Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 16 Dec 1892, p. 1

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I I l l i i i . i I i I I I °=~ _I 0-1:: v U can! ED: .- 0 %§- < was E ’S’EPS 520930 " Sb‘rci m Ogg '2: I soils; "561313 3133:» EROS m'g‘eg 6mg 33%.. 0,0 .E-‘H‘rzi Q: was Professional Cards. LEGAL &0. A. r. DEVLIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. HOPKINS 8:. CHISHOLM, (Snccnsson 'ro Manrm & Hormss) ARRISTER, SOLICITUR, lac Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Ofiice, Wil- limn street, next to the Bank of Montreal. G. H. llorxtss. D. H. Cnisnomt. MOORE & JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, kc. 0f- iice, William street, Lindsay. F. D. lloont. A. J acxsou. MclNTYRE & STEWART, ARIUSTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, kc. Oflices over Ontario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on «as: terms. 9. J. Mclxri'nn. NOTICE. all! Notes made payable to Jntns Ban wilt, will have to be paid to Frank Kerr postamster here, who holds said notes. JAS. JOHNSTON k 00' lonelon Falls, June 30th, 1891.â€"â€"19 t.f. Mâ€" T. Srswsn'r. MEDICAL. W__. A. W. J. DnGRASSI, M. D., ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., tire. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington tract, Lindsay. DR. A. WILSON, -â€"it. n., it. c. r. a 8., Ontario,â€" YSICIAN, SURGEON A: ACCOUCH- our. Office. Colborne Street, Fenelon Fells. DR. H. H. GRAHAM, RADUA'I‘E of the University at Trinity College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons ot England, Member of the Col- loge of Physicians ti: Surgeons of Ontario. Odice and residence on Francis-St. \\ est l‘uelon Falls, opposite the Gazelle ofi‘ice. R- M- MASON, ETERINARY SURGEON ; lionor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto 1884 ' R. M. O. V. M. A. . Res’idenceLâ€"Corner Colborno and Louise streets, Fenelon Falls. summons. . W JAMES DICKSON, L. Surveyor, Commissioner in the Q. 8., . Conroynncer,&c. Residence, and ad- dress, l-‘enelou Falls. FENELON FALLS, ONTARIO, ram I i : i i I I l, i I I I I I I. i I neias. icious. gress , Vases, Fruit Plates. , and Rubbers of :2 H. nusriu's om smun. yers &= Layer Vale Those who try them say they are do] ress and Overâ€"shoes Men’s woolâ€"lined Overâ€"shoes for $1 25. Arnold & Graham, f Boers & snons. Men’s Felt Con Te‘ ‘23 *8 "-1 2 CD p 03 J E >3 w :5 s. s s :8 as be c: o <72 ,8 O F; 1-5 0 Pd 0 . a +3 Q 53>» c3 "5 o 02 . ms ’41; 8% $2-. :2"? was +30 SOD but: ‘34:: Do 0'5 "#23, £9 “1:31 in . \a H m d ‘ at; $8 rug in: qg'd CU) Ofli-céia Q3 :‘i-Qé 0 0‘3”, *3 GD: :3 so a) we .4; GD :6 0 mm “‘3 o a 8'3 9 2:230 ‘73 -r-‘ ma.) (0+3 its “so: '51: no.3 553 by; :1”, 'H'am . Q3 CD bfzim OUEFQQE 0â€"5 Ewan 43.2 .5730 N Q-i Oce .5108 S 0:1" mg “El pg; H“ ZH 035, Go P“ t" a“: O q; +30 $45 ‘“ UFO mu fig; Gm. . Z Clo: and: 5N pong 3 esoo ms “’82 s "-4: l0 90 GU13. 8. 5g FIN HE, >131: .9“ me... “Sci .33 o Co Op Fficecs '3 B”? he) 3 73“ T G) 095-30.) «.1 Q’§ H3 as 33:. s Z0 E'lo m .Q‘Ea’ 5 (N ‘3 E4 D176 RE D THIS. As I have decided- to give up the Painting business, I will sell out my entire Stock of White Lead, ready mixed Paints, Oils, Turpentine, J apans, Furniture and Carriage Varnish at greatly reducedprz'ces, and all those who are in want of any of the above lines will do well to call before purchasing else where. 38" Glazing, Kalsomlnlng and Paper-hanging done as usual. 8. N EVISON . > Fenelon Falls, September 1st, 1892. ......