Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Mar 1894, p. 5

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{Carpets and Oil-Cloths, No. 9 Keenan’s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay. Bumvr:nmo.â€"Constablo Nevison, l Louis Knssuth, the Hungarian exile, 9 who was shot in the leg on Sunday, the 5 died on Tuesday. llth inst., by a lunatic whom he after-l Navigation opened on Saturday at wards arrested, is steadily recovering, Owen Sound and also at Goderich. though hardly as rapidly as could bei Henry George, the noted advocate of wished, and Dr. Graham. who is attend- l single tax, lectured in Detroit on Sat- in: him, hopes to be able to announce nrday night on “ The Hard Times." i in a very few days that. be is entirely A tariff war is threatened between out of danger. Russia and Austria, owing to the lutter's refusal to reduce the duty on wheat. Six or more persons were killed, about 50 wounded, and much property destroy- ed by a cyclone in Togas on Saturday night. The Westminster Gazette says Mr. Gladstone will occasionally make his appearance in the House of Commens, and will retain his old seat at the Treas- ury benches. The power of the Great Falls of the Potomac is to be utilized by an electric company which will operate in Wash- ington and a number of towns and vil- lages in that district. South Brant prohibitionists. at a con- vention held in Bruntford on Saturday, pledged themselves to support Hon. A. S. Hardy, the candidate of the Mowat and with Spring comes the requirement of new goods. The question naturally arises, WHERE CAN IGET THE BEST VALUE FOR MY MONEY? We guarantee this season to sell you better goods for less money than has ever been offered before. W Curr. Swans-er, U. A, San Diego, Ca1., says : “ Shiloh's Catarrb Remedy is the first medicine I have ever found that would do me any good." Price 50 cents. Sold by W. T. Junkin. m a .. - where all others fail Coughmrgu ’ Sore Throat. Houseman, Whoopin Con: Ind Asthml. For Consumption it in no rival‘ has cured mouamdmand will OUR! You If takenin time. Sold by on a sum antes. For 3 Lame Ba 881L083 BELLADONISA Bwrm Cnars. BRANDON.â€"Parties in town who witnessed the shooting of Constable Nevison by Chris. Brandon on Sunday, the llth inst., have been subpoenaed to attend next Tuesday the opening of the court at which the trial will take place. As the young man is undoubtedly out of his mind and will go to an asylum for the insane, it would be useless to press the minor charge of damaging property, and the proceedings against him for smashing windows have very properly been dropped. All wool Serge Dress Goods, 17 shades. worth 380., for 250. Black Cashmere, good quality, 38 inches worth 320. for 20 - . . ‘7 - - All wool. Henrietta, all shades, worth 35a, for . . . . . . 19 ‘ aveo if ‘ MB Beautiful Cotton Challis, dark and light, worth 150., for 09 Friedman Mariam. All wool Dress Goods, plain, checks 5: stripes, worth 250., 15 For sale by w T Junk". O I U Prints, wide, fast colors, new goods, worth 70., for.... 5 See our Delaine Prints,very wide, new patterns,wortb 170. 13 Factory Cotton,extrn heavy were, 7, 9, and 100., for . . . . 5, 7, 8 Steamlooms, free from dressing, were 6,8,53,10,12, for 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 Beautiful Embroideries, beginning at 20. and up to . ... $1.00 Daniel Ritz proprietor and publisher of , - - ~ 317 D ' ' L ' the Hamburg: Ont., Independent, says : “ I Govelumimt m .thal‘ "dmg' , 379 331%: Sinai??? corilrmg alsl lewd“ ' ' ' ' . ' "u" i ' 01 - ,- on, d .3 e h, and me, A terrific wind and electric storm . , - . . . “5 was sulferrng r y p pa Ladies Chemise white cotton fullsrze lace trimmed 29 trouble, 1 took a few bottles of snuoh‘s passed over Arkansas, Tennessee, Texas, I. u ’ u ’ u whom”. mmme'd'” 45 Vitalizer and it cured me. I can heartily Iowa, Georgia and other States on Sun- u Drawers u u tucked 13c. trimméé 25 tecommelld W" day night, destroying a great deal of “ “ , “ “ “ einbroid’y “ 45 ‘W property and killing a number of reople. WhiteflCotton Corset Covers, lace trimmed . . . . .. 25 A H D D B u G s _ At Winnipeg on Friday the jury in . “ embm‘d’y mm’d“ 35 Newspanem' the case of Chamberlain the alleoed s u h “ f 1 SF'EI“ Rabcs’ “ at 60’ 75’$1’$1'35 ’ . . l a. so our eauti n )8. er Flannel big drive . . . . . . 5 â€"â€" (Ed/rash Maine, Age.) perjurer, failed to agree. A new trial u u n n ’ 32 inches “menu” 10 ) . . was at once demanded, and, another Heavy Cotton Shirtings, fast colors, at.... . ..... 5 I rioting oflices are not run .for the fun jury having been empanelled, is now Extra Heavy Feather Ticking,job price . . . . . . .. 8 of the thmg, They are busmcsg cuter. proceedino. There is General astonish_ Six .Lnrge Linen Finish Handkerchiefs for ..... . . . . . . . 25 prises, pure and simpie. . An exchange ment at the action of, “‘2 first jury. hadron; tfzivn, black, navy. brown spring & summ’r capes 2.90 well says that it is just as logical to ask Lord Rosebery made a speech at 088"“ "Y “co ({“rmms’ “wad edges 39 to donate a certain _ . t . otton art), 5- b. bunch, wholesale price . . . . . . 1.00 ' a newspaper "‘80 , , Edinburgh on Saturday, in the course Beautiful Llnen Tea Towels, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . 5o amount of pioucy tofaiprlvate enterprise of which he said the Commons could no gen’s %ocks, pure wool and very fine, only... 10 as to give t to use 0 us type wrt out 10mm. he thwaned by the action of a arge arrioge Umbrellas, going nt...... . . . . . . . . 50 even an acknowledgement. HOW mam, ': . ' . Five-fourths Table Oil-cloths new patterns . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 - “0" elccme bOdY 0f legwlamrs° He “1' Coats’ 200-yds. Spool, black and white, per dozen...... 30 there are who forget this fact when they so made an emphatic statement that the have a concert, lecture or other enter- Government’s home rule policy remain- HYMN BOOKS. m tainment that may come in the listâ€"-, just whcn they want from fifty cents to 85 worth of gratuitous advertising. Everybody knows, who has had any business experience, that the newspaper is the medium that is in touch with the people. At a concert recently given in Portland, the question was asked from the stage how many had read the an- nouncement from the newspapers, and the per cent. was large in comparison to thosc who had read it. from pcsters,. hand-bills, etc. P. T. Barnum once said, “ If you have ten dollars to spend, pay one for the article and the other nine in advertising." The old man knew a thing or two when it came to ad- vertising. He further said, “I can out- talk anybody on earth but a printer. The man who can stick type and talk next morning to thousands of people while I'm talking to one is the only man I‘m afraid of. I want him for my friend." Barnum knew how to use printers' ink, and more, he knew how to pay for it. o- Theosophy and Death. New Yonx, March l7th.