Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 30 Mar 1894, p. 5

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3 «an-.... Carpets and Oil- 1 Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. someoneâ€"At the high court at L’ndsay on Wednesday Christopher Brandon was arraigned on the charge of Sll0,ll.lll;_' at Stephen Nevison with intent to commit murder at Fencloa Falls on Sunday, March 11th. Judge Armour, who presided, asked him a few questions and then, as Constable Nev- is-u Was unable to be present, ordered him to be taken back to jail until next elurt, which will be held about six mouths hence. SHlLOll’S CURE is sold on a guarantee. it cures incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose; 25 cents, 50 cents and $f’per bottle. Sold by w. r. Junkin. CATTLE you Cameosâ€"Lat Tues- day morning a carload of cattle from Guelph intended for the Messrs. Boyds’ There are [10' seventeen crematories in the United States. For being an accessory to the use ofa cancelled postage stamp, James Gibson of Stockdale was fined $20 and costs at Wooler on Saturday before Mr. T. R. Garratt. The information was laid by Assistant Postoflice Inspector Macarow of Kingston. Prof. R. L. Garner, who has been in Africa nearly two years studying the language of gorillas, arrived at New York on Sunday on the Struria. He expi‘essed himself as well pleased with the result of investigatimls and is plan. ning to make another trip to continue them. A notable illustration of the depreci- ation in recent years in the value of I SPRING Ills ARRIVED, l and with Spring comes the requirement of new goods. The question naturally arises, WHERE CAN I GET THE BEST VALUE FOR MY MONEY? We guarantee this season to sell you better goods for less money than has ever been offered before. WW mom: Gonna i I r " 7 asses” . f”? h roa oar-ace 00 :1 Asthma. For Commptlonplt asorlit‘) 1'1:ng hascured thennndgand will com: no if mam cameras-aware» SHILOK'S BELLADONNA Bhsrm Coughs. Croup aor- . W4 W .44 F9.» some. Hlock farm at Bobcaygcou, arrived by EngliSl‘ estates is the fa“ that ‘he 95‘ All’wool Serge Dress Goods, 1? shades, worth 38c., for 35¢. _ "a," at me french,“ Fans station The late of Elvendon, the seat of the Mahar- gllpck Cilisgmere, goodnquzliéy, 38 inches, wofrth 320., for 20 p _ . , p ' - - - ' tie, a s a es, worth 350. or . . . . . . . . 19 even - : rented t drove which numbered about twent . a.lah DUlePp Slngh,wlnch was offered for “'f’0 “me .. . ’ y 5 arm- and other of iiifizit‘l‘é’.‘;:‘.°a$l:‘“pig‘fiié‘é‘f.‘tgl’hifi’fioiif'sié" 3: “mm W“ W "m 2 two or three Devons. D They were drivun dred “lousa'ld Pound} for it ref-“Seat Prints, wide, fast colbih, ne,w goods, worrih ’70., fort”? 5 For 88's by w' 1" Junkln' i m the large yard behind the North “‘38 SOld a few days Since for 009 lllm- SeeourDelaiuePrints,verywide,newpltteras,worth17c. 13 Star roller mill, and, after being rested and fed, left in charge of a couple of tired and fifty thousand pounds. Adam Haber, a carpenter of Lake View, near Chicago. was shot and killed Factory Cotton, extra heavy were, 7, 9, and 10c., for . . . . 5, 7, 8 Steamlooms, free from dressing, were 6,8,9,10,12, for 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Beautiful Embroideries, beginning at 2c. and up to . . .. $l.00 ‘PATENT men for their destination. . 317 Designs in Laces coming as low as . .. 1 t Bcslsrss l‘iorlcal â€"As acme of the other b-y his son’ George' abom 12 (“dock one 379 Sample P31118013, “ “ “ ...... . . ... 25 mnck'ngum‘ in me, village have broken ,{le night last week._ A quarrel batwcen Ladies’ Chemise,whitecotton,fullsize,1ace trimmed 29 swamp.“ “Herod into ,9 “din horse- Haber and his Wife was the cause of the “ “ “ “ embroidery trimmed .. 