Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 10 Feb 1893, p. 5

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4. g. .5 i i i ice-can'- 2» '3'- i . I‘. Personals. Miss Duffy of Lindsay went home on Wednesday after a three weeks” visit to Mrs. R. McDougall. Mr. D. G. Clark of Lakcficld, son of Mr. A. Clark, Sr., has been at the Falls since Saturday. _ Elisa Barron of Lindsay has been Virilng at Mr. James Dickson's since Honda}. 311‘. John C. Craig, who has been employed ‘ in Petcrborouulr for some time past, but who looks upon Lindsay as his home. has been here since Mou- day and may remain until spring. . l . . Mr. Jeremiah Cuncannon, who about 3 George of Wales wtll marry Princess The British parliament opened on! Tuesday, Jan. 315t. Mrs. Orr, an inmate of the [Rose of Industry at Kingston, is 107 years of‘ age and enjoys good health. A mad dog ran amuck-in Chicago on Saturday night and bit five persons before the police killed it. Another ludian outbreak is reported at Pine Ridge. Five men have been killed by Two Strikes’ band , Four thousand people in Northern Louisiana are oh the verse of starvation, owing to the destruction ofcrops by4 a... Stock. Taking Completed. It is stated in London that Prince two years ago left the township of Ver- l May ofTeck during the second week of nlam for the village of Leskird, in the township of Clarke. has been at the halls since Wednesday evening. Chrlstmas Beauties. The famous Shoe Men, Jonxsros St Sissox, , were saved- Eillmaled 1053 $25,000 i have the loveliest imported Shoes and Slip- pers everflshown in Lindsay. . a ‘39 H F5"! [1001' Ed" O’Ddly 1101m- manian custom, the weddings of, 32 THE McAnmua I]0USE.-â€"â€"This well known hotel has again changed hands, Mr. Geo. R:lper, who heught the busi- , 0" February 5th in the Presence or new from M r. Ingram in April last, having sold out to Mr. John Aldous of Mono Mills, who is to take possession in azday or two, if he has not done so al- ready. The new landlord is an old friend of Dr. Mason, who speaks of him in the highest :tcrms.- ' The Cheapest and Best place in Canada for anbermen’s Sox and Rubbers and all winter footwear is at , JOHNSTON a SISSO‘N'S, 4:2. The. Great Shoe Men Q/‘Limlrfly. llrzavmo TllE FALLSâ€"Mr. W. R. Madill, who bought Mr. W. E. Ellie's business just a year ago, is .lcavingthc Falls, having been offered a tempting salary to travel for a wholesale drug firm in Toronto. Two or three persons are negotiating for the purchase of the busi- ness, which will be conducted by a dep- uty until disposed of. Mrs. Madill lelt yrsterday for Toronto, and Mr. Madill will go next Tuesday. Their departure will be regretted by the tnany friends they have made during their brief resi- dence here. “’ELL‘ Americanâ€"The entertain- ment, consisting of'a concert and a the- atrical representation, given in Dickson’s hall on Wednesday evening in aid of the Fenelon Falls curling and skating rink was well attended, though the hall wasn’t quite as well filled as it should have been, and the receipts exceeded the expenditures by a very satisfactory amount. In the first part of the enter- tainmentthere were two songs by Mrs. M.. II.: Cochrano of Pctcrborough, a song and a recitation by Miss Hill of Brandon, Man, a song by Miss Sonne of Lindsay, a glee by Dr. & Mrs. A. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. F. McDou: gall, and a Scotch reading by Mr. D. McDongall, all of which were well reu- dcrcd and greatly appreciated. The American farce-comedy, entitled “A Box of Monkeys" was exceedingly well played by Lindsay amateurs,‘_two or three of whom might be mistaken for professionals, and provoked almost. incessant bursts-of laughter from the delighted audience. W Paradise Near the Pole I would it surpris’cyou- to hear that the ll'ol'odcn Islands,.otf Norway, are, on their south side, altcrrestrial para- dise?‘ The-gulf stream warms them all the your around, and. the consump- tivcsvof'the world enrich them by taking their codliver‘oil. The. cod liver oil boss is Peter.