Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Dec 1892, p. 8

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Old Time Remedies. It: the Saturday Review we find a very readable article upon certain of the rcmedits which commended themselves to our forefathers. The following are quoted from the Rev. Edward Topseli’s " Historie of Foure-lboted .Bcastes.” The} are taken almoat at random, choice being made only of those prescribed Al'or diseases and afilictions which are Ispcrhaps as common as any to which flesh is heir. To those who suffer from too:baehc-â€"-a complaint which few cs- opeâ€"“c commend the following sim- pl ETCIDL'dlCa' :-~“ The teethe which were first engendered in a horse have the vertue in them, that if they should truch the teethe of ammo or woman who are molested and grieved with the tenthache. they shall presently find a ti all code of their pzlinc: if in like manner a child doe_ kissc the nose or snowt ofa horse he shall never t'ecle puine in his teeth," “The tooth ofa hare laid to that part where the teeth like eascth them,” or "if the liver of a_ Bull be boiled on a soft fire, and put in one's mouth that hath the toothache, tém pain.- nill goo away, as scone as ever the teeth touch it." In cases ofearache and deafness, “The futte of a Dor- mouse, the flute ofa hen, and “the mar- row of an Oxe melted together, and b dog but infused into the Euros, doth \ ry much profit both the palace and deafnesse thereof.” Gout was a com- mon complaint in the days of Topsell, as is evidenced by the large number of prescriptions for the cure and “ casing" of it that he has handed down to us. The following, which iOl'lll but a very Small part of thoscgiven, are sufliciently quaint for repetition :â€"â€"" The Oylc in which a Foxe is baked, either alive or dead, doth either altogether cure and make whole those which are troubled ‘Tonic, almost constantly, for the'space of two or three years. was GREAT SOUTH ammo . . 7' ‘i-‘f Faghionable Tail-“3‘ “a; ‘Vo nréwnoxv prepared to turn out Clothes StomaChdyI-Iiver Cure it Pi it theGlosest - of Buyers. The Most Astonishing Medical’Di'seovery of the Last One Hundred Years. " It is Pleasant to the Taste as the Sweetest Nectar. It is Safe and Harmless as the Forest Milk. This wonderful Nervine Tonic has only recently been introduced into this country by the proprietors and manufacturers of the Great South American Nervine Tonic, and yet its great value as a curative agent has long been known by a few of the most learned physicians, who have not brought its merits and value to the knowledge of the general public. This medicine has completely solved the problem of the cure of indi- gestion, dyspepsia, and diseases of the general nervous system. It is also of the greatest value in the cure of all forms of failing health from whatever cause. It performs this by the great nervine tonic qualities which it pOSScsses, and by its great curative powers upon the digestive organs, the stomach, the liver and the bowels. No remedy compares with this wonderfully valuable Nervinc Tonic as a builder and strength- ener of the life forces of the human body, and as a great renewer of a. broken-down constitution. It is also of more real permanent value in the treatment and cure of diseases of the lungs than any consumption remedy ever used on this continent. It is a marvelous cure for nerv- ousness of females of all ages. Ladies who are approaching the critical period known as change in life, should not fail to use this great Narvinlci Wt carry them safely over the danger. This great strengthener and euro.- tive is of inestimable value to the aged and infirm, because its great energizing properties will give them a new hold on life. It will add ten or fifteen years to the lives of many of those who W111 use a. half dozen bottles of the remedy each year. IT IS A GREAT REMEDY TOR THE CURE OF Nervousness, Broken Constitution, FENIELONs 190 acres, close to the Village of Fenclon and part seeded down. The unseeded por- tion ploughed and ready for spring crop; Good Dwelling, Barn, Stable A Fences. “WQOQO OUR STOCK OF -~â€"+â€"~~~°--~s r\‘ \S 3: Overcoatings,‘ Trogserings and. Settings is COMPLETE. â€"â€"-â€"+â€"-3"® 06”“ As a proof of the popularity of our clothing, we may note that orders are continually coming in from Manitoba and the North-West. CLARK &' SON. WALL PAPERS. FROM ENGLISH, CANADIAN AND AMERICAN MARKETS. All. the Latest Designs in Hall,‘Dining Room, Drawing Room and Bedroom Papers, Ceiling Papers, Corners and Decorations. farm fill Sale m in llBlll. The west parts of lots 23 and 24 in the lllh concession'of Falls. 