Ontario Community Newspapers

Fenelon Falls Gazette, 28 Oct 1892, p. 5

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I v- .. 1 d"! - ‘a I Carpets and Oil-Cloths, 0. 9 Keenan’ menus {lot into the upper lock and was Took Poisorfiut Died of Heart first noticed by a guest at the McArthur House. How long she had been swim- ming around nobody knows, but when Failure. LINDSAY, Ont, Oct. 22 â€".\Ir. James three or four men threw a rope over McGill of Burton, in the township of her horns and drew her up on to the Manvers. on Saturday wall of the lock she was not able to stand. Mr. John Power, Jr.. was so satisfied that the animal was his that he had it killed so] took it home, as it was in good condition and the immersion would not injure the meet; but it was ufterwsrds discovered 'that the heifer was Miss Bell's, and that Mr. Powor's was all right down on the plains. STRANGE BUT TRUE.-â€"-Last Tuesday night Mr. Joseph Heard dreamt that he was drowned, and early next morning a telegram was received by the station mn-«ter and a telephone at Mr. Madill’s drug store, both asking the question: “ Is it true that Joe Heard is drowned ? " Mr. Heard had to go to Lindsay that day, and spent part of his spare time trying to trace the report of his deuth to its source, but could only discover that everybody had heard .it from some- body else. The coincidence of the dream and rumor is very singulnr, and the one is as difficult to account for as the other. Scuoc L lNSPECTlON.â€"~M r. [1. Renzin. Public School Inspector, was at. the Falls on Monday and 'l‘uesday of this week inspecting our schools, and expressed himself well pleased with the audition ol' the different rooms. He presented the successful Pubic School Lettvinn candidates with their respective t:-.!I‘till- caters, wh'ch are very neat and nrti>tie in style. This examination will in nl. probability become the lending examin- ation of the public schools, as there is u Gmernmcut grant of five dollars to the " section for every pupil pawl. The vacancy caused by the resignation of Miss Anderson is now filed by Mr. Bitchelor, who is prepossessing in up- pcurnnce'nnd bids well to be :1 success. W W. T. R. Preston Steps Out. THE LIBERAL ORGANIZER BECOMES AS- SEMBLY LIBRARIAN. W. T. R. Pmstoo, tbr nine years Re- form organizer, has succeeded Mr. Hons too as Parliamentary librarian. Mr Preston, who is an old time journalist, will capably fill the position. At one time he was the Ottawa correspondent of the London Advertiser and Montreal Herald. Subsequently he secured the Port Hope News and edited that paper until offered the position of organizer for the Liberal party. lin Mr. Preston's , a 'ceptancc of oflico his party loses a man ol'rcmnrkuble energy and administrative ability. His unilorm afinbility, how- ever, will quickly popularize him among the frequenters of the library. He ex- pects next week to move all the books to the new building. His retirement from the position. ol7'organizer is in pur- suance of his resignation, which the News announced some time ago that he had tendered, but which has ever since been in abcyzmce.-â€" Toronto Mews. .â€"â€"._.._...*-. \ Instant Death. A YOUNG FARMER. OF PUSLINCH TA KEN OFF \Vl'l HISTARTLING SUDDENNESS. t' GUELPH, Oct. fiatâ€"Win Martin Stef- fi 'r, at former aged 30 years, who resided with his mother and brother in Pus- linch, two and e hztlf miles from this city died suddenly on Sunday evening. He had been to early moss, and returned home in his usqu health. In the after- noon he drove to town-cud brought some friends out to the form to spend the alt-"\oon. -Xltcr doing up the chore.