45 a, . ' ‘ . g g . - ' ' " Drawer “ “ t k d l t ' d 25 ~ shoeing, and are charging only 25 cents tragedy. The husband struck his Wife ” u a, u “ ufi e , butts, rlp‘lme 45 each for new shoes and 10 cents for re- and the son ran into the room and fired ,, . em .'°‘ y_ "39:93: “7’1";“5h ‘3’ Grad“,me c"§t°me'5 six shots at his father. Five of them It Whiteslconon cal-sell Omifigifiéytflfll‘gd g: A u n D n u G s - ;~::.'.5::3r.a 31:03:25: wok The rather dropped to we « u « a. to. DA”, Cmnms. floor dead. Young Haber is 20 years See our beautiful Shaker Flannel, big drive . . .. .. .. 5 â€"--â€" ' old. He was locked up soon after the - “ “ ‘ _ f‘ “ 3') inches wide...... 10 Tue SlX’l‘ll Tnacuaa AGAIN.â€"After murder ~ . Heavy Cotton bhlrtlngs, fast colors, at. 5 all the talk that ended in the closinv of ' Exm" H‘m’y Feather Ticmng j°b price 8 the lower department of the south “and Reports from the Nve‘fundland seal Six Large Linen Finish Handkerchiefs for .. . . . . . . 25 cchool it h s not remained clog d h fighery are very discouragm‘l- A" Of Lndies’ fawn, black, navy. brown spring & summ’r capes 2.90 .. , a} e unto the steamers have had poor fal‘GS. The Beautiful Lace Curtains, taped edges . ..... ...... . 39 more than time months, and we have Newfoundland has 6,000, which were Cotton Yarn, 5-lb. bunch, wholesale price 1.00 ' now the full staff of 8!: teachers again. _ . - . Beautiful Linen Tea Towels er dozen . . . . . . . . . . 50 . taken on March 8, snx days before the , ll) __ As Will be seen by the school board pro- law allows She has one of the best Men 5 Socks, pure wool and very fine, only...... ...... 10 cccdinns Miss Annie L power has been - , Large Carriage Umbrellas, gomg at . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. 50 wmwe‘d’m m'ke churne'of the mo ened catches of the whole fleet. I‘he male Fivevfourths Table Oil-cloths, new patterns...... 25 "‘ a ’3 p seals are inshore. The people at north- Coats’ ZOO-yds. Spool, black and white, per dozen ..... . 30 room, which will take the strain 00' the other lady teachers, who have been com- plaining since the beginning of the year of having too much to do. New Gnsr.’ FURNISEING Housa.â€"Mr. Rob- ert Taggart will open out a business in the above line next week in Mr. W. McArthur‘s block. Helms secured the services of Mr. Penhale, of Toronto, who has had a large experience both in city and country work, and comes well recommended by some of the best. houses in Toronto. Mr. Taggart and Mr. Penhnle left on Tuesday for Toron- to and returned on Thursday. They pro- cured a large and well selected stock, which will reach here this evening. Look f r ad. next week. A CARNIVAIr To-monrlâ€"Lnst Mon- day week the Feuelon Falls skating rink was closed for the season, it was thought; but the weather turned so cold again that the rink was reopened, and to- night there is to be a carnival for the benefit of Mr. Elward Chambers, the caretaker. who has for two seasons per- lormed the duties of that ofiioe so satiso fuctorily that he ought to be well patron. ' cattle. eru parts are out hauling them by thousands. The Labrador had two men killed on Tuesday, one being cut into Ladies, two pieces by ice. In the House of Commons on Thurs- day Mr. Herbert Gardner, Secretary of Azriculture,‘statcd that the Imperial Government had on Friday received from the Canadian G0vernmeut repre- sentations that the Dominion was now free from pleuro-pneumonia. In reply to Mr. Farquharson, Mr. Gardner stated that the Government had not yet removed the embargo on Canadian There Were two matters on which he wished to ascertain the opinion of the leadin: authority. Until then he could not give any definite informa- tion as to the course the Government would pursue in reference to the admission ' of Canadian cattle. He would make the Government's decision known as soon as possible. m 1“: ARRIED. CARTER, THE 40 KENT STREET, LINDSAY. you should see our stock of Dress Goods, Delaines and Trimming-s. Gents, we carry the largest stock of Gents’ Fumishiagsi’Hats Etc. in Lindsay. Our Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Stock is now complete at prioesto please every buyer. PEOPLE’S. FRIEN D, HARDWARE. $0000.00 STOCK 0F J. P. RYLEY. SLASHENG BARGAINS HYMN BOOKS. TOILET narrates. STATIONERY. H II. thinks. NOTICE. All Notes made payable to James Bun Agent, will have to be paid to Frank Kerr post-master here, who holds said notes. JAS. JOHNSTON & Co- Penelon Falls, June 30th, 189l.â€"-l9 t.f. llllllllllllli. llllllllilllll. .- _ wait. .0’ . . o . . still to be had. A large number of people have bought from Iscd. especially as the “=0 13 "1 as 800d Hm", _1,,,,,,,,,,_A,,he residence orthe us and can testify as to the genulne low prices at which we 1 condition as it has been any time since . - - . . - . . . bride’s father b the Rev. M. McKmnon B. ‘ ~ ». the mm, commenced_ 1,0,.pamcnms Awanhili’m’189,,Mn Peter Hekie me offering goods. Call at once, as the stock 1s gomg fast. D 0 . I ' I 50L. bmm to Annie, daughter of Mr. James Ingram, Everythlng ls g00d.' you requlre any hardware for neXt all of Fenolon. year, it Wlll pay you to buy now. up And for the spring trade now prepa re." Pnnnm â€"â€"chm.â€"-At the Mouse, Feuelon I Falls, by the Rev. M. McKiunon, B. A., on IJook at tlle LOW Pl-ices V This decree has now gone forth in our ’ shop, and winter goods are hustling-00‘ at Margret, daughter of Mr. William Howie, Lanterns 400., Axes to 750., Axe Helves t0 each, DURlNG HOUSE CLEANING March 27th, 1894, Mr Wesley Perrin to startling prices. all of Feuelon. B - 9 . . I I ' JOHNSON 3, SISSON, est Clothes Wrmgers $4.50 Cow Ties 12%0. each, Wh1ps 80. QIED. and up, Strong Bushel Baskets 500., Acme Skates 550. a pair, A Ptrcsarunv.â€"â€"At his residence on Foster A. good Rim Lock and Knob for 180., Sheepskin lull”;S per i The Monster Shoe Store, 2-5. Lindsay. Avenue Belleville on March 215t Mr. ' . . l "‘ t l 9 P David P‘iteeathly, wholesale merchantzaged pal)" Best carpet bweept’rs a“ 5f ft" Lance Saw for $“-00a A Ron” AT run STATION. â€"â€" On Deceased was a brother of the Mixed Paint $1 per gallon, 4 Boxes Axle Grease for 250., and NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY “ Close out what’s (of! of winter wear, Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH. Thursday morning two men named John Garvin and Daniel Regan boarded 69 years- the Haliburton train at Irondale Junc- tion. and when nearing Feuelon Falls got into a row with a number of men belonging to llowry’s lumber camp. During the stoppage of the train here the dispute was continued on the station platform, and Garvin was knocked down by one of the party and immediately pounced upon and kicked by four or five others. In response to a telephone massage acting constable Northey speed- ily arrived on the scene and arrested Garvin and Regan, who were subse- quently brought before Magistrate Dick- son. Garvin, whose left eye was badly late John Pitceathly of Feuelon Falls. Looan.--At Grand Forks, Dakota, U. S., on Sunday, March 25th, John R. Logan, M. D., aged 28 years; second <on of the Rev. William Logan, late of Fenelon Falls. Roasu'rson.â€"-At Peterborongh on Wed- nesday, March 28th, John Hepburn, son of Mr. W. H. Robertson of the Times, aged two months. The remains were brought to Fen- elon Falls on Thursday, and interred in the family lot in the village cemetery. FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Hill 00. Feuelon Falls, Friday, March 30th, l894. a shop full of Hardware at equally low prices. 