm’ x. L ; JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. ""‘M la fit dzlcid‘ifnrii. nfudf ’13."; i diilit‘ilenor Ci :15. F R I I ' tat combincd, $45,000,000. J. M c I Feueloa Falls, July 25th, 1891. ...--v ' 4.‘-..9.,.u..-... .4 v" ..w 4'1

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