Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Dec 1892, p. 4

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~ Shovels, Hey at has come over the Hardware Tinwiire it Stoves. ’ FARM MACHINES â€"-ANDâ€" Manure Perks, llllllllls - -. ' an overs Nails, Building Paper, Paints, 011s &c. New COMMON SENSE BINDER TWINE, PRICES LOWER THAN EVER. Lowest Prices in the County for Agent for P. Hamilton’s Farm Implements and McColl Bros.’ Lardine Machine Oil. THEPATRDNS WILL BE STARTLED at the small profits at which I will sell for spot cash. Jos. Heard. Fenelon Falls, May/lth, 1892. , CAN IT“ BE POSSIBLE ? WWW From the let to the 25th. of December Only. Friday. December mm. me. Continental Free Trade. Come and examine the New Panning Mill and get the prices before leaving the Falls. The best brands of B I N D E R T W I N E kept in stock at the lowest prices. Brantford Repairs Always on Hand. Thanking my numerous customers for their libeaal patronage in the past, I beg to assure them that no effort will be spared to deserve a continuance ofit in the future. THOMAS ROBSON. Fenelon Falls. April 27th, l892. The Fenclon Falls Gazette. WOW-600 Always a first-class fit. and made by one of the best houses in the Dominion. â€"ALSO,-â€" .. A Large Stock of Boots and Shoe at prices to suitthe times. Groceries, Crockery and Glassâ€"ware. " A full line of the best goods to be had always on hand. . J. M’FARLAND, _ T‘womey’s Block. Echelon Falls, January 21th, 1892. of xuuuut'ucturc. in order to snake rooxu for nexv designs and patterns. Call early and secure bunâ€"gains. us I tun selling,- cheaper than any dealer in the County. DOORS, SASH, MOULDINGS ETC. KEPT IN STOCK AND MADE TO ORDER. ALI. WORK W'ABEAH'MSD. UNDERTAKING ATTENDED TO IN ALI. ITS BRANCHES. “m. M c K e o w n, moo/.9 amen wrsr. FENELON FALLS! I A Large Stock _, We received a few days ago, from Of fine Felt Hats to be 501d at 300: worth 7333 and the National Publishing Co. of Toronto, at 750., worth $1 2-5. Taimmed Hats from $1 25 a pamphlet of 40 pages containing quot- ' to 00’ $6 00 and 00. utiops from Erastus Wiman’s speeches, during his tour in the maritime prov- A Wen.selected Assortment inces, on closer trade relations between . . . . , the United States and Canada. Mr.‘ _ of the latest novelties 1n Fancy Ribbons. Birds Wiman is a Canadian by him], bu, the Wings, Tips, Ospreys, Woolen Hoods 86 Caps; also Tories rail at him as a traitor because Fancy Bl‘ttidi at reduced prices. he labors incessantly to expose the evils of protection and the folly of obstructing Dresses and Mantles trade betwcep th‘ev two nations on this . continent. .lr. ‘ yman, however has made In the lateSt Styles° always declared that he is oppcsdd to LVOI’ié g'fldi’flfil‘eé’d- annexation, which he believes will be . , Q retarded rather than hastened b con- Ladles Undel Wear tinental free trade, which wouldyin no to be sold at a very reduced Price. warhenduniscr the loyaltyBofl‘ Canadians to t e mot ier country. c ow We give R“I a brief but impressive extract from a ‘ 2 doors North of the P. 0., Fenelon Falls. :fie-gcllofig, 3:15,?de at Hallmx’ N' S" “ There is one plan by which, without loss of political allegiance to Great E g A ' Britain, and without any sacrifice of I political dignity, a relation might be created between the two people on this ' continent that would be highly bene- ficial to all the parties concerned, and I have on hand a number of Men’s, Boys’ and Youths’ greflfngfifginfi $fi2t°$lagijrsinélguei,:? Free Trade in products of all classes, ( an entire and complete reciprocity be- tween the two nations that hold the which I will sell continent in common. This is the proposition of Unrestricted Reciprocity , 1 between the United States and Canada, gT F R pregnant with the greatest possible 0 . a