1. c. EDWARDS a co. Next Door to the Benson House, Lindsay. KERR & 00. NEW OASH STORE, OPPOSITE BENSON HOUSE. LINDSAY. My stock is large and complete, consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, Lounges, Confrefabes. Gone and Easy Chairs. Bureaus, Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture Pictures Framed to Order. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices WheaLScotch or Fife 64 to 65 NeVV and \Vrinter JacketS, 312%“;?6w::st#:Plfigwggobtiéhfmfifis gplcat, falli, pzer blishel. . . . "36; gngertaking promptly and carefully ‘ ea,sprn .... a on e . have taken no art in the disturbance if Barley, per bushel.... 37 40 New Dre d T he had not hear? provoked ; but his com- guckwheat“: g: . SS GOO S’ L. D E Y 1‘1 A h , WT,"3‘55?,,‘:§°;,:j,;°‘f,§,§g$§n§§ pig}, n 2222122: 53 55 Ne W Underwear for LadIes and Children, Ummm 8‘ “new” DWI!» u ‘ l.‘ ‘ y ’ Rye, “ 42 45 Uolborne Street, Feuelon Falls. of liquor, and appeared to havo been pUmMes’ u 20 25 By the principal canoe Of the trouble, was launchpa- lbmu, 19 20 New Trimming Braids, ‘3 d 810 d A 83.10, ll'ch h Eggs,per dozen.......... 12 I3 lbrthwaiih. cguiing the rdwlon tli: HM": P" ion-non - 6-00 7-00 0W Corsets and Gloves, train the bell-cord was severed, pulled mdes "50 2‘00 '8' Residence over the Shop. “@a (Po the Public. . - H .................... 5.50 5."5 ' ' ' into the smoking car and tied around 0g, king 35 Q5 eW [3111111105 and Tles HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURAXCE _ Sheeps ............... D ’ the legs of the stove. and a couphn: Wool 17 18 Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security of $25,000,000 and the some good policy. JOHN AUSTIN,Agmt. fl” Also agent for the Queen of Eng? land and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Capi to! combined, $45,000,000. tween two cars was found in Regan's Flonl’wl’c“ bskEG'u-u-u 1-75 3-00 pin which had been removed from be Flour, family, Silver Leaf.. 1.50 1.60 Flour. clipper. ..... ..... . 1.25 1.30 pocket. l Tcw Handkerchiefs, Fleur, straight rolled . . . . .. 1.45 1.50 B u 0 1m New Flaunels and Flannelettes, mn,perton...... .0 . . ' i Shorts, “ ...... ...u . 15.00 Over six thousand people sleep in the . . - Mixed chop, per ton...... . 19.00 , o m an In London nightly. _ . Feuelon Falla,July 20th,1892. “The last English census enumerated I Cottons and Shlrtmgs, â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€".~_â€"_â€". VV EA V IN G. . ' l . about 5.000 women who are professlona. lpdustrtous, sober, re- 5 . . * . .: at in tha; county-v, 3nd 513 who 1 I lluhle men to sell our' 3 , v”:‘md in supcamdim the , mm,” “m o, M", 3,0,. ,m, 5...... Gentlemen s Furmshlugs Complete. a“ “ l‘ ‘ " i Potatoes. A few special varieties controlled 1 arid-“"2" 0'- wwns' i bv no L‘ommision or salary paid weeklv i ‘ ' ‘ ' ~» . . - - = . ~ = E .‘ all and examlne our new Fall Stock. One N Tllt‘ 03“! “mum‘s 0f k‘lrlh Am"“‘~"‘- , and guaranteed promptly. Exclusive and we cordlally'nv'te you to c everybody p ce to according tn l’hll- 5. 5 Pa"li~“l|‘d. "1" choice of lerrilory given. Outfit free. Don't Fancy Bed Spreads full width, also Blan- kets, allowool Carpet, Rag Carpet and plain and twilled Flannel woven promptly and satisfactorily by ‘ SAMUEL BUTCHISON, ll'mver, Feuelon Falls. . Brown Unirclsity. Coulprlse lTL’. SPCCie‘ lid“!- Al'l‘l.‘ M 0”“? f“? ‘9'“‘5- l of blind ere-lures m‘lrly ail uf which 3‘ ALLEN NURSERY 00-. are mouly white in color. 3 2-2» liocamsrxa, N. Y. , 33 KENT-Sums“. 1 Opposite the Benson House.

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