100 Acres Cleared, the remainder of the land ill wood. -â€"- cooo MARKET AT FENELON FALLS PRICES 3‘ STYLES T0 _S_UIT CUSTOMERS. â€"-_. ' d (1- end of all sorts. for gram an cor w 0,,” and see my 50. per ,0" Pnper‘ (t u H H - 1- - Nervous Prostration, chility of Old Age, _ , 66' ‘ ZYJ‘JicilLeeffli’ Lilié’n'é’eor‘lli‘ééf’33.1%: Nervous Headache. Indigestion and Dyspepsia. W PM" W Tim“ m” .1 II 36' f: :. least not of too longc continuance it Siok HeadaChc’ He‘lnbum and Sour Stolmmh' If "0" 901d soon’ “11 be leased. u u 96' u u do”, so owe them, although it may Female Weakness, Weight and Tenderness in Stomach, Apply *0 J G WHLI ms ,, “ 100' u “ happen to returne auaioe, yet it will be Nervous, Ohms, 1‘9.” 0f Appetlte’ J' 1). smirH‘ ’}P°" Hope‘ 6' much more mildc itnd gentle than it Paralyms’ Fllglltful Dream} . . ' Ii. G. McViITY, innd an the way to 500' 13’er Ron- ,md beene‘” .. A Fan sod in wine, Nervous Paroxysms and Dizzmess and Ringing 1n the Ears, a-“ 288 Huron Street, Toronto â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" till. nothing of the Foxc be left . whole except the bones, and the Legch or other parts of a gouty body washed and daily bathed therein, it shall drive away all paiue and gricfe, strengthening the defective and weake members.” After this prescription, however, our author adds, “ chcthclcsse, such bodies are scone again replenished through evil] dyctt and relapsed into the same disease againe." ~‘ A fat cat sod ” is also pre- scribed, “first taking the fat. and au- noynting therewithe the sicke parte, and then wetting Wooll or Towe in the same, Nervous Choking, Hot Flashes, Palpitation of the Heart, Mental Despondency, Sleeplessncss, St. Vitus’ Dance, Nervousness of Females, Nervousness of Old Age, Neuralgia, Pains in the Heart, Pains in the Back, Failing Health, Weakness of Extremities and Fainting, ~ Impure and Impoverished Blood, Boils and Carbuncles, Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Ulcers, Consumption of the Lungs, Catarrh of the Lungs, Bronchitis and Chronic Cough, Liver Complaint, Chronic Diarrhcea, Delicate and Scrofulous Children, Summer Complaint of Infants. All these and many other complaints cured by this wonderful I have on hand the largest stock of Wall Paper ever brought into Lindsay. Scientific American Agency for Us REMEMBER THE PLACE: Just Opposite New Post olllcc, Ifent Street. LINDSAY. â€"â€"â€"__ G. A. METHERELL. DENTISTRY. cAVEATs TRADE MIMIth nesrcn PATENT COPYRIGHTS, etc. Im- infannatlon and free Handbook write to MUNN a: CO an BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Oldest bureau Tor securing patents in America. . Every ntent taken out by us is brought before the puti’llc by a notice given free or charge in the .n... -v........ .».w-u I “Jun...” M._â€". m.â€"..- -...._.._.....«4 . “v v... ........ vnli . w... a... y...» An .. a . ~_ A.-.Wnulw.r . . . . Nervine Tonic. ' i ' . h x and binding it to the offended place,” l GAS VITA . , r . , ‘ ‘ ,' v U , - .â€"- LIZED AIR, “in {ii b“o'u1(ic Poll" 3‘1"?”- ".'”-‘.’ NEE '0 S EB‘ESEASE S' .s‘ restrain.slrt'sovasllttl ( ‘ -â€"-â€" - ) “" ‘h 1" om: '5" J,"m””."”: ‘sf‘hll-l As a cure for every class of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been $33.31;“ nails theut padweeirilpwgqaggoa G0 ‘0 3- NEEMNDS. Dentist, Linden)" if l mm Summon L 0’ “c puma? 0 he able to compare with the Nervine Tonic, which is very pleasant and Wffifla‘iiwmdgiinm " 3‘0“ W91” teeth extractcdrositively WIHI- ' ‘ . 'gom?’ though how the remedy '3 ‘0 be harmless in all its effects upon the youngest child or the oldest and most â€"â€"â€"â€"__â€"â€"~â€"â€"_.