- l at tlw burn he returucdato the have, fill u nis pipe and Was in the net 0:; lighting it when he fell to thecfloorn corpse. Medic tl nid wusnt. once pro- cured. but the doctor, upon his arrival. proe. winced the man deid, and stated that h : ricath had been insutntuncous. He was a. sit-nay industrious young man, and was much respected in the comtnu- , nity. ‘o- Reruns the Cause of Discontent. A. fun. of neuron is only too prevalent in this country. and one lll'lt is even more criminal than anything of -,r;~:’..-h u dismissed crown attorney or vx-lit-utennnt in the militia have been guilty. This particular for'n of treasonnble practice consists in etulfing voters’ lists, gerry- mandering ocuStitueneies, personating (lend voters, and falsifying election re. turns. These strike at the very root wt popular governmctit,und have dODL' more than anything else to create that discon- tent which is new musing p-ople to de- mund u violent change Without any out avail. 5the one which escaped from Chicago a short time ago. .to the- farmers. through the carelessness of' gunners. Innd‘ mnuntlicturihg' three and: z» quarter pounds. last took a dose of Paris Green. He had been ailing with kidney trouble for the past five years, and so bad” bad he bucomc that at times he was 'ahn'ost driven out of his mind, and it was while in one of these low spirits that he committed thr- deed. As soon as the di<covery was made that he had taken the poison. medical aid was summoned and .the poison removed effectually from the Stomach, but his constitution and heart were so weak that the latter could not stand the excitement, and he died virtu- nlly of heart l'nilure. o- Disastrous fires are raging through Southern Jersey. Much valuable tin:- bcr has been destroyed. The jury in the Neill case returned a verdict of guilty. They were out only five minutes. Justice Hawkins at once sentenced Neill to be hanged. To mark the christening ofthe infant German Princess, 400 women, impriSon- ed for various offences, have been releas- ed. Luther Weeks, who in 1814 carried the news of the bottle of l’lrtttsburgh to the towns around Burlington, Vt., ‘ie dend, aged 92. The ground in the Sc'itch border counties is covered with snow to the depth of' six inches. A large port of the crops is still ungathered. A postal cord was recently sold in Paris for $50 It had gone around the w- rlul after the person to whom it was ‘lddTCSSCd, ‘and bore seventy-two post marks. A Mrtnitou, Mich, young woman re- ceived a. letter from a Kansas man the other day, in which he devoted seven faces to telling of business, crops and politics. In a postscript he mentioned the fact that he would like to have her marry him. Among the most remarkable inven- tions at the recent paper exhibit at Bar- lin was a set of paper teeth made by a Lubteck dentist in $391; They have been in consmnt use for more than thirteen years, and show absolutely no wenr whatever. On the form of George Hnrter, near Yuba City, Cal., there is a mule that Came across the plains in 1864. and still is able to do considerable work and is fat and healthy. The State fair might well secure this living relic to go in the his- torical exhibition. A see. lion. was discovered on Mondlty at Ludington, Mich., and n large crowd with all manner of weapons, assisted by a couple of" tugs, ga-ve chase, but with- 'l‘he animal is thought to he The mountains enclosing Huntington, Pin, are ablaze fer miles, and the fire i.-. spreading rapidly. On the cost, in Hen- derson towuship, the forest fires now cover: the public roads, leaving no cutle The fires originated There is» almost a coal famine in Northern Mexico. owing to the tremend- ous demtihd occasioned by railroad ex- tensions and the devel0pment of smelting industries. All mines are increasing their forces and sinking their shafts, but are unable to supply the demand. ’ ' There was brought to the Narwood Register olfice-a few days ngob‘y )lr ,Kirkpntrick.2 n: pota‘tO‘ which weighed It was crown on Mr. (d30rge Patterson's place .t‘jflllllllg the Corporation. Not being thoroughly conversant with the genus murphy we cmnct give the name of the variety. anrcdulous people may be inclined to doubt this statement and over that it was a pumpkin or a turnip and that- the editor had: been. hunted, but such is medic-case; The March; Bane Ekpress says that Sir John Lawes, the noted ngrioultura‘ nutltoritymestimates: the British wlwu' harvest at. 7328,18? quarters. the o lowrst ever published. The prim of, mi English wheat is slightly in: Favor n! the seller in the provinces, but ':r.~ r n oi to be goin London, owing to :2w 5.4.1:: that the pressure of the ehéet‘ .‘nl‘iJl‘, wheat and the increns-vd (ign’l‘liy in transit l'mm both North and South .\:u crica h.tv.- discouragvd lioldcrentid caus- ed on increased readiness to sell. __._.____. B I III“! IS. MARSHALL -Iu the township of Fen- d‘lon on \‘tnudey. October 17th, the wif‘e . of Mr. William Marshall ore son-~5till l born. Kateeâ€"In Fcnelon F ills on Sn day, 5 Look on nil dis-uses peculiar to man. FENELON FA LLS MARKETS. Reported by the North Star Roller Hill 00. Fenclon Falls, Friday, Oct. 23th, 1892. Wheat, Scotch or Fife 68 to 70 Wheat, full, per bushel. . .. 65 67 Wheat, spring “ . . . . 63 65 Burley, per bushei.... .... 33 35 Buckwheat “ . .. . . . . . 35 40 Outs, “ 2‘3 29 Pense, “ . . . . . . . . V58 50 Rye, “ . . . . . . . . 52 53 Potatoes, “ . . . . . . . 30 35 Butter, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 13 Eggs, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . H 15 Hay, per ton . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 1.00 Hides 3.00 400 Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.50 6.00 Sheepskins............... 35 55 Wool . . . . . . 16 18 New Advnrtisements. CATTLE LOST. Strayed from the premises of the under- signed, lot- 9 con. 1 of the township of Somerville, in July last, 3 one-year-old steers and l two-yenr-old Heifer. They are nll red except one of the steers, which has a few grcy hairs scattered through his coat. Any person who returns them or gives information that leads to their recov- ery will be suitably rewarded. JAMES HOWIE, Bury’s Green P. O. Somerville, Oct. 3rd, 1892. 33-3.‘ NERVE BEANS are s new dis- covery that core the worst cases cl NERVE Nervous Debilgigd Lost Vigor out! Failing Mnnh ; restareu the. weakness of body or mind caused: by over-work. or the errors or ex- . ceases of youth. This Remedy ub- soluteiy cures the most obstinate cones when all other rnnumux'rs have failed. evento relieve. Sold bydrug- nuts at $1 per package, cask for $5, or sent. b mail on receipt. of price by addressing THE JAMES M DICINH 00.. Toronto. Ont. Write for pamphlet. Sold inâ€" Fenelon Falls at W. T. Junkin’s PENNY ROYAL 7' WAFERS; A. no men , medicine for ind! ~ to taro And I to th mo 2 in. u 8 ism-whack m: 3313...: t 8331". “wun%°§.{:" ‘ a . Var tubs m n . roman used b over led! ungu- willuso aéulu. rib! 01-year. o I “is: "1‘0 the Public. HE ROYAL CANADIAN INSURANCE Co. has mnnlgnmuted with the Alliance 2 of England, giving insurers the security of $25,000,000 and the some good policy. 13%? Also agent for the Queen of Eng- grind and Culedouien of Edinburgh. Cupi- tul combined, $45,000,000. Feuelon Falls, July 25th, 1892. Salesman women. We want both trowllingmnd Incul sales- men to represent the old established l-‘ont- hill Nurseries. Salary paidfrom the start to salesmen experienced inrour line. Terms to beginners and ’n. permanent situa- tion.ussnrcd. We have-700 Acres under-cultivation and are the only firm fur-- nishi‘ig Strictly first-class Canadian grown "All-wool Dress Cashmere, (double Stock. Oulfit free. Hardy'van'etiea for North ern Ontario and Manitoba a speciality. We guarantee our stock, Apply for. terms at once. We want you now.