- H. HART, L. D. S. 831‘ OF GOOD TEETH FORSIO. Gas and local anesthetics for pninless ex. trotting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all shes of dentistry. “‘Oufloe over Fairwenther & 00': store, surly opposite poet-odioe, Lindsay. I. ii. onoss, DENTIST, LINDSAY. at the “ )chrtbur Rouse," Penelon m3». second Wednesdayot‘cneb month. Bountiful and durable urtitieinl teeth mode, out Ill other dental work properly done. lady I? yem' experience. lG-iy. "Ohl Momma. Willie’s tired of using poor Machine 011." “ Read this. Willie.” The Oils for Genuine Satisfaction {or all sorts of Machinery are McCOLL’S CELEBRATED LAIIDINE 85 “UNDER OILS, used by the Largest Millmen in the Country, and manufactured solely by MCCOLL BROTHERS & Co., TORONTO. For Sale only by JOSEPH HEARD in Fonolon Falls. AY, DECEMBER 16m, 1892. ’G ~ AWAY One Hundred and Forty-one Handsome Photographs In One Grand PICTURE All the Conservative Members of EParIiamentr‘fi lncludinfiextm large size photographs of Sir John Abbott. remicr, and Sir John Thompson. leader of the Home of Commons. surrounded b the Cabinet Ministers. and‘grouped on either si e the members of the House" ram every Province in the Dominion. mking n total of r4i splendid photo- grn 3; every one a perfect likeness. T in great picture in n reproduction by Photo- g‘ravuro rooeu on per plate of the picture preson to Sir John omplon_by the Conserva- tive Members during the lust session. THE ORIGINAL PICTURE coe'r oven oeoo. ,, Tun Batman has secured the cepyright to repro- duce this Grand Picture. It in printed on: ecinl Plato paper in photographic inks. and is 3 cet 6 inches by a foot 4. inches in size. and makes a splen- did picture for framing. A key giving the name of each membcrnnd constituency representedie rinted on the margin. making: valuable work of re erenoe. NO EXTRA CHARGE Will be music for thin Grand Promlum but It wlll b. GIVEN FREE To Ivory lab-armor for the Weekly Empire FOR 1893. TH! Wintva Emma is without doubt the best Weekly for $1.00 published in Canada. containing in page: oflatost new: of the day. S ecinl depart- ments on Agriculture, Women’s mpire, Our Curiosity Shop, Old World Diar . the latest Sport- ing Eventl. etc. Only One ollnr per year. Sent to any address in Canada or the United States. Every subscriber will get the Premium Picture on 1 Present. y . . t. Sand in your subscription at once. or order through our local agent. Address: THI EMPIRE, Toronto, Ont. HEADQUARTERS IN VICTORIA COUNTY FOR. _ Ilium Paper and Picture Frames â€"lS ATâ€" W. A. GOODWIN’S Baker’s Block, Kent-sit, Lindsay. Artists’ Goods 8 Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabastine and Dve Works Agency. 3%“ Please call and see my 50. Paper. Lindsay, April 2nd, 1893. David Chambers, , General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. Blacksmithingi.) all its difi'erentbrnnches done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me a. callnnd I will guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. BEST VALUE. .._._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€" IFast Colored Ging- hams for 10c. Fast Colored Mus- lins for 100. Fast Colored Prints for 10 cents. @ The freshest Goods_in the village at Wm. Campbell’s. Subscribe for the “Fenelon Falls Gazette,” only $1 a. year in advance. t NOT-l3. Struck a Rich Flow. NATURAL GAS IN WELLAND COI‘XTY THAT EQUALS ANYTHING 15‘ onto. WELLAND, Dec. 9.