i SEEM BERKS AND ALL Soho it lies, _A__ FULL ASSORTMENT _AT__ RIGHT PRICES. Walter... It. llladill, W. E. Ellis’s Old Stand. Fonelon Falls, Sept’r lst, 1892. Professional Cards. LIiEAL 850. A. r. nnv LIN, ARRISTER, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Kent Street, Lindsay. G. H. HOPKINS, (Successor: TO MARTIN a; llamas) ARRISTER, SOLICITUR, arc Money to Loan at 6 per cent. Oï¬ice, Wil- liam street, next to the Bank of Montreal. MOORE St JACKSON, ARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, doc. or- ï¬ce, William street,Lindsay. F.D. Moon. I A.chxsou. MclN'l‘YllE & STEWART, ARRISTERS, Solicitors, Notaries, &c. Ofliccs over Ontario Bank, Kent street, Lindsay. Money to loan at 6 per cent. on easy terms. 5.1. llclxrms. NOTICE. All Notes made payable to James Ban Agent, will have to be paid to Frank Kerr pumaster here, who holds said notes. JAS. JOHNSTON 65 Co- Ponclon Falls, June 80th, 189l.â€"-19 t.f. m__‘-:â€"“â€"‘ MEDICAL. W A. \V. J. DEGRASSI, ill. D., ORONER, Physician,Surgeon,&c., &C. Residence, Brick Cottage, Wellington tenet, Lindsay. ,â€" T. Srswmr. DR. A. WILSON, â€"â€"u. 3.,11. c. r. e 8., Ontario,â€" YSICIAN, SURGEON & ACCOUCH- our. Odiec, Colborne Street, Fenelon Polls. Du. ll. ll. GRAHAM, RADUA'I‘E of tltc University ol Trinity G College, Fellow of Trinity Medical School, Member of the Royal College or Surgeons 0! EuglandJlemhcr ot the Col- ! o of Physicians & Surgeons of Ontario. ice and residence on Francis-St. West l'uclon Falls, opposite the Gatelte ofï¬ce. R. M- MASON, BTERINARY SURGEON ; Honor Grad- uate Ontario Veterinary College, To- ronto, 188+ ; R. .\l. O. V. M. A. Residt-nceâ€"(‘ornor Colboruo and Louisa "Nets, Fenelon Falls. 7 lsunvnrtuts. m; -le'“ I‘m... .l.\.\ll-‘S menses, ) L. Surveyor. Commissioner in the Q. 8., , Cottrt-ynncez, the. Residence, and ad- dress, l-‘ent'lon Falls. WOW. " -.._ DENTAL. m:--:.-.::::r~â€" .._ ll. HART. L. l). S. SET OF GOOD TEETH FOR $10. Gas and local unm‘thetics for painless ex- tueting. Sal'stuntiun guaranteed in all bruttchts ol‘dt-utistry. Odin.- orer Fairwenther & Co's store, nearly titljtusllc post-oiliee, Lindsay. m..- .4. __ -.,. . fl. -M w. H. GROSS, DEN’I‘IS'I‘, LINDSALY, will be at the " \ieArthnr House," Penelon Falls, the second Wednesday ofeach month. ' Beautiful and durable artiï¬cial teeth made, and all other dental work properly done. Rudy 27 years' experience. lG-ly. Ill. :1. s g >3“) ‘ .53 3;, .. o s a ï¬ :53 do) 9° 9 so g 0'56 :7, . 2,38 3 a: «2.3 9:. Pg Q’c:~ 2 Q) :E '3 c6 :2 ï¬ ,) givmg i’iGOlS & Shoes ty to choose from, and our Prices are the Lowest. We have from the ï¬nest grades to the cheapest. Annetn n onanam, .GROCERIES; A full line of Sugars, Teas and Canned Goods always on hand. that We are $45 .53 :8 b0 7â€". CS Q a Ilaâ€"a! E; c8 CD @' H 11.4: I on s 9" 4" oi % s d s g G O H +9 g to E“ N . co m .5. . hi *5 ‘3 c, ‘5 o 5 I , a .3 b} r: . .. h m .H a? ,3,†Eâ€"« "7; CS Q . GD Jim g .. CD 8 Pg g s: E E0 READ THIS. As I have decided to give up the Painting business, I will sell out my entire Stock of White Lead, ready mixed Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Japnns, Furniture and Carriage Varnish at greatly reducedprz'ces, and all thoscwho are in taut of any of the above lines will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. 36" Glazing, Kalsomining and Paper-hanging done as usual. ' ,. S. N EVISON . Fenelon Falls, September lst, 1892. “0h! Momma. Willie’s tired of using poor Machine Oil.†" Read this. Willie-†Tho Oils for Genuine Satisfaction for all sorts of Machinery are MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED i 'Write Us .ron_ Club Terms FOR 1898 AND VALUABLE PRIZE LIST. 6 IT WILL PAY YOU The Finest List of Premium: ever offered by a Cana- dian Paper. DAILY GLOBE, Morning Ed. $6.00 H “ Second N 4.00 Saturday “ 1.50 WEEKLY GLOBE not: now to end 1893. Only One Dollar. ANYONE CAN GET UP A CLUB AND SECURE A HANDSOME PRIZE. B'erte oat-ILE THE GLOBE,Toronto. u ‘0 HEADQUARTERS IN VICTORIA COUNTY roe†Boom Paper and Picture Frames â€"lB ATâ€" w. A. GOODWEN’S Baker’s Block, Kent-st" Lindsay. Artists’ Goods 8 Specialty. Machine Needles, Alabastine and Dve Works Agency. n6“ Please call and see my 50. Paper. Lindsay, April 2nd, 1892. David Chambers, General Blacksmith, Francis-st, Fenelon Falls. Blacksmithing 1.t all its different branches done on short notice and at the lowest living prices. Particular attention paid to horse-shoeing. Give me a calland I will guarantee satisfaction. 45-ly. $l-lllcdii’h? GGi‘igllil-l?‘iâ€lï¬id SURE. This GREAT COUGH CURE, this success ful CONSUMPTION CURE, is without a par- allel in the history of medicine. All druggist; are authorized to sell it on a positive guarantee. a test that no other care can succchinlly stand. iIf you have a. Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis. luse it, for it will care you. the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it prom tly, land relief is sure. If "on dread that. insi ions ,disease CONSUMPTION, dou’tfai.’ to use it, ll I l _____.