- Muller, who employs 70,000 people in fisheries, thetorios, bottling, packing and so on. There are natural Edens on tho-ledges of the lolodon mountains; I never saw more grace in combination with the sort of' oragg ' severity that one meets with on the west- coast' ol Scotland, with this dillercacc, however. that the Hebrides are as though painted in Indian ink, whereas the coloring in summer in the llofndon sceneryis indescribany splen- (hid. Ishall not. easily forget how all new to it were. lifted out of themselves by the sail through Raft sound.'â€"-Lon- akin. Truth.- ..____._.- Three feet of snow having fallen in Scuttle and neighborhood; the people now fear a-fiond when the thaw comes. llanlan and. Gdudnur have signed articles- tor a race for the sculling championship of America and $1,000 a side. to take place at Orillia or Toronto, .1th 22. The first division of the present ses- sion of the British house of commons was taken on the night of the 2nd inst., and resulted-in an unexpectedly large majority lor the government. The di- .vision was on a motion to adjourn; and, although it was supported by Mr. Bal- four and other Conservatives, the gov- ernment was given a majority of 97. The announcement of the figures wasi received with much boisterous cheering hy‘thc Liberals. Apr” Although it has been a. hard year and’all‘otli- The Port Hope town ‘hnll..wns dcs~~ troycd by fire last ‘Flriday, together with some of its contents, but the most important books and municipal records insured for $10,000. _ In accordance with the ancient Rou- 1y wonder at 113, but the peasant couples, representing the 32. districts of Roumania,~ were celebrated l’rince Ferdinand and his bride: After the marriage ceremonies the couples drove in 32 carriages, decorated with flowers, to the royal palace, where a wedding dinner was served. King Charles gave a purse filled with gold to every couple, and Crowu Prince Fredi- nand clicked glasses with every bride- groom before drinking with him. The Crown Prince and his bride were receiv- ed with enthusiasm by the street crowds when they drove from the church .to palace. A lady at Ashford, Eng, has just received a bequest of £150,000 from an old gentleman, an-entiro stranger, for a-- ' small act of kindness she rendered to hitu five years ago. He was in the crowd outside Buckingham palace. watching the arrivals at one of the Queen’s drawing rooms, when he became faint and staggered helplessly. The crowd jcercd him, shouted that v he was drunk, and comtnenccd to jostle him rudely. The lady saw that he was ill and helped him to a seat in the park close by. He soon recovered, asked ' her name and they parted, and she did not hear from him until two weeks ago, when his solicitors informed her of his death and that he had bequeathed her the sum named. . WI! FENELON FALLS MARKETS. _ large spring purchases. stock is quite complete. Reported by the North Star Roller Mill Co. Fenclon Falls, Friday, Feb. 10th, 1893.; ,, Wheat.-Scotch or Fife .... 68‘. to 70 Wheat, fall, per bushel. . .. 65 67 I LINDSAY Wheat, spring ” . . . . 63 65 Barley, per bushel. . . . . . . . 25 35 ‘ Buckwheat“ .. .. . . . . 41 42 Oats, “ 29 30 ‘ " Pcnse, “ 57 58 _ . Rye, “ 48. 60: , ' ‘ Potatoes, “1 .. . . . . .. 40 45’- i ._....â€".- Butter, per. b'...... . . . . . . 16 1 l7 \ ' . . ,4, Eggs, per dozen-...... . 15 16 R. i it Hay, per ton...... 6.00 7.00 llides 3.00 3.50 llogs.................._... 7.2.} 7.50 Sheepskins.-....... .... .... 