â€"Tho biggest strike of natural gas in Canada has just. been made at Skerk‘ston, Welland Coun- ty. It is eqqu to any of the Ohio wells. The daily flow is estimated at 10,000,- 000 feet. The Erie County Natural Gas Fuel Company, of Buffalo, who made the‘. strike, at once connected the well with their main to Buffalo; the result was that the pressure in 15 minutes reso from 65 to 250 pounds to the inch. At Bertie, Ont., the some company made another strike. The well in this case produced 2,000,000 feet a day. _._.-o Great Cattle Loss. N0 RAIN FOR MORE THAN TWO YEARS IN PART OF NElV MEXICO. DENVER, 00]., Dec. 10.-â€"A promi. nent cattlemsn from northwestern New Mexico. just arrchd here, tells of fear- ful suffering among the cattle of tho drought-stricken districts. “ He says that for more than two years the heavens have refused to yielil‘ rain, and as a result the water courses are dried up and the irrigated ditches are useless. At a low estimate. 75.000" to 100,000 head of cattle have died from starvation and lack of water. Railroads. are shipping cattle out. of the region by- train loads, but thousands of these cattle will die, as they are too weak to with- s'tnnd the winter. Some cattle com- panies estimate their Ions as high as 00 per cent., and the average will run 35 to 40 per cent. The sheep are in almost as bad a condition as the cattle. Heav- iest losses are reported in Colfax and adjoining counties.” ‘ W The Fair Sex Win. SIR OLIVER. MOWAT CAST THE VOTE THAT MADE WOMEN LAWYERS. __ TORONTO, Dec. litâ€"The doors of the; Law Society of Ontario have been. opened to women, and these gentle creatures may now enter on the study of law in accordance with the Act. of the last session of the Legislature. which empowers the Benehers to allow women to enter upon the study of and to qualify themselves for the profession of n sol~ icitor. The meeting of convocation was cul- led for 10.30 a. m.. but as many of the members were engaged in the courts it; was postponed till 12.30. At: that hour 24 benchers filed into tlie’bonrd room, one was called ‘to the chair and the other 23 proceeded to discuss the resolution to reconsider the vote of last. term, ex- cluding women from the society. When. the vote was taken and counted the j result was 12 for the admission of women and 11 against. The matter was referred to a com-- mittee to draft a code of rules, and it will again come before convocation when ‘ the report of this committee is ready. It in understord that Attorney-Gen- eral Mowut was present and cast a vote in favor of the ladies. .._._._-._........, _._ Suicide Near Medea. M ADOC, Dec. 10.â€"-George Haggai-Ly, a well-tmdo farmer residing about. two" miles from Madoo village, committed suicide this morning by cutting: his ; throat. Haggcrty started for Motion with his wife in a sleigh. When about half wayto town he suddenly turned his team and went back home. put his horses in the stable, went into the house and took out a butcherâ€"knife unobserved . by any of the family, wcot to a hog: pen from which the hogs had been removed a short time ago. and slashed his throne] three times. llis groans attracted his daughter, who run and found him snug. glint: on the hag-pen floor. A doctor. was sent for immediately, but he expired in a few minutes No reason can so for. be assigned for the rash not. He was about 46 years of age, and leaves a wife and three children. I Joseph Krnlaszslti, a wild eyed annr~_ eliist, was arrested last night. He car. ricd a satchel which he said was full of. dynamite, with which he intended to. blow up Andrew Carnegie when he: landed in America. He was making n_ speech on Carson street and had quite. a crowd gathered about him. The satchel was soaked in water and We found to contain nothing but brick}

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