___._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" W ill-ll 5 Fast Colored Ging- hams for 10c. Fast ,Colored Mus- lins for 100. Fast Colored. Prints for 10 cents. w The freshest Goods in lthc village at IARDINE & WUNBEH diLS,'Wm. Campbell’s. used by the Largest Millmen in the Country, and manufactured solely by MCOOLL BROTHERS & 00., TORONTO. For Sale only by JOSEPH HEARD In Fanelon Falls. Subscribe for the “Fenelon Falls Gazette,†only $1 a. year in advance. If you child has 1will cure you or cost nothing. Ask your Druggist for SHILOli’S CURE, Price 10 cts., ' octs. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or ‘ is lame, use Shiloh’s Porous Plaster. 25 cts. l i *Hmw , ...-- .._.. A Severe Cyclone. SAN ANDREAS AND OLD PROVIDENCE IN THE CARRIBBEAN SEA VISITED ltY A PIERCE WIND. BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 4,â€"Tlm fol- lowing particulars of the damage done by a cyclone which passed over Old Providence and San Andreas in the Caribbean Sea have been received here: The cyclone began about 2 o’clock on the morning of Oct. 8th at San Andreas. The wind began ï¬rst with a strong gale from the north-east. The velocity of the wind increased rapidly until every- thing about the Island began to shake from the force. In about two hours after the beginning of the gala the wind suddenly shifted to the westward and the cyclone was on in earnest. The islands are mostly devoted to the culti- vation ol cocoauuts, and acre after acts of these trees were twisted from the ground and carried off. Many of the little frame houses characteristic of that part of the world were ï¬tted front their foundations and carried a hundred feet by the wind. At San Andreas tho cocoanut crops of about ï¬fty plautatiom are almost entirely ruined, while others were badly damaged. At Old Prori- ‘ denco the cyclone worked with even more destructiveness than at San Au- dreas. The island has a population of about 1,500 persons. The‘ planters’ houses are elevated from the ground on piles, leaving a space of about three feet. The wind played havoc with these little buiidings, and nearly every house on the Island was either completely wrecked or badly damaged. On the east side of the Island a frame church owned by the Baptists and another on the north owned by the same denominaâ€" tion disappeared. The roofs of these were lifted off like so much paper and the rest of the buildings collapsed. A (SO-ton SCllOttthl‘ named the Ameer, owned by Frederick Robinson of Old Providence, was lying at anchor oll' Old Providence when the cyclone began. It was blown across the clearing from the island and carried out to sea, and has never been heard from. There was no one aboard at the time. Although tho cyclone lasted for over fourteen hours no one, so far as known, was killed. It will take a long time to rebuild the wrecked houses on the island. The damage to the cocoanut trees will shorten the crop. o+0 Diphtheria. From Turkeys. To the Editor of The Globe: Sir:â€"â€"Our town, so far, at least, as I know, has been free from diphtheria for some months. This evening I Wu.) call- ed to attend the son of shower. I lound the case to be one of diphtheria of a little over a day's duration; fever, delirium. offensive breath, both tonsils covered with characteristic exudation, swelling: behind the angle of the lower jaw. etc, etc. The boy had not been at school for a week, our more than a quarter of a mile away From his home tor that lenuth of time. On questioning his parents as to how the boy could have caught the disease, I learned that within at short time three or four turkeys had died on the farm after being sick a i'ow days. The mother told me they would not eat anything, would scratch at their necks, droop and in lint clays die. Their bodies were allow-d to re- main just where they lay down and died. This, ol'course, proves nothing, bat the facts are at least suggestive and worth putting: on record, more especially t-iuco it. was reported a low years ago that an island off the main land of Greece suf- l'cred a severe epidemic of diphtheria, though it had always before enjoyed an immunity from the disease. alter the importation of u dlECuM'l flock of tur~ keys. which wurc supposed to have b;en infected with the disease. COUNTRY DOCTOR. -..-_.____.,._. A clock 0mth by a resident of 'l‘ruppe, l’u., has ticked since 1766. Miss Sarah Sheppard. need 104, was burned to death at Brazil, Iml.. 0n \l't-duemlay. It is supposed a speak from a pipe she was smoking set the to her clothing. A steamer from Alaska brings. the news that four men were ï¬vuud :n a camp at Point Barry, Cuprcnoti. with their heads cut of}. lndiuns ate sup posed to have committed the murder. At. Wuisltam, in Norfolk, ling†a nurse girl was arrested on Saturday charged with administering pins to a 7» months old child of lichen Ban-hat. . The girl conic-sized. The child hi. it crit.cal condition. w «wu. - New: