Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 23 Dec 1892, p. 1

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I~H VOL. XX. It cures W. R. MADILL. me Stop that Cough by using Rod For sale only by Spruce and Wild Cherry Balsam. all forms of Coughs and Colds. . -..-._.._<_.. u... 0...... _ ._._ ..___._..- Professional Cards. LEGAL &c. 'mâ€"‘gâ€"Qâ€"ZZ A. l’. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-ntâ€"an, Solicitor- ) in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. HOPKINS & CHISHOLM, (Soconssou 1‘0 MARTIN d: HOPKINS) AltRlSTER. SOLICITUR, kc‘ Money to Loon at 6 per cent. Olhcc, W11- linm street, next to the Bank of Montreal. G. H. HOPKINS. D. ll. Cmsuomt. MOORE &. JACKSON, ARRIS'I‘ERS, SOLICITORS, 830. Of- ) lice, William street, Lindsay. F. D. Moons. A. JACKSON. w_..._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" MclN'l‘YRE & STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, kc. Offices ovur‘Onturio Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loun at 6 per cent. on easy terms. D. J. Molnrrnn. NOTICE. All Notes mndc payable to Janna Ban Agent, will ltnvo to be paid to Frank Kerr postgnastcr here, who holds snid notes. JAS. JOHNSTON & Co- Pcnelon Falls, June 30th, 1891.-â€"â€"19 t.f. c2222: w" '1‘. Srswanr. MEDICAL. M A. w. J. DEGRASSI, M. 1)., .ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., «be. ’ Residence, Brick Cottugc, Wellington vtrcct, Lindsny. DR. A. WILSON, â€"-n. 3., K. o. r. a 8;, Ontario,â€" YSICIAN, SURGEON Ir ACCOUCH- our. Ofiicc, Colborne Street, Feuelou Falls. Du. H. H. GRAHAM, RADUATE of the University at Trinity G College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons ol England, Member of the Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons pf Ontario. Odico and residence on Francis-St. \\ est in lonelon Pulls, opposite the Gazette office. W R. M- MASON, ETERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinnry College, To- mto,188~t; R. .\l. O. V. M. A. _ Residenceâ€"(rower Colborno and Louisa "roots, Fouclon Falls. suavnrons. m5: : __...,_.___.._.____. JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 8., . Conveyancor, 32c. Residence, and ad- d recs, Fcnelon Falls. H. HART. L. D. 3. SET OF GOOD TEETH FOR $10. Gas A and Icon] anaesthetics for painless ex- tracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all bunches of dentistry. (lilies over Pairwenther & Co's store, burly opposite postwfliu, Lindsey. I. n. nnoss, DENTIST, LINDSAY, wil be II the “ McArthur House,” Penelon the second Wednesday ofcacb mouth. mum and durable artificial teeth made, and all other dental work properly done. KW 27 :em’ experience. ls-ly..~ If, . u witâ€"t I on :1 m (12° a $3. ‘3 3 2333- < ' w ' 0310 ml- 23 3 pg 50.9“ in "‘75 9 +9 Om: 9 >0 c... a. S-t 5" râ€"lcdm a H‘s CD on -o ; out» > m g, Sm RS on "1 3 63*; g £0 g 5" was :1 > s 5% r a: 0g, 8 2 *3; . 2 .s *3 "T‘ r» "5 $3 0 o B 4‘" m i “s 0.) g E .21 E4 l Cups and Saucers, Vases, Fru i‘ilin ‘ iWfiC‘llfe‘R-Zfih _.' , \. mt See them the line of BOOTS do SHOES. Rubbers and Socks, Women’s Folt'Slippers, Felt Balmorals, Felt Congress and Overâ€"Shoes all Styles and prices. '144231‘4'215'.t4‘;«t-§t=l:£:%€:hr.i- ‘ mg in is that it is unequalled for the money. 1892. 9 Women’s Skating Shoes are on the way. .. New Raisins, New Currants, New Figs, London Layers 82 L 25 cases of canned Corn, Peas, Tomatoes, etc, just arrived. Try our Cofi‘ecs : they are the best that money can buy. See our counter of Christmas goods, The finest line of 25â€"cent articles ever shown. We have cveryth who use our 25 cent TEA Fenelon Falls, December 14th GERIS‘EMAE GOODS. WWW @. Navigan has just received the largest stock of Christmas Goods ever of- fered in Fenelon Falls, consisting of Christmas & New Year’s Cards, Statibnery Perfumery and Toilet articles, Dolls of all descriptions and sizes, Toys, Vases, Fancy China-ware, Musr- cal Instruments, such as Violins, Accordeons, Concertmas and Mouth Organs. Also, a very large stock of Pictures and PIC- ture Frames, and a fine assortment of Gold & Silver lVatcher, Rings, Brooches and other Jewellery, Pipes, Wall Papers and Window Blinds, all of which will be sold at Me Lowest Living- Prices. Call and inspect the stock, and you can hardly fail to find something to suit you. Fenelon Falls, December 215b, 1892. “Oh! Momma. Willie’s tired of using poor Machine Oil.” “ Read this. Willie.” The Oils for Genuine Satisfaction {or all sorts of Machinery are MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED EENEL‘ON FALLS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2331'), 1892. AWAY line Hundred and Forty-one Handsome Photographs In One Grand . PICTURE All the Conservative Members of - EParIiamentfiâ€"Ei Includin extra. large size hotographs of Sir John Abbott. remicr. and Sir Soho Thompson, leader of the House of Commons. surrounded b the Cabinet Ministers. and rouped on either si t the members of the House rom every Province in the Dominion. making a total of :4: splendid photoâ€" gra hs; every one a. perfect likeness. This grout picture is a reproduction by Photo- gravure recess on copper plate of the picture prescn to Sir John T ompson by the Consent- rive Members during the last session. THE ORIGINAL PICTURE oosr own: .500. ,, Tun Emma: has secured the copyright to reproo dncc this Grand Picture. It is printed on I 'nl plate paper in photographic inks. and is 3 tot 6 inches by a foot 4 inches tn sin. and makes a splen- did picture for framing. A key giving the name of each member and constituency represented in printed on the margin. making avaluablc work ofrcfcrcnoe. NO EXTRA CHARGE Wlll be mad. for this Grand anlunfi but It will he GIVEN FREE To Ivory tub-armor for the Weekly Empire FOR 1893. THE WEEKLY EMPIKB is without doubt the best Weekly for $t.oo published in Canada, containing :2 pages of latest news of the day. S ccial depart- ments on Agriculture, \Voman': mpirc. Our Curiosity Shop, Old \Vorld Diary. the latest Sport- ing Events. etc. Only One Dollar per your. Sent to any address in Canada or the United States. Every subscriber will get the Premium Picture as a Present. a . . \. Send in your subscription at once. or order through our local agent. Address: 'I'Hl: EMPIRE, Toronto, Grit. :HEADQUARTERS IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR Room Papetand Picture Frames â€"â€"IS ATâ€" W. A. GOODWIN’S Baker’s Block, Kent-sh, Lindsay. Artists’ Goods a Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabastine and Dye Works Agency. 3&5“ Please call and see my 5:. Paper. Lindsny,Aprll2nd,1893. Oat/id Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. Blacksmithing i.) all its different branches done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me a call and I will guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. EST ldLllE. .___â€"â€"â€" Fast Colored. Ging- hams for 10c. Fast Colored M113- I 11115 forlOc. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. w- The freshest Goods in the village at [ARDINE 85 GYLINBEB OILS, Wm. Campbell’s. used by the Largest Hillmcn in the country, and manufactured solely by 'MCCOLL BROTHERS & Co., TORONTO. For 8:!- only by JOSEPH HEIBD In Fonolon Falls. ~â€" Subscribe for the “Fenclon Falls Gazette,” only $1 a year in advance. Londoners Alarmed. THE EXPLOSION OF A LOCOMOTIVE. CAUSES A BIG 80A RE AND CONSIDERABLB DAMAGE. LONDON, Dec, 18.