- STONE‘Tdt WELLINGTON, 2.1-3m. Teronto, Ont. The Head Surgeon 0f the Lubou Medical Company. is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted either in persnn or by letter on all chronic diScnses-yezuliar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find themsrlves nerv- ous, wenk uud cxnnustcd, who are broken Cotton Gm," Bags, (1mm ("erg down from exerts or overwork, resulting in mnysof-thc following symptoms: depression, prrrnnz'ire old age, loss of vitulity, loss of memory, bud dreams, dim- ncss of sight, pulpitattiou of the ht'nrt, emissions, luck of energy, pain in the kidneys, hem.1-nche,pimplcs on the face or body, itching ur‘pcculiitr sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- ness, specks before the eyes, twitching of Fingering Yum, an shades _ . . _ , , 5 the muscles, eyelids, and elsewhere, bush- fzilness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, trudcrucss of the scalp and spine, weatk und finbhy muscle-z d"sirc to sleep failure to be rested by slum. constipation, dullness of hearing, loss of voicw, desire for solitude, excitability of hmpw‘, sunken eyes surrounded with muons Cinemas, 0in looking skin, etc, are symptoms of nervous dcbility that. lend :o insttnity and death unless cured. The spring of vitul force hnving lost its tension every function wnncs in coziSL-quencc. Those who nre sick thro' :ibnse committed in ignorance may be per- m'ueutly :red. Send you nddrcss for Book 5-“!11 free. 4851.11. Heart disease, the symp- toms of which are faint spells, purple lips, .u tdmess, pnlpitntiun, skip beats, lint flushes, rush of blood to the hood, dull pain in the heart with beats s'rong. rapid and irr-gulnr, the second heart. beat quicker than the first, puiu nbont the brcnst bone, etc., can positivr-ly be cured. No cure, no pay. Send hr book. Address M. V. Lliliiv‘l, ‘34 Mnedouell Ave. Toronto, Cau- udt‘t. SECOND DIVISION COURT --0!' THE- County of Victoria. The next sitiings ot‘ the above Court will be held in Dicks-en's hull, Feuelon Falls, special regard to the consequences in‘; Oct 23rd, the wife-ni'ilr Charles Kesst ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 1892 volved in that change. Journals that are so energetically engaged in dennuneiiz: g o.’ :1 daughter. commencing-it 10 o'clock in the (crease: Thursday, N-a'. 24m, will be the last day L'i-bcrnl- Mental J Why [in Arm With a Long Face SHIVEHING â€"-andâ€"â€" SHARING ut. the near approach of winter? when you have a. friend who is Willing to help you out of your trouble ‘1’ is that friend, and he books it up with the Biggest, Cheapest and best assorted stock of â€"andâ€" a. m the county. in Meals Tweed Suits...... .... .... $195 3‘ “v Blue Serge Suits.......... 2 50 “ WoolPunts....-.......... 65 “ Heavy all-wool Tweed Pants 1 25 W Eine Tweed . Oveerontsf‘ ,(flsnnel lined,) . . . . . . . . .. 3 95 “” Heavy Winter Shirts (luce &.button, collar attached) 50 “- All-wool Cardigan Jackets 75 “"" Men’s Heavy nil-wool Socks 12% W Wool Under-shirts . . . . . . . . 25 “ Wool Under-punts. . . . . . . . 25 See the Wonder Bruce, 2 pairs for 25 fold) - . . . w o......ooco-o Heavy Wool Dress, Sergedbl. fold 20 see 0m- NcW'Winter Comings, (50 inch) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 2,500 Y’ds Grey Flannel, going at 15 1,700 “ Fancy Shaker Flannel 6 900 “ Feather Ticking...... 8 p 500 ” Cottonnde (stile price) 10 Heavy Factory Flannel. . . . . . . . . . 21 ~White:Wcol Bed Blankets, (very large, extrn henvy,) only 2 00 bushels,) per dozen“... 2 25 ‘Ftincy Bordéred Towels, 33‘X'17' inches, each . . . . . . 6 6 White a: Fancy Bordered Hand- kerchiefs for...... 25' Men’s Weterproof‘Conts; (regular price 33 75,) now. . 2 00 6-D) W‘iitc Wool Bed Blankets. .. 2 50 5 Zing": 2-piece Winter Suit, and Bose bull d: but or bend-sleigh free 1 95 Lady’s White Cotton Chemise, lnce trimmed, sale price . . . . . . .. 