consequences to both countries. The . . measure f he Irowth of the a h as I do not want to carry them over. N ow is your time to get the Unit; tstatts is the mensuxeolfi “if, a good Over-coat cheap. These goods are A possible growth of the wealth of Canada. N l r d f L t t 1 'l‘hiigrowthfl‘cng pievfet‘ take plugs till? L l . mar’ct is a or e or tie to nets 0 "‘ 0 e a y BS7 the latter. That market. exists directly alongside, extending over a border line unparalleled in length. No greater asset was ever possible to any land than the asset of'n. market such as the United States affords. No greater asset was ever possessed by any country than to the United States exists in the possibil- ity of the development. of Canada. It is true that in Great Britain a free market is open to Canada for all her products. but it is three thousand miles away. It is true that the people of the mother country need many of‘ the things that Canada has to spare, but she needs them so badly that. all the world com- petes with Canada for their supply. A totally difi'crcnt condition exists in the United States. The market is not three thousand miles away, but right at your own doors, a market reachable from the maritime provinces by means of I communication which nature has pro- F ‘ I R I I I l i R E : vidcd. and which requires the laying of , no rails, the building of no locomotives. It is a market also for which pructicall at and there is no competitor as against Canada): ,W and, what is better than all, it is a ; .mutket that would absm‘b everythng that Canada can produce. In this respect it has the advantage of the English market, because there are many things that it does not pay to export three thousand miles, but. which it is profitable to send a few hundred miles. Besides this the opening of the Ameri- can market. does not. close the British market, but only augments the oppor- tunity for the Canadian producer.” m It is said that Michael David: will not re-cntcr parliament. Dundas & Flavelle Brethers, Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Milliner , A Great Changew" Â¥ cause of the trouble. connected with the Smith estate. I a we; .‘E’M ~Hard to Please. , No Beetsâ€"Yesterday eroting John Marco, caretaker of theFeuhloh A short time ago the Toronto GIobcâ€" Falls cemetery, was knocked down on which is known as a “ real live paper" the street by a team of horses hitched to â€"sent two correspondents out. to ascer- a wood=slolgli,'und received a dislocaitio‘n tain the state of the political feeling in of the right. shoulder. The driver did the country; and, in order to be able to not. see and Mr. Mngce did not hear. form a correct estimate, one of the ccr~_ The horses had no bells on. Mr. Magoo respondents was a Conservative and the is a very- old mnn and feels the injury other a Lib-ml. Nothing could have keenly. Dr. Wilson was called and re- been fairer than this. and anybody duced the dislocation. would think that the Tory journalists, ~ V The Ghana“ and Best Who pmfess to hell“? mat prosperity place in Canada for Lumber-men’s 83:: and and comemment Prevall throughout the Rubbers and all winter foot wear is at length and breadth of the land, would JOHXSTON & 8,3305%, have rejoiced at the prospect of seeing 43 The (ma, Sh“ Hm N.Il."‘_,‘w the Globe “hoist with its own (Con- ‘ servative) pctard"; instead of which THB‘CHEESE hACTOm’-'-Th0 "WW1 they are kicking up a bobbery that shows fleeting 0" ““9 1mm)"3 of the Ewell)” that they are very hard to please, 0,. are 1: ulls cheese factory was held on batm- nfraid that. the stnth of feeling will prove day 135‘ “'0 lot“ lust .‘ and thefollowmg to be very different from what they have Slate'Pcm' 0‘ the Wars bllsmoss “'33 always declared it to be. There is no sublmucd. flu", “'3 “(led him"? 