â€"-â€"The first Theosophical funeral held in this city since the funeral of Baron Do Palm and the Hindoo snttay fifteen years ago took place in the residence of Dr. H. V. Barâ€" clay, on 116th street, over the body of Miss Mary Olsen, 9. Sweedish Theoso- phist, 28 years of age, who died in Chi- cago a few days ago. Charles F. Wright, a Theosophist, of London, of- ficiated. Mr. Wright said that death was an experience all present had gone through many times before, it being in- evitable that all things in nature should change form. When the soul abandon~ ed the body, he said, it proceeded to heaven, not to a material heaven, but to a spiritual state of consciousness. In this state the soul lived an idealized life, absorbing the experiences of Its last earth life. The stay in heaven in the average case was about 1,500 years, after which the individual was born again on earth to live another life. Death, he said, was less sorrowful to the soul than birth into this“ vale ofsorrow.” a-.. Pierced by a Pencil. The Toronto Empire of Tuesday says: “Yesterday afternoon Robert Thomas, the 14-year-old son of Mr. W. .I.Thomas, president of the Ontario Brewing and Malling Company. met: with a very painful accident that well nigh Cost him his life. The lad, with a number ofother boys, joined in a game of football on the Model school grounds. \\ hile lustin pursuing the sphere he stumbled and fell forward, striking his from the vest pocket of a fellow-player. The pencil pierced his scalp for two and a hqu inches and broke off close to the ed exactly as it was under Gladstone. _ News has been received from Australia ofn new strike of gold, the richest in twenty years, near Bullarat, in Victoria. The find was made by two prospectors, named White and Jackson, who have pegged out their claim. The adjoining country has been taken up by other parties. Four thousand dollars were taken out the day after the strike was made. A wedding took place in Beattyville, Ky., on Monday. which ended in a double tragedy. Rhoda May was the bride, Grout Cecil, the groom, became insanely jealous because Joseph Doncral,‘a form- cr suiter of the girl, was among the guests. Cecil met Doneral, who was accompanied by John Burns, a youth of 19, and began firing a revolver. Don oral and Burns were killed, but it is claimed the shooting of Burns was acci- dental. A by-stander was also wounded. Cecil fled, leaving his bride, and has not been arrested. The young wife is prostrated. W...â€" DIED. Mannaâ€"In Fenelon Falls, on Monday, March 19th, Mr. John Magoo, Sr., aged 79 years, 1 month and 10 days. FENELON FALLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill C’o. Fenelon Falls, Friday, March 23rd, 1894 Wheat, Scotch or Fife . . .. 64 to 65 Wheat, full, per bushel. . .. 58 60 Wheat, spring “ .... ' 57 58 Barley, per bushel. '37 4O Buckwheat“ .... 43 45 Oats, “ 33 34 Peuse, “ .... 53 55 Rye, “ . . . . . . .. 42 45 Potatoes, “ .... 20 25 Butter, per lb . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 20 Eggs, per dozen.......... 12 13 my, per ton...... . 6.00 7.00 llides . . . . . 1.50 2.00 Hogs . . . . . 5.50 5.75 Sheepskins............... 35 75 Wool . . . . . . . 17 18 Flour, family, Silver Leaf. . 1.50 1.60 Flour, best bakers’ .... 1.75 2.00 Flour, clipper...... ...... 1.25 1.30 Flour, straight rolled . . . . . . 1.45 1.50 Bron, per ton...... ....... 14.00 15.00 Shorts, “ . 15.00 16.00 Mixed chop, per ton . . . . . . . 19.00 20.00 canoes THANKS. Fenelon Falls, March 14th, 189-}. To the (Miter: of the Supreme Court I . 0. F_ Gunman,â€" ‘I take much pleasure in acknowledging receipt of cheque for one thousand dollars, on endowments, on the life of my late husband, John S. Cnnrpbell, and also cheque for fifty dollars for funeral benefit, which I have received in less than ten days from his death. Permit me to thank the members of Court Plurnix No. l82 for their kindness shown me in my hour oftrouble and need, and it is my sincere order. Yours faithfully, C. A. CAMPBELL. Ladies, you should see our stock of Dress Goods, Detainee and Trimmings. Gents, we carry the largest stock of Gents’ Furnishings. Hats Etc. in Lindsay. Our