â€"__â€"â€"â€"â€" “1‘ 1mm" '3” has been 3”” by him With ‘ applied does not appear. H 'I‘he dust of . . . v. T. .1 . ‘ ~ great success for Over years. He Sindhi . . l. . w W ‘1, b . I d . delicate indindual. Line-tenths of all the at ments to which the human I with Dr. Cullen of New York the in”. s a” lvmsd . _ re"? “1103 c d “7.5m family is heir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- ’ H tor of gas for e’xtracting teeth’. Numbers l Jr “x “n ‘05“‘““t9" a“ “fluomte “‘tl‘ tion. When there is an insufficient supply of nerve food in the blood, a of persons are wearing artificial teeth mode ’5 feall‘f“ E‘P‘m goullfl‘legf’: "We are mld' general state of debility of the brain, spinal marrow, and nerves is the S by lfr- Neelnndfi _20 years ago, find never 3, bcu'ret‘ t.‘e.8:‘.me d‘seaée,’ Rut,” ll“: result. _ Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong when the V {fiéfffw‘lnngggflgfia Guldkcgownsl P039- “ °,‘° Pres‘inp “’05 are S’P‘P " "1 com' right kind of food 18 supplied; and a. thousand weaknesses and a1lments F , F I, M“ “cw” °"°' “9'” Pans“) “'"l‘ "10 {Ono‘i’mg 8““esouw disappear as the nerves recover. As the nervous system must supply all D ,bfifis $263,}: 53f girth“ farmed ,3" a? . ' . - . . . . . . . cr mon . ; icclpe .â€"“ It then: shall be any flesh or the power by Which the Vital forces of the body are carried on, it is the in the day. I y I “.53? y : bones 0f me" ,roulld }" “‘8 bad)? 0" ‘1 first to suffer for want of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food does not con- ‘ ? dead Hyena: bemg filmed “Pd beflleu f0 tain a sufficient quantity of the kind of nutriment necessary to repair S I l I [I Powflm': “ml the.“ mixed With a 00mm the wear our present mode of living and labor imposes upon the nerves. ' perfume they "fl" 3’9 Very {Reliant to For this reason it becomes necessary that a nerve food be supplied. ,. hell) the 29‘” '1 Opsell 9111110“) add-"i This South American Nervine has been found by analysis to contain the I ” “‘0 Km”? “foil”? mafia] 01‘ WlSe'W-‘Pl essential elements out of which nerve tissue is formed. This accounts MNFACTURER 0]? Which '5 “my "1 00°“ng but the W- for its universal adaptability to the cure of all forms of nervous de- I .cunlstance of works, doth say that the rangement, ' s e best time to take hyenns is when the Cnawronnsnpmc. IND._. Augcm: '86. REBECCL WILKINSON. of Brownsvalley. Ind. 5 Moone pnsseth over the sign called Gem- Thhienaéiiifriifâ€"ti‘ éfifié‘fiifii’ifi’fif‘hm I “a”: “I had bee?!“ “distressed “mam” 1°” A q I) jui,” H For civil)" great case uuw me have sullercd for many yearswith uvery serious “"99 Tea“ “'0‘” bervouwfes' weaknefl 0‘ th" .1. - F I'- . dlncuseoi the stomach and nerves. Itrled every Stomach, Dyspepsia. and indigestion, until my , gowt thesklnnes ol_beavers burned Wllll medicine I could hear oi, but nothing done me health was gone, I had been doctor-mg con. - . «mo ovum-s nun pitch put recoveries:assassin-ids: no v"*~:'- I 01 DR! 1 GS mourns the soles 0i shooes, ul soles made of and Stomach and Liver Cure. and since using soum American he’ll“: “men done me more 5 ._ I. d k- n . , several bottles of it I must any thatI am aur- good than any $50 worth of doctor-lug I ever I 4 Nil {39? E '05 “10 Vet) “"1011 0011“ mired advice Wolidtfl'lul Powemttocurfithestom' dldln myllie. Iwould ndvlseevery weakly per- . men 0 . 9'“ Ewe“ “Nous 185° 9"“ ,everyone con to use this valuable and lovely remedy , a A I ' -._ .igg‘gggfofi:zgéglytfifizgnfii} do’ou would few bottles 0! it has cured me completely. I -â€". J. A. HABDEE. Exâ€"Treas. Montgomery 00. consider-it the grandest medlelnein the world." A Three Thousand Foot Well. I I I Everything belonging to the I“ A I An artesian well over 3,000 feet deep I D . N. . T o \‘ saddler’ and Harne“ Trad. . -' has recently been bored at Galveston, The Great SOP-i311 Amen-Can emu? . omc S‘ I ‘09 constantly kept in stock. Texas. The water supply oi that city Which we now offer you, is the only absolutely unfailing remedyever g is furnished by thirteen artcsian wells discovered for the cure of Indigestion, Dyspepsmnand the vast train of , varying in depth from 825 to 1.350 l'eet. symptoms and horrors which are the result of diseaselul.d deblllty Of A I R P I R I . The water Obtained from [his source, the human stomach. No person can afford to pass by this Jewel of meal- A l while being ot‘good enough quality for . culuble value who is affected by disease of the stomach, because the ex- lire and ! i c ‘t. totally unlit for drinking and domestic uses. In View of this fact, it was decided that the city was justified it. the investment of $75,000 in an attempt in obtain it good water supply. and there- fore the artesian well was bored. Tilt' ,‘fil'nl 57 teet ol the well consists of a 225 i inch casing. Ihside of this 1115 incl. pipe extends to a depth of 870 icet » {est a 12 inch pipe extends to a depth of 1,200 leet. A 9 inch was then in- sorted to a depth of 2,363 feet, and from this depth :15 inch pipe extends toa depth ol 3 070 feet 9 inches. No rock whatever was penetrated in reaching this depth and the water supply sought tor was not obtained. Further work has been abandoned, and the hope of ,oblaining a flow of fresh water on the island given up. Wells will be such ,on the main land fourteen miles from the city. and water brought norms the buy by nit-ans oi iron pipes. Theos- (limalod cost for this work is $800,000. -.._..~.â€"_.~â€". ,Wautcdâ€"-I line to fill this column , own one. great cure in the world manufacturing purposes, is' perience and testimony of many go to prove that this is the ONE and for this universal destroyer. There is no case of unmalignant disease of the stomach which can resist the I HARE!“ 8. BALL. oi Waynetown. lnd.. mayo: "I owe my life to the Great South American Nervlno. i had been in bed for five months from = the eflecta of an exhausted stomach. Indigestion. Nervous Frustration. and a. general sllnttu-rrd condition oi my whole system. Had given up T all hopes 0! getting well. Had tried throe‘doc- tum. with no Pellet. The first bottle at the hen-- lnc 'l‘onlc improved me so much that lwas nhlcto walk about. and a few bottles cured mo entirely can not recommend It too highly." I believe It in the best medicine in World. i wonderful curative powers of the South American Nervine Tonic. Mus. ELLA It. Bun-row. of New Ross. Indiana. says: “I cannot express how much I owe to the Ncrvine Tonic. My nyltem was completely abut- tored. appetite gone. was coughing and spitting up blood; am sun- I was in the first stage: of consumption, an inheritance handed down through several generations. I an taking the tier-vine Tonic, and continued to use {or about six months, and am entirely curved. 11 l is the grandest remedy tor nerves, atonmch and l lungs I have ever seen." ' N l pare- with Sou-m Amateur Nnvmt as a cure for the Nerve-n. No remed com- pnrgrlixhagoiiotrsmcflcnn Nervlne an a. wondrous cure for the Stomach. No remedy wll at all compare with South American Nervlne a: noun: for all tonne of falling health. It never tail: to cum ind! lion and Dyspepsia. It. never tulle to cure Chm-ea or St. Vitun' Dance. Its p0 went!) build up 1 whole system are wonderful in the extreme. It cures the old. the young. and the mld- disused. tuagrenttrlend totheuxcd and infirm. Do not neglect to til-ethic pmlonn boon; it you do. you may neglect the only remedy which will renters you to health. South American Nervineic pet-teeny we. um very pleasant to the taste. Delicate ladies. do not {all to nu thin mat cum. bccum It will put the bloom oi freshness and beauty upon your lips and in your checks. and quickly drive A?“ your disabilities and weakneaem. Price, Large 16 ounce Bottle EVERY BOTTL If not kept by Druggists order at Dr. E. DETCHDH, Crawfordsville, $1.00: Trial Size, 15 Cents. E WARRANTED. rent from IFor Sale at Fenelon Falls by MRS. llEstEv, ....,Slamping done w. R. MADTLL. Enlbome Sinai, Pension Falls. W. T. J UN KIN ’ S. Done on the Shortest Notice. The _“ Fenelon ~Falls Gazette " in printed every Friday at the office, on the corner of May 6: Francis streets. DEALER IN SUBSCRIPTION 81A YEMHN “WANG! or one cent per week will be added as lung MILLTNERY AND ' Advertluing Rates. Professional or business cards, 50 unto w e C ,ierline per annum. Casual advertisements, .3; 8 cent: per line fertile first insertion,and 2' cents per line for every subsequent inur- tiun. Contract: by the year, half year on quarter, torn column or less, upon lemu- able terms. JOB PRINTING of all ordinary kinds executed neatly, cc ready and rcaaombltratea. it. D . HAND, ’ J’ropn'uoy OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. f Kent-st, Lindsay, Ont.

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