533'. doubt that the Globe, in sending out its aPpmmd- The film-"'3‘ opelwd 0” “‘0 two correspondents or commissioners, 15‘“ 0f May 5"“! closed 0“ “[9 ask“ or is doing the comnry good service, and october. The total amount of milk re- that they will collect a mass of evidence “‘le “'35 741348155 “10 total amount on which may be based :1 true, if unsato 0“ Gile°5°_‘”3de W33 63-439: lbs; and the isi'nctory, answer to the query, “ whither 0”" NCL‘WC‘I “'“S $6478 ‘30- T0 milk" are we drifting p-v we am, afraid that one pound of cheese it. took 10 13slfiths the Canada Presbytert'an’s prediction Wumls 0‘ ml”:- that the commissioners will find l'ew an- w W. T. Junkin has just received a uexntionists in the country will not be fine line of papeteries,â€"-fifty envelopes and verified; but we commend the following f°rEY’?‘gm Sheets 0“ WW" {0“ 35‘0- Six remarks from the same paper ,0 the varieties to choose from. Call and see . . them. thoughtful constdcrntton of our Con- sermme m,,de,8:_ ELECTION or OFFICERS.â€":\t a meet- "There is. however, unrest in many “’3 0f maple .149“. True mu" Image places, and a bad hnrvost, continued dc- NO- 42 “dd 1“ the” basic "‘0'" "" pressiom 0,. am. one of 8 number of Wednesday evening Inst, Dec. 14th, the a number of cahses might make many followmg officers for the ensuing your people grasp at political union, just as were duly electedzâ€"W. M.. Bro. Jno. many of them grasped at the N. P. lonr- 30mm“; D- Mu ‘Bl‘O- ,Jlm- Wilson ; teen .years ago without considering very Chap.. Bro. S. Mobutcheon, reelected; seriously how much good it might do Rec-‘Scc-i Bro-Juo' MCG‘lVr't‘l'i mm them. Sir John Abbott tells us that he 809-» Bm- Del'millli PG-Gleutt‘d; grasped nt annexation in 1349 in ‘a mo- TWP-a Bl"- “f Jcm'b')’: m'elec‘odi D- Ineut of petulance,’ and what; an em- 0f (1', Bl'o- w- Milkmen m-elcomd; L T‘w brayo premier did any number of pew Bro. Geo. Jackett; lst ‘Com, Bro. C. ple might be loolish enough to do. When Ba"; 2'“! do» 1310- F- hills; 3l'd- don people are in a desponding mood, in a Bl'o- J- Fuk- dcpressed condition, or even a little riled, FINISHED__~_The combined skmfng “WY Oil-0" do things that under dim!" and curling rinkâ€"the ground for which cut conditions they would neVer have was broken only a menu, agoâ€"43 “1. 0V0“ thought 0‘ dOillf-l- 00° thin?! is ready finished, or so near it that a few VGl'Y 010“- Tl’e Wires“ may 500“ 3"” hours’ more work will do all that. into something serious if every man be remains to be done, and the probability branded as a ‘rcbel.’ a ‘truitor’ and is that it will be flooded to-dny or ‘elle'DY' and BVCI‘Yl'llfll-K else that is bad, to-morrow for the first time. and the when he simply wants freer trade rela- many opened on GIN-ism,” ’Eve. The dons Willi his neighbors." sheet of ice will be 40 x 152 feet, with a board-walk and a row of seals along ) I POWIBS s borners' dressing rooms, each 13x 19 feet, with. a band stand above them. The total cost of the rink will be about 3800. Christmas Beauties. The famous Shoe Men, Jounsron & SISSON, have the loveliest imported Shocnahd Slip- pers over shown in Lindsay. Correspondence of the Gazette. We are glad to see our old friend, Mr. R. Cooper, back from the North- west. Mr. Cooper has been there near- ly two years, and the account he gives ot' the country is not very encouraging to anyone except those who have nothing here to keep them. Mr. Cooper refers to young men who intend to follow . I . . ' _ farming and are not able to buy land ortglngl articles are bright and intercsv here. Mr, John Gillis is expected to arrive the selections. All the departments are soon from the N, W, '1‘. Mr, Gillis well sustained. A four pagcsupplcment, went out there last spring and will be containing a fine variety of reading able to give a straight story, as be has matter, with clubbing list, pmmium. been in the employ of a farmer and also Offer, e.th accompanies the issue. The followed a threshing machine for about paper 18 a marvel of cheapuess at the a month. regular pricc, 50 cents a year; and the Dr. Graham of Fenelon Falls is at. publisher offers to send it a whole your present attending a little son of Mr. A. for 25') cents in etazups it the subscrip- Rutherf’crd, but we have not heard the tlon IS remitted befdt‘c New Year’s Day. Our wishes are Address: Matthew R. Knight, Hamp- Vton, New Brunswick. my“ One week from- to-morrow. will be Xmas Eve. You just have one week in ‘ which to. pick out your Xmas presents, of which W; 'L‘. Junkin has the largest and "best selected stock over opened in Fenclon Falls. Don't think of. buying elsewhere till you see them; , A Successâ€"The concert given in ‘Dickson’s-hall cu Tuesday night by tho Ethel Armstrong 0b., under the auspices of the Masonic Lodge, was well attended, and the receipts, which amounted to over 350, left a few dollars after all expenses were paid, which was fully as much as was expected. The entertain- ment was of too high an order to give as geogral satisfaction as something more plebcian would have afforded. and, as we expected, widely different opinions that the little follow will soon be around again. h- -_....‘....._.__ Personals. _â€"_â€" Messrs. J. D. Smith, J. G‘. Williams and G. H. G. McVity, of Port Hope, were at the Falls last Friday on business , Mr. ‘& Mrs. Irvine Junkin of Bob- caygeon were at the Falls last Sunday, and Miss Junkie, who had been here on a visit to her brother, rcturnud home with them. Miss Annie Clark, who is a nurse in the Toronto General Hespital, came home last Monday to visit her relatives, but. had to leave for the city next morning. Mr. Robert Cooper of Fcnelon return- ed homc last Saturday from Moosomin, Masons had spent much fig“, and labor each side, and at the front end are two 43. First Door East of Duly House. _ CANADA Fort Dncnnnna.-â€"0anada ' this month is better than ever. The, ing, and much judgment is shown in ' as to its merits were expressed. The- N. W. 'l‘., where he has been living during the past two years. Moosomin is a thrivingr town of about 1,000 inhab- itants 20 miles from Q'Appcllc, where William and Albert. Worsley and Wol- linn'ton Palmer are forming and all doing well. DEN'I‘AL.â€"Don’t fail to call on J. Ncclauds, dentist, on Tuesday the 20th, at the McArthnr House. lie will have decorating the hall for the occasion and the work was beautifully done, the windows being all curtained, the. walls covered with pictures and the stage artistically draped. Top BALLâ€"Last Saturday morning a milch cow for which the proprietor of the: Gazette paid 530 a few months ago was lonud dead on no unt'cnccd lot behind Mr. George Ilutherlhrd's stable. She was bloated to nearly the size of a a complete gas apparatus for extracting hogslmud, and a 1,0,, mom”, flaming. teeth without pain. Lion showed that she had been killed by OUI" OF DEBT.--The annual tea eating some hnlf lrozcn and half rotten meeting of the Bethe] appointment ot'the putatovs, a quantity of which had been Bobcaygeon circuit Methodist church dumped not far from the old Clifton was held on Thursday evening, the 8th House by n lad who was cautioned inst., and. with a social on Saturday, against leaving them where c'nttlc could netted 867 50, which will clear the get at them. Three or four other cows church of all debt and leave anmall got at the potatoes but did not cut balance on hand. A very enjoyable enough to do them any serious harm. evening was spent. It is too bad that so many people should . cm" - 1W - ‘ . Queen-ac. .n« . .4 -..._.__'..-:W_e~w~,mw ‘._........' .".:.‘..n“ L..."

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