Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 6 Apr 1894, p. 1

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f VOL. XXII. Garclenfieeds FLOWER SEEDS JUST ARRIVEDâ€"A FULL STOCK OF THE ABOVE, Ar LYTLE’S DRUG STORE rnv oca runs BICARBONA'I‘E or .fisonA, CREAM or TARTAR AND BAK- ' tso rownsn, AND YOU WILL as PLEASED. FLAX SEED WANTED. H. JfirLE. Penelon Falls, March 14th, 1894. ft'ofessional Cards. Mjsm. llllSS THISTLETIIWAITE, who has studied for years with the best teachers on this continent, and has passed the required examinations at the Toronto College of Music, will give Lessons on Organ or Plano, ALSO VOCAL LESSONS IF DESIRED. For Terms apply at Mrs. J. McArthur‘s residence. LEGALâ€"8:0. A. 1’. DEV LIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-atâ€"Law, Solicitor ln Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. HORRINS a cotsnow, (Successoa ro MARTIN & Horxms) ARlllS'l‘Elt, SOLICI'I‘UR, the Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Ollice, Wil- liam street, next to the Bank of Montreal. G. H. Hot-xtxs.’ D. H. Cntsuomt. MOORE & JACKSON. Aaatsrsas, SOLICITORS, are. (in fice, William street,Lindsay. l'. D. Moons. A. J acxson. MclN'l‘Y tilt} & STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, kc. Offices over Ontario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on my terms I. J. Mclsrrn. '1‘. Sruuar. WWW!” A. \V. J. DEGRASSI. M. D., ORONER, Physician,Surgcon,&c., to. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington street, Lindsay. DR. .\. WILSON. â€"u. s., u. c. r. a 3., Ontario,â€" HYSICIAN, SURGEON .1: ACCOUCH- _ our. Office, Colborne Street, Feuelon l'alll. ‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_._.. Ila. u. u GRAHAM, RADUA'I‘E of the University 01 Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons ot England. Member 01 the Gol- lege of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. Office and residence on Francis-St. West l'enelon Falls, opposite the Gazette office. R- M. MASON, ETERlNARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, T0~ Nnto,198-t; R..\l.O.V.M.A Residenceâ€"Francis Street East, l-‘enelon Falls. SURVEYOBS. L."“““"LLLVâ€"M I;;._'; "m .l .\ _\l HS lll (‘KS()N, L. Sum-yer. Commissioner in the Q. 8., . Conveyancvr, &c Residence, and ad- dress, Feuelou Falls. DENTAL: wi‘féiiési’nenast. ' The beautiful Crown and Bridge work practised with success. Gas and all other anesthetics for extracting teeth without pain. .4 let of Artificial Perth, better than the average. for $8 00. Rooms directly opposite Wood's stove depot, Lindsay. vâ€" ll ll.\Rl‘. L. D. S. BIT OF Goon TEETH FOR Ste. 0... and local umdheties for painless ex- “cling Satisfaction guaranteed in all he: of £19R7leuy. “Office Mr Pairvuther & 00'. store, ""1, .ppuite the paradise, Lindsay. Youths’, HAS COME, AN D, HOW IS THE TIME YOU WANT TO BUY YOUR CLOTHING. We have a great variety in Men’s, Bog/3’ and at any price you want, all new goods and uobbg styles. HATS I HATS I HATS I We have the largest stools of Spring Hats ever brought into the town, all new styles, and prices to suit the times. Don’t buy until you have seen our stools. McDougall, Brandon & Co. WAR. SEE OUR . . 50. A R i It you see them you will buy Sure. o e 0 one car nurses 0 e At~15c., 17e., 200., 25c, 35c. and 40c. are the Best Value we have ever shown. WINDOW SHADES AND WINDOW PAPER. . . . :tgtzillliilllSllhl’S STREET, FENELON FALLS. ~......l THE CHEAPEST IN TOWN. BliZlilill.’ FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL , 38: Papers 6TH, 1894. "DIRECTOR SOCIETIES. b APLE LEAF TRUE BLUE LODGE No. 42. Regular meetings held on the. second ,Wednesday in each month. Hall in McArthur’s Block. R. Taooan'r, Master. H. Acsrm, Deputy Master. JosN MCGILYRAY, Secretary. M ANADIAN ORDER OF ODDFELLOWS. Meet in the True Blue hall in McArthur’s Block on the first and third Mondays in each month. Trent Valley Lodge No. 7l. J. J. N‘.vxs.m. N. G. R. M. MASON, Secretary. I O. L. No. 996. MEET IN THE ORANGE J. hall on Francis St. West on the second Tuesday in every month. strs DsrttAN, W. M. J. T. Tuoursou, Ja, Rec-Sec. m. ._._ NDEPENDENT ORDER of FORESTERS Court Phoenix No. 182. Meet on the last Monday of each- month. in the True Blue hall in McArthnr’s Block. JAs. BILLET, Chief Ranger. JosN R. GuAuAM, Secretary. _______â€" OANADIAN HOME CIRCLES. FENE- LON Falls Circle No. 127, meets in the True Blue hall in McArthnr’s Block the first Wednesday in every month. P C. Bunosss, Leader. R. B. Svnvssrsn, Secretary. A F. AND A. M., G. R. C. THE SPRY~ . Lodge No. 406. Meets on the second Friday of each month, in the lodge room in Cunningham’s Block. Da. A. Wmson, W. M. Rsv. W. FAnNCouB, Secretary. CHURCH ICS. BAPTIST CHURCHâ€"QUEEN-ST.â€"REV. James Fraser, Pastor. Service every Sunday morning at 10.30. Sunday School every Sunday at 2.30. p. m. hiE'I‘HODlST CHURCH â€"- COLBORNE Streetâ€"Rev. G. W. McCall, Pastor. Sunday service at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. Sabbath School at 2.30 p. m. Epworth League of Christian Endeavor, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7.30. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHâ€"FRANCIS Street Westâ€"Rev M. McKinnon, Pas- tor. Services every Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. in. Sunday School every Sunday at 2 30 p. to. Christian Endeavor meeting every Tuesday at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting every Thursday at 7.30 p. m. _ _. ALVATION ARMY â€"- BARRACKS ON L Bond Street Westâ€"Captain Wiseman. Service every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday evenings, and on Sundays at 7 a. m., 10 n. m., 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. ._ . __.- -_.._..____.___ '1'. ALOYSIUS R. c CHURCHâ€"LOUISA Streetâ€"Rev. T. B. O‘Connell, Pastor. Services every alternate Sunday at 10.30 a. to. Sunday School every Sunday at 2 p. m. T. JAMES’S CHURCHâ€"BOND STREET East â€"â€" Rev. Wm. Farncomb, Pastor. Service every Sunday at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. to. Sunday School every Sunday at 11.30 a. 111. Bible class every Thursday evening at 7 o’clock. . fl“ Seats free in all churches. Everybody invited to attend. Strangers cordially welcomed. .._ MISCELLANEO U93. ECHANICS’ INSTITUTEâ€"P. KELLY, Librarian. Open daily, Sunday except- ed. from 10 o’clock a. m. till 10 p in Books exchanged on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 12 a.m. till 3 p. m. and in the evening from 7 to 9. Reading room in connection. POST OFFICEâ€"I“. J. KERR, POSTMAS- TER Office hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. to. Mail going south closes at 9.15 a. to. Mail going north closes at 3.30 p. m .UUNTY COUNCIL. a..â€" WARDlNâ€"E. Ben-nu, Bosoualort. Berley. . . . . . . . Geo. E. Laidlaw . Reeve Bobcaygeon . . .E. Bottum . . . . .. Reeve Carden...... .J. A ton . ......Reeve Dalton . . . . . . . J. Thompson . . . . Reeve Fm Dr.J.W.Wood Reeve ‘ on A. McFarlane Deputy W. C. Switzer Reeve Win Adums..Deputy F I [ Juo.Chambers Reeve we on ' ‘ ' ' ' ' 1 Wm. Hall Deputy Penelon Falls" J. McFarland . . Reeve Laxton, Dighy and Longl‘ord John Bailey. ... Reeve Richard Kylie Reeve Lindsay ..... {Gem Craudell lst Deputy R N. Johnston 2nd Deputy Emily .... .... WLownsbrough Reeve Mariposa {F.Shaver.....lst Deputy “’McCrimmon 2nd Deputy Omemce . . . . .. Dr. V. Cornwall Reeve R. Bryans. . . . Reeve op"""’ “" l D. Walker....Deputy John llowie..Reevc A. Morrison..Deputy v 1 Ju. Litbgotheeve "u “n John Kelly .. Deputy Woodville ....N. Ferguson....Beeve Somerville . ._- _ n..â€" . _.- ._.~.~ _N~*.--__.___â€"__.____E_-- His Brilliant Career. SHORT SKETCH OF THE BRIEF BUSY LIFE OF THE LATE DR. JOHN LOGAN. â€"â€" The Grand Forks, Dakota, Daily Herald of March 27th says :â€" Dr. John R. Logan was a native of Ontario, born in Cartwright, County Durham, Ont... on June 3, 1865, being now on] 29 'cars of see. He credo- .Y .3 a . atcd from the medical department of Trinity University, Toronto, achieving the highest honors in his class and win- ning two niagnificent gold medals. While in Toronto he was called to tskc charge as physician cfa small community sfllicted with a smallpox epidemic which affected lolly one-half of the populatioa. The remarkable success which he there achieved gave him a fame which was heralded far and near. From Toronto he went to Europe and took a post-grad- uate course at the University at Edin~ burgh, and thence to London, where he pursued his studies for a year, securing the highest possible honors and being made a member of the Royal College of Surgeons. He then returned to America, and located at. Ardoch. After practising about a year there he came to Grand Forks in 1889 and became a partner of Dr. H. M. Wheeler, with whom he has been associated ever since. His skill as a surueon soon became evi- dent and his services were constantly in demand. being frequently called to dis- tant parts of the State to perform oper- ations and for consultations. He was for several years county physician and also superintendent of the county board of health, but. was obliged to relinquish these positions on account of his growing private practice. For some time past he has been the city health officer and has proved singularly efficient. He was appointed by Gov. Burk as secretary of the State board of medical examiners when the board was first organized and has cflioiuted in that capacity ever since, being recently reappointed by Gov. Shortnidge. He was one of the charter members of the State Medical Associa- tion, and has always taken the greatest interest in the work of the association. His essays have always been received with marked interest and a number of them have been published in the lcad~ in: medical journals. The association recognised his ability bv electing him as the representative for North Dknotu at the International Medical Congress held in the city of Washington in May. 1892. Dr. Logan was married in 1889 to Miss Jacobi, of Ardoch, who survives hini. She has daughter of E. R. Jacobi. cashier of the First National Bank of East Grand Forks. One child was born to Dr. and Mrs. Logan, 8 little girl. to whom they were devoted almost to idol- ization. but she died when less than two years of one. Dr. Logan's parents live in Toronto. his father, an Episcopal clergyman. being a canon of St. Alban's. A brother, Wm. Logan. a druugist at Crystal, arrived last evening (March 26th) to attend the funeral. The be- reaved widow has the sympathy of the entire community in her sad and incon- solable affliction. Dr. Logan was found dead in his office at eight;~ o’clock on Sunday morn- ing. the 25th inst Medical examination proved that he died without a struggle, and those who saw him immediately after his death say that his lips were parted in a smile. It may be said of him, as of many another man, that he died of a broken heart â€" doubtless brought on by the plague, its worriments, its calamitous deaths, and the constant strain upon his nervous systemâ€"which was ofa highly sensitive Ol'Jaanln. We mourn Dr. Logan us one of our dearest and best friends. ..â€"-â€"_. Dr..Chnrles Edward BrownSoqanrd, the famous physician, died at Paris on Monday. need 76, It is believed that fall rye and wheat have wintered better than usual in Prince Edward County. There is a family named “’ltl'lt'l'lll in Smith's Falls, and the aggregate ago of the twelve living children is 694 your». William Det'elin, a notorious cattle- thicl'. has been arrested, charged with stealing cattle from farmers in the Win- nipeg district. Four persons were killed and many injured by the wreck ol'u building by natural gas explosion in Alexandria, Ind., on Saturday night. Some miscresnt threw a 25-pound keg: of blasting powder, with fun.- at- tuched. into the ofice of The News at Tweed, Uot.. on Saturday niuht. but the lose became extinguished and the reheme failed. A.-- p.” .- . ,._. ..- _ . 5 “AW... -«

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