â€"A violent earth- qunke shock could not have canssd great- er consternation throughout the city than did the explosion of the Grand Trunk locomotive shortly after 9 o'clock to-night. The engine (No. 885,) which had only left, the shops three weeks ago, was standing in the yard on Bnthurst street, about 15 feet south of the round- house, when the explosion occurred, and. fortunately no one was near by. The fercc of the explosion was terrific, huge pieces of the boiler being carried a distance of 200 yards, one going through the roof of the freight shed and another through the front of George Gnul’s house- on Bathurst street. The roundhouse‘ and machine shop adjoining were:budly shuttertd, holes Fully 12 feet. square being punctured in the sides of these buildings, and note. sound window is left. Numerous other buildings in the vicinity were also damaged more or less, while windows all over the city were broken. The plate glass front of J. R. Shuttleworth’s wholesale fruit warehouse in the market lane, hall” a. mile away, was destroyed. The shock was so severe that in many instances people rushed from their houses in alarm, filled with thoughts of earthquake and dynamite. Citizens returning from church, their first thoughts being of home, quickcm d their paces in that. direction, while crowds assembled in the streets in a state of excitement that did not abate .until the true state of affairs became generally known. The fire brigade, too, were on the qui vive, and ready to turn out: should their services be required. Hundreds of people assembled at the scene, and until nenr midnight stood gazing at the wreck. What were once the trucks and gearing of n bonutil'ul locomotive are now u shnpclcss mass of iron. Two fitters in the roundhouse, Nick O'Connor and William Campbell, were the only persons injured, and it. seems almost a miracle that no one wus killed. The cause of the explosion is supposed to have been over-pressure of steam, but the particulars it is impos- sible to ascertain (so-night. The 1053, independent. of that of the locomotive, will be considerable. .__.__._. - ....._.._..._-.. .- Terrible Coal Mine Explosion. NOT LESS THAN FIFTY LIVES LOST. LONDON, Dec, 16.â€"â€"A fenrl'ul exploâ€" sion occurred yesterday at. the Buml'nr- long colliery, Wignn. The man went to work as usual in the morning. They had not been at work long when a terrible explosion shook the earth for a great distance. and a cloud of smoke shot up through the shall into the air. A grout multitude of people rushed. toward the mine and the greatest; excitement prevailed. It was soon ascertained that. a large number had perished, and the wailing and weeping _ of women and children made an indir- crihuble scene. Steps were immediately taken to nscmtain the full extent oi'tho disaster. and a crowd of volunteers promptly offered to explore the pit. Not less than fifty lived have been lost. It is believod that the explosiori was caused by nccumuluted coal gas, which had esCuped the notice of the oliiciul charged“ with the inspection of the mine. Despite the efforts to extinguish the flames, the fire spread to the engine house, at the head of the air tunnel. This stopped the pumpng of air into the mine, and added greatly to the peril of the men in the pit. The tire- was not subdued until five o’clock this; afternoon. Some time ut'ter,‘ the bodies . of twenty miners, who had been will». cated by the noxious gases generated In -' the mine alter the explosion, were. brought to the surface by the rescuing parties. Though the work is extremely dangerous. the exploration of the mine is continued in the hope that some of? the miners in the explosion have reached places of safety where they are waiting the approach of the rescuers. .m It is reported that gold deposits in. Algonm worth more than 83.000000. have been annexed by American csplt :l-. lots, and the glowing wealth is nudc~ veloped for want of a railway estimate! to cost $5,000. The only thing that, can keep the owners of such it bonanza. from building such a railway in tho. hope that it will be built for them up the Provincial Government. pit at the time of'. VAA'A. -_.4 Ar; '; 4‘.“ A; Aunt. neg"; A _ Amen 1 ‘ .vAr‘. A~A-’.-‘.-.-."Au.‘_1- .' _‘ w; )3 'AA ‘,l ,l ll .1 ‘22.:

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