40'- 75 Wool 16- 18 is prepared to furnish the people of Lind- say and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND HEADS’I‘ONES, both Marble and Granite. Estimates promptly given on all kinds of cemetery work. Marble Table Tops, Wash Tops, Mantel Pieces, clc.., a specialty. WORKSâ€"In rear 0 the market onCam- bridge strcet,oppositc Matthews’ pukingn ".h'ousc. Being.n practical workman all should sce-his-desigus and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. ROBT. CHAMBERS". North'of the Town Hall New Advertisements. MONEY" TO" LOAN; Allan-S. .Macdonell... Barrister 312., Cor. Kent'nnd‘York Sts;~,.Llrld§ny, Haslcomplctcd arrangements with men- cycd institutidns and private capitalists in Toronto, Pctcrborough and Lindsay, and is now prepared to receive applications for loans in large or..small.nmnuuts, and on real or personal security: 'l‘lte‘very closest rates. The most favorablerterms. Lindsay, February, 1893:. 51. Nervous Debiuty Lost Visor and Failing Mnnho ; restores the weakness of body or mm! on . by over-work, or the errors or tax-.- censcs of youth. This Remedy Ib- er. merchants are complaining, we find that the year’s business hasexceed'ed’ the previous one by fully 20 per cent. Most people W111 natural- of,“ me “We “Mum, mm “New”, bought our goodsin the lowest cash market,.and‘ have sold them at a very small advance on cost. Now to those who are not already supplied with good comfortableavearr; rive-would. advise to call. and secure some of the big bargains now being [Mm offered, as we are bound to clear out the balance of our winter stock at cost, to make room for our In Dress Gnods, Mantles, Flannels, &c., our Furnishings we still haven largp range to select from. Cal‘l‘early, and ‘don’t forget-the place. M. J. CARTER, Sign of the Golden Lion. 40 Kent 85 1 and 3 York St., Lindsay. Almost opposite. the Simpson House.” BUYING FOR. QASH. NEva A. PRIiE.REBUS:i A Gilt lot Everybody lnsnerllg lltlt Puzzle Correctly. r. Jack and Gill went up the. hill to get a pail I “ \Vatcr " is missing, and is to be found couccalwl ~ in the above cut of Jack and Gill. The ulhllshcts of 0m- Young People will give 100 In Cash to the person who first can tind the won‘t “ Water " in the above picture. Tothe second a fine Gold Watch. To the third a fine 'Slh'or Watch. To the fourth an elegant FlveO Clock Silver Ton Service. To the non on imported Music Box. Tothe 6th astutplex'l‘y writer. A Solid Gold Ring to each of the hex wo correct answers. A $5 Gold Place to the neat thrcc. _ A gold brooch to each of the next ten correct answers. A committee conslatln oftlvc teachers from the public.sc.hools of Tonon 0 will be invited to be present and assistjhojudgcs in the award of plain reason is that we Each contestant is to cut out the Robot! and make a cross with a leadpcncll on the five lettcrs t“ uteri and send some to us with ten thrce~cent stamps - , (or30cents in silver) for one voara‘ subscription 1 to Our Young Peopleqvhlch is a (large. bennth . fully illustrated 16 p omngnzlnc.) n. heautlt‘u J Eng'mvln r “The First lss" will be sent free by rethrn mat to every answer received. Remember . that vou get the paper for an entire vcnr and a . chance for one or mnrc ot‘ the prizes. This is your opportunity and if vou delay you will miss and regret it. We will lve to the last 20 correct . answers received one a handsome Souvenir S can of Columbus. manna rr ts non YOU to Sav whether or not you will have Our Young People as a regular visitor at your home for the ncxt year, and a chance of winning one ot the above prizes. It - you are not perfectly satlsficd with your lpvcst- mcnt after receiving he first copy 0 Our lonn v . -'People you can have your money back. isn t _ this fair. 0‘ The envelope which contains correct nuswcr . bearing first post-mark will receive first reward . and the balance in order as received. Be sure and - answer to-dny and enclose 30 cents and you will receive the best value von cvcr (lid for the tnoncy. Address (E) OUR YOUNG PEOPLE. King . Street, West, Toronto, Canada. In Overcoats, Suits and .“ WANTED. Agents to..sell , our. choice and hardy ,- Nursery Stock; We have many-special va- rietics, both in fruits and ornamentals, to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commission or salary. Write us at once for terms, and secure choice of tcr-. ritory. ' MAY BROTHERS, Nurserymcu, 49-10w. , Rochesterfi N. Y: _ salten’s, coasunrrlen: cuss. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this succesaa fill” CONSUMPTION-CURE, is without in. par. Flllllllllllli. llllllllllllll. ‘ NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. I V __ 1 ‘ ‘ 111ch in the-history of medicine. All druggisls « w - ' are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee, a test-that no other cure Can successfully stand. Hyouhave .a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis. use it, (or itrwillcure you. If your child has Lbcfiroup, .or Whooping Cough, use it prom tly, and‘reliei is sure. If you dread that insi ions disease CONSUMPTION, don’t/ail to use it, it will. cure you or cost nothin . Ask your Druggist for SHILOH’S CURE,gPrice to cts., octs.’and $1.00. It your Lun s are sure or - ack lame, use Shiloh’s Porous P aster. 25 cts. _ ,Davi‘d‘ Chambers; General Blacksmith, Francis-st... Fenelon Falls l i Blocksmithingiaallitsdill‘erentbranchcs. done on- short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to . horse-shoeing. Give me a cullnnd.l willa â€"_ DURING HOUSE’CLEANJNG‘ A. Special Cut inPrices Will be. givenio those: My stock is large and complete, consistingof <' Lounges. .C'emlrerrfzib/és; 1N. BEANS Mr. th:.E..Ellis having; transferred his insurance Business to me, I’am prepared soluwa cures the most obstinate cases when all other Tasmania‘s harp talled evean 8rglleve. tgsll'tg; ‘taat 1 cr numeral: or arson V gimp: 08! :3th cddrwina 'rtm J'AMES minions 00.. Toronto. Ont. Write tor pamphlet. Bold r 03,73 “and £03 ChUIl’Si. guarantecsnlisfaction. 45-ly. l , Bureaus. Side-boards. f ’ andnveryfidcscriptiOn.of-Ki'tchcn Furniture E L U E Plctureleram'ed'to Order. , . -.. Everything Soldl‘at LowestLiving Prices to take risks on all classes of property At. V'cryu Lomrest. Rates Fencinn Falls at. W. T. Junkin’S- r.l.‘o» the I’ublic. None but first-class British and Canadian companieslrepresentedh HE ROYAL CANADIAN lXSLTRANCE Co. has amalgamated with the Alliance $25,000,000 and the some good policy.‘. JOHN: AUSTIN, Agent. Als‘o agent for the Queen of‘Eng- ynnd and Caledonian of Edinburgh. Copt- tal combined, $45,000,000. Fenclon Falls, July 25th,180.l.. SECONDS.- DIVISIOH COURT --OF THE- l FAR” PROPERTI’ l at very low rates.. l James-Arnold. FenelontFalls, June l-lth,1892;. l'z'.’ly. : HEADQUARTERS. i Hounl’aper and‘Piclue llfifllBS The next sittings of the above Court wlll be held in Dickson‘s hnll, Fenclon Falls, l W - 5- GOODWIN’S: on TUESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1893, commencing at ‘16 o'clock in the forenoou ' Baker’s mock. Kansas, Lindsay. - lF‘riduy, April'l-zth, .will be the last day lAfllStS’ Goods 3 Specialty- of service on defendants residing in this â€"â€"]s .‘Tâ€". HaohineNcedles. Alabastine' and Dye! ties must be served on or before April 9th_ Works Agency. . fi‘ Please call land sco m525c. Paper; lLindsey, April 2nd, 1892. S.’ NIVHOK,‘ E. D. Hun. Fonclon Palls,.lau'y 28th, 1893. hm ..._.... _. of England, giving insurers thc securityof- '3 county. Defendants living in other cotta- Bailit‘l’. Clerk. 58' Undertnk‘mgpromptlyand carefully: attended to... , Fast Colored Gi‘ng-u “astigrtfirzirit“' hams for 10°- Fastv Colored Mus-- linsfor 100. Fast Colored Prints; for 10 cents. The freshest Goods in, Cheap Lumber. We have still on hand a quantity of inch, 13, 2 and 3 inch, 2:14, 2 x 6, 2 x 8, 2 1: l0 and 2 Xd2,12 to l6 feet long, I-IEDILOCIi & PINE. which we will‘scll Clamp for Cash. The sooner‘you come the more you have to choose from. Also, 40,6!00 feet of Dry Plancd Lumber, Flooring, Novelty Siding, \".-joint, planed one and two sides, Lath and Pickets, Planed and Rough. HerWOOd and Hemlock, 2 and 3 inches, for stable floors, and 438 Pine, dry, for window sills. 33' Any Casing or Moulding can be got planed at short notice. Base-boards mould; cd or plain. Apply-at onrmill. A 9 Penelon Falls, June with“; U U m“ SM the village at ; l l

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