29‘ Lady’s White Cotton Night-gown, luce trimmed, going at. . . . 48 700 Men’s Winter Cups to be clear- ed out at ............... 25 Ladies’ Heavy Winter Shawls for cold weather 195 Wide Hemp Carpets, now. ... .... 10 W" life have the largest. stock of Lndics’ Mnntles in the county. i' We have the largest stock ofi Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats and Suits, and at prices lower than ever before seen in Lindsay. Now t/wse are no catc/zy pri- zes or old shop-worn goods. It is a genuine list w/zz'r/z we will carry out to tire letler. u. 1. non, s Block, Kent Street, Lindsay..." ‘ illllilllllli. ninth. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY , Furniture. â€"_ eunmc HOUSE CLEANlNG A Special Cut in Prices. Will be given to those BUYING FOR CASH. My stock is large and complete, consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, Lounges, Centre T ables. Game and Easy Chairs. Bureaus, Side-boards. and every description of Kitchen Furniture- â€"â€" Pictures Framed to Order. Everything Scld"nt LoweerLiving Priccs= W Undertaking promptly and carefully." attended to. In. DEYRIAN, annnnxnn & Fcnsrrnnr. DEALER, Uolbcrne Street,_.l:"enelon Fallen W‘Reridénce over the Shop. "m - Cheap Lumber. We have still on hand a quantity of inch, l},2 nnd3 inch,2x4,2x6,2x8, 2x10 and. 2x12,12 to 16 feet long, . g; HEM-LOCK & PIN or JOHN AUSTIN, Agent. ‘ which we will sell Cheap for Cash. The~ sooner you come the more you have to« choose from. Also, 40,000 feet of Dry Pluncd Lumber, Flooring, Novelty Siding, 'V.-jciut, planed one and two sides, . Lath and Pickets, Planed and Rough. Hordx‘vood’and Hemlock, 2 and 3 inches, .for stable fleets, and 4x8 Pine, dry, for window sills. 36-” Any Casing orillf'oulding one be got pinned at short notice. Buse-bonrds mould- cd or plain. Apply at our mill. GREENE & ELLIS. Feneloanlls, June 16th, 1892. 17. LINDSAV Elllarblc Works. are R. CHâ€"A-dâ€"YIBERS t e is prepared to furnish the people of Lind-- soy and surrounding country with MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES, . both Marble and Grnnite. Estimates promptlygiven on all kinds of’ cemetery work. .‘llnrblc Table Tops, Wnsh Tops, Mantel Pieces, etc., a specialty. , WORKSâ€"Jo rear 0 the market on Cam» bridge street, opposite Motthcws‘ puking house. Being n practical workman all should. ' see his designs nnd compare-prices before purchasing elsewhere. RGBT. CHAMBERS. ' North of the Town Hull. insqnnwcn. Mr. Wm. E. Ellis having transferred his. Insurance Business to mu, 1 nm prepared to take risks on n11 classes of property At' Very Losvest Vector; None but first-class British and Canadian. Companies represented. 36" FAIIDI PROPER TV: at very low rates. James Arr-old. Fenelon Falls, June 14th, 1892. l'l-ty. SALESMEH' ‘ ‘VAN'FIC 1). Having done business in Canada for t' o . post 30 years, our reputation nnd rear-cor bility are 7' 13 known. We my salary and satisfactory. No previous experirnce rc- qnired. Write us for terms, which :ifl‘ very ‘ liherul,bctorc engaging with any otimr firm Denouncesâ€"Bradshaw: o:- lino Winter: ' & Co's Pommercial Agencies, wall known l to business men; or Standard Bunk, Col-«- expenses (run the stnrt, if everything is- ‘ ' 1 those who are agiunng for the men} MARRIED. of Moreno;I 39!“!!an "38mm: in “fl! mom 03,, throw of our present form ofgoveroment Kng,v-Tnon,\s._.\g Rcd Ruck. , CP'IMF- c 0n ""8 "m2 In 0‘ er conn- The Chen est Dry Goods « . ' _ might give: little attention to the causes by Rev. '1‘. Snow-den, on Tuesday. Oct. ' m; :flsiznfled on or if”; 3:?” nan Lindsay " EVIBux-sorymealim . h . which have led assay to desire such 25.11.1012 Mossom Kelly to Miss Martha ‘ Rania. ' ' ciuk consort“, . .' onetime. Sign of the Golden Lion. mwm"“‘v‘“‘ Jr Thom”; a“ or chhm- Penelou Fells, Oct. 3rd, 1892.

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