Men’s and Boys’ Clothing Stock is now complete at prices to please every buyer. CARTER, ‘ TIâ€"IE PEO.PLE’S FRIEND, 40 KENT STREET,- LINDSAY. HARDWARE. lioiifioriiii srasnmc BARGAINS e still to be had. A large number of people have bought from us and can testify as to the genuine low prices at which we are ofi'ering goods. Call at once, as the stock is going fast. Everything is good. If you require any hardware for next year, it will pay you to buy now. Inook at the LOW Prices ! Lanterns 400., Axes 550. to 750., Axe IIeres 100. to 200. each, Best Clothes Wringers $2.50, Cow Ties 12%0. each, Whips 8c. and up, Strong Bushel Baskets 500., Acme Skates 550. a pair, A good Rim Lock and Knob for 180., Sheepskin Mitts 200. per pair, Best Carpet Sweepers $2.90, a 5% ft. Lance Saw for $2.50 _â€"__ TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY. ll 11. Lilliput. NOTICE. All Notes made payable to JAMES BRA? Agent, will have to be paid to Frank Kerr post-master here, who holds said notes. JAS. JOHNSTON & Co- Fenelon Falls, June 30th, 189l.â€"-19 t.f. Illlllllllllll. FURNITURE. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Furniture. DURING HOUSE CLEANING A Special Cut in Prices Will be given to those Mixed Paint $1 per gallon, 4 'Boxes Axle Grease for 250., and BUYING FOR CASH- a shop full of Hardware at equally low prices. J. G. EDWARDS & CO. Next Door to the Benson House, Lindsay. KERR & 00. NEW BASH STORE, OPPOSITE BENSON HOUSE. LINDSAY. New Fall and Winter Jackets, New Dress Goods, New Underwear for Ladies and Children, _ New Trimming Braids, New Corsets and Gloves, N cw Frillings and Ties, N ew Handkerchiefs, New Flannels and Flannolettes, New Towellings, Cottons and Shirtings, My stock is large and complete, consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, Lounges. Centre Tubes. Cane and Easy Chairs. Bureaus. Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture Pictures Framed to Order. Everything Sold at Lowest Living Prices 38" Undertaking promptly and carefully attended to. L. DEX’MAN, ansaraxrn & Futon-runs DEALER, Uolborne Street, Pension Falls. n8“ Residence over the Shop. ‘9] '1‘0 the I’ublic. T HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance of England, giving insurers the security of $25,000,000 and the some good policy. JOHN AUSTIN,Aycnt. 3%" Also agent for the Queen of Eng- lund and Caledoninn of Edinburgh. Capi tal combined, $45,000,000. Fenelon Falls, July 25th,1892. skin. The boy fainted, and was at once ‘VEAVING. I disti ,s b , o conveyed to the oflicc 0! Dr. Elliott, liiibllc metaloosell JET; Gentlemenis Furnishings Conlplete, who. after several hours' labor, succeed- I °,°mpl°‘° “n” °f 5.13m”? 8‘9“ “‘1 Semi ed in estracting the pencil. The lad l Hume“ A few spew" “mews cammncd 5 Fancy Bed Spreads full Wldll), also Blan- b .. C xi *1 kl-,‘ - -'- - _ had , “mm, escape from dam], for “idulufl;$:§=m$mprrgpth‘stfveccmil E We cordiallymvne you to call and examlne our new Fall Stock. One price to kets,u11-wool Carpet, Rug Carpet and plum ' everybody. and twrlled Flannel woven promptly and 33 KENT-ST, LINDSAY. had the pencil entered the brain, as it I choice of territory given. Outfit free. Don't l satisfactorily by Opposite the Benson House. K E R R & CO. v i I I i “rebel” “P0” 3 lead Penal pron“de ; hope that God may ever prosper your noble l i might easily have done. the result would, l delay. Apply at once for terms. I SAMUEL HUTCHISON, Weaver, of course. have been fatal. As it is he , ALLEN NURSERY C0” is doing nicely." I 2-30 Rocmm, X. Y. Peuelon Falls. ya- M’~m Wm. n... A .. . .. ............4.. ,2»; ......._ m..- _. . . 5-..»... w-..” ._ I)

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