E £51 FFF’ELON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH, 1893. l l l l l w. R. MADILL. ;r g Red It cures ‘ sin gr Stop that Cough by u Spruce and Wild Cherry Balsam. For sale only by all forms of Coughs and Colds. _. _._..vs-__ ._ -._._.._d Professional Cards. A. 1’. DEV LIN, ARMSTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor ) in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. ,. _. -_......_.--._._..-_ HOPKINS & CllISllOLM, (Successon T0 Mam-m & Horxiss) ARRISTER, SOLICITUR, &c Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Ofï¬ce, Wil- Iiam street. next to the Bunk of Montreal. G. H. HOPKINS. D. H. Cnisnow. W noonn a JACKSON, ARRIS’I‘ERS, SOLIUI’l‘ORS, lac. Of- . lice, William st.rcct,Liudsuy. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON. "'““i12ii§'7vit1l: a. STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, kc. B Uliices over Ontario llank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. 8. J. llclsrvnn. N O T I C E . All Notes made payable to JAMES Ban Agent, will havt- to be paid to Frank Kerr post-master here, who holds said notes. . JAS. JOHNSTON a Go- l‘cuelon Falls, June 30th, 180Lâ€"19 t.f. '1‘. Srnwmr. m“ ""ilisiii’CAL. W __ . __._._â€"»â€"~wâ€"â€"~ "â€"- - A. \V. J. DBGRASSI, M. D., .ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., are. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington tract, Lindsay. on. A. WILSON, â€"n. n., 3!. c. v. a 3., Ontario,â€" lYSlClAN, SURGEON d; ACCOUCH- ‘ cur. Ulliee. Colborne Street, l-‘cnelon Falls. flâ€"v m.- lllt.â€li:â€"iF-Gll.-\ nan, RADUATE of the University of Trinity G College. Fellow of Trinity .‘lrdienl Belmol, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons of England. Member of‘the Cul- lego of Physicians Lb Surgeons of Ontario. Office and residence on Francis-St. \\ est Foaelon Falls, opposite the Gazette office. R CMASQN, ‘ IETERENARY SURGEON ', Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, hits-t ', ll. .\l. (l. V. .\l. A. . Resideneeâ€"Corner Coiborue and Louis: streets, l-‘euelon Falls. ’ summons. £22122--- -...-_ _. ._,_.~...-... _.__-. J.\ M BR llltYKSON, L. Surveyor. Commissioner in the Q. 8., . Cull\‘t"\:tnt't't‘. kt'. Residence, and ad- dress, Feltelmt l‘nlls‘. DENTAL. "i i m'ITTT‘"‘L;‘:iT’:.‘~â€":.fl ll. HART. l.. D. S. SETOF GOOD TEETH l-‘Olt $l0. Gnu A and local altmdlwlitï¬ for painless ex. :‘tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all. hunches Urdt nth"). ("live over l-‘airwenther «It 00': store. nearly opposize post-ofï¬ce, Lindsay. ‘ l l . -ws-..~w-.._...____â€" W. fl. GROSS, nEN'ns-s'r. LINDSAY. will be at the ‘- .\2r.\rthnr House," Penelon \lls, the Svt‘utltl W- tlnesdny oft-itch month. “Mini and untitlth :trlilicitll lerlh made, flh‘t other (lanai and: properly dune. "t7 years‘ experience. 1611. l l l l _, l l l l l l l | l l l l Among the nu- *Ti.*'z.s‘.’s.n,:.;s... THE RECENT DISTURBANCES MORE SE- RIOUS THAN ANY IN MODERN TIMES â€"PEOPLE PANIC STRICKEN. ATHENS, Feb. 3.â€"â€"The earthquakes l 0‘ C,c. c been many, and _ c generously ovcr- “9, 'e in- }-f 9 {coping H. AUSTIN’S OLD STAND. give you ’0 cash we that have occurred during the past two or three days at Zante have been the worst that have done damage on that island in modern times. and no one can now tell when the disturbances will cease. The shock experienced last night did enormous damage, in fact the whole island was devastated. To add to the terror of the inhabitants a most terrific thunderstorm prevailed. The. rain foil in torrents, and was accompanied by large hailstoncs. ’l‘he blinding flashes of'lightning, the roaring thunder and the rumbling beneath the surfaca of the straying earth caused many people to believe that the end of all things had come. The people were panic-stricken, and so great. was the fear inspired that many persons lost their senses and are now hopelessly crazy. Last night’s shocks destroyed the bread ovens in the city of Zante, rendering it, impossible for the greater portion of the inhabitants to procure that most necessary article of food. The minister of the interior has arrived at Z-tntc. and King G lorge will start. for there on Sunday. A British war ship and three vessels belonging to the Greek navy arrived at the island to- day with supplies of tents and medicines. Athens, Fob. 8.â€"Thc island of Z note is shaken several times daily by earth- quakes. The king will remain there some time to superintend the building of huts for the homeless, and to assist the relief committee in Zantc city. The. queen is still travelling from village to village giving generously to the im- poverished and trying to encourage the panic-stFCken. '1 he roads over which she trave s are crowded with frightened women and children. Two Italian men-of war have taken supplies to Zantc ~â€"-~o‘ for l 1011 liberal patrona mg spo cputat Teas, and can 111 0111‘ I' To cash buyers We offer mor Y0ur favors hav to rota t We have purchased largely in quality, and by pay 1011 pring and Summer trade. f good 11 be the result helping us to do a. cash trade, which you will ï¬nd a. beneï¬t to ina. th pleasure. IDQSS Wl swi Amnolfl & Graham We have seldom heard a, complaint, and you hav for the buyer We want to encourage you in yourselves as well as to us.†The Macdonald Bust in St. Paul’s Cellar. - Mr. J. Casrcll Hopkins has transmit- ted to the Spectator a letter from "a friend in England," contradicting what. he calls "the absurdly ignorant article of thc llmilton Times," with regard to the location of the bust of Sir John Macdonald in the dollar of St. Paul’s Cathedral. next to the monument of a London stationer, whose only title to fame was that he married sutncbody's daughter. Mr. l-lopkins'scorrespondent says "the crypt of St. Paul's is the. Metropolitan Valhalla, as is the floor of Westminster Abbey,†and he adds that " there is no charge for seeing thocrypt.†We be: to assure the Spectator, Mr. J. Cnstell Hopkins and the “friend in England " of the Canadian apostle of Imperial Federation that. we are not worrying about the aforesaid bust. We simply stated the facts as they appeared to two Hamilton gentlemen, Mr. George E. 'l‘nckett and Mr. John Billings. one a Conservative and the other a Liberal. who tugethcrexplorcd the Collar and gazed upon the host and its surround- ings. alter paying a sixpcnny ice for the privilege. Both these gentlemen have travelled extensively on the Euro- pean continent, and are comptcnt to form a fair idea of the fitness of things They know a ceilut‘ when they sec it. Mr. llopkins’s “friend†may (3.!†it a Valhalla or a Kalamazw. but the change oi'nnmc does not alter the fact. The eellar's a cellar for a’ that.â€"11nm£ltou Tones. gains om we have selected stylish lines o We commence the new year with the dcterm the best lines of Groceries that can be procured. After a. successful year’s business, we thank our many customers and friends for their extra. value. We look back upon the expired year and its bus your kind words have done us good. We have an enormous stock of Boots and Shoes ordered for S get them at a low ï¬gure ; so bar Fenelon Falls, January, 1893. .mcrous samples to choose fr duccments. looked our faults. amiss-mas inf-cons. * Newison has just received the largest stock of Christmas Goods ever of- fered in Fenclon Falls, consisting of Christmas & New Year’s Cards, Stationery Perfumery and Toilet articles, Dolls of all descriptions and sizes, Toys, Vases. Fancy China-ware, Musi- cal Instruments, such as Violins, Accordeons, Concertinas and Mouth Organs. Also, a Very large stock of Pictures and Pic- ture Frames, and a fine assortment. of Gold & Silver \Vatcbcr, lzings, Brooches and other Jewellery, Pipes, Wall Papers and Window Blinds, all of which will be sold a! [/16 Lowesl Living um M. um cm, The concue “mum Prices. Call and inspect the stock, and you can hardly fail to me; 1N 'su,,,,,,',,,. muck “Tu ducm'a ï¬nd something to suit you. Fenclon Falls, December 2151:, 1892. - Au M. D. Struck off the Rolls. 'l‘onosro, li‘nb. 7.â€"Yesterday at Os- goode “all. judgment was given in the trouble between the Coilegeol Physicians name off the college register. cmiming that he had improperly advertised him- self in Ottawa, Kingston and other cities, and for publishing in the papers u - - 1 - K,“ " l or ilic. soi'thos h h d ted. The7 Oil ’gh L :tsd chiliired him iiiitii liiiviii: led lino:â€" o 13! 1 8’ ant people to believe they had catat‘rit Tho Oils for Gennioc Satisfaction for all sorts ofllacbinery an by publishing symptoms of the disease MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED The judgment as delivered yesterday sUstains the action of the college author- uted by the Largest llilimea in the Country, and manufactured lolely by MCCOLL Bl’tO’l‘l-IERS & Co For Sale only by JOSEPH HEARD {.1 Fenclon Falls. __..........__..........__,_ weather of the past two weeks. and Surgeons and Dr. Nelson Washing- l ities, and Dr. Washington's name Is therefore struck off the list as u practising ’ physician of Ontario. Estimates of the leading Montana 3 cattlemeo :tl't“ that Ill it'll" pt)!" L'CIIL. i It) I‘CSHH. (0 illCdillifO. T’J‘ d‘li’nnur†., u of the cattle on the ranches have been ' After Canada. 11R. CUMMINGS INTRODUCES A BILL '1‘0 ADMlT HER TO Till-J UNION. WASHINGTON. Feb. 4.â€"â€"â€"\Ir. Com- minga of New York introduced in the House on Friday a bill providing for admission into the Union of all states formed in the Dominion of‘ Canada, and for their representation in Congress in accordance with their population.. upon their owu appliottion and with the consent of Great Britain. Au up propriation of 8350.000 is authorized to defray the expenses of mission and negotiation to ï¬x and agree upon the terms of admission. The last. section of the bill provides that. there shall be commercial union between the two countries until the Dominion is admitted, that import. duties or other taxes shall not be levied by' this country on Canadian products, pro- vided the Dominion of Canada admits free of duty the products of this country. The bill was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. ~o,o Ontario’s Good Friend. Under the nhovo heading the Toronto Telegram soys:â€"†Injustice such as that which inspired theyjucrs of the. president of the Y rung Conservatives at Collin-zwood neither helps Meredith nor harms Mownt It. was scarcely fair- in Mrl Armstrong to say that Oliver .llowat had been liberal only in pro- viding himself" and his friends with fat ofï¬ces. The fat.ofiicc which Oliver Mowat has occupied has been financially on gold mine to him. The greatest ot' all Canada's constitutional lawyers has given this province, for five thousand dollars per lllllllllll, attainments that would easily have yielded him. in mi vatc practicc,a yearly income of four of five times that. amount. ll‘td Oliver Mowat sold at their market value the abilities which he has for years routed ~ to this province for a song, he could have laid up a fortune that would have' placed all his childron beyond the need of a public salary. The idea is absurd that either Oliver Mowat. or his sons are getting a fatter living than they would have got if the head of the family had never entered politics. Fair play demands the admission that too little premier and all his children are poorer in dollars than they would it no been if Oliver Mowat. had sought wealth as diligently as he has tried to serve Ontario." â€"o-~-â€" Canadian Order of Foresters. The Canadian Order of Foresters is a fraternal benevolent society. incorporâ€" ated in 1879. and registered under t‘- 2 insurance corporation not, 1892, of Ontario. The objects of the society are to furnish its members with sick and funeral benefits and an insurance of' one or two thousand dollars. The payment of these beneï¬ts range from about one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents per month, according to the nzc of tlv: member, and the amount of insnrnvw carried. The membership is comp'm‘d of men only, and when admitth they must be between the ages of' eighteen and forty-five. The present number of members is over 16,000, and the Society has a cash snt'pIUs on hand for the payment of the insurance of over 3‘31 5,-- 000, 350.000 of which is in Dominion of Canada bonds, and the llllilllc.‘ is invested in the best monetary institutions of the l’rovincc. In addition :to this, courts have about half a million of dollars in their trcasnrim for the pay ment of' the sick and funeral bem lits. The high secretary of the Order is M r 'l‘ltomas White of Bi‘illllllll'tl. and it. it expected that a Court of this populo- and purely Canadian society will shortly be organiznl herc.â€"-49-3m. ._. - .-.â€".-. -_ James Mitchell. his will: and child were lrozcn to death in a frame house, seven miles north of Topeka, Kansas, on Thursday of last. Week. The date for the bye-election for the Vacancy in the legi-laturo Cuchd by Lil: death of the late N. G. Bigelow has been fixed. Nominations will be male or Tuesday, Feb. 21, and polling writ Inf.» place on Tudsday. Feb. 28. h Dans are tdutlglltct‘ed l'or culina-y lpltrpnses in cOosiderablo numbers 4‘ Munich. The friend of man mm ' u the table not only disguised as 5...:- sagcs, but. dressed in various furor-l. no 1 with divers sauces. Willt'iut any attempt in gastronomy is said to lintc o. . lflSL in the :tmtns and terzi'olc cold introduced by Italian inimnrstz'fw ital: Settled in the Bavarian capital. :1 